Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tim Nash (6R) loses the fro nt end in front of Grant Steel e (0) in the second division of the 250cc Intermediate class. Steele finish second overall behind Darren Paley. Chris Yeager and Grovanni Spinali rounded out the top three. Da vid Chase won the second rnoto but finished sevent h overall after a poor 15th place finish in the opening mo to, Chris R idgway was perfect in division two of the 125cc Intermediate cla ss. Bill y Joe Mercier rod e in his first race since su ffering rib and spleen injuries, and fini shed second in the first moto, " I am not up to top ph ysical shape, I feel ab out 70 percent," said Mercier. " I feci fast, just not real strong." In th e second rno to Freddie Villagra fought his way to second 10 finish in front of Trist and Mercier. Grant Gaspar scored win s in the 125 and 250cc Novic e classes. " I feel good, and it's rea l fun to ride a supercross tra ck," sa id Gaspar. " I plan to move to th e Intermediate class, after th e GFI North ver sus South Showdown Seri es." Ga spar scored back-t o-h ack rnoto win s in the 250cc Novice division o ne class . J.J. Petchel led earl y in both mOlOS, but Gaspar squirted by and never looked ba ck. Petch el had further problems in the day with crashes tha t consumed Nic k Morgan as well. I'N Results . 51 STK: I. Daniel Bla ir (Yam) ; 2. johna thon Shim p (Ya m) ; 3. J ohn)' Holmquist (Yam) ; 4. Steve Gonzala. 51 MOD: 1. Daniel Blair (Ya m); 2. Chris Mar ttll ( SUI) ; 3. Scott Nelson (Vam); 4. Eric Wood (Yam): 5. J ohanthon Shimp (Vam ). 8.S 7-11: I. J osh Farantino (Sw): 2. Daniel Norman (Suz); 3. Jeri Do.", (Suz); 4. Reginald Mitchdl (Suz); s. Craig 'T rug lio (Sw ). 8.'l12· 13: I. Chris Wh«Ier (Kaw); 2. Pa ul 110 (Suz]: 3. J a",n Howard (Kaw); 4. 51..., Co x (Suz); 5. Co ry Siev ers (S UI ). 8.'l12·13: I. jason Shirly (Kaw): 2. jason Matthews (SUI): 3. And y Har rington ( Ka w); 4. Dean v an Riper ( Ka w); 50. Doug Par sons (Suz). 65 7-11: I. Daniel Norman ( Ka w); 2. Mo n te Mon tague (Kaw); 3. Scull Conley (Kaw ): 4. Justin Scu llen (Kaw); 5. Jon atha n Sh imp (Kaw). 85 14-15: I. Cra ig Decker (Kaw): 2. Ty ler Kin g (S UI); 3. La rry Li nkogfe (SUI); 4. Ly le Danuser {Kaw): 5. Ra ymond H arper (S UI) . XR ADULT 80: I. Bryan Paquelle (H on );2 .JuSlin Lusian ( Ka w ): 3. John Connolly (Kaw); 4. Mark Milauo (KX R); 5. Scali Atkins (H e n ). 125 ITH D-I: I. Donald Upton (Hon); 2. Brian ~n (Kaw);3 . E.]. Wrighl (Su, ); 4. Jerf Tillon (Sw); 5. Josh Wagner (Kaw). 125 l TD I).%: I. Erik Andenon (Ho n); 2. Dmni) Tum"" (K.:Iw) ;.5. Armando Overland (H a n); 4. Mik r Ball.i", (Suz); 5. D.J . RadcliCC (H o n). 125 NOV D-I : I. Steve Slewan (Sw); 2. ].J. Pelch el (Ho n); 3. Jerf Ti llon (SUI); 4. EoJ . Wright (Suz); 5. Nic Morga n (SUI). . Donald Upton passed the checkered nag first in the 125cc Youth (12-15) class. Rick Lee (146) is pursued over a jump in the San Diego Padres outfield by 250cc Novice Divis ion Four competitors David Chase (316) and Steve Fulgham (I I). 125 NOV 0-2: I. Gram Gaspa r (Su, ); 2. John Blai r (Han ); 3. Randy Ritch ie (K. IW): 4. Karl Lindtro m .. .. (Hon); 5. SIC Rich (Kaw). 125 NOV D-3: I. Jef[ Arganda [Ka w] : 2. Seth Torrey (Han); 3. Ri chard Stepha ns (H o n); 4. Mar c Matsen (Hon): 5. j osh Da vis ( Ka w) . 125 NO V D-l: I. Josh Wagn et (Ka w ); 2. Medl in {Ka w) : 3. Charles Viet (SUl); -4. Tony Ferragamo (H a n ); 5 . St ephan P ('Ier50n (Yam ). 125 NO\' 0.5: I. Cheal Anch ena ( Ra w ); 2. Brian Steban (Vam); 3. Malk Blakel y (Hon); 4. Ch ris Allen (SUI); 5. Wad e Baebl er (Hoe ), 125 NOV D-6: I. Shay Fretweel (S UI ); 2. Dean Batchleor (Su z): 3. S teve Moore (Suz); 4. Danny Dobey (Suz); 5. Danny lavares (Kaw ]. 125 INT D-I : I. J immy Weiucl (Vam ); 2. Brian ~an (Kaw) ; 3. Don a ld Up ton (Hon); 4. Scan Pagel (S Ul); 5. Bri an Beach {H o n j. 125 Il'o 1).2: I. Chris Ridgway (SUI) ; 2. Freddi e 1 vil la gra (SUl); 3. J ake T ris t (Ka w); 4. Bi11 M ~rci t'r (Ho n) : S. JoeTuuobeue (SU1J. 125 PRO: I. Chris Voung (SUI); 2. Duane Benner (Yam);3.Dcnnis Par ker (SUI); 4. To ny Amarnd1o(Yam). 125 EX: I. Ch ris Young (S Ul); 2. Trav is Hodges 250 NOV D· ~ : I. Phil ip Wurster (Hon) ; 2. David Schmidt (S Ul ); 5. Eric Martin; 4. Mario Ca no (SUI); 5. Tracy McMuJl rn (Han). 250 INT D-l : I. Stephen Mit chell (Ya m); 2. Dennis Dah lin II ( Ka w); 3. Brian Beach (Han ); 4. Dustin Hirkeinen (Kaw); 5. Kell y Pichcl {Ka w) . 250 INT D-2: I. Darren Pal ey (S UI ); 2. Grant Steele (SUl); 3. T immy Stan len bei! (Ha n ); 4. Ian FiuG ibbo ns (Hon); 5. J ake Trier (Kaw). 250 PR O: l. Olris Young (SU1): 2. Brian Manley (Ha n) ; 3. Bader Manneh (Ya m) : 4. Fabio Monti ( Han ); 5. Kerr y Mull i g an (S UI ); 6. Amhon v Amarad io (Ya m); 7. ' v·illy Mu sgrave (ATK); 8. Kron)' Cl ifton (Kaw); 9. Johnny Ca m pbe ll (Hen ); 10. Cedric ( H e n) ; ~ . Den n is P a rk er (S Ul). 2SO NO\' 0.1: I. Gra m Ga spa r (S Ul); 2. SlC'V~ Moort' (Yam ); 3. J.J. Petchel (Ha n): 4. Keith J ohnson (Kaw); 5. Bobby Hubbard (S UI). 250 NOV D-2: I. j a son Quin ta na (S UI); 2. Chris Swan k (Ha n ); 3. Pri ce S l. C lair (Han): 4. R ick y Fentandt'z (Su z); 5. Doug Lou (Han ). 250 NOV D-3: I. Gmo Prida (Vam); 2. Jim Langson (Ha n ): 5. Mike Will iams ( Ka w): ... Ma x Kenned y (Va"! ); 5. Cli n, Brisk> ( Ka w ~ 250 NO\' ~ I. Cam~ron Slttle (Sw ): 2. Chris Veag... (Hon); 3. J ames Dn-iddn- (SUI); 4. SIeve Fulgham (Sw ); 5. Jerf ManinCl (Va m ). Bu m on (H on). 250/500 EX: l. Quis Young (SUI ): 2. Travis Hodges (Hon ); 3. Kerry Mulligan (SUI); 4. Brian Manley (H an) ; 5. T on y Amaradio (Yam ). OPEN NOV D-I: I. Randy b ydord (Ho n ); 2. Jay Pear ( Ha n ); 3. Louie Peick ( Ka w); 1. Brian Miller (H on); 5. Jer frcy Henderson (Ho n). O PEN NOV D-2: I. Todd Sweaney (H o n); 2. Kevin Peoples [Hen ): 3. Todd Varb le (Hon ); 4. Brad Anderson (Ha n); 5. .leU Stiles (Hen). OPEN INT: I. Brya n Curts (Hon) ; 2. Mik e Blai r (H on). OPEN PRO: I. Will y Musgra ve (AT K); 2. Johnny Camphcll (Hom. . +25 NOV 0.1 : 1. SlC'VC Stewart (SUl ); 2. Pr ier SI. Oair (Ho n ); 3. T odd Gou ld (SU 4. Lo uie Pci ck I); ( Ka w); S. Grex Fo untain (Yam ). +25 NOV D-2: I. Chris Swan k (Ho n); 2. Dcith Joh nso n ( Ka w): 3 . Don Co ondly (S Ul): 1. Daniel Bush (SUI); 5. Jim Will mon (Ho n). "'25 SOV 0.3: I. Tony Alnsi (Ya m ); 2. Mar k Blakely (Hon ); 3. J ay Pavlovcc (Hon) ; 1. Richard Aldrich (Honr, 5. Jerf Eary (Hon). +25 INT: I. Mercedes Gonza lez {Ka w) : 2. Darren Lindh (Suz); 3. Fred Con over (Ka w); 4. Todd Cunningham (Suz); 5. Mike Seeley (Ka w}, 50+ INT: J. La rry GrOM (Ya m): 2. Ri ck Johnson (Ho n); 3. J am es George (SUI); 4. Rudy C havez (Ho n); S. Randy Skin ner (Suz). 30+ NOV 0.1: I. Do ug las Len (Han ): 2. David Zhan (H o n ); 3. Johnny Clifford (Va m ); 4. Mik e Parillo (Han ); S. Mark Howard (Hon ). 30+ NOV D-2: I. Greg Perol tc (Ho n); 2. T ommy Bracken s (Ka w ); 3. Michael Ruhstamen (k.a w); ... Aro n Briggs (Han ); 5. WOl on Reid {Ka w ). 30+ NOV D-3: I. Del Ochel tree (Ho n ); 2. Dave Bieaiada (SUI); 3. Bill Reim er (Kaw); 4. J immy Peters (Hon); '5. Bob Graham (S UI ). 35 + NOV: I. Del Och ehree {Ho n ]: 2. Brad And.....,n (Hon); 2. SIeve Gabrielson (Yam ); 4. Jefl Morris (Ho n); 5. Rodolfo ta nda {Kaw), 3~ + INT: I. Rid j ohnson (Hon); 2. Ken Ra u lofl (Han); 3. Bob Bland; ... T or Par sons (S Ul). . 40+ NOV: I. Tom Eber y (Ho n); 2. Gale Webb (Hon) ; 3. Ro bert Brydose (Yam }; 4. Larry Kirsch (Ho n) ; 5. David Harding (Hon ). 40+ (N T : I. Ron Tuzinski (Hon); 2. Ja y Biery (Ya m); 3. Bill Malone (Hon). 40+ EX; I. Ken Raulofl (H o n); 2. OenePhelps (S Ul ); 3. Steve Bu ssell (Han ). VET PR O : I. Ken Zahrt (Hon); 2. Dave Mill er ( Ka w) : 3. Kenneth Nciud (Kaw); 4. Craig Adams (Ho n ): 5. Many Moa IO. WIllN NOV : I. Susan Lee (Kaw); 2. Rh on da CruS< (Va m ); 3. H oll y Gal lagh cs (Va m ). WM N 11'7 : 1. Tracy Tamyra ( Ha n) ; 2. Mar ia GonzaJCI(Kaw); 3. Andrea Webb (Suz). . WIllN EX; I. Gale Webb. WillS PR O: I. Mn-ccdes GonlalCl(Kaw); 2. T a mi Ricc (Sw). ea. 13

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