Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Honda Yamaha Mechanic Wa nted GuikShop Sm all shop, cen tral Calif foo thill s. great place to wor k and live. Experienc e needed. Conta ct Brad W arwick. DAV E BIRD MO TORCYCLES, Sonora, (206·071 CA. (20 91532·237 1. FAST BY FERRACCI Technician Wa nted CONCORD MOTORSPORTS, one of the bay are as largest Honda Suzuki 5 ea· 000 dealers see ks a fu ll t ime exper ienced M echanic for year ro und work. excell ent ben efit package. Experien ced Techs only. Call Vern Martin, (4 15) 687 · 7742. CA. (206·0 91 Mechanic Wanted For Honda Yam aha dealership , 20 years in business. eastern Or ego n location . 5 years minim um experience. need immed iately. Cont act Tom , (503 ) 567·8919. OR. (206·0 7) Savannah. Georgia Mechanic Kawasaki Suzuki 5 e 8·000 dealership needs exper ienced M echanic. Call George at (9 121355· 18 16 . GA . 1 206·0 71 H i-Performance Parts & Servi ces [or J apan ese & Ducat i Su p erb i kes Full Ma ch in e S hop . Cha ssis Prep Spec ia l Vintage Racing Pan s U PS Overn ight Del ivery Availab le ARIAS . MEGA CYCLE . MI KUNI KEIH IN CR J641 S. Eas to n Rd.• Willow C reve . PA 19090 TEL (2 15) 657·1276 FAX (215) 657-3832 Aiming fOf the top ? Y ou'll get faster with Sunstar sprockets. They are mode of 707&-T6 aircrott-grade aluminum, and the latest development in press technology that makes them 100% crock tree. Available in a wide vartety of sizes ~T"~ and hard anodized colors to me:tch yo~r ~ding style, oJ n.'(~ With SunstCl' Sprockets, the sky 5 the limit. 307 _ '- _ . C/o ",09 'UN!I Suzuki Kawasaki Mechanic M inimu m 3 years experie nce w ith Suzuki or Kaw asaki & Jet Ski helpful. Call Bill at SUZUKI KA W A SKI COUNTRY, Norco, CA . (714) 734· 0640. (206·0 7) SA LES REPS NEEDED in you r area . com plet e act ive w ear line. Commi ssio n good . SO CAL SURFWEAR. (70 8120 8·9289. IL. (204 -0 7) ROAD RACE SUPPLIES • NU ~ rs & Plates • Sate ty Wir e & Pliers • Brake Pads RACIN G N EEDS YAMAIIA" "~ _ I O N CENTER Kawasak i of Riverside is taking applicati ons for a pos it io n in th e inc omi ng phone ord er departm ent . Motorcycle & /or J et Ski expe rie nce a m ust . Ask fo r Denn is, (7 14) 78 1-596 7. CA. 1 207) Franch ises available . (213)423-8 8 78 . CA. (20 7) Indepen dant Repa ir Shop ."' ~, - if ' lrfifj • . ' .....:=; o ~ ~ \\ " ' ND/EEN RAC'NIi ~7-57731 o reers 1-203-234-7000 Into - 475 WASHINGTON AVE , NORTH HAVEN. (T 06473 ~~~ 1-800-356-4735 . Sf) SfAL GRWE FOf/I( SPI/lNG KIT ANTIPrlESSlWE FORK CAPS- OJUST A ABLE IlEBOUNO ~ . BASE VAlVE KIT .. " CALL US FIRST Lal'ltest SelectIon Of Used Parts In Northem Ca lfomla OHU NS EXCWSIVE Free Pa rts l ocating Serv ice U.S. DISTRIBUTOR 11 "I E.J\(~ l.JntI T W e Sh ip UPS D aily OUro . Cahh:lrr\l.a 911bl· J74] Visa & Ma ste rcard Accepted FAX~7.15D ke r... S.......... & I. CalIlomIa When You Mention TWaAd __• N.W . Wa sh in gt on . 70K gross. Co-operat ion wi t h part s and accessory store . Turn ~ key oper at ion . Terms very reasonable . (206) 4 28- 7671 . WA. (10 71 HORSEPOWER BY MOTOCROSS · RAC ING -AC CESSORY SHOP. Orange County. CA. Larg e ma il ord er plus bu sy str eet locat ion . On ly $45K . Inv estm ent Brokers of (30 6·07) Orang e County, (714) 970-7425. CA. MOSSBARGER t~ve~~~28 RACING Suzuki Dealership For sale in W est Texas. Populatio n area of 250.000+ . Buy pans and access ories. assume floor pl an . No bl ue sky . Call after 7pm CST. ask for Paul. (806) 797·25B5. TX. (30 6 -07) COLLECTORS ' Wtd : Japanese Road Racers TD-1/CR110/93/72/A1R /H 1R Tad, (81 81 763-0600, (21 3) 2 7 5-0188 . CA. (140-15/C) 1974 PENTO N 175 J A CKPINER, exc elle nt con dition. $650 .1 96 7 Husky Spon sma n 360. onl y 50%. $100. Husk y Oval Case pans. 4 crates f ull. S150. Bu ltaco Dua l Coil ignition, S75. 1974-75 Can-Am parts new/used. (6 19 ) 56 2· 66 59 after 6 pm . CA. (306- 0 7 /C) Wanted : Trackmaster Sonicwel d. Red Line . Cha mpion . Wasco. C&J . H ~ D. Tr iump h. BSA , Nort on. Royal Enf ield . M atch less. or any rigid fra me racing moto rcyc le . A ny year . any con d it ion. Top pr ic e s paid f or ex ce llent exam ples . Basket cases. parts. eng ines w anted also . Please contac t Rod lake. 160 2 Laurelw ood Dr. San Jose, CA 95 12 5 . (408) 9 70-8800 days, (305-0 8 /C) (408) 26 6 -9082 eves. 1971 BMW R75 /5 750cc Wh ite w it h match'ing fai ring. trun k & Krauser bags . New PS suspensio n. very clean. 25 K. A classic. 110 7/ C) S12OO (304) 655·7232 . WV . . 1972 BULTA CO AL PINA 25 0 , f res h top end, seals. Acerb is plast ic . Progressiv e sus pensi on. stock pieces also , ver y ni ce. S7 50 . (707) 446· 1432. CA. ( 10 6- 0 7 / e) ImprowemenL Eagial Work for R. cing 2-Strokn ATV . Karts - MX (5 13) 642·2027 .. ::: 8800 Somerset Boulevard Paramount, Califomia 90723 QUALITY ~ ;= CHEMICALS ...• FOR THE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY . i ;; ~/531-291 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR NEAREST DISTRIB UTOR CAl l : CYCLE CRAFTS (312) 789-0840 CRA Nil SHA FT RECONDITIONING u ro p e a n bikes. rolle r bearing ty p. STREET & RACING, 2& 4 stro ke, f r om ~ a WIIPAII MOTOlcya.1 IODYWOIlllQfnl ,.. ~ Atla nta 's OrIgina l & Bes ~~ t.. 4230 Bufad Hwy. Atbnfa. GA 30329 (404 ) 633-9171 8UW to Zu nd o pp . s in g les & twin s. Be tter than or ig ina l. 81e, Ymtoge. Oi of ele, Enginee ring 700 Chost Elk Crow.. lL 60007 r. 1 (70~ ) 437- 0671, Fo' (708) 437- 0592 ~BAOTHERS R AC /NG ~ Honda Race • Parts & Service 714-632-8820 _ 2890 VIa Marlens, Anaheim. cA 928116 -= . World's Best-Selling Line of • Premium Quality ~ ~~l Motorcycle and ~ ATV Lubricants. HONDA of Atlanta ~J .... Ports Shipped UPS - Ground __ HONDA __ ... L~ »I/(' rid" ln1JlIL 'i. ~ ~ PLATES or AJr _ ~ ~ ~ CUSTOM N UMBER Pl ATES - CA MEL PRO • DIRT · TRACK : ~pRE~~:~: - ROAD RACE • B. tx \ : ~~~~sDS UnlikE ClthCJ ~ng I'q)IJir companies who USf: IoNtedl ~c weJc::k1s. epoxies and bondo to repM yO.I body.va1t. W .:It C)de Cr8tts use e combinMion d ceeccere adhesr.o'tS and state d the art dm5ity matching ~ ~ Ou' tnIined craftsmc1 hlJw: )Urs at hiInds on expc"icru tnt eQ.Iipmert.rd wi ll net o.u sress you body\NorId From poly pLstics to ASS. We'D fix it ~ We also spec:ialize I sl10w bol«s. """"'" rece bol«s. j~~ P.O. Box 182, Atco; NJ 08004 (609) 768-4624 OT Fax (609)753-9604 27

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