Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS ~ Kady crushes Perris Motocross By Tony Alessi Rob Hedland (30) leads Willy Haney (25), J8 Hanson (15) and Ma~ Crosby in the 30·39 Intermediate class at Perris Raceway.Crosby was the overall wmner. SPTSMN: 1. T ed Co plein Sr. (Hon); 2. Ben uwis (Yam); 3. Bob Schne"jtt (Hm.). NOV : I. J~ John son (Han); 2. J o hn Strangfeld (Kaw); 3. Joh n Ronnenberg (Han ). . PR O: J. LaIT)' Snangfdd ( Kaw); 2. Ray Legg-ue (Ha n ); ". Ed Cro thers (Yam ). , _ 250 STUD NOV; I. Bob Rau tch (Yam ); 2. Kim Ltwis (Yam); 3. T om Crolt (Han). . 250 STU D PR O: I. Gerry Thrune (C A); 2. am Eck~ {Yam) ;.5. SteYf:'" Huckbody (CA l. O PEN STU D NOV : 1. Bucky Lo rentz (H a n); 2. Sam Ma kie (H a n); 3. Steve Richardson (Vam ). O PEN STU D PR O: I. Gerry Thrune (C A); 2. Scou Wink!" (Ha n ); 3. Mike La uman (Hon ). Blackwell doubles at Salem AX By Clay Light SALEM. OR. FEB. 9 G regory Blac kwell beat Isaac Daw son in the Pee Wee and 60cc junior clas ses 10 card a rare doubl e class wi n at th e j ackman-Long Aren across. . . Isaa c Daw son man aged to land im pressrve wi ns in th e first mot os of bot h classes, but Blackw ell o utrode his rival to ta ke both seco nd mot os. In th e Pee Wee class . Blackw ell led Dawson across th e fin ish for his first of two overa ll wins, wh ile a scra mble for thi rd resulted in Ryan Ibsen pi cking up third o vera ll . A lar ge held of 125cc Intermediat e riders were o n hand, making for o ne of th e bes t races th rou gh ou t th e weekend. Ryan Ha gema n ,:" devoured the co mpe tition in both mot os. Ene Rogers suffered a dis ma l sta rt in th e fir st mo ta , but ca me back to cha llenge Ha gemann in th e second moto. Rogers hounded the lead er, but dr opped off th e pace lat e in th e mot o, a llo wi ng J aso n Pearson to slip in to second. Pearson sco re d second ov erall be hind H agem ann while Rogers held o n to thi rd. Steve Lewis made a sweep of th e 250cc In termed iat e cl as s but had his toughest co mpeti tion th is season from local rider Rod Comstock. In moto one Doug Gravell e snuck a whee l in between Lewis and Co ms toc k. but in th e seco nd contes t Co ms toc k held Lewis at bay for th e moto win . Co mb ined with. ~ first moto th ird th e overall win went LeWIS way via 1-2 showi ngs . Gra velle. Dave Akerman and Cha d Gravelle filled the top five positions. Lone 800c Intermediate rider Cory Fuller flew to victory in both co~ b i ned ju,:,io~ and Intennediate motos, la p p ing the majorI ty of th e co mpe ti tio n. The J un ior cla ss win went to Kory Rasm ussen . Ra sJ"!lussen had hi s ha nds full with Doug McKuhn 10 the seco nd contest, but sti ll came u p with the win. McKuh~ ' s 3-2 p lacings !('Ive him secon d overa ll , whI le th ird overall went to Dan J ohnson . Resuh. 60 JR: 1. G ~ Black well ; 2. Isaa c DawfiOn; 3. KelvinSchuen. 60 SR: I. Robert Holt grew; 2. DUlilY Lenaburg; 3. Jason Hp~~~' 1. G reg Blackwe ll: 2. Isaac Daw so n: 3. R yan Ib:>en : 4. Liam Daw son: 5. Ty ler f ick . . 80 BEG : 1. Bra d Stoner; 2. J o n Ka uffma n ; 3. J am n Wh u,ler : 4. R ya n Ter l ~ki: 5. Du sty Len a burg . . 125 [NT: I. Ry.m Hdgell1C:lnn: 2. J ason Pea rson: 3. En e Ro,;ers: 4. Mik e Roe: 5. Mau Belcko ... . 125 P RO ; I. Jef f Da ily: 2. Kenny O I5('n: 3. G a ry Beyer. 80 INT : I. Co ry f u ller. fK) JR: l. Kor y R.u ,m uu.en ; 2. Do u g McKuh n ; 3. Da n J o h nso n: 4. Bria n Ma rtin; 5. J aIiOn Ball. 250 INT : 1. Ste... Lew is: 2. Rod Co m stock; 3. Dou g e G ra... lle: 4. Da ... Akerman; 5. Chad G ra... lle. e e e 250 PRO : I. Gary Beyer: 2. Ro n MilIi g'.m : 3. Kenn y O l~ . OT INT : 1. Bob Co ms tod : 2. Joh n Meus li ng: 3. Chrr Kobemik. OT JR: I. T erl")' T homa s: 2. Walt er Sm ith : ~. Vern Valkowiw:h: 1. Bob Zcdwi ck: 5. Ra nd y LlynC'. OT EX: 1. Mike H ick ma n ; 2. Ji m H arTis. 250 REG : I. La llct" G u ndeThOn : 2. Mikr McOn nndl : 3. 8r ell Cam'r: 1. Mau Iknne tt: 5. Mark Lew is. ~0··1O INT : I. J n st" llt"-a : 2. Ro n Kt:m : 3. Oou g Tu ller . n ~0·4 0 JR: I. D~ nna H ol brook ; 2. MIke McDo n nel l: 3. Brell d 20 CaUtfH: 1. C ho plX'r L.yn n ; 2. Scu tt Sla rba rd ; 3. Da ... e . AkM"man . 12SJR : I. Ma n Wh ittakt"r: 2. And y C ros by: 3. Mom y H ar m : 4. Ch ad A:.kew. WMN : I. ne-.tnn a H olbrook ; 2. Shannon Sta rba rd : 3. SU"'"l1l Sm ith . McBee stings Monterey ST By Mike Vancil MONTIREY, CA, FEB. 9 Allon McBee rode hi s 500cc Yam aha fourstroke to an im pressive win over 11 other Expert class rider s on the eigh th -mile o val at th e Monterey County Fairgrounds. Early leaders Frankie Garcia and Lonnie Pauley were di splaced by the hard-charging McBee, who led the last 10 laps of the 12lap feature. Garcia passed by Pauley, but he patiently waited for just the right moment ~o repass him for second. In th e lat e laps Garoa broke away from Pauley by a few feet, but he wasn't close enough to make: a serious ch allenge on McBee. Extra effort by Andy Tresser earned him a late pass over Pauley and at the checkers the order was McBee, Garcia , T resser and Pauley. Another hard l2 -lap final for Open Expert class riders drew nine entrants. The dash to th e first turn resulted in a hol eshot for Garcia, but-by the next tum Tresser was in th e lead . The battle lor the lead saw several near passes by Garcia. but Tresser held firm. On th e fifth lap Pat McDaniel fell with no o the r riders getting involved. then on lap seven a tworider spill in vol ving David Freeze a!' d Da!'ny Ritchie brought out th e red flag. Neither rider was hurt and both elected to co ntin ue in the single row restart. At th e green on .th e restart, Tresser a,:,d Garcia resumed th eir battle and for a while Kevin Crowley joined them. On lap II Perry Lang fell hard on the back stre tch . but wal ked away from the mishap. At th e chec kers it was Tresser ho lding off Garcia for th e win. while a late charge by Anthony G iammanco ga ve him third. . In amateur actio n, a heads -up move by A.j . Kirkpatrick in the 800c Novice fin al got h im th e victory , over Adam Mill er. Mu ch of th e race was dominated by Mill er , bu t lat e in th e race, wh en th e front-runners bega n to en co unter back mark ers, Mill er a llo wed himself to be boxed in a nd Kirkpatrick went aro u nd Mill er o n th e oUlside and. stayed in front to the ch eckers. Third went to Clint Er ickso n. The hottest amateur of th e even ing was Dan Feldhaus as he scored two wins and a third place. Hi s first win ca me in th e 250cc Novice fina l when he charged fro m behind o n th e last lap to pass Dave Drew a t th e finish by using an o uts ide line. . • Feldhaus again found lh e co mbi na tio n in the 500cc Novice final wh en he grabbed th e win away from Mark Dodson. The th ird pl ace was earn ed by Feldhaus in the Vet class fin al, which was won by Kevin Crowley. Res ults so FIRST T IME R: I. ctt..d Rob bins (Ya m ): 2. TYS IIII Tal kington (Ya m); 3. Brandon I.t"( (Ya m ): 4. JUI'y ChriMy · (Ya m): 5. Dale Wall .KI· (YI 1Il (V;nn): S. S<'IIt1 N~' I!o(l1l (Ya m ). 60 : I. Chri-, ParU'K (Kaw): 2. La ndo n Roh b in s (Ya m ); 3. 1 il-lIj'll nin SIUt"lkt· (Ka w); 1. Rya n Ta nner (Kaw). 60 FIRS T TI M ~: R : I. hit WIM t KilWJ; 2. n. j . Na\4.Ol'1 (H Ull); 1. Urad Prin' (Holl ): 5. Ch rh ShI '11 ( Hu n ); -I. Mikt· tr hif"h (H IIIl): :1 Rya ll Johll'>l>11 . ( H u lIl. . 2!IOP RO: I. Mil l y n ymuml (Ya m );2. Rl'lall Ma u ll'y ( 1-10 11 ): 3. J ' o<' W.ltld i ll ~ tn n (Ka w ): 1. Kt'n n y C lirtllll i K,lwj : S. G il)' Ill, kt'lI (S UI). 2f1 I\ E(; : I. Ch r i~ ~b ll't( ' 1 (Y;III1/: 2. Da ... d hj,lId ll (H n n ); ·29 i 3. Mikl' Vi ll,l (KCl WJ; 1. (;, u y " .mu!;. (SUI ): :l. StU ll l ';If!ttJll (Ya m) . 2.')·29 I\'OV : l. TIllI Y Ah-!>., i (Va m ,: 2.Mikt· j all .\(·11 (K.!w) : .1 T lllid G u u ld (SUI): .1. Fra nk ,viii.. (SUI); :1. Ro;·iu Nmdi ll . ( ~~~J 1:"0'1': I. Ra nd y Ddll)'II~ (Kdw); 2. Ro n l .a w'>lJll (}(aw): Results PI "\' .1)(): I. Rri an G r it"r (Ya m ): 2. An lh lln y H lIlJ'C"r (Y,lm ): 3. J)(>rr it k Pa llt·r.... n tY.lln ): 4. K" f'1;1 MiII1'r (Yotm l. l . MIN I NOV RO I. A.j. K i l k Jla ll i t ~ . (I<~.a w ); 2. Adam Mll lt'l ; ( Ka w): :i. Cli m Erill'>l lll (H IIII): '1-Mlt h.H·' (;.unOl (H Im ): 5. BU'1lI Vu llm."C"11l (Kaw) . MIl\'l EX 80: I. Rria ll SKht'l ia (Kllll(Ya mj: .5 Oa\'f' Du'w (Ru l l: 1. Tum I';K,! (Y,Hlll: !i. Su·...· Fi"oCht'r . , (H u n l. :JOC) JR ; I. RIt'lI l.';lIld l·' (R ill): 2..k ff H ~I ~~tt" (H OIl,).; ~ . J ohn Pil 'rH' (Yam ); ·1..1.;n ry Amlu ', (H Ull); .1. j ll11lny \\lI lt s (Y~~~.:\ JR: I. I..ur y Alld u " ~ . AlIlh u n y P 11 ;1 FI·ld hCl u, (B I'.'lI. O P EX EX: J. Antl y T rt"\( '1 (Yam): 2. h ankil' (;;u dil (R Ill): .t An choll )' ( ;ial1llTla llf O (HUll ); .1. Kt·\-in Crnw lry (R I"'I: :1. : l.unllil· P1111 (KT MJ: 2. Gt,( "~I ' Kllnkl (Sun: :'1. Ik lllo:i J u h.lm'>l '1I (H u ll ): '!. judy Wt·I\(·1 IKa w, : rl. ~t.II \1 i ll O I~1I11 (Yam ). Daily, Hartdash at Salem AX By Clay Light SALEM. OR, FEB. 8 Jeri Daily and Grayson Hart battled i n th e 125cc Pro class at th e jackman-L o ng Arenacross. Dail y. aboa rd a Cycle World/ Scm tlPj 1backed Honda . swep t both motos, but had to fig h t off the advances of Hart. Hart chased Daily during the early stages of the first 125cc Pro con test, Local KTM rider Gary Beyer led th e race initially, but yielded to both Hart and Daily on the second lap. On lap live Hart went down while trying to pass Daily and Beyer slipped in to second. Hart remou.n.ted in third, and retook the runner-up posiuon when Beyer look an over-the-bar excursion. Mota two was much th e sam e as Hart and Beyer pushed Daily during the early portions of th e race. Daily shook off Hart, and began to pull away. Hart did all he could to keep Dai ly in ra nge, but aga in trailed acro ss the linish for a 2-2 to beat Beyer and Ken ny Olsen, fourth place finisher. The Up The Hill clas s featured lots of close race acti o n. Rod Kell er and Don Boesplug trad ed the lead for the Iirst three laps in the first moto until they tangled over th e triple jumps, sen d ing Roespl ug into th e retaining wall a nd puttin g him out of actio n. Keller, rid ing a KTM . rod e on to victory over Dave Akerman and Steve Corrie. Moto two had Keller overco me problems to fin ish in ' the number two spot, while Akerman took ad vantage of Keller's misfortune to tak e th e mota win and pick up the . overa ll. . Results P/W : I. Greg Blackw ell : 2. Isaac Dawson : ~ . warn Daw son ; 4. R yan Ibsen: 5. Ty ler Fick. . WMN: 1. Deanna Holbrook: 2. j eanne Van Buskirk: 3. Laurie Sta nge. 60 JR: I. Isaa c Da wson : 2. G reg Blackwell . . 60 SR: 1. Robert H ohg~w: 2. Du st y Lena burg ; 3. J ason Hanson: 4. Jared Sa ntos: 5. Mi ke Merina. 80 BEG : I. Du sty Le na b urg; 2. J~h Sa n tos : 3. Russell Cree: 4. Eddi e Slayden: 5. Andy Garriso n. . UTH: I. Da v e Akerman : 2. Rod Keller; 3. Sieve Come. 250 BEG : I. G len Korner ; 2. Malt Bennett; 3. G arren Elm u; 4. R ichard J ohn son; 5. Rich Lucero . .. 250 INT: I. Steve Le wis: 2. Da ve Akerman ; 3. Chad Ora...elle; 4. Do ug Gra velle: 5. Rob y Leach. 80 INT: 1. Cory Fuller. 80 JR: 1. J oshua Bruce: 2. Robert H olt grew: 3. R yan Dow: 4. Dan J ohnso n ; 5. Nathan G ra... lle. e 125 BEG : I. Brad Brun kal: 2. Bin Swin t;.5. J osh T rue. 125 tNT: I. Eric R o ger s: 2. Ryan Ha gemann; .5. Eddi e Den hem : 4. Mik e Bar: 5. Dan T uengel. 125 PR O ; 1. JMf Daily: 2. Grayson Hart: 3. Ga ry &yet'; 'I. Kenny O ll\('n . . . 125 J R: I. Chad Reed: 2. Ed Pearson ; 3. Mall Whlttaktt; 1. DIad Askt"W; 5. Ern ie Gendron . 250 P RO : I: C a ry Beyer : 2. Kenny Olsen . OPEN BEG : I. J ason Smith: 2. John Lewi s; 3. Steve Corrie. OT INT : I. RuSl Y Ga rriso n: 2. Bob Co mstoc k; 3. by Fi~~JR: I. Bob 7..rdw ick : 2. Albert Hin kley: 3. Pat Menna. Lee locks up Lake Whitney Motocross win By Liz Surber WHITNEY, TX, FEB. 3 T ommy Lee's pa ir of seco nd-p lace finishes earn ed him the o vera ll victory in th e 125cc Interm ediat e cla ss at th e Lake Whitney Cycle Ran ch. T wo months of ice, rain and extremely co ld tem pe ratures had bro ught racing to.a ha lt a t th e facility, but go od weather fmally pr evai led and 298 riders came out to race. In the first moto, Strip Smith was hot as he grabbed the lead and kep~ it throughout th e five-lap mot o. Lee ma intained second the entire di stance follo wed by Brian Carlson and Aaron Justu s. T he tide tu rn ed in mot o two as Todd Bates. back in action a fter recoveri ng (rom a broken leg, led th e en tire distance to claim the .w~ n . Lee pa ssed P.]. Kerr on the fourth lap to fm~sh second wh il e Kerr dropped back which a llo wed Mike Merlo to sn at ch third at th e fin ish ah ead of Carlso n. . j od y North took th e lead o n lap two in mo ta one of the 2500c Intermediate class, but Car lson sho t up from third and pas sed him o n the last lap to claim the win. North held o n to fi n ish second follo wed by Shane Edwa rds a nd Keith Mundie. The second molO was a foll ow -th e-Iead er a ffai r with Ca rlson at th e point fo llo wed by Mundie, Wood and Ed wards. Results 50: I. Du sty Fo unt a in ; 2. Chad Kirk la nd : 5. Stn'en Ja cks:on . 60: I. Aaron St-Idu n : 2. Bra ndon Sa nden: :i. Sha wn Smll~ . MINt REG : I. J)(>n ni s Owen ; 2. Michael Broc k; 5. R obbie sll~riNI jR: I. C h arlt>y Rot;:ard ; 2. Brando n Sa nd en: 3. Aaron Sr~7~'1 S R ( 12. 15): I . C li n t Lal ha m :2. Bill y Akt'l"5:5 . llona ld H'~~NI SR (14. 16); I. Rrad Woo l!if'Y: 2. Brad 8onnt'l"; 3. J df 1,(~1NI O P EN: I. C lin l La rh a m : 2. Bria n Sa uer; 3. Casqr Cht' at h'lm. 125 REG : I. ROlnd y T imm,,: 2. Sea n BendM"; 3. C liff Marian. 125 NOV : I. J ()('y P rdll ; 2. Rrian ~I rick; 3. R•mdy J?t'nby. . : 12:1 INT ; I. T ommy 2. Todd Rates; 5. Str ip Sm ith . 125 EX; I. H{""dth Kirkl 'ln d : 2. Kaylom Young; 3. Jamt'S Mi!ch d l. 125 OPEN: I. J ur y Pr att : 2. Stri p S m ilh: 3. Todd BaIt'S. . 2!)()/O P E,N BEG : I. Brya n Cook ; 2. Mark Bat t'S: 3. O ms L il t. 2:1 NO V: 1. C ha d Pl uml~; 2. Ran dy Dr nb y: 3. Mich ael 0 Kin caid. . 2 ~0 I:'tJT : I. Brian Cc b n n; 2; Kt"ith Mundie; 3. Sha ne u Edwa rd~ . 250 EX: I. j ef f T a lle y; 2. David Wilso n . 250 OPEN ; I. D.L Wood: 2. Kei th Mundie: 3. Shane Ed~;~~.: Ph~: J~ I. Wi ll ie 2. Ma rc Baker ; 3. H ar d in . OVER 2S NOV : I. C h ris Sl:oggins; 2. Ra nd y Mansell; 3. • Ric k Humphr ey:.. OVER 2.) INT : I. 8t'n Eva ns: 2. Greg Odorn: 3. 1 E uba n ks.. OVER 25 EX: I. Kei.lh Mundie; 2. J oe Jordan: 3. J oey Hardin . O VER 30 NOV : I. J eff Testa: 2. Mark Bmes; S. J im my F.~~!tR Md)O~ld: .5 INT: I. Jim Va ug h n : 2. Delbert 0 3. St'an KnAacK. m OV ER 30 EX: 1. WilliC' P h ~ : 2. J oe j or dc ; S. Jerry Joiner. OVER 40: 1. H euen Sm ith: 2. J ack Siegrist ; 3. Bill y Boyd.

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