Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FZR600 Powered 400! 1989 CR500 Honda Kawasaki Ninja Parts Super trick and clea n. has all the ext ras plu s Great conditi on, excell ent suspension, fast motor. Free Donn ie Hansen M X A cademy w ith purchase. 900: engi ne, wh eel s, elect ric s, etc . 1000: gauges. 750 ; w heels. fra me. elect rics , etc . 600: cylinder spares. Steal of a dealll $6000. (213) 939 -237 0 . CA. (107-09) $1900 . (805) 526-0634. CA. . (30 7-08) 1988 TZ250 U YAMAHA. race ready. Lassak Suzuki Parts Liquidation Free Dayto na delivery. Lassak motor , f ull spares $80 ,000 whol esale, Suzuki pans, we ll orga nized, 1989 Cag iva 250 WMX Vgc. extras . $1750 . (313) 693-1024 days. (313) 627 -6842 eves. MI. (307-08) XS7 50 Yamaha stan dard. Sil ver pref err ed. w ill con sider red . Call collect after 5pm or w kends (21 4 1 WANTED: 4.5X17 & 3.5X17 FZR wheels. no crashed wheels. (707) 864 · 2440. CA. (107-08) condi tio n. FZR4DO stock bodywor k. 1986-87 GSXR750 frame . (619) 967 ·8 637 . CA. (307·08) Yamaha FZR600 Parts Misc. parts . (518) 452 -0503 . NY. SUPER TRAPP SUPERLIG HT for FZR600. Extra cap. discs. perfect. $275. (509) 545-4683. WA. _ (107) FZR400 Or 600 Front End kit. never down. like new. $11.600 . Tom. (818) (105-07) 360-8409. CA. 1989 CR500 Honda Great condition. must sell. (619) 371-2288 . CA. (107-08) mods. finished 4t h in AM A National at Willo w . $7500 / 0 8 0 . (805) 38 8·2S7 9 eves. CA. (307-09) 1 9 8 9 G SXR1100 Lizards Snakes Tarantu las Too ma ny ext ras t o list . seri ous calls only . Ask f or Jo in our fa mi ly motorcycle cl ub and camp in th e Mojave Desen. Out ings every mont h. For inf o on (307-08) the MOJAVE BEACH CLU8 call (818) 450-6867. CA. (107) RZ350 Cylinders Needed Three ri ght side onl v.. pair s con sid ered. A lso cranksh afts & misc motor parts . (415) 278-9809 . CA. head .·ca ms. (518) 452 -0503. NY. WANTED: VERY CLEAN RM500 / 46 5 Suzuki. will pay top dollar for top condition. (702) 84 7. (107) 9424. NV Complete f ro m wh eel to cli p- ens . excelle nt Todd. (414) 734·3410. WI. (107 -08) Laguna-Seca Ride (307-08) Race Tour . $795 f ull tour, $495 hatf to ur. Includ es (307 -08) WANTED: GAS TAN K. N.O.s. or mint for 1978 923-120 5. TX. (30 7-10) shel ving included. (813) 535 -2700. FL (307 /09/EOI) Wtd: Super Flow 110 Flow Bench Stuska model 90 motorcycle engine dyno. (816) 257 -5427 . MO. (307-08) BMW'K100RS stock parts included. $6500. (908) 422 -0352. NJ . (305-07 ) Noleen pipe. sparky. shock &fork mods. (805)2695045 . CA. (307-09) 1979 Kawasaki MKII Red. good condition. (612) 388 -0624. MN. (307-08) Ford Box Van Cycle News Stickers 1988, loaded, wo rkshop , wate r tank, sleeper, too ma ny opt ions to list . $13 .000. W e' ll hel p delive r. Look good anywhere. fr om t he back of your t ruc k (201) 454-8730. NJ . (307-08) Pee Wee Racing Ignitions PW-50, YSR -50 . $300 (213) 378-3314, CA, (307-09) todayl Only 2 for a $1.00 . Use the order form (5/TFN/P) 1987 FZR1000 You Want This Truck north Florida. CallJ ohn. (904) 877 -0161 after 5pm. . (307-08) box. 3-5 bikes. Make offer. Will go fast l Rob. (714) 653-8447. CA. (307lPj 1989 KATANA 600 . low mileage, new frame. almost complete. $900. (216) 263-1478. OH. (102-0 7) Own a class ic. lmola cams, W iseco pistons . racing muffl er. custom tr iple clamp, Pirelli ti res, lots of spare part s, excellent cond it ion . very low mile~ge, Wanted: Kawasaki KZ1000R Eddie Lawson Repl ica CA. Or pans. Call me last. I pay top dollar. Pick -up anywhere in USA in 48 hours . (800) 235 -4745. TX. (104-07) East Coast Ducatis 85 1 & 907 available nowl FORSYTH MOTOS· PORTS, Winston·Sal em. NC. (919) 767 ·2020. (206 -09) 16' box. $4OOOfirml (818)360-8409 . CA. (107-08) H i-Point 16 ' Trailer WOOD ROTAX 614 fresh motor. paint, some SHARP 20' PRO TRA • $2650. 1991 RM125 C as new. $2865. (208 ) 426-21 81. WA. (307-08) (307 -08) extras . big bore. Axte l head. first class . (206 ) 367034 8. WA. (107 -08 ) Kawasak i GPZ550 Pa rts 1989 CR500 Knight 600 Honda St ock and high perf or mance par ts . eng i nes . St eal t hy fl ywhee l weight. susp ensi on Jake, Barn en cl utch , very fast, FMF pipe, vet ow ned,low 42mm Marzocchi f ro nt end, fron t brake set -up. very tires . $3500. (313) 752-7284. MI. electrics, frames . etc. (518) 452-0503. NY. (307-08) hours . (213) 832 -6304 . CA. (107 -08) clean. lots of extras. $4000. (215) 287 ·9308. PA. (305-07) r-------------------------------------------------, WANT AD BLANK . I . Cycle News. P.O . Box 4 9 8 . Long Beach: CA 9 0 8 0 1 - 0 4 9 8 24 Hr. FAX Order or Comm.rc1811oIM" KCOU" " only , plrMMj Line ( 2 3) 427-6685 ICh.rge 213·/' 427-7433 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ WANT AD RATES _ _ BUlin.l . Opportunities COMMERCIAl / HE LP WANTED Pe r word, , $1.20 He a d line in bold type , , .. $1 1 extra Blind Box Service Ch arge , $6 .0 0 Photo (no larger t h a n 5x7) $17 extra _ _ Colleetors{1974 or older) _ _ Went Ads Bleck end White Photo s . No color slides (One photo per ed _ Printed image size limited to 1 1 /2" high , 2 1 / 4" wide ) PRIVATE PARTY Per·Word . . • "" , . .. . • . . . . ... . • . . $ .50 He a d line in bold type , . . , S5 extra Photo (no large r th a n 5 x7) , $1 0 extra Prices Are Fo r One Is s u e Only Run my ad in t he fo llowing . peci al section: _ _ Help Wented . 380 NEW /USED/A8USED Japanese motorcycles. Ask for Kim. (800) 821 -S975. Fax: (612) 492 3525. MN. (305·08 ) 1990 RS1200 Buell Les s tha n 3000 miles. very nice I FORSYTH MOTOSPORTS. Winston ·Salem. NC. (919) 7672020. (206-09) tan dem, elect ric brakes, tors ion bar suspensio n, . Twin axle. excellent cond it ion, workbench, new ' 1978 SD Ducati Darmah only second owne r. $4800/ 0 BO. (213) 925 ·7604. (305·07) ENCLOSED PRO-TRAC TRAILER. fiberglass. 1986 Kn ight Honda Two motors, three pipes. other misc. $3000/ 0 8 0 . (719) 578·5 310 after 4pm. CO. (307) 460. auto, air . tilt. cru ise. etc . Double sleeper, 18' Parting Out FZR600. FZ600-700. Ninja 600. EX500. VF500. C8R600. GSXR750. GSXl l00. EX250R. VX250. D&M SPORT8IKE. (219) 482 -7620. IN. (20 1/TFN) Ducati 750 Sport Like new. only 1500 miles. $5200 . 198 8750 Paso. only 90 miles. $4500 . Call Steve, (904) 760-3933. FL (107-08) Ad ult ow ned. low miles. min t conditi on, $4500 . Wanted : Stock H-D XR750 Gas tan k. oil ta nk. Jo hn. (216) 247-6021. OH. (304- 09 ) Immaculate, pear l white. 11.000 miles, Ferodo, br aided Jines, fork mods, Supertrepp, shock. gauge s, Cor bin seat. new Metzelers, all bags and Clean, we ll ma intained, desert tan k, skidplate , fill in that empty space on your teol bex , Ord er som e ASSORTED BODYWORK FOR 1989 GSXR750 Suzuki. red. (304) 325-3155. WV. (306-07) WOOD ROTAX 600 motorcycle. 500 hea d and cylinder included. $5000. (215) 593 -7113. PA. (304- 07) 1988 YZ250 to the fe nde r of your motorcycle; the refrigerator door. to cove r up that big scr atch on th e ca r or 1991 ATK's In Texas Great bikes. Great Texas pricesl TJ'. CYCLE, Aust in, TX. (512) 453 -13255. (203/TFN) 1990 TZ250A Yamaha everything. Call for info: (213) 594 -8901 , or fax: (207 ·14) (714)821-8105. CA. located below the advertisers index. Wanted: Kawasaki S -1 Eddie lawson Racer (800) 458-5732. (713) 497 -3448. TX. • (305-08) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WANT AD DEADLINE FRIDAY 12 NOON for next week 's iss ue. No cancellations after deadline. Ads are accepte d on a first come first serve basis. Cycle New s reserves the right to edit/a bbre viate copy & bol d hea dlines . A ny discrepancies must be reponed w ith in one week of public ation to recei ve any adj ustment. Fill in th e Visa/Master Cha rge blank or send check or money order to Cycle New s at above address. • CREDIT CARD LI MIT MINIMUM $5.00 PLUS .50C POSTAG E AND HAND LING. I I -=- Expirat ion Date Bike Clearance-Must Sell 1990 KTM 500MX. Tecnnosel , Pro Circuit. Factory Connect ion. $2500, 1990 OR350S Suzuki, 1500 miles. very clean. $2500 ; 1991 RM125 Suzuki, bought in Dec . '90. $2700 ; 1984 XR250R Honda. very clea n. $900 . Will help deliver. (201) 702· (306·07) 81 32 . NJ. 1990 CR250 Lik e new condition, f resh t op end, Rent hals, Technosel seat, new p.ast ic. Tum for k guards. Pro Circuit front sh ock mods. (912) 436-3298 aftar 6pm. GA. (306-07) 1984 XR350R Supertrapp. fork, shock mods, excellent condition. $1300. (916) 933 -1122 . CA. (106-07) D's LEATHERS. (4 19) 729 -9639 . OH. (339-08) Wanted: ZX-10 N inja Engine (503) 754 -9564 home. (503) 750 ·26 49 work. OR. (306-07) Wanted : Kawasaki KZ1000R Eddie lawson Replica Need for street S·1 convers ion. Tad. (800) 835 5966. (213) 275 -0188. CA. (106·20) ~ _ Signat ure 1983 XR200R Honda Perfect for the beginne r. $550 . (40 8) 252·2276. (306-07) CA. _ PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE Print name. IddrelS and ad copy clea rty . # of issues. Please run my ad in Name City Address 1 1 Zip State PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Lea v e spaces) Want Ad minimum $5.00 - Bold head lines do not count t ow ardl want ad word count . How's Your Sense Of Humor? The MXCATComic Book is the perfect test. K you don't t hink it's probably didn't le ugh 1 1 1 1 1 1 when your dad backed the car out of the garage bafore he opened t he door. Don't deley, order your MX CAT Comic Book today. They're just .75C and available by us ing tha CN Products order form, locat ed balow the advertisers index. (5/TFN) I 1 I Brand new , never prepped. Ready to sh ip anywhere in th e World. You have a chance to own a true 1 I I I I I I I 32 1 1 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 _ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 39 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 50 Cycle ..._ Is not _ 44 45 46 51 52 53 ..... for • . - phone num...... or copy. . I I I 1 54 ( 55 1 Ar. . Codal""""..... Phone • .,..;nu •• OM word J 1 47 48 49 wh en your prom date fell in the punch bowl or 1990 RC30 #66 Of 300 Made collecto rs bike. Call RACEWAY HONDA todayl Priced at only $13.950. Gerard. (714) 943-2061. (304-07) CA. 1985 RS250R GP Bike Good spares kit. fast and relia ble, ready to race. $3300. (408) 379-8098. CA. (306-07) 1983 GS1100 Katana Rare. one owner, excellent condition. 100% stock. this bike is clea n! 23 .000 miles. $4500. (707) 443 · 8873. CA. (306-Q7)

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