Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ SUPERCROSS AMA Camel SUJ!ercross Series: Round 2 ~ More than 32,400 supercross fans sa w Jean-Michel Bayle move into th e Camel Supe rcross Seri es points lead after winning the main event in th~ Houston Astrodome. Frenchman Bayle salutes the crowd as he sails across the finish line, scoring his sixth Camel Supercross win . Bayle took the lead at the start and was never headed. BaylepaintsH oustonred By Ken Faught HOUSTON, TX,JAN. 26 ith his Honda the brus h and the Hous ton Astro do me his canvas, J ean-M ich el Bayl e bega n a painti ng tha t he hopes will en d up as a big go ld number o ne on a blue backd rop. T he Frenchman cruised to hi s fir st win of the year in the secon d ro und of the young seaso n and the victory moved th e forme r two-time World Champion into the Ca mel Supercross Series poi nts lead. He took o ver th e po ints lead from teammate and defendin g Supercross Ch am pi on J eff Stanton . wh o fell on the openi ng la p a nd finished seventh. " I' m trying to be cautio us," said 21year-old Bayle. " I don 't want to take any unnecessar y risks - I want to win the cha mp ionsh ip. Last year it (the cha mpions hip) would have been mine, but I go t hurt. This year is goi ng to be different. " A cro wd of 32,4 17 looked on as he led a ll 20 laps of .the Coors Ligh t Ch all en ge - a win that earned him $5000 of th e $30,000 250cc purse, plus, no doubt, a considerable sum in bonus and co n tinge ncy awards. • Young guns J eff Matiasevich and Dam on Bradshaw upheld American honors by ro unding out the top three. W 6 Mat iasevich collected $3500 for second an d Brad shaw $2000 for th ird. Kawa saki's Mat iasevich put up a sma ll fight in the early stages, but later fell off the pace and all owed the Frenchman to clea rly run away . Yama ha 's Bradsh aw, on the other hand, had to work hi s way through th e fie ld to ea rn h is spot o n the ros trum. T eam Suzuki 's T allon Vohla nd also took hom e a sizable paycheck - $2000 of the $8200 purse - for winning the 125cc Region al Supercross Seri es main event, which at H ou ston was o pen to bo th Eastern and Western Region riders. In additio n , Vohland's first-ever su percr oss victo ry bumped him into th e 125cc Eastern Re gi onal Series points lead. He was followed across the fin ish line by Western Regional riders J eremy McGrath and brother Tyson Vohland, wh o fini shed second and third respectively. "Last week in Orl ando I think could have do ne bet ter than th ird, but I didn 't want to make an y mi stakes that could have ru in ed m y chan ces of a titl e," said Tallo n Vohland. "Tonight I just rode as hard as I co uld and tri ed not to make any costly mistakes." In the 250cc class, Bayle finished

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