Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Associatio n-sanctioned EI T rial D e Espana, takes place the following da y at the same site. For more information, ca ll 213/259-6631 or 619/464-7558. Roa d r a ce a n nou ncer Richard Chambers will be the host of a r a d io show during Camel Motorcycle Week at Dayto na. T he show will a ir live o n AM 1340 WROD from Carmichael's Center Court sports bar a t 144 Ridgewoo d Ave in H oll y H ill , Florida, o n Wednesday , Mar ch 6 through Saturday, Ma rch 9, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. In addition to it s regularly scheduled weekda y and wee ke nd h o u r s, th e Motorc ycle Herita ge Museum in Westerville, O h io, will be o pen on so me hol idays a nd will close on severa l tra ditiona l fam ily occasi ons this year. The museu m wi ll be open from 10a.m. to 4 p.m . on Mem orial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. It will close a t noon o n Christmas Eve a nd New Year's Eve, and be clos ed a ll day New Yea r 's Day, Easter . Sunda y, Thursda y through Su n day of T ha nksgiving weekend, and Ch ristmas day . he L.A. O ld Timers Club-hosted Old imers Nat ional M X tha t was cheduled to ta ke pl ace at Mam mot h kes, Ca li fornia, J u ne 15-16, has been eloca ted to southern Cali forni a 's erris Raceway o n th e same date . T h is hou ldn 't be confused, however , with he Old Timers MX day, wh ich is cheduled to take place, as pla n ne d, n June 26, during the 1991 Mammoth o u ntain Motocross week, June 26O. For mo re info rmation rega rding he O ld Timers MX National s, ca ll 14/633-9503 or 982-8696. a lifornia road ra cer P h il Kress wi ll e returning to acti on in 1991 on a ob Muzzy-b uilt Kawasaki ZX7R for hi tie lIIi gas ch's New Yor k Motorcyle, Kress will be co mpeting in AMA a ti o na l Champio ns h ip Superb ike nd WERA P ro Series events. Kress, ho has been serving as national sa les anager for Circle Bell In d ustr ies' o torcy cle division, will continue his ssociation wi th th e apparel company s event service liason. ro Honda Oils and Ch e m icals as announced a co n tingency p rogram or the 1991 AMA Superbike Nat ional hampionship. Competi tors using P 4 oi l a nd di spl aying HP4 deca ls on heir mo torcycles are eligi ble to earn 50 0 for w i n n i n g a Superb ike atio na l, $250 for fini shing second , 100 for third, $50 for fourth , and $25 or a fifth place finish. Pro H onda HP4 il is ava ilable exclusivel y th rough onda mo torcycle deal ers . The Motorsports Hall of Fame 'of America has annou nced i ts 1991 sla te of induc tees. A selec t group of 150 journal ists, historians a nd competitors n a m ed th re e-t ime AM A Grand Nationa l Champion Joe Leonard as th e inductee in th e mo to rcycle divisio n. After retiring fro m motorcycle raci ng, Leonard wen t on to wi n th e USAC National Ch a m p io nship for Indy cars in 1971 and '72. The Novi , Mich iga n-based Mo torsports Hall o f Fa me wi ll ho ld its 1991 induction cerem ony a nd ba nquet in Detroi t o n June 12. Also ho nored this year were Art Arfons, Dean Chenoweth, Dan Gurney, Tony Hulman , Junior J ohnson, Don Prudhomme, Wilbur Shaw, Roscoe Turner and AI U nser. Bill would designate Mayas Motorcy-cle Awareness Month o ngressma n Andy Ire la nd (R -Florida) has introduced a joint reso lution in th e U.S. H ouse of Representa tives tha t wo uld designa te May as Nationa l Motorcycle Awar eness Month, reports the AMA. The purpose of th e bill , which was introduced a t the request of Eddie LaP lante, a Florida AMA member who serves o n th e board of advisors for the National Coali tion o f Motorcyclists orga niza tion , is to educat e the non-riding p ublic on the ene rgy sa ving ca pa bilities o f mo to rcycles a nd to increase motorist awareness of two-wheelers o n the nati on 's h ighways. T he bi ll , wh ich requires 218 co-spo nsors in th e H ouse and 25 in th e Senate, would authorize President Bush to issu e an official proclamation ca lling on all Americans to observe th e month with appropriate ceremo n ies a nd act ivities. T he AMA enco urages all motorcyclists to sh ow th eir su p port for this important legisla tion by asking their congressman and senators to co-sponsor House Join t R esolution 107. Riders ca n write their co n g ressm en at: U .S H o u se of Representatives, Was hington , D.C. 20515, and senators at: U nited Stat es Senate, Washington , D.C. 20510. C Du e to wet a nd icy weather co nd itio ns, the D o n n ie Hansen Motocross Academy school that was sch ed u led for March 2 at Sil ver State MX in Carson City, N eva d a , ' has be e n resc h e dule d to April 13. For more in forma tio n call 916/338-2888. ies when he cras he d on February 28 w hi le ,practici ng for the March 2 Cainesvi lle .Natio nal Amateur MX at Gatorback Cy cle Pa r k in Flo ri da. Cards and letters ca n be sent to H aynes at Tampa General H o spital , P.O . Bo x 1289, Tampa, FL 33601. A ben efi t ride on the behalf of Doug Johnson, wh o has wo rked for many Los Angeles-a r ea dea lers the past decade, most recen tly H on da of North Hollywood, wi ll be held on Sunday, April 7. J o h nson was seriously injured last O ctober while pract icing judo a nd is cu rr e n t ly rehabi lita ting at th e Northride Med ical Center. T he 120 to 150-m ile ride will start betw een 8 a.m. and I I a . m . at H o nd a o f North H ollywood. The cost will be $10 per bike, passengers free, and a ll proceeds will go direct ly to J ohnson to help him defray h is mounting medi ca l cos ts. There will be a $5-per-pe rso n ba rbecu e a nd ra ffle following th e ride. For mo re informati on, ca ll 818/766-6134. T he AMA has req uested tha t the 1993 Motocross des N a tio n s be he ld in San Bernardino, California, According to AMA Professional MX Ma nager Ro y J anson , th e AMA recently sent an event san cti on request to the FIM. 1£ th e request is granted , five-tim e mot ocross World Ch ampion Roge r D eC· oster wo uld be th e promoter. "We wo uld lik e th e even t to be a t G len H e le n ," sa id J a n so n. "We h a ve requested th at site be homologated for the Mo to cross d es Nat ions. " T he decision wo n 't be made u nt il the fall session of the FIM congress. Au str ia ha s also req uested th e event be hel d in th eir co u nt ry in 1993. Senator Alan Cranston, the man behind th e infam ou s Ca liforn ia Desert . Pro tect ion Act, has been cha rged by th e Sena te Et h ics Com mittee with violating Senate rules in hi s dealings with C ha rles Keating, th e form er Lincoln Sav ings & Loan owner wh o stands accused of bil king tho usa nds o f elderly peop le o u t o f t heir life savings. Cranston tol d the committee, "Personally and poli tica ll y, I wis h to God I'd never hea rd o f Ch arles Keat in g." An d we wis h we'd never 'hea rd of Ala n Cra ns to n. - Mo to crosse r Larry Ward , who stre tched liga me nt s in his left an kle a t the February 23 Atla nt a Supercross, is ' expected to return to ac tion at th e March 24 H a n gt o wn 125/ 250cc National MX in Sacramen to , Californ i a . S u zu ki team m ate Mike LaRocco, who has had severe wri st problems over the last few months, may also mak e the Ca lifornia Na tiona l hi s ~eturn dep en ding on u pcom in g test sessrons, The open ing round of the North County Yamaha Spring Fling Se ries a t Carlsbad Raceway in Carlsbad, Ca li fornia , sche d u led to tak e pl ace Mar ch 2, wa s rai ned o u t a nd has been reschedu led to Mar ch 9. Darl een Bail ey tell s Pa pa th at " due to an overw helm ing resp onse we 'have added a seco nd two-day Gary Bailey M otocro s s School cla ss a t Whi te Oak." T he Vienna, Virginia , track will host th e added class on April 27-28. HosPITal STOP: Motocrosser Tony H a ynes suffered paral yzing back inju r- CO R RECTION: In last week's list o f past Daytona Supercross winners, Darryl Schultz was listed as winni ng th e 1982 event aboard a' Suzu ki, and B o b H a n n a h was cr ed i ted with w in n ing th e 1983 event a boa rd a Yamaha. Bo th rid ers , in fact, scored the ir respective wins as m embers of T eam H o nda. CONT RACTED: Ru ss Darn e ll School of Mot ocro ss to use AT K 250 and 406 motorcycles. Darnell will a lso be taking par t in select ATK R&D p rojects. Purch asers of th e recently a n nounce d ATK " Introd uctory" 406, which retai ls for $2995, will recei ve a free session at Darn ell 's school. Darnell has two-da y schools schedu led a t Knob Hill in H emet , Ca lifornia, Mar ch 2526, a nd a t DeAn za Cycle Pa r k in Su nn ymead, Ca lifornia, March 29-30. Fo r more in forma tio n, ca ll 213/ 7228880. BORN: Rachel Ann Farren , daughter ,o f San J ose Mi Ie p romot er Ri ck Farren and his wi fe, Pam, in Santa Cruz, Ca lifornia, Februar y 22. MARRIED: Garth Brow , a form er regular on the G ra nd National Champi onsh ip circuit, and Su san Ericso n in La kela nd , Florida, on Decemb er 15. Bro w will compe te in the Daytona Cycle Week sho rt track events a board a H arley-Davidson o wned by th reetime Grand Nat ional Cha m p ion J ay Sp ri ngs teen which is bein g pr ep ped by T om Cummings. PRO MOT ED: Bri an No to , previous ly senior sa les rep resentati ve fo r Deal ern ew s ma gazin e, to nati on al sales manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I I 1 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name _ Address _ Ci ty O rder Da te Sta te ---, Zip _ P lease start m y subscripti o n to C ycl e N ews: o Every week for o ne year (50 issues) for $35.00 (can be billed 3 monthly payments ) o Every week for two years (100 issues) for $65 .00 o Six m o nth s second class (25 issues) for $18 .00 One year (50 issues). 2nd class Can ada or Mexico and all other foreign cou ntri es $75.00 (U.S. funds). First class and airmail rat es available upon reques t. _ o o o o This is a renewal P lease bi ll m e Bill 3 payments of $ 11.67 Enclosed is m y check or m oney orde r Charge my 0 Vi sa 0 Mas ter card "j . ~, .~ ~ - - Sig n a ture MC/Visa /I _ _ Exp ira tio n D ate Send to : Cycle News, Inc., P.O. Bo x 498, L o n g Beach, CA 90801-0498 213/427-7433 --------------------------------------------------------------------------. 3

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