Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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l3uik Shop [~~INtAIf p® Now'has 1990 H O N D A CR250R 's available f or rent at Pismo Beach I Top It Off!! . ...With A Cycle News Hat Tell the World " Once A Month Is Not Enough" wi t h t he new Cycle News Baseball Cap , fe aturing t he Cycle News logo in w hi te puff-pr int on red. Th is is th e hat to be seen in at the track. Adjustable/one size fits all. now available for $9.95 each. Shipping and Handling are free. To order use the eN Products order for m. locat ed below the advertiser s i ndex. GET YOU RS TODAYII (5/TFN ) . .. . 1990 CAMEL PRO OTHMOVES. • VIDEO 3Camel packs Just $19.95 with Fu ll Une of ATV Renta ls ... • • 1990 Hon da Pilot and t ' ., TRX250R .~ ;- . ' Add Cam el Pro 1990 race high lights to your videa collection. It' s60 minutesof edge-of-you r-seat excitement! Send check for $19 .95 . pl us $4 .0 0 for shipping and handl ing, and th ree empty Cam el packs to Ca mel Pro Vi de a O ffer, 1180 Essex Rd.• W a tki nsville, GA 30 637 . O rcha rg e to you r VISA'" or MasterCard~ i ncluding card number. expiration date. and signat ure. A ll orders must includ e your na me. address. dote of birth, a nd the handwritten statemen t, "I certtfythatl am a smoker; tha t I am 21 years of age or older; and that I want t o receive free cigarettes, coupons, premium s, or offers In the mall , I understa nd tha t giving fal se info rma- - Ho nda TRX2 00 I;. .· . . - Yamah a 200 Blasters • Yamaha 12 5 Bre eze WORLD'S LARGEST RENTALS! Call for rr1 ssrv stion s • (80 5 ) 48 1-54 1 1 TZ125G ' 980 Yamaha F4 race bike. new motor. spare s kit . excellent condition. $1600. (4151 948 -5612. CA. (106-07) RZ350 PARTS CHEAP. have entire pans bike. Call Kevin. (205) 821-2429. AL (106·09) 197 Gr and Ave . • Grover City. Cali fornia ---------------~ Wanted : '79/'80 Honda CBX cax tion in ord er to a ccep t these offe rs may constitute a violation of la w: ' I'm look ing for a nice 6-cylinde r str eet bike to ri de. excellen t condition only, reaso nable pric e. Call Jeff. (415) 826-0680. CA. ~~, (306-07) 1990 KTM 125 EXC Low hours. Race Tech forks and shock. Keihi n carb and much more. Like new. (714) 391 -3278 days. (714) 395-9429 eves. CA. (306 -071 Wanted 1977 8ult aco 370 Pursang engine #193000 9. Call (213) 941 -2777. CA. (10 5-08) FOR SALE: XR750 H·D ENGINES. fre sh. Call (703) 662-4807. VA. (305-07) c.,,~e{. ci * PARTS * From '69 To Current Complete Suspensio n Service UPS Doily SUR GEO N GE NERA L W NIN G Smokin g 'S AR : By Pregnant Wo men Ma y Res ult in Fetal Injury. Pre matu re Birth. And l ow Si rth Wei ght. Williamsville Welding P.O. Box 172 a Holland, NY 140 80 (716) 537-2309 9mg. "ta(: 0.6m nicotine w. per g. ethod. cigarene by fTC m 1982 CX500TC New Showroom ne w, ne ve r sta rte d. $4995. Call HONDA WORLD. Gary. (50 1) 646 -7377 . AR. (305-07 ) 1983 250 KNIGHT YAMAHA. many spares. excellent condit ion. $1400 . (313) 378 -5308 . MI. (106 -07) 1981 DUCATI 9OOSS. very good condition. 7007 miles. $8500 . (207) 846-582 7 eves. ME. (106-07) 1982 Kawasaki S1 Racer Eddie Lawson Replica Or any parts. Call me last. I pay top doll ar . Pickup anywhere in USA in 48 hours. (800) 235-4745. TX . (304-07) G. . Gary E. Emig R. Racing Mike's Cycle Parts, Inc. " Factory Performance for th e Privateer " West Coast's Largest Motorcycle Salvage Over 1 million used parts in stock for Japanesse motorcycles. RACE MODIFICATIONS Suspens ion a MOlors Pipes. Etc . Western US Call (714) 783-7570 Eastern US Call (816 )461-7223 YAMAHA DIRT TRACKERS. 750cc and 25Occ. Boss f rames. both run &. look great. $1000 each. (505) 523-0297. (5051522-2356. NM. (307-101 We .~ also stock complete low mile motors. front-ends. etc. Cagiva Frecchia 125 Only five in country. $4.500 . (207) 879-7 151. ME. (307-09) P.O . Box 50 23 . Santa Barbara ; Cal if . 93 150 Knight Rotax Ultralight Complete roll ing chassis. many ext ras. perf ect condition. $3200. (505 ) 522-3965. (505) 522 2356. NM . (307-081 California Canopy Kits m When You're In Daytona Stop by the Cycle New s exh ibit boot h for savi ngs on Cycle New s subscr ipti ons, renewa ls. and hats / t -sh irt s/ f anny packs. W e'll be at the Daytona Inte rna t ional M otor cycle Show. M arch 7· 10. at the Daytona Speedway - SEE YOUTHERE! (507-08) 10x10 10x20 12. 20 ..c_ $ 95" $135" $145" Ord.... Prooe• • ed DeI.y VISA- Ma.terCard MID-ATLANTIC PARTS ~ ~4 February 25th -Willow Springs. Pre -ent ry $75. School $95. Openings still availablel Call for more info: (818) 365 -8038 . (213)399-8749. CA. (207/PI 250 Champion Honda 1980 CR2S0. very f ast, excellent condi t ion . ice tire s included. $1250/0BO . (513) 843 -59 75. OH. (307-081 1991 VZ250. HAVETONS OFSPARE pan s. forks. shocks. motor part s. plastic, much more. Can ship. (602) 884-1436. AZ. . (307-08 ) Marvics-FZR750 Yamaha FZR750. gr eat cond it ion . fact ory carb s, factory pipe. $3200; Marvic wh eels for FZ750. 3.50X17. CYCLE SPECIALTIES OF ATHENS - Ouean. Cog· . in. L. Wlr Moto -Gulli. & Moto-Morini Slies . nd d•• servici . Michelin & Pit. 1Ii litis. South..s!'s larglst p.rts inv. ntory - u m. day UPS servi • . Man-Fri c 9am-6pm Sal 10am-2pm. 260 Commerci Blvd.. : 8oglrt. GA 30622. (404) 543-0235. FREDETTE RACING PRODUCTS KDX & KX SPECIALISTS ilJ, KOX o.nvuidu ... .. . .... KX Sp•• do K •• • •• • •t"I .• ·O: p.. $11.15 KDX Sp" dos Re " d • • . &24.ft Now Avlil_ le f M Pip. s n SI .1S W PortI g • • • • • . . ••• •n.!l5 F n KOX Ch ainDuideSu PPort Hafl sa d • • • • • • • • • • • M2.H 18" Convtl'1iDn I(jl1 • • • • ' nus UPS Ollil y • Call 01' W,it. FOt C.t.JOI1 8 1 23 West 1S9th Street. Moken •• IL 80448 (81 5) 469-40 11 5.5X1 7. Kosma n rotors. Br embo cal ipers. also Pee Wee Racing Information brack ets. $800. Pacif ic Racing qu ick fill can. $150; many FZR pans . wheels. etc. (213) 546-4907. CA. (107) • Ital Jet Racing • 50cc Stock and Modified RIDE THE BEST Wanted: Kawasaki S-1 Eddie Lawson Racer ~( 8oo) 458-5732. (713) 497-3448 . TX. liI!f!iIIl l.--J L 1-800-548-3895 ~'" California Raclns Product. ' - - - - ( 7 1 4) 940-503O---...lI lOB OCTANE RACING GASOLINE Prescription Lens System for Smith Racing Goggles C.II or writ. for vour n• • rest DAECO Distributor PRO·VUE LENSES 10630 3rd Avenue NW Oronoco. MN 55960 (507) 282-0323 D.uCO 201 Wes t "0" St .• Wilm ington. CA 90744 1 2131 549-0840 ~ We've Got Your Numbers STREET RACERS • .. • Cylinder Head Porting -20 BHPIMI'flOVEMENTGSX-R. FZR. 7X C8R. V-MP\t.. NINJA FJ. GS. KZ EXCHANGE HEADS 011 f WEEK DElIVERY ComputerDesigned Ports Repairs seats Reploced Comp VolveJobs L..( 305) 48C 6969 I \OC-30 1 1 CR30 -',1 ./ NOIN Taking Orders on 1991 Hondasll RS125R/RS250R /TLM260R 11302 Tecum..h Rd.. E. Windsor. Ont.. CAN (51 9) 979 -14 14 /0(758 ~~~~ KOX240 Klemm Research _ Also Used Parts for Exotic Mopeds (30 5-Q8) card, VI.., or C.O.D.', Accepted N. Cannon A,, -.., H.verstown, MD. 21 740 F'AX .. t ..~01 ..7~"".24 * PRO-VUE * GEORGIA DEALER Track Riders Practice-Testing-School SUZUICI. D•• Shopa-Acc•••o rl•• Store e.1If o r Whol. . .I. OeM P.rts 3534 W. VIC!or Ave. • VISalia. CA 93ZT1 M8lter .JUIAIiA * PARTS & ACCESSORIES Scott USA Dunlop Answe r Rocing Oakley NGK Bell Tsubaki RACERS DISCOUNT (209) 733-3730 CAUFORNIA' RACING PRODUCTS • PARTS. PARTS a PARTS 2 Cycle''> ''"rm,r ", Speeds/s BIG BORE POWER! . 714-272·8480 t3 9 N. Mepl . SUlte G CA 91720 Roscelti Corporotion 105 W. Sommerdale Rd..Sommecdale. NJ 08083 Dealer Inquiles / InIo 1-800-437-4494 33

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