Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GM OrOCROSS AM! National Cham ionshi 250/125cc MX Series: Round III e Steve Lamson ran second in the second 125cc moto until a shock bolt broke. Floridian Vince DeVane was near the front early in both 250cc motos, but mechanical troubles forced him to retire from each race. Mike Brown (483) led the second 125cc moto until a rear flat slowed h is charge. Jeff Ward (3) and J oh n Dowd finished 4-5 overall in the 250cc cla ss. Mot orcycle Sa les/Shoei-bac ked H onda rider dropped back to 141h, finishin g ninth overal l. • " I got a rea r flat tire a nd Cooper went by," sai d top finis hi ng privat eer Brow n. " I think I cou ld ha ve fin ished in the top five in both mot os." Suzu ki's Buddy Antunez mad e hi s retu rn to raci ng after being side li ned af ter injurin g hi s shou lder a t th e Anahe im Supercross. After a poor 17th p laci ng in ro und one, Antunez charge d to fifth in ro u nd two 10 finish 10th overall. CN I~ SATlONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MX POINT STANDINGS: I. Guy Cooper (1 7); 2. Tyso n Vohland (38); 3. Mike Kiedrowski (35); 4. Brian Swink (33); 5. Doug He nry (3 1); 6. Tallon Voh land (26); 7. (T IE) Micha el Cra iglJeremy McG rath (24); 9. Mike Bro wn (21); 10. Buddy Antunea (20); I I. j e remy Buehl ( 19); 12. Eri k Kehoe (18); 13. jimmy Bu rton ( 16); 14. Ryan Huhges (15); 15. (TIE) Barry Carsten / jeff Emig ( 13); 17. David Beckingto n (I I); 18. Steve Lamson (9); 19. (IlE) T y Da..-is/ Ro n 'Tichenor (8); 21. Dean Ma tson (5); 22. Bueth Smith (1); 23. Sleven Herm a n (2); 21. (TIE) Chad Pederso n! Ty Wallace ( I). Resu lts a lot of rid ers after th e start. T yson (Voh la nd) gav e me the hardest tim e, but once I took over th at positio n (sec o n d) I co u ld n' t m ov e up an y further. Kiedrowski was th e fas test rider and there was no ca tch ing him. " I got o ff to a better sta rt in th e second moto," sai d Cooper. " Abo u t 20 minutes into th e ra ce I started feeling out (Steve) Lamson (who eventua lly dropped o u t wi th a broken shock bolt). H e kept me going until 'Swinkster ' (Brian Swink) moved into second. The last few laps I kn ew he was gaining on me, but I didn't want to pi ck u p the pace a nd risk throwing it a way." " I got th e hol esh ot a nd rod e good for five laps then I tightened up a nd Cooper got me," said runner-u p T yson Vohland on hi s first mot a perf ormance. " O nce I kn ew m y brother was beh ind m e, I relaxed. The seco nd mot o I go t a fourth place start but go t ca ug ht in a cras h o n the first la p. Later m y Roll -Off stri ng brok e a nd I had a ha rd tim e seeing . "T he fir st mo ta , I p lanned tha t if I was th ird, I would ta ke my ti me a nd slowly work m y wa y u p ," said Kiedrows ki. " It's been a lo ng time since we rod e 30-mi n u te mot os, bu t I felt I could win th em bo th . " In th e second ma lO I thin k m y ignition went bad. It just got real bad, It 8 but I just said 10 m yself 'go until it stops ,,,' said Kiedrow ski . Swink placed fourth overa ll after chasin g. tea m ma te Lamson in th e second moto. The fir st moto I got a bad start a nd fell a few times," sai d th e Fenton, Michigan rider. " T he seco nd mo ta I ' go t a ninth pl ace sta rt a nd worked m y way up. I tried hol ding back durin g th e first few laps to see if a nyone was going to go do wn , bu t eventua lly - deci ded to start cha rgi ng." DGY Yamaha's Doug H en ry turned in a so lid 4-8 mot a score to ro u nd out th e top five. Mi ke Craig, th e 1990 Ultracross Ch amp ion, finish ed sixth overa ll despi te being ha mpered by stomach cra mps. J erem y McGrath -led th e 40-rider field into th e first turn a t th e sta rt of th e seco nd moto, but went dow n a half . a lap lat er, surrenderin g the lead to Mik e Brown. "There was a muddy rut and I went too fast a nd hopped over it and when I tri ed to ge t it back I swapped a nd endoed bad ," sai d McGra th. Gray, T ennessee's Mike Brown had the opportun ity to see a Ci nderella story unfold in fro nt o f his eyes. Afte r running as h igh as fo u rth in the first mo to , Brown led th e first three la ps of moto two before slowing. The Jim 's I~ HEAT I: I. Mike Brown (Han); 2. Ryan Hu gh es (Kaw); 3. T yson Vohl an d {Ka w): 1. Erik Keh oe (Hon); 5. Jimmy Button (Yam ); 6. Michael Cra ig (Kaw): 7. Brian Swink (H on ); 8. Butch Sm ith (Sua): 9. David Beckingto n (Suz): 10. Barry Carste n (Suz): I I. David Castill o (Suz); 12. Sha ne Law son (Ho n ); 13. Will iam Dzielak (Han ); 14. Ti m Hodes (Suz); 15. Todd DeH oo p (Sur) ; 16. Kenn y Kizzar (S ua); 17. Stephen Crow e (Suz ): 18. Kevin Lam pe (Ya m); 19. Ty Davis (H a n ); 20. Ryan Dean (Su z); 21. Jim Mci lvain e (H on); 22. j ames Eickel (Yam ); 23. Ron Nickerson (Ha n ); 24. Chris G avl ak (Ka w ); 25. T imoth y Bea chak (S Ul ); 26. J ason Krempin (Ha n ); 27. Jo hn Gallagher (H a n ); 28. Hank Moree (Hon ); 29. Don Formo (Ho n); 30. Willi am Wilson (Ha n ); 3 1. J im my Randa (Yam ); 32. T erry Kuhn (Kaw); 33. Frank Manredi (SUI); 34. Phillip Ander son (Kaw); 35. La rry McG ill (S uz); 36. Bruce Baker (H a n). 125 HEAT 2: I. Steve Lamson (Hon) ; 2. Do ug Hen ry (Ya m); 3. J ason Ups haw (Ho n); 4. Ron Tichenor (S u z); 5. Dean Matson (SUl); 6. Chad Pederson (Ya m ); 7. Je remy McGra th (Ha n ); 8. Anthony Pagg iuo (Ka w) ; 9. Steven H erm an (Ya m); 10. Ty Wallace (Kaw); II. Gra yson Goodma n (Suz): 12. Jan Yentzer {Ka w) : 13. Mike McDo nald (Sua): 14. T im Denardis {Kaw ]: IS. Jason Gray (Su,) 16. T om Welch (Han ); 17. J oe Bruce (Ya m ); 18. Paul Hilario (H a n): 19. T O; 15. Cliff Palm er (Suz) 13· 17; 16. Kurt McMill en (Su, ) 23-14; 17. J oe Wadd ing. to n (SUI) 18-18; 18. Dan j anneu e (SUl ) 16-20; 19. Keith johnson (KT M) 15·33; 20. Ear l May (Yam) 22-16; 21. Mike Treadwell (Suz) 19· 19; 22. Gre g Ziuerkopf (Ka w) 20·21. ~ NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MX POINT STANDINGS: I. (T IE) j eff Sta mo nv'jean-Michel Bayle (47); 3. Da mon Bradshaw (38); 4. jelf Ward (33); 5. John Dowd (3 1); 6. (T IE) Jef f Ma riasevich/ Larry Broo ks (30); 8. Ph il Lawrence (29); 9. Fred And rews (22); 10. Ge ne Naumec (21); II. Ross Pederson (20); 12. Rodn ey Smith ( 18); 13. Keith Bowen ( 16); 11. Mike j on es (13); 15. Clil! Palm er (12); 16. Kurt McM illen (7); 17. (TI E) Joe Wadding. to n/ Dan J anne'lle/Keith John son (6); 20. Earl May (5 ).

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