Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"Once I found th at out, I picked up the pace." The pace was slightly quicker in the next race, the Expert Heavyweight Supersport, with William Luke crossing the line first, but Titian Bue taking the win after Luke was disqualified for using grooved slicks which are illegal . in AMAlCCS racing. "I didn't get a chance to change tires , when they put the races b ack-to-back ," Luke explained. "I even had a new set of (DOT legal) rain tir es, just for that. " With the sun and high winds drying the racing line, the pace con tin ued to pick up with the Expert Middl eweight Supersports approaching competitive times. Michael Barnes came from th e 10th row on his Arai /New T ech Cycl e/ Pro Pad Honda CBR600 to take over the lead on the second lap pa ssing Pounders along th e way. Danny Roberts soon joined Barnes out front and th e two split from th e pack, putting six seconds o n Bue in third, by the fourth lap. At th e finish, Barnes won by 1.35 seconds with Bue alone in third and Pounders taking fourth. William Luke, who battled Pounders to the line, wa s again disqualifed for having illegal tires. The Heavyweight Superb ike Expert, the final Expert sprint of the weekend, looked to be the most competitive with Stevens, Reuben McMurter , Kipp , Mike Baldwin and o thers entered, but in the end, it was French-Canadian Pascal Picotte winning from the 10th row of th e 44-rider field . Stevens took the lead from Kipp o n the second lap before pull ing 0[[, something Kipp did a lap later handing the lead to Yamaha Canada's Picotte. The 21-year -old runner-up in the Canadian Superbike Championship, and protege of Michel Mercier, pulled away ' leading second-placed . Mike Baldwin across the line with 18 seconds in hand. Third went to James O 'Hare. In the Amateur ranks, three riders were dominant. Damian Weber took two wins as did Mark Suggs, and Jack Kainz won only o nce, but fin ished second three times. Weber, who was mak ing h is first visit to Da ytona, scored his fir st win in the first ra ce of the meet , the Amateur Solo GTO aboard th e J et Harbor/Grand Prix Cy cle-b acked Yamaha FZR750, though, a t first, he didn't believe it. "To tell the truth, I wasn't sure I was out front and leading," he said. ' 'I'm surprised I did so good." Weber won the 14-lap race by 54.510 seconds and lapped in the low 2:04s, impressive for a first-timer. , His second win came aboard th e same bike in the five-lap Amateur Heavyweight Superbike, and, again, he couldn't believe that he'd won. "I didn't know I was in the lead when I took the win," he said. "I put on a new set of tires that weren't even , scrubbed in." His winning margin this time was only 1.27 seconds over Anthony Fania Jr. Like Weber, Oklahoman Mark Suggs used the same bike, a K&N Yamaha/Sehorn Yamaha-sponsored FRZ600 to win the Amateur Middleweight Superbike and Amateur Middleweight G P classes and in both races he came from far back on the grid to beat Jack Kainz. The first win, from a 12th row start, was a photo finish with ·Kainz not getting out of his draft soon enough before the finish , but the second was less close , the margin of victory being 7.180 seconds after starting o n the ninth row. "I don't like to have to co me from the back of the grid and work my way to the front, but if that's wh at it takes for me to win, then I can 't complain," Suggs said. " I' ve been road racing 10 months after racing mot ocro ss for 15 year s. I can tell you th at road racin g is tougher." , Th e solo win for the Wil werts Harl e y- D a vi d s o n - S u zu k i / Bell H elmets-sponsored Kainz came in th e Amateur Sol o GTU which was redflagged on the 10th lap, with fo ur to go, though he came close in o ne o ther. Kainz bolted fr om th e 53-rider Am ateur Middleweight Super sp o r t field befor e being reeled in by the Cycle Mississauga/Universal Cycle Kawasasa ki ZX6 of J ames Perreault. Kai nz had the motor , but Perreault the lin es a nd took the point on the br akes entering the chica ne on the last lap. Kainz repassed h im in th e chica ne and th e two ra n side-by-side to the lin e, Perreaul t sling-sho tting a bove Kainz to nip him at th e lin e by .310 of a second. " I th ought I was in fourt h a t th e time and I wanted to get into third so I passed him o n th e strai ght," Perreault said. While Na tio nal Champion Randy Tex ter played a strategy game with Andy Fenwick, T ripp Nobles a ppeared from well back to blow past the leaders on the run to th e flag to take an improb abl e win in the a ll HarleyDavidson 883cc U.S.Twin Sports final. "I just hit th e dr aft . They suc ked me past righ t wh en I needed it," Nobl es, wh ose Sportster is backed by Do wn staging, the Mo torcy cle Shop, and Phil Flack Racing, said. His margin of victory was .271 secs. But it" almost wasn't to be. Nobles took the early lead from T exter and Fenwick , th e trio sp litt ing from the other seven rid ers ea rly o n. On the third of five laps, Penn State Cycl es/Lan caster H -D /Bell-back ed T ext er took the lead in the chica ne while Nobl es ran 0 [[ the trac k, losing gr o und but no t pos it io ns. H e exp lained: "I lost my front end a nd it str ai ghtened u p , and I had to tak e to th e g rass. Once I go t back up on the pavement, I had to get m y momentum back up." T exter surrendered the lead leavin g the ch icane a lap later when Fenwick came dangerously close to th e wall to ge t by, but T ext er took it back on th e brakes into one. Texter led o ut of the ch ica ne on the last lap a nd , again , the Ron & Brian 's SuzukilPirelli /Vance & Hines-ba cked Fenwick went up to the wa ll for th e pass. But this time he was waiting for the final push to th e flag a nd both he and T ex ter were at less than full throttle playing cat and mouse wh en the big dog Nobles ate them both a live. " My plan was to hang back, figure out what was going on and draft past on the last lap," Fenwick said. "We slow ed down co m i ng o u t of the chicane and that's why Tripp caught us." "It was a case of not wanting to lead 0[[ the last turn," Texter concurred. " I was hoping Andy would pass me, so I could draft back by him, but he didn't." . (;N Results AM SOLO GTO: I. Damian Weber (Yam); 2. James McConnell (SUI); 3. Dean Panton (Suz); 4. • Breu Johnston (SUI ): 5. Anth on y Fania Jr . (Suz). EX SOLO GTO: 1. Thom a s Steven s (Yam) ; 2. Ray Yoder jr. (Su r); 3. Rick Kir k (Kaw) : 4. Cra ig Gleason (Yam); 5. Jacques Guenette J r. (Ka w). AM SOLO GTU: I. J ack Kain r (Ya m ); 2. Steven Keller [Ka w}; ~. Carlos Garcia (Yam); 4. Ro ger Vorhies (Yam); 5. Tim Bemisderfer (Yam ). EX SOLO GTU: I. Danny Wa lker (Yam) ; 2, Ri ck Tripodi (Yam ); 3. Phil McDonal d (Ya m ); 4. Lee Pounders (Han ): 5. T itian Blue (Yam). EX MIW S/IlK: I. T o m Kip p (Hon ); 2. Will iam Luke (Yam); 3. Kevin Grah am (Yam ); 4. G ar y Lenzmei er (Ya m); 5. Ken Pru itt (Yam ). EX U/L S/SPRT: I. Brill Turk in g ton (Sur); 2. J ohn Cho a te (Su z); 3. Dean Mizdal (Suz); 4. Andrew Deatherage (Suz): 5. Ch ris Emb ler ( Kaw). EX LlW S/IlK: I. Bob Bossardet (Yam) ; 2. Chuck Andrew Trevitt (23 1), Rick Kirk (9X) and Barnes battle in Expert Lightweight. Blackmon (Yam ); 3. Gr eg Flagg (Kaw); 4. Ru ss Katzenberg er (Kaw); 5. Dan full ert o n (Yam). AM LIW SIBK: 1. Cl iffo rd Sa wyers (Yam); 2. Max Autry (Yam); 3. J effrey Whitmire (Yam); 4. Ern est Thiel (Yam); 5. Ivan Hills (Yam). . AM MIW S/RK: I. Mark Su ggs (Yam) ; 2. Jack Kainz (Yam); 3. Sha wn McNary (Yam) ; 4. Steven Keller (Kaw); 5. Roger Vorhies (Yam). EX L/W GP: I. An dr ew T reviu (Yam); 2. Michael Barnes (Ya m); 3. Rick Kirk (Yam ); 4. Nick Ien at sch (Yam ); 5. James Ronan (Yam) . AM LIW GP: I. Cl illo rd Saw yers (Yam ): 2 . Ri chard Herr ero (Yam); 3. J effrey Whitmire (Ya m ): _ 4. Sa m Fleming (Yam ); 5. J ohn Pawl oski (Yam). AM M /W S/SPRT: I. J am es Perr eault (Kaw); 2. J ack Kainz (Ya m ): 3. Sha wn McN ar y (Yam); 4. Steve Kell er (Ka w): 5. Rog er Vo rh ies (Yam ). AM H /W S/SPRT: I. C h ri, Ti lb u ry Jr. (Su r): 2. Ri ch ard Bothe (Sw ); 3. Paul H arris (SU1); 4. Ol ivier T ho mas (Suz); 5. Ge ra rd Shar key (Su z). AM LlW SITW: I. Pierce T ho rpe (D ue ); 2. Robert _ T oll ey (Ho n) ; 3. AI C ha rl es (D ue ); 4. Chuck Gi accheno {Ka w): 5. Ken Sera kas (H · O). EX LlW SITW: I. Ron ald McGill (H on ): 2. G reg Flagg ( Kaw); 3. Ru ss Katzenb erger (Kaw): 4. John Breeden (Ca g}; 5. Ken n y P hillips (Due). AM HIW S/BK: I. Damian Weber (Yam); 2. An thony Fania J r. (SUI); 3. Ch ris T ilbury J r. (SUl ); 4. R al ph H errero (Suz j; 5. R icha rd Both e (SUl ). EX L/W S/SPRT: I. Dan Full erton (Yam): 2. Ja mes Cardina le (Yam ); 3. Terry Bandstra (Yam). AM LlW S/SPRT: I. Bruce Keesee (Yam ); 2. Gr eg Geon is (Yam); 3. Sa m Flem in g (Ya m): 4. Darr en Vokes (Ya m); 5. Ernes t Th iel (Yam) . AM M /W GP: I. Mar k Suggs (Yam ); 2. J ack Kainz (Yam) ; 3. Sha wn McNa ry (Yam); 4. Broc k Bunnell (Han ); 5. Steven KelJer {Ka w) . EX HIW SITW: I. Ala n Ca thcart (B1M); 2. Sco tt Zam pa ch (Bue ); 3. Kiyo Watan ab e (Ha n ); 4. Ro ger Reim an (H · D); 5. Robert Gr iffi th, (MG) . AM HIW SITW: 1. Ian Gu n n (D ue); 2. Pi erce T ho rpe (D ue); 3. Robert Tolley (MG ); 4. AI Cha rles (Due); 5. Wes Bladow (Due) . AM SPTSMN: 1. Ch uck Men oue (Yam ); 2. Ch uck G iacche uo (Ka w ): 3. William Don aldson (Ya m ): 4. Mich ael Castell (Yam ); 5. Do m nic Pr elenno III {Ka w). EX SPTSMN: I. Ch uck Blackm on (Yam ); 2. Ru ss Katzenberg er (Kaw ): 3. Tim Morri s (H on) ; 4. Derek Ni ch ol s (Yam); 5. James Murph y (Yam ). EX U/L GP: I. Pe ter Vill acaw (Yam ); 2. G erald Rot hm an Jr. (Yam ); 3. J ea n Dieri ckx (SUl) : 4. Dean Mizdal (Suz); 5. Andrew Deathera ge (Suz). EX M /W GP: I. Rick T ripodi (Yam ); 2. William Luke (Yam ); 3. Lee Po u nd ers (H on ); 4: Edward Bo row y (Han) ; 5. Ken Prui tt (Yam) . EX HIW S/SPRT: I. Titia n Bue (Suz); 2. Gerald Rothman Jr.-(Kaw ); 3. J asoo Pridmor e (Su z); 4. Pa l Sherida n (Kaw); 5. Andr ew Dea therage (Sua). u.s. TW SPRT: 1. T ripp No bles (H- D): 2. Andy Fen wick (H- O); 3. Randy Texter (H · D); 4. Pa t Mo roney (H·D); 5. John Lo ng (H · D). EX M/W S/SPRT: I. Mich ael Barn es (H a n ); 2. Dann y Ro bert s (Ya m) ; 3. Titian Bue (Yam ); 4. Lee po u nde rs (Han): 5. Gary Lenzmeier (Ya m ). EX H IW SIBK: I. Pascal Picotte (Ya m); 2. Mike Bald win (Kaw); 3. J am es O 'Hare (Suz); 4. Gerald Rothman Jr. (Kaw ); 5. Ray Yod er J r. (Su z). 11

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