Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NEW PRODUCTS ~ DAYTO A BMW ANNIVERSARY CLASSIC CUP RACES Classic Motorcyclesl APE 's high performance valve guides are mad e of prem ium bronz e alloy, and are manufactured to exact tolerances. The allo y material dis sip ates heat up to three times as fast as stock iro n guides. APE claims that the guides wi ll ru n coo ler and provide longer gu ide and valve stem life. Fo r more in formation contact Ameri can' Performan ce Engineeri ng , Dept. CN , P .O . Bo x 6998, 1010 W. Oak Str eet, Bur ba n k, CA 91510,8 18/842-4952. Monday, March 4, 1991 Daytona International Speedway A celebration of the 75th Anniversary of BMW held on Daytona AHRMA race day. • Experience the sights, sounds and smells of motorcycling's most historic eras. . . The paddock is open to all! • See beautifully restored motorcycles! See classic races! • Practice beg ins 8 a.m., Racing from Noon. Van ce & Hines offers CNC ma chines anodized aluminum bill et cam chain tensioners for Suzuki GS 100/1 150 and a ll GSX-R models. The tensioners prevent po ssibl e con tact between th e valves a nd pis tons a t high rprns, especially in modified engines. Available fo r $59.95 fro m Vance & H ines, Dep t. CN, 14010 Marquardt , Santa Fe Spring s, CA 90670, 213/921-7461. • See the w inner of the first Daytona 200 fifty years ago ride a 'lep of honor at Noon on the original winning motorcycle. The honoree: Ed Kretz Sr. The original machine: Ind ian. • Be a part of the BMW vintage and classic motorcycle display.' Simp ly rid e your classic machine to the secure infield d isplay area. Share in the People's Choice Awards March 4th. • See the BMW traveling showroom ! • Attend other AHRMA events! March 5th, 5:30p.m. AHRMA Awards Banquet. Guest speakers Dick O'Brien and Jim Davis. Tickets availab le from AHRMA. March 6th, 10 a.m. AHRMA/Vintage lron National Vintage NIX and Trials 6t Ocala MX Park, Oca la Florida. March 8th, Noon, 11th Annual AHRMA Concours, Infield, DaytonaInternational Speedway. T he Flamed Pillo w Top Fast BackSeat from Mu stan g features m a ch ine stitc hed, in la id flam es, a 16 ga uge steel baseplat e, a nd closed 'cell mo lded foam. Reta il pricing is $189 for a flame sea t, while a p la in seat is $149. For additiona l in formation contact Musta ng Mo torcycle Pr od ucts, Dept. CN , Terryville, CT 06786-0029, 80012431392. MOTOR CYCL ES AMA , . ", e T I O N I D M agazine F more information on AHRfN\ write to P Box 882, Wausa WI 54402-D882 or .O. u, W Ad information ·(2 427-7433 . ant 13) Parts a nd Accessories Barn ett 's DuPont Kevlar cl u tch p lates are cla imed to last twelve times longer tha n asbestos p la tes, and three times longer th an sem i-me ta ll ic pl ates. Avai labl e for a ll po pular mod els of Harley-Davids n , H o nd a , Kaw asaki , Suzuk i, and Yamaha, the Kevlar plat es o ffe r impro ved s tre ngt h , therma l stabi lity, wear resista nce, a nd red uced abrasiveness. Fo r mor e informa tio n, contact Barnett Tool & Engi neeri ng, Dep t. CN , 9920 Freeman Ave n ue , San ta Fe Springs, CA 90670, 213/ 9411284. WORTH THE OBSESSlOIL. •Y amahasStreet &D irt • S Jet uper • Hus aberg • H s a•D cati u qvom u • KTM • Wave Run er •W J ave ammer , Mail O rder·UPS ~~ Rnancing and Insurance Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 6:00 7563 In diana. Riverside (Hwy 91 &Mad ison)

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