Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Vintage Classics GuikShop Bnt ish: 1969 Triumph TR6R. 1976 T140V. 1964 BSA A-SO C- 15. Italian; Ducat i 250. Benelli 250 . Barr acuda. Caprio lo 125, J apan ese: 19 60 Hond a CB92. 1969 Kawasaki 500 . 1972/74 Kaw asaki 750. Yam a ha Asc ot Scra mbler. All priced to sell fast . Call (61 9) 44 6-62B7 after 5pm w kdays. anytime w kends. CA. . (30 l -04 / C) 'Corbin Adds Comfort and Style To Ducati 851. Itali a n Rag Graphics a nd a Red Trim Welt. This is a Complete Bolt o n Unit. Vintage Racer 1974 CR250 Husky. mi nus frame. $600. (609) 29B5526 . CA. (30 2-05/ C) DUCATI851 1963 HONDA 305 DREAM. 99 % origi nal. second own er, exceue nt conditi on. $600. (904 ) 623-00 80 . FL "GunFighter" (102-0 3/C) . Vintage BSA' s/Bu ltacos/Huskys BSA 441 Vietor Special, 2600 miles. im maculate; 1951 Plunger Goldstar; B· SOM)(; Bu ltaco Pur . sangs. Sherpas. Al pinas. CR Huskys. (714) 6483994 . CA. (102 -04 /C) **Hodaka Parts** Shipped ANYWHERE UPS. 24 hour answering machine. We'lI call you backl PHILUPE SERVICES. (714) 5B2·B332. CA. (202/TFN/ C) 1974 CZ 400. NEEDS WORK. $250. Champ ion 250 Can-Am. $200. (21 6)722 -5227 . OH. (103-04 / C) Wtd : ' 7 4 Can -Am 250 Tank Fenders, Side Panels & Engine Parts (209) 252-9053. CA. (303-Q4 /C) GENERAL MERCHANDISE Italian F Graphics lag in Saddle Nose #85 1 - G $159.00 RZ 350 PIPES 1 3 HP Increase, 20 Ibs. lig hter th a n st ock , w ide powerband, 4 dba over stock. Reta ins side and center stands . $229 includes 4 a lumi num silenc e rs. R5 ·RD250/350 /400 Daytona e xh aus t. $189 inclu de s 2 alum i· nu m s ilencers . Kaw asaki H 1 / H 1 1 e xha ust. $229 inc lude s al u minu m silencer and hardware . r= ;(7 0 7 ) 800-538-7035 USA 800-662-62 96 ca« 800-663- 70 76 Canada 408-633-2500 Local 463- 1322 ,~ F.P.P.l816 -A Waugh Lane/Uk iah. CA 95 482 OEALERS70lSTRIBUTORS WElCOME b~.mbo Full Range of O.E.M . and ~. RACING Race Equipme nt including Stainless Steel Lines ·~FUEl:·== A unUie #1 in the Baja 1000 Honolulu, HI ( 8 0 8 ) 373-2322 Visalia.CA (209) 625-2900 1 988 KTM 600 LC4 Ingiewood, CA ( 2 1 3) 678 -68 11 Excell ent condition, 41 Mikuni. 3Yl gallon tan k. fr esh valve job and ri ngs. $2000. Call (6 19) 585 (303-04 ) 33 15 aft er 6pm wkda ys . CA. SanBemadino ,CA(7 1 4) 883 -8891 SanPedro,CA Happy Birthday To Bill Ba st ek. M ech an ic. sponsor, dad an d be st friend. Thanks for 24 years of rac ing, support and love. From...Greg. Chris and Mom . (30 3) The Clubrnan's Choice Easy to Buy, Easy to Service ( 8 0 5) 648-2000 Van Nuys. CA ( 8 1 8) 786 -8 180 SLATER BROS. Tot (509) 924-5131 FU (509)928-0918 DUCATI DUCATI DUCATI ,- . ~, Th e leader i n safe & r elia b le n itrou s kits for your race or =1 I :' lffiQ)o©&l~ U.S.A. ~ I'~ I 0 I stre et bike needs: GSXR. FZR. CBR, ZX et c. Ava il abl e . fro m 25 \0 100 ext ra HPII 1990 ZX-7 Fairing For Sale Nitrous ODde Systems, Inc. Complete . Best oHer. Call Loren. (406) 388-4993 (303 -04 ) 5930 Lakeshore Orive (7 14 ) 82 1·0 58 0 Cyp ress. CA 90630 FAX (7 14 ) 8 2 1-83 19 days. (406) 585 -99 92 eves. MT. Distributor for: ~ MARVXC Wheels (All Bikes) Cont i Exhaust Systems ~ Carburetors 110: Irfo); Tools Attention Dealersl High Pe rfor man ce S tre et and Racing Kits Orig ina l Pa rts/Service . Ca rbon Fib re Ra cing Parts: Tanks, Fairings. etc. ... Se ll Cycle News At Your Store Build floor traffic and make a profit as a franch ised Cycle News dea ler . 3 sale s programs to su it your needs. A sk about our No Risk Guaranteed Prof it program. Call our dealer sales manager right now for all the details . and start mak ing money selling Cycle News - Americ a 's Wee kly Motorcycle Newspaper. Call (213) 427 -7433. ask for Allen. 24 Hour Fax: (213 ) 427· 6685. Or write : Cycle News. P.O . Box 498. Long 8each. CA 90801. • (5SO ITFN) 160 Sea CIiH Ave.. Glen Cove. NY 11542 FAX 674-4001 (5 16) 674-3319 MRCONE STILL SPECIAUZES i. COIIeS, meg--' silencers, D-BelIds, c.lplete pipes. Call1lRCONE (702) 456-4177 Used '90 BMW Kl00LT, 1400 milos. $9500; used '90 Ducal i 851 . 3700 miles. 69500; new '90 Ducali 906 Paso. blue . $6400; new '87 Husky 2SOXC, 250WR. $1 995 each ; used ' 84 BMW K75T , Piech ler fairing. $4500. NATIONA L ROAD BMW DUCAT!. (61 4) 593 ·6690. OH. (303) -- ~~C'. . . . CENTERS IIii • • MOTORCYCLE 5050 ·'F" S teptoe A v e n u e Las Vegas, N V B9 12 2 Save BMW Ducati Husky Uo rorcycJlI SIIrvice. tunttUPS. IIcceSSOries lind tires. -~ JI/&& mj+- $ftten Convenienr c.Ji1""w Loations: U M;~ 1425 8 E. Impenlll Hwy (2 73} 94 6-34 59 Sun VM~'I9007 Sun/lind A... . (S I S) 768-9026 T~ 2466 W YOUR OUCATl/HUSQVARNAlKTM HEAD QUARTERS (708) 495-2273 ~ _ _ (708) 495-7942 FAX -- Sflpuhled68111fi A"."';m 828 W Vl!'fmoot A~ C ' tZ 13) 530-03 14 {714 j 774- 1049 Long 8eM:h 5210 Long BelJCh Blvd. (2 13/ 423 -88 78 South c;.r. 5861 FirflSlonB Blvd (2 r31927 ·6895 MOf'I'OVi6806 E. Huntmgton Om", (S I S) 303· 6382 Ultimate Race Truck ,...--Precision Cylinde r - - - , BORING S PECIA L: Bote .nd Cltutn & M.teh Ports - $ f 60 JLlt:Jltc;2iTsl ---- == - 460. auto. air . tilt. cruise, etc . Doub le sleeper. 18' box. 3-5 bikes . Make oHer. Wi ll go f astl. Rob. (714 ) (303 / P) 653 ·8447. CA. 1990 ATK 406 6 -speed eng ine. '88 fr ame . with all upgrades. $2200 . (818) 707 ·3459. CA. (303- 04) 1990 KTM 300 DXC New lap end & crank. low mileage. $3400. (8 18) 707-3459. CA. (303-04) KX60 Bolt-On Engine Kit I spent one year developing a handco ne pipe . paning , reedv8lve, for my nephew's KX60 . Smokes any ahermarket company's stuff. I've bought them alii (206) 367-4479. WA . (103) PII~C PortlneHe lmet Re saee Yln a: Down. y, CA [ v... (2 131862.(J828 ~ ~ ~ CAU FOR DEALE,. INFO M OTOC ROSS THE .f . ,ICEIN EUROPE, NOW IN THE U.S.AJ AMERICAN J AWA LTD. 18S EXPRESS ST .• PLA INV IEW . NY 11803 11. . . .3210 I F.x: 1'''''''-2150 . .... ~ MOTOACYa..E·ATV SUSPENStON SYSTEMS ~ AVAIlABLE AT YOUR L~ j ! :; PROGRESSIVE SlJ5IlINSD eUNOa NUT IUTI TIRE 1IE~ut UTI . ....." A ll parts rewound to manufacturers s pecs. using on ly the finest materials! m :\\'EI{ :\IOTOJ{CYC L E P.o. Box 1. Mica. WA 99023 What's hlppening? Cycle News .Calendlr. 1977 HARLEY XLCR. new Imr on paint. new M ichel ins. S&S " B" carb , fresh sproc kets & chains. less tha n 500 mi les on rebuilt engi ne & A ndr ews tr an sm ission. $38 00 / 0 BO. (407) 465 -0637. FL (103 /P) fi" ~~ ~ DEALER REQUEST ASTRALITE ( 2 1 3) 548 -6874 .VonlUra. CA e1.~ ~Y I NFO ON SERVICE Race Wh eel Technology by which All Ot hers are Judged Balwin Park.CA (818 ) 962-2451 1989 ATK 604 Electric Start nc. tl0 SE: MARCHESINI ot Very low m ileage. li ghts. sidestand. hand guards . odometer. $4900. (806) 797 · 7449 . (10 3-04) FA ST OEALER WIllE a'17& Baja Off Road Tours • A s Uti" on ··MoroWork/ ·· • XR 250 or XR600 bib. pro"id"" • Now IttMUring Whir . Bro s. Suspension • FilNsf riding sDuth 01,,,. bo,d., • P'.$ttnrfil by Chris H';" • • • VISA . M••t., CMd Acctlprfil 2!l108 M Mp 'll e Pll f Sufi. 8-126 M ls~ V" IO. CA 92692 W. . (7 14) 830-6569 . 1618 L AFAYETTE STREET OENVER. CO 80218 e ~

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