Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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e ~ I.AELL' GuikShop CYLINDERS REBUILT g Our WEAR:IIIASTER re bu ilt cyli nde rs are bett er than new , lon ger-wear ing . smoother -r unning. bore able . and backed by a 5- yea, unlim ited m ileag e w arran ty against defects · in materials and workmanship. O"l ....... We can rebuild a ny Nikasi l, chrome o r iron cylinder. Cylinde rs ar e sleeved, bo red a nd ho ne d to exacting s pecs. ports a re all ha nd-matched for "Pirelli achieveda major marketing coup when Yamaha · decided to [it theirFZR1000 with MP7Spore radials. Cagiva hasbeenoHering the Ducati Paso with these cires [or a while, and they areeasily the bestavailable on any stock motorcycle:" Cycle News, January 4, 1989 max imum perfor ma nce . 20 Year s Expe rienc e . Trust t he Expert s Fast Turnar ound Price s start at $99 .00 a nd are usually a fract io n of the cost of a new one. "...some 1990 FZR600s willarrive we aring Pirelli radi ls, which we've also tried on a an FZR at Willow Springs: If you'vegot a choice, opt [or a Pirelli-sbod FZR 600." Cycl e World, March 1990 MP7SI'ORT .. M ;II: ll Look For TheMP7 Sport Racing Compound For 600 And 750 Supersport Racing And Our AMA/CCS Supersport Contingency Program u.a .. . " tlllt> • • • • • 110/ 7f1ZR " F 113 I ~I 7ll Z R 17 F 1111 WZR 17 F ' ....70VR 17R ' 127 "'" "". .'" .'" 2.75-3.5 .1 .11-3.15 U ..l , 7~-4 ,O ' 22 142 IW (>lIZR 17K I/Il, 1711 f{lZ R HICI ' :'i "iZR : 1111 HO ZR 1.... fi(J ZR 1 1(,(1 WZR 17U/W Z R 11(, I7 R 17 R IMf IKR IH R IX'R I ~' '" !I., '*' 142 (,(1:\ (I~ ' ~I '" ,., 212 5. f. ' . 00 1 KUSTOM KRAFT "" 241 15....5 no tr icks, just lots of h.p. 25% more midra nge & low end. CR8 0 .KX80. to 10 5. ATC250. TRX250; KX250,KXT250, LT250R ;CR250R. RM2 50, RMX250 to 300. KDX2oo. IT2oo. BLASTER. SDR2oo. DT2oo. to 240. KX5oo. LT500R to 540. • For Complete Catalog Send $2.50 ("~ >{" (708) 697-4343 886 81uffcity Blvd.. Elg in. IL 60120 DIIII/",. WslcotnIJ ,~ , (,:!II 1.75-4.0.. ,0 5 _' ~"i 71(. 4.5 -5.0-5. f.", 5.0·5.5· (',0 2.1'i-2.!iO-l .l1 355 .'\75 l>, "" '" ,,1(1 (..1'1 (>~ 1 5-J.7."i·4.5 W' "'"i :l7:\-40-.5 .0 4.5 _'i.0-5.5 . 1M . 'i211 (,17 '" "" 'K X parts 105 Kits In Stock 120/60ZR 17 (CBR600 & ZX-61 Ava ilable In Marc h Con~n - Comp lete Yoshi mura Super bike Replicas · Str eet 0 1 Race Ready ~ Complete 180 hp Yosh imura " Big Papal Superspon Replicas Complete Engine Bu ild ing Race Prep. Serv ice Complete 24 · Hour Turnaroun d Perfor ma nce Tun ing Complete Race Track Support Service Factory Authorized Fieldsheer Dealer and Race Support Services The Largest and Best Selection of M ichel in Dot and Factory Race Sli ck Tires . Send for FREE Brochure Dist ributor for: lL ~NG [iiai»Hii., C3C " ""(1h< " l _~ _II- 'il l lhll WZ ltl1> PERFORMANCE CENTER • ,., Pcrmill cd . 0-3.75·4.0 1 1(.1 ~HOSIHIllMUAA • "" mm ,,~ p.:nniucd RI MS SorelY. lln ,ng d g.' "'Iy '''ul! born Imp'~ UH Follow lyl' manu radu ,... m, IfUCI'on. Rimain pat.n",. I " pto'm ,nlOdon ly 10< ~tlC ",.h~ O< . .~ cond'llOfll · plel . . conau ll u' 1-800-922-9699 "Your F«:toty DitWCt Yoshim ur. dUmctcr usc m m DO/fit ' Z R III F CONTACT IIAELLI (heril ll ~lh ifl SIZE ~ BIG· BORE KITS ORDERS ONL Y As Seen In Novembe r 1989 Super Motocross fiwta ~1Z;4ern~ 1991 MIKUNI Home of NMA & AMA Natio n al C h amp ions Dublin Kawasaki-Suzuki · 4 15 / 829 -4466 6044 Dougherty Rd. , Dublin. Ca . RACE BIKE & PIN-UP MODEL CALENDAR III For Mor.ln formation. Call: (774) 98 7-0 77 7 1410 E. Footh ill Blvd.• Sui te A. Upl and . CA 9 17B6 _.) Our famous full c o lor 16-month c alend a r Is no w racier than ever I The FASTEST lactory race bikes In Arnerlc o tog ethe r with the most be au tiful swimsu~ c la d mode ls. Big 15'x15' sze Just $11.95 ea ch plus $3 hand ling and postage pe r order. Mrrr.rrrn M~I payment to: 1991 MIKUNICALENDAR .R~ • 94568 9 World Champion Titles In 1990 ~ 8910MIKUNI AVE., NORTHRIDGE. CA91324 1-800-244-3512 Complete ·· Co de II " Ported Kit $349 .00 L - - - -(301) 820-5556---...J MX& T~;I S"...,& Strip Inc. RR & Flat Tnck • ACCU-MIX Pre-Mix Bottle "No More M... uring Cup, " WORKS COMPRESSION RELEASE ·· Elim ina t e. Difficult Sterling Of Big Bore. " . Enduros We build pro"ducts to help you win! ' Ask Randy Hawkins, 3 time Nationa l Champion. Randy has re lied on all IC.O products th roug ho ut his rid ing career. Call For Info: (2 1 6 ) 356-1202 551 Morew ood Pkwy.• Cleveland. OH 441 16 RM's/Quad's/CR's We Will Not Be Undersold! Call (714) 623-6451 HONDA SUZUKI of POMONA 14B5 E. Holt. Pomona. CA 91767 Coming soon! Timekeeping's final step up ••• Call Toll-Free today for more In f o 1-800-331-0470 STI1EET& 20 · Ft. DMMt Run"." ' 3 799 Cunom Built T,.i/fn D«fiQtad '" EJtcel_ 0"..,,*_50_,.. 2e49 0<0_ St.. R~. CA 92601 C"Mn"r/tJN Pavement Performance Specialists (518) 272-5487 FAX P,.trK MKlt-2 Trailers • A':f't. ~ (714) 27&-8735 . FAx (518) 272·5450 (504) 882-7700 LAIDIG 'S 1 ~1Jl.!mI Z ~~ ~jl.ltf ~ilij-2 1 INFO UNE 216-253 -7455 ENGINEERING FAX216253-7666 364 Sou," A " So. rlin" PARTS ORDER LI N E ONLY Akron. O hio44308 AVeN The Performance Tire . TECH INFO: (206) 771-2257 '----- 1 -80 0 -8 27 - 0 I RT - - - ' .~ Kawasaki .- PARTS WAREHO USE Easy to learn signs and phrases lor: Directions' Surroundings. Aider Neet1s Only $3.95 Only $3.95 MICNeeds s I me • Numbers Nl7N Available through MIC dealerships andBookstores dilions• Hu ntingto WV n, Publisher: UnMt'Sity E . . ...ACCESSORIES ~ .... .. . . . PART. S 1\ ' ,. • . ,C'" SAVE RESULTS Motocross W. Florida MX Pk. Milton, FL Feb. 10 By Diane Silcox PIW Justin Burgess - Rodney AJIen N"1CboIas Ktl1y Sam Thomas jRMINlSO Eric Elam Joey LaBlanc Adam HeltOll BlakeDeWitt Tedd~one SR SO Joey Sicox l Adam Cain Mile Roussin R08" Pratt JoeyLeBlanc 125 NOV Mark Krupinski Junior Sims Mark Borgen Chris Craft Eric Miles 125 AM ChrisCraft Myron Chastain AnthOllYWood 250 NOV Charles Conlee Jason Godji Craig Craft TllIII)ones 250 AM John Kiley Garywrets Tun Kennedy Richard Pearson WU!iam Caldwell PROM-I Kevin Knight Kevin W indam Ed Kiley Sam RedmOlld RayMitchell PROM·2 Kevin Knight Ed Kiley SamRtdmond Ray Mitchell Lee Kober . VET NealTbomas EmitThomas Benny Scbundelmier Myron Chastain Eric Leeton Suz Yam Y am Y am Kaw HOII !taw Suz Kaw !taw Hon Kaw Kaw HOII lion Kaw Yam Hon H OlI Russ Wood ().301NT jim Vaughn Jerry IIiJ1 Terry C mbley bu Rick Humpbreys Darrell Bishop Il-4OINT CbrisJones Darrell Bisbop Danny Hagins Alan Davis Glenn Cribbs SO OPEN Travis Spann Cbris Torrance Jason Eckhoff Mile Walsh Micb1e1 B rock 125 O PEN MileKun KeitbAdam Jerry IIiJ1Jr. Bud Murpby Cody Wilks OPEN 500 David Wuson Terry C bumbley Tun Morris Hoo Kaw Suz KTM HOII HOII !taw Hoo Yam Hus Hoo Suz Kaw Kaw Kaw Suz Suz Hoo Suz Suz Suz Hon KTM Kaw HOII Kaw Suz Motocross 1991 GFI Wm ter MXSeries HOII Kaw H oo North-South Final Standings Perris, CA Feb. 24 Hon Suz H oo lion Hon Hon Hon Kaw HOlI HOII HOlI HOII Hon lion Hon Kaw Boo Hoo HOlI Kaw Kaw Motocross Burleson MX Pk. Burleson, TX Feb. 24 By Ka t Spann 60 Kaw Jacob Jones Matt Cleveland Kaw Micltael Meyer Kaw Kaw Joshua Bridg.s Cody Brazier Kaw SO BEG Chris Torrance Kaw HOlI Robbie Stoff Sbe1too Weaver Kaw· Dave Berry HOII Micbae1 Brock Suz SO NOV Kaw Jason Martin Jeff Smitb Suz Travis Spann Suz Micltael Meyer Vam 125 BEG Karl Gauldock !taw David M oderow Yam Kaw Brad Fain:Iotb Dave Berry Vam Ken Tackett Suz 125 NOV B udMurphy Suz Jerry IIiJ1 Jr. Suz CooyWuks Suz Mark Hooper Kaw Kaw Andy Go1den 250 OPEN BEG Jobn!Jay Suz .AJan Bell HOlI James Trawick Suz Randy Skinner H OII Ben Decker KTM 250 NOV Kaw Jeff Reavis 2501NT Mile Kun Suz Keith Hagins H OII Q.25NOV Rick Humphreys H OlI MarkBnndt Yam Jerry IIiJ1 Suz BrianRicl: lion Kaw Norman Reed Q.25EX Martin Talbot lion C Pritchett bris Kaw David Wilson lion Kevin Williams H OII T Dicky H OlI Q.3ONOV • lion Scott Martin RalpitRobinson Kaw Yam Mile Pierce Ricky Row. .Y am By Tony Alessi SOSTKn:1 Ross Garcia Chris Toca> Jobner Fau lkner Ju Maa stin Roland Rodriquez SOSTKD-2 CbadGaumer ScottHowe Chris ligbtfoot Victor Nunez KykMaa SO MOD ChrisToca> Jobner Faulkner Tanya Faulkner Eric Wood Ro1and Rodriguez 6O D-I Daniel Norman Jeff Northrop Shad Viens JessMedJey Bobby Ileapre 6OD-2 JOli" Posca Brandon Cruz Jason Bowden Robert B1akt ChrisPaner SO B G E Cbad B leson ur Daniel Norman Man: Henderson David Hughes III NOV Sbaun Perolio KennyDavis Jason Hatcher Jeff Baldwin Jerome Law SOINT G"IlYeanley TyKady Jason Reed Chris Wheeler SO EX Craig Decker Casey Johnson Larry Linkogle 125 BEG Joey CillllXll Mark B lakley Brad Sbultz Joe Fernandez , Patrick Garnban 125 N OV Grant Gasper JaieW mdbam EJ. W right Randy Ritchie Donovan P1acencia 1251NT DannyNelson Jeffrey B rownlee Todd McMaster 125 PRO Mike C hamberlain Joe B ruce Jack Azevido Pat Comm TonyAmaradio 250 BEG . G"IlPerolio Ron Sharp Joey C irocco jessGuymun Richard Townsend 250 N OV Grant G aspar JJ.Petebe1 KevinWtse N"lCi Morpn jobn Detwiler 250 1NT MicbaeI Brandes B Hamiltllll rett

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