Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamah a YZ Bucks program spo nsor ed by North County Yamaha. Rob En gel was tou gh in the second moto and worked to a second p lace finish, bu t bad lu ck in the first moto left him ou t of th e top five overa ll. Steve Piattoni, Chris Lan ce and Rob's brother Tom Engel rounded o ut th e top five. Curtis was back in the '500cc Intermedi ate class and came face to face with northern cha mp Brett H am ilton. Hamilton won th e first moto with , Curtis second and Kell y Pich el th ird. Curtis led early in th e seco nd moto but was pas sed by Hamilton at th e midway point. Curtis rode pa tien tly and waited for Hamilton to falter. Near the end of the race Hamilton 's lead was , q u ickly era sed by a m istake tha t dropped h im ou t of the top five. Cu rt is cruised to the overall win followed by Pichel and Brett Stubbs. Northern Californian Mike Brandes battled throughout both 250cc Intermediate motos with sou thern Californian Damon Huffman. Though both riders were equally fast and prepared, it was Brandes wh o pulled ahead in '. the all-im po r tan t second moto and scored the overall win in th e process. Donald Upton finished third in both motos but was sligh tly off the pace set ' by the lead ers. Northern riders J eff Brownlee and Brett H amilton finish ed fourth and fifth , resp ecti vely, after swa p pi ng positions in each moto. Danny Nelson sim ply wal ked off with the first 125cc Intermediate rn oto win. Brownlee and T yler Hummel had a great battle for second tha t laste d the len gth o f th e m o to whi le J imm y Meechem and Huffman argued fo r ' fifth. r Nelson and H uffman wen t a t it 'throug ho u t the seco nd moto with Nelson doing all he could to defend hi s lead to the chec kered flag. T hou gh Huffman ap peared fa st er an d smooth er, he was u na b le to p ass 'Nelson befo re the fin ish. Bro wn lee 'ro u nded o u t th e to p th ree, wh ile Hummel cra shed ha rd and chose to sit 'alo ng the track d urin g the ent ire rn oto . ; Steve La wler left an impressio n wit h a pair of wins in the 250cc No vice 'd ivision two. While Lawler was ridi ng loose ou t front of the pack, good racing betw een J amie Mitchell and Lou Soto was taking place. The two riders mixed it up in both motos with Mit chell pulling ah ead in eac h o uting . Sino 'rode strong and stay ed cl ose but collected a th ird in front of Brian Magee and Randy Skin ner. Jason Reed powered to th e lead in 'the first 125cc ' Novice div ision o ne moto and appeared to be the smoothes t and fastest o n the track. Contrasting Reed's clean riding was both Greg Fountain and J eff J etton, wh o were both displaying a desperate ru n for the front. Reed held on for the moto win, beating both Fo un tain and Jetton in the process. Reed looked to be off to a repeat in the second moto but crashed hard on the opening lap, Jetton soon moved to th e lead and held it to the finish. Sean Rundle moved to second by th e 'm o to ' s end but was laboring with an old sho ulder injury. Cor y Holco m b made th e journey from Wyoming 'wo rth wh i le w ith a th ird pl a ce finish. CN ~R es u :..:=-=::.::.1 ts _ FIRST TIMERS: I. Bra nd on Muss (Yam): 2. Chad . Robbins (Yam); 3. J oh n Thort on (Suz): 4. Kyle Partridge (Yam); 5. Sha w n Pewsey (Yam). 50 D-l: I. Ross Garci a (Yam) ; 2. Ch ris T occo {Yam): 3. ] ohnt:r Fau lkner (Yam); 4. Van ce Freema n (Yam): 5. Roland Rodriquez (Yam ). 50 D-2 A: 1. Chad Ga um er (Yam); 2. Soon Howe (Ya m ): 3. Chris Ligh tfoot (Su z): 4.Kyle Mace (Yam): , 5. Danny Peuingill (Yam). 50 0.2 B: I. Mal Mickel (Yam): 2. Dylan Lo rd (Yam); 3. Ryan Picard (Ya m); 4. J usti n Flem in g (Yam) ; 5. Randy Smi th (Yam). Johner Faulkner (J~) rou~ds tum one ahead of Chris Toca; (4), Scott Nelson (N I) , and the rest of the Pee Wee pack. 50 MOD : l. Chris T occo; :!. Ja hne r Faulkner; 3. Rolan d Rodriq uez; 4. T a nya Faulkner; 5. J ohnat ho n Sh imp. 60 D-l: I. Jeff No rt hrup (Kaw); 2. Dan iel Nonnan (Kaw); 3. Ceasar Ga lvez (Kaw): 4. j ess Medl ey (Ka w ): 5. Shad Viens (G PV). 60 0.2: I. Jorge POM:a (Kaw); 2. Brandon C ruz (Kaw): 3. Robert Blake (Kaw); 4. C hris Pan ek (Kaw): 5. j ason Bowden (Han). '. 110 BEG D-I : I. Chad Burleson (Ho n): 2. David Hughes ( Ka w) : 3. Dan iel Norman (SUI ); 4. Mar c Hend erso n (SU1); 5. J ustin Vien s (Kaw). 80 BEG D-2: 1. Jimmy Va ris (SUI ); 2. J iil i Do stal (Su a): 3. C sey Ly tle (H o n ); 4. Sam my Davis (Ho n ); a 5. j el[ Northrup (Suz). 80 NO \': 1. Paul Ito (SUI ); 2. J a son Sh irey (Ka w ): 3. Sha u n Perol io (Sua): 4. j ero me La w (Su z): 5. D.]. Radd iH (H on ). 110 INT : I. Greg Yearsley (Kaw): 2. T y Kady (Ka w ]: 3. Jason Partridge (kaw ); 4. J aso n Reed (SUI ): 5. Sco tt j oh nson (Sur). 80 EX: 1. David Ping ree (S UI ); 2. Cra ig Decker (Ka w ); 3. Steve Hengeveh ( Ka w ): 4. Terr y Pa rsons (H o n).' . 125 BEG D·l: 1. Kevin Westo n (H u n ); 2. j oey Cirocco (Yam ); 3. Steve Fu lgram (SUL); 4. Salvador Ugart (Ka w); 5. Mark Blakey (Ha n). 125 BEG 0.2: I. Sten Rasm ussen (Kaw); 2. Lee Med lin (Ka w); 3. Gary Sh oe maker (Yam): 4. Eric Caner (Kaw ): 5. Arma ndo O verla nd (H en) . 125 NO V D· l : 1. Gr an t C aspe r (SUI ); 2. Eric w rigtu (Suz); 3. Ty Kady (Kaw): 4. j ake Wind ham (Kaw); 5. Kevin Wise (S UI ). 125 NOV D-2: I. J eHJetton (SUI.); 2. G reg Fo u nt a in (Yam ); 3. Sean R un dl e (SUI ); 4. Co rey Ho lcom b (SU1); 5. Steve Moo re (SUI). 125 tNT: 1. Da n n y Nelson (Ka w); 2. Damon H uffman (Kaw); 3. j effrey Brown lee (SU1); 4. Steve Drew (Ya m ); 5. Bria n Deega n (Kaw ). 125 PRO : 1. Steve La m son (H on): 2. Erik Kehoe ( H a n ); 3. M i ke C ha mberl ai n . (Ya m ); 1 . Ph il Lawrence { Ka w ): 5. Shau n Wout en (H us). 250 BEG D·I: G reg Peroli o (Hon ); 2. Ron Sha rp (Yam ); 3. j oe y Cirocco (Yam) ; 4. Bria n Fou n tain (Ya m); 5. Richar d Tow nse n d (Ha n ). 250 BEG D·2: L'Rod uey T ho mas (Ya m) ; 2. Steve Ma rtz (Ya m ); 3. Scott Freeman (Yam) ; .'!. Ca me n o n Steel e (SU1); 5. Marc Smi th (Kaw). 250 NO V D-I : 1. Mi ke Seen (Yam) ; 2. Nic k M or~a n (SUI) ; 3. G ra n t Gasper (Su r): 4. Dusti n Bloomfield (H on): 5. ).j. Petchel (Hen) . 250 NOV 0 -2: I. Steven La wler (Yam); 2. j am ie Mi tch ell (Ka w ); 3. Lou So to [Kaw]: 4. Bri an Magee (SU1); 5. Ran d y Ski n ner (SUl). I 250 tNT: I. Mich ael Bran des (Kaw); 2. Dam on H uffman (Raw); 3. Donald Upto n (Ho n ); 4. Jeffrey Bro wnl ee (Suz); 5. Brett H ami lton (Han) . 250 PRO: I. Er ik Kehoe (He n ): 2. Ph il Lawrence (Kaw) ; 3. Gr eg Zitt erkop£ (Kaw); 4. Mik e Cha mberla in (Ya m ); 5. Ray Cru mb (Ra w). SOO BEG : 1. Kevin Peo pl es (H a n ): 2. j im Harri s ( Hon ); 3. Ri chard T ow nsend ( Ho n ); 4. Tro y Cu n n ing ha m (Hon ); 5. j ell Stiles (Ha n ). 500 NOV: I. Rand y Izydo rek (B o n ); 2. Blayne Ho llenb eck (Hon); 3. Ri ck Holl enbeck (Hon ); 4. Bu tch Sa n tos (Ka w) ; 5. Steve Perr y (Ka w ). SOO tNT: I. Bryan Cu rtis (Hou ): 2. Kell y Piche! (Ka w); 3. Breit Ha milt on (Hon) ; 4. Breu St ubbs (Kaw). 500 PRO: I . G reg Ziu erkopf (Kaw); 2. Bill y Fran k (Han ); 3. Rya n Ca rlisle (Kaw); 4. Willy Mu sgr ave (AT K). 2S-29 BEG: I. Bru ce H arcon (Han) ; 2. Ron Sha rp (Yarn); 3. Brian Fo un ta in (Ya m); 4. Jo hn Da vis (Su l ); 5. Rich ard Worl ey (Yam) . 25·29 NOV: I. Mike Scott (Yam ); 2. G reg Fo u n tai n (Yam); 3. Jami e Mitch ell (Raw); 4. Scott H ighl and (Su z); 5. Rud y Cha vez (H o n ). 2.!)·29 tNT: I. Bryan Cu rt is (Ha n ); 2. Ro bert Sheldo n (Ya m): 3. Sieve Pi auo n i (SUl ); 4. Ch ris La nce (SUl) ; 5. T o m En gel (Hon ). 30-39 NOV 0.1: I. Greg Perol io (Ha n ): 2. David Zahn (Honk S. Luc Deiey (Suz); 4. Ji m H arris (Hon) ; 5. j im Diyor io (AT K). 30·39 NO V D-2: 1. Mar sh a ll Mar ion (H o n): 2. Ra nd y Wysocki (Kaw ); 3. David Holl an d (H on); 4. WeslOn Reid (Kaw); 5. Sco tt Freeman (Ya m ). 30-39 INT: I. Ma rk Du val (He n]: 2. Ruben ' Sheldo n (Ya m): ' 3. Dav id Lynch {H on ]: 4. Sieve Ra wso n (Yam); 5. Ma rc Crosby (Ya m ). 30.39 PRO: 1. Michael P reston (Ka w): 2. Mar l Whi te (Yam); 3. Ken ny Zah rt (Ya m ): 4. lTV Ach zige l (Hon ); 5. j err y Ca ron (H on). OT tNT: I. Ro n T uzins ki (Ho n ); 2. Ru ss Sea rs (Ya m); 3. Ad ria n Mesa (Ha n ); 4. w.e. Wil son (SU1). GFI Final Standings are in the Result Section of this issue. Jay Pavlovec (124) holds off Yannick Truchi (65) and Dennis Law (41) as the y negotiate a tight comer during 25-29 Novice class action. Lowell Anderson (133) and Bryan Radinsky battle in the 125cc Beginner class . 17

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