Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha 125 Starracer GuikShop Fresh motor and glass. Grimeca brakes. Ole wheel . new paint, $800. 1502) 442-2328. KY. (107) 1989 Fantic 305 Must Sell Low miles. exce lle nt condition. $2900. (20 3) 881 · 1485. CT. (10 7) 1990 RM125 Nation al winner, all new super cherry, $2200. (71 4) 359-7358. CA. (10 71 1991 Crossbow Calendar Exotic M/C Gorgeous Women $17.50 - Eurobike Ltd. Box 549, Lakeport, CA 95453 (7071277-7753 Crossbow scra pbook-GO pages / SOpho tos . Post ers Spondon Laverda & Suzuk i RG500GP Skoal. Ck/ Visal M CI A mex. (207ITFN/ P) MUST SELL' 98 8 XR600. Supertrapp. Progressive, K&N. roost boost. new chain, sprockets. excellent condition . $' 700/ 0 80 . Rob. (3' 7) 635· 6990. IN. (307-09) Parting Out ' 89 GS500/ '88 CBR600 Also '88 EX250 Ninja, '8 8 C8Rl000, '8 9 FJI200, 1306-07) '8 5 VFSOO. (405) 842 -6177. OK. U.S. TWIN SPORT RACER, '989 883. all legal 'mods. new ti res . fres h and fast. 5th at M id -O hio . $5500/080 . In Virg in ia. (71 4 ) 644-1130. CA. (30 7) 1989 FORD E350 '5 ' 80X VAN . 2 bunks . 7 .3 diesel. Alpine. 30K miles. $18.000. In Virg inia. (7 14) 644· 1130 . CA. (307) KAWASAKI DEALERS-NEW 1986-88 Voyager 1300 wanted. or used in mint condition from pr ivat e owner . (70 2 ) 369-1005. NV. (307) 1985 500 Int ercept or Parts Part ing out Stage II heads . fairi ng. wheels. frame. Call for deta ils . (21 7) 359-4691 .IL (10 7-08) Boring Bar, Rottler Cutting head bores cylinder from 1.5 - to 4 .1- , set of micrometer w ith tool holder, floor stand. also adapter to bore car block eng ine s. In good shape . $3800. Info call : (517) 835 -9355, or write: 4820 M ac St. Midland, MI48640. (107) 1989 TZ250W Yamaha Very low hours. professionally maintained. Oh lins. Noleen fork mod s, full spares kit . (4151 636 -1325. CA. ( ' 0 7 -0 8 ) Wanted Honda M in i Trai l. Call (213) 63 3 -7 ' 49. CA . (107) 1990 Ducati Sport "'~~* Partsand Acc:eaorIes * 1900 mi les . M ikun i. NCR exha ust . perfect. $5800. (408) 255 -51 62. CAo 'C~ , (107-1 0 ) _ Huge II1Y8Iltory Speclal Orders Z Dolly UPS Shipping _ • COO"sAccepted c:a ~ ... ~/ 276'12 ComIno~ laguna Nguel. CA DIRT TRACK TIRES • C arll sle t Goodyear Din Track Tires • A ll C om pou nds Avai lab l e • an d W est W areho u se s U PS D aily from each lo c a tion . C OD OK A & A RACING SERVICES QQ r" Bound For Glory That·. what your issues of Cycle News will be when you put them in a Cycle News Binde r . These great look ing binde rs are designed to preserve your Cycl e News collection for years to come. Each binder holds 25 issue. and cost only $16.95 each . Order your Cycle News Binders today by usi ng the CN Products order form, located below the advertisers index. (5ITFN) M on ~ .. g) 1860 F. .. 0••, A, RrdwooCl C,I, CA 9. 051 (800) 551·7755 CA (415) 368·629 2 OPEN& ENC LOSED CYC LE CARR IERS mn STATOR REPAIR KX. CR. YZ. RM & Most Ignit io n S tators 6 mo• . Warr anty ' 4 5. 00 to $12 0 .00 SHOUP ENTERPRISE 3172 Gle ndam Or. Gra nd Ju nel ton. CO 81504 (3 0314 34 -0906 UPS Dally 24 Hour Service ... ~Ft~_ PERJ:r~ • IM PROVE HANDLli'.lG • INCREASE PERFORMANCE • ENGINE AND SUSP ENS ION • 2 STROK E OR 4 STROKE • MOTORCYCLES • ATVS • WA TERCRAFT PRO-TEC/DAWS BAKER PRODUCTS 2a2 Gem ini Ave.• area, CA 92621 g~~~=~ tt\~THE RIGHT 5TUFF ™ 600 Wood Rotax Kn igh t fram e. Axtell big valve head. new 81 mm crank and Carr illo rod . many ext ras. cams. 500/ 600 cyl inders. head. forks, shocks, etc . $5000. (214) 398 -8377. TX. (10 7) 21004t . 3 RAIL TRAILER-DICO -factory mad e. used twice . $450. Call (7 14) 968-4290 aft er 5pm . CA. (107 -08) 1982 Ford XL Van up Separate com panment for bikes . sofa bed front. aluminum directional wheels w it h Michelin tires• . exce llent condit ion . race ready . $4500/ 080. (901) 885-0707. TN. ('07-0 8) 1990 KX250, EXCELLENT CONDITION , many extra . , $2700. (7141279- 2340. CAo 1107) . Dale Quarterly's Ducati 1990 Daytona &. championship w innin g Oucat i Superbike will be for sale at Daytona Class ic M otorcyc le A uct ion Saturday. March 9 at 4 pm. A uct ion w ill be hel d 8t Daytona Beach A r mory . IntereS1ed parties should contact J . W OOD & CO. (207) (9041 7 95 ·8 895 . FL RME7B:H - SHOCK REVALVING 72 7. 3227 PRO OUCER # I" itt I,..rrin , l il fi. POMONA. CA 91768 (714) 594·7755 31

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