Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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T he on ly A H RMA Nat io nal Cham pio n shi p Vintage MX on th e West Coast will also take place at Sandhill Ranch, April 14. With two-time Grand National Ch ampion Dick Mann th e host, th e event will fea ture th e popular P a s t Masters"race. Among th e rid ers co m milled to co m pe te are form er World Champion Brad Lackey, Jim Po meroy a nd Tom Rapp. The event will tak e on an international flavor with 10 Au stralian riders plus riders from Canada " nd England scheduled a to compete, according to Mann . Wo rld Champion John K ocinski was ho nored by his adopted hometown of Modesto, Californ ia , last week when he was named Area Ath lete of the Year in the Open division. Koci nsk i, who moved to no rth ern Ca lifo rnia from Li ttl e Rock, Arkansas, was testing in Aust ra lia and didn' t a ttend the awards ce remony in Modesto o n J an ua ry 29: R efer r i n g to the Team Marlboro Ro bert s Yamaha 500 he' ll campaign this year, the 250cc Wo rld Champion to ld th e Modesto Bee: "It's just a lo t more mo torcycle. My neck 's sore, my arms a rc so re and I'v e got blist ers on my ha nd s." Kenny Ro bert s cla imed the Modesto Area Athlete of th e Yea r award in 1973 a f ter he won hi s firs t Grand National Cham pio ns h ip title: European Superbike Champio n a n d newl y-sign ed Co m monwea lth Raci n g rider Ric h Arnaiz w ill joi n Fas t By Ferracci Du ca ti rider Doug Polen as g uests of C ircle Bell Ind ustries a t the trade-o nly Dea ler News Motorcycle Expo in Ci nci nnat i on Februar y 1618. The riders will be o n hand to au tog ra p h the ir sig na tu re T -shirts, which ar e part of Circle Bell 's America n H ero Coll ection. to a new location in Nevada: On April 19-21 th e races will be held six mi les north of downto wn Las Vega s o ff Interstat e 15 an d o ver $100 ,000 in conti ngenci es will be up for grabs. For m ore in formation co ntact th e Nat ional Motospo rt Associa tio n a t 213/868-8 112 . or 714/ 855-1602. ratt will leave for Europe to co nte st th e World Championship 125cc MX Seri es for Giunta Honda of Ital v. " I 'm lo okin g fo rwa r d to going ':' sai d Surrat t. "The tracks a re grea t, a nd my bikes are good. Pa sta ge ts o ld prett y fast , though !" After three years on th e l25cc MX GP circui t, Mike Healey will swi tch to th e 250cc G P class. The southern Californian will live in Belgium, and com pe te with a French license. " T he 125 class is for the old men and the new kid s." said H ea ley. " I 'm tired of that, and I'm looking forward to racing th e 250sl" Goat to the rescue: When a competi to r 's m o to rcycl e was stolen from so uthern Ca lifornia's Perris Raceway a t th e Jan uary 13 ro und of the G FI Ca li fornia Winter Series No rth -South Showdown, promoter Goat B r eke r took action to retrieve th e bi ke. Breker ~ tracked the stolen ma chine to a nearby residence and offered to purchase th e machine but his offer wa s refused. Breker th en shoved the suspect from th e bike, jumped o n and rode a way. H e later report ed the incident to th e police, wh o informed Breker that th e suspect ha d been a rrested for possessin g automatic weapons. AR RA road race a n no u ncer Kenny Kopecky, wh o fin ished second in th e so u t her n Cal iforni a club ' s 750 cc Su pe rs tree t Championsh ip in 1990, p la ns to intensi fy hi s race efforts for 1991. Kopecky will ride a Yam aha FZRlOOOin the O pen Production class a nd a Su zu ki G SXR750 in th e Superst ree t class. H e's a lso entere d the Dayto na 200 a nd wi ll com pe te in o the r se lected AM A N a t i o n al s as his a nnouncing an d A R RA sch edu le allows. G a ry M c D ona ld. gen eral manager of Kush ita n i, has a n nou nced th e signing of road race r Bruce Tebo , ru n ner up in th e WERA Formula USA Ser ies and ARRA Open Mod ified and Open Super Street class cha mp last year. Tebo will be flying Gary McDona ld Racing co lors in 1991, ca m paig ning a Suzuki GSX R llOO a nd a GSX R750 in the WERA F-USA an d 750 Superspo rt and AR RAF-1. The " ind ustry proj ect ," as McDonald ca lls it, has a ttra cted a long list o f ba ckers from within th e motorcycle industry. NAMED: Beth Sh aw to the position o f western adverti sing manager [o r Am erican MOlorcyclis,t .magazine, th e monthl y magazine or th e Al\lA . Sh aw m ost recentl y held a simi la r pos iti on at Motorcycle Ind ustry Magazine, Interested spe cta tors at the Sunbank 24-Hours of Dav tona ca r race were four-tim e World Ch ampion Eddie Lawson a nd th ree-time ch am pio n Freddie Spencer., Lawson was a g ues t of th e Bud Light J aguar team a nd was accompanied by his trainer Dean Miller . wh o worked for th e Bud Li ght team during the race. Bob Conway , head o f th e HarleyDavidson ra cing tea m , says he's leaving the position. " I' ve a p plied for one o f th e job openings in q ua lity a udit at th e York, Pen nsylvan ia, pl ant," sa id Co nway. " I was in vol ved in qu ali ty before ta ki ng over the racing team a nd a m look in g forward to mo ving back to th e eastern part of th e co u nt ry. I'm proud of my [our years as manager of th e ra cing tea m . We won the (Ca mel Pro Series) cham p io ns h ip in three o f th o se yea rs a nd de velo ped a tot ally new redesigned XR 750 motor. " Plagued wi th prob lems in its in it ia l rel ease la st year, th e new H arley mot or is n ow "very rel iable," acco rd in g to Conwa y. " It must be, because I'v e go t 20 orde rs sitting o n m y des k." Aft er th e last ro u nd o f th e CMC G olden State Nat ional s, Willie Sur - While we trust many o f yo u hav e been joining us in sending Cycle N euis a nd other publications to our troops in the Middle East, note th a t the U.S. Central Command has requested that m ail to service men a nd women serv ing in Operation Desert Storm be lim ited to first -class letters and audiocassettes. The Pentagon says the i ncreased movement of combat troops a n d su pport units req uires that transportation su p port m ust be first devoted to sustaini ng those troops. Belat ed word rea ch ed us [rom th e California Department of Parks and Recreation , tha t proposed acquisition of 2025 acres to be added to northern California' s H ollister H ills S t a t e Vehic ular Rec r eation Area will be discussed at a public m eeting this Thursday, February 7, at 7:30 p .m . at the San Benito High School Auditorium in Hollister. Sta te park planners will present a proposed la n d us e concept a t the meeting. Wrin en com ments, which must be received by February 22. may be a ddressed to Department of Par ks & Recrea tio n , O HMVR" Di vision, P.O. Bo x 942896 , Sacramento, CA 94296-0001. Check your local listin gs for tapede la yed telecasts of the Budw e is er Spe ed wa y I c e Racing W o rld Championship II whic h took p lace in Tucson , Arizona, on J a nuary 12. Part o ne of the event wi ll air on Sports c hanne l America on Saturday, February 16, a nd th e conclusion on Su nday, Feb ruary 24. The fir st race of the I.C. E.-p ro moted World Cup Ice Speedwa y Championship wh ich took place on February 2-3 in Kennew ick, Washin gton , w i ll a ir o n Sunda y, March 10, with th e seco nd n ight 's racing appearin g o n Sunda y, March 24. T he Concord Township, Ohi o based Lake County Off- Road Conservation Club, in response to the closure by the Lak e Metroparks of som e prim e ri din g areas in Lake County, "has p roposed th a t th e Merropa rks open an oll-roa d n a il ridi ng a rea wi thi n their borders a nd a llo w a n o bserved tria ls co m petitio n. T he club believes th at an obs erved tria ls is a good wa y to bridge th e ga p bet ween th e pa rk co m m u n ity and the off -road co m m u n ity. In support o f th e p ro posal, th e cl u b is as ki ng read ers in Lak e Co u nty a nd surrou nding co u n ties to write to th e Metroparks. T ell th em th at you su pport th e creation o f a n o ff-roa d trai l a rea a nd that you su p po rt hol ding a n o bse rved trial s with in the park boundary. Writ e to ; Mr. Leon Younger, Di recto r, Lake Merroparks, 11211 Spea r Rd., Co ncord Twp.. OH 44077. Jake VanVleet-owned team will co mpete in th e AMA /CCS Nationa l End uran ce Ser i es o n a Bu ell Harl eyDavidson. T he team ta kes th e pl ace of Van Vl eer ' s form er sq uad, T ea m Tumor GT U. The 20th A n n u a l NMA W orld M ini G rand P rix has been cha nged A P P O I N T E D : K1\IX Distr ibu tin g of Irwin , Pen nsylva n ia , as the exclusive U.S . di stributor o f Off Th e Wall Sportswear. KMX wi ll in troduce Off The Wall 's 1991 product line at th e trade-o n ly Cincinnati Dea ler Show, February 16-18. The purse at WERA Pro Series road races ha s been in creas ed. The tot al purse [or the F-USA class is $ 12,050 with the wi n ner co llecting $3200; the Fo rmu la II class wi ll carry a purse of $6350 with the w in ne r ea rn ing $1500; th e Dunlop Su perstock 1100 class will have a p urse of $ 1300 wi th th e winner ge tting $400; an d th e Future Stars class will pa y a pu rse o f $2000 with th e win ni ng Novice ride r ea rni ng $200. SOLICITED: Resum es fro m motocrossers seeking O ff T he Wall Sports wear sponso rshi p [or th e 1991 seaso n by KMX Distrib uting , 9571 Route 30, Irwin, PA 15642,4 12/863-9070. M ARRIED: Mike Bish o p , fo rmer Ca lifo rnia OHV Commiss io n cha ir man a nd Cycle News co n tri buto r , a n d Suzon Terry. o n Ja nuary 16 in Santa Barbara , Ca liforn ia. WERA al so a n no u nces th at [or th e seco nd year in a row, M etze le r T ire will be th e title sponsor [or th e Grand Nati onal Fin al a t Road Atla nta a t th e end o f O ctober. F ORMED: Ed Sa lley Ra cin g (ESR) by form er G ra nd National Champio nshi p Ser ies competitor Ed Salley. T he firm special izes in the preparation o f - -- - - - Continued on page 4 Road racers Scott Zarnpach , T ripp Nobl es a n d Nigel Gale will team up in l99 1to fon n T eam H ogGTU . The ------------------------------------------------ - ------------------ - - ------ SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Narne L; _ Address _ City Order Date State Zip _ Please start m y su bscriptio n to C ycle News: o Every week for one year (50 issues) fo r $35.00 (ca n be billed 3 mo nthly pa ym ents) o Ev ery week for two years (100 issues) for $65 .00 o Six m onths second cl as s (25 issues) for $ 18.00 One year (50 issues). 2nd class Canada o r Mexico and all o ther foreign countries $75.00 (U.S. funds). 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