Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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take place at AMA/CCS events. The excep tio ns will be vin tage-only races March 2 at T all ad ega, March 4 at Daytona, and September 14 at Steam boat Springs. Colorado . T ha t move, according to AH RM A, was mad e in response to requests from racers for more tra ck tim e. AHMRA will a lso offer vintage roa d racer s a n ew S howcase Crown Se rie s wh ich will be held in conjunctio n with six AMA National meets. These events will feature competi tions in Class C, Prem ier 500 an d 750 Gra nd P r ix classes w it h National titles awarded in each class . The Showcase Crown Series events will take place at Road Atlan ta, Loudon , Road America, Mid-Ohio. H eartl and Par k T okpeka and Willow Springs. Finally, AHMRA has also an no unced that a specia l perpe t u al t r ophy a crown with th e cha mpion 's name on it - will be awa rded in each class to the rider who scores the most po ints in four Show case events, Daytona , Steamboa t Springs and three addi tion a l H istoric Cu p Series rou nds. Each class cha mpion will also receive an American Eagle, a one-ounce go ld coin , a t season's end. Intern ati onal Cycl e Eve nts, I n c. , p rom oters o f the J uly 4th Motorcycle Week at North Carolina 's Charlotte Motor Speed way , has secured track tim e for testing at the track. Part ies interested in testin g on Marc h 18-19sho u ld contact David Graham at 704/251-060 I. Road racer Lee Shierts, who suffered serio us injuries in an off-road riding accident recent ly, said that contrary to what we printed in our Jan uary 16 issue, he will not be co mpe tin g in the Dayton a 200 th is year. Shi erts, who fin ished fourth in the 1990 AMA 250cc GP Series, said, " I brok e my back and have two six-inch rods in it. They'll stay in for 12 months and I' ve been advised not to race du ring tha t period . I'm lucky, though , becau se my back doesn 't hu rt. My feet do; I brok e bo th of them when I landed feet first after corni ng off a four-story drop-off." Shierts will remain bu sy whi le sidelin ed, having just opened Lee's Cycle Service, a performa nce ori ented sho p in San Diego. California. " We have o ne of the new Class laser a lig nme nt systems and a dyno is on .the way ," said Shi erts. Like the Marin e Corps, Team America is look ing for a few good men . The d iffer en ce being Ma ryl a n d- b a sed T eam America is seeki ng " AMA superbike riders " for its endurance road race team which wi ll contest the AMAi'CCS Endurance Challenge in both the GTO and GTU division s. Int erested parties sho uld call Ra ndy or Frank Slaug hter at 301/ 248-3351. tion. T he breakfast will celebra te th e 50th ru nni ng of the Daytona 200 race. Former Dayton a 200 win ners will be present and hi storic winning motorcycles will be on display. The breakfast will cost $10 per plate and additio na l contributions to the tax-exemp t founda tion are encouraged. Seati ng is lim ited and reserva tio ns, incl udi ng a check in the amount o f $10 per perso n, shou ld be sent immediately to AMH F Breakfast. P.O. Box 6114, Westerville, OH 43081-6114 . Include name(s ) and phone number(s). The AMHF will confirm reservations by mail. 94159-0129. The deadline is February 7. The West Valle y O c cupational Center in Woodland H ills, Californ ia. is starting its 24th year of Vocational Motorcycl e Me c h a nic s train in g. Enrollmen t is now open for the next class which sta rts February 4. Students who successfully complete two semes ters wi ll receive an indus tryrecognized certificate of completion. For more information, call 818/3463540. The Southern Califo rnia Endu r o Club is back! And wi th it a "fa mi ly" end uro series that gets underway with the Candy Ass End uro on February 10. According to Ron Webb , who says he will try this series and hope to be able to put on more events . the remaining rounds will ta ke p lace on March 10, Apr il 7 and Ap ril 28. For more information, call Webb at 714/689 -6114. The opening round of the S. U.D.S. Se ri e s -Miller Challenge OffRo a d Series, which was scheduled to take p lace February 2-3 at G len Helen OHV Park in San Bernardino. California, has been rescheduled due to conflicts with ot her off-road events . The new openi ng date will be April 20-21 a t Glen He len, wi th the February event resched u led for Aug ust 17-18. For the first time mo torcycle classes have been added to the series, which featur es o ff-roa d car, tru ck, buggy and quad classes. T he events will alternate betwee n G len Helen OHV Park and a course in Tecate, Baja Cal ifornia, Mexico. Motorcycle Safety Fou n dationapproved courses are avail able in Missouri for both beginning and experienced riders. Graduates qualify for insura nce discounts wi th many companies . For more information, call 800/279-4 255 an d leave your na me and address . Toge ther a ga in ! T hree -ti me MX National Cha mpion Marty Smith has joined FMF Racing and wi ll trave l to selected supercross and Na tiona l MX events as FMF's nat ion al prom o.tions rep resentative. Smith received backing from FMF when he wo n 125cc Nationa l Ch am p ionsh ips in 1974-75. Former Daytona 200 winner Don Emd e will debut his new book, The Da y tona 200: The History of Americ a 's P r e m ie r Motorcycle Ra ce . at the AMHF breakfast. Emde and o ther former Daytona 200 winners will conduct an autograph session followi ng the break fast. In add ition, noted scu lptor Ste v e Posson, the creator of the Glory Days bro nze tha t is the symbol of the Motorcycle H eritage Museu m, will unveil h is new lim ited-edition bronze commemorating the 50 years of Daytona. Former National MX and Supercross Champion David Baile y and his wife Gina are expecting their second child. T he Bai leys are now making their home in the San Diego, California, area . Factory Suzu ki motocrossers Guy Cooper, Denny Stephenson and Larry Ward , and former Supercross Champion Bo b Hannah wi ll be on ' hand to sign autographs at La Habra Suzuki in Wh ittier, California, Ja n uary 25, between five and seven o'clock p.m., in co njunction with the following eveni ng's Anaheim Supercross. For more infor ma tion call 2 13/691 3273. Yamaha has pos ted 53,000 in contingency prizes for th e D e Anza Cycle Park Stadiumcro s s Series which consists of 10 events; the first ta kin g pl ace at the southern Californ ia track on Febru ary 24. J im Underwood, 91. a long-time motorcycling enthusiast, passed away in m id-December in Hemet, Californi a , following a lin gerin g ill ness . Unde rwood was ever-present at motorcycle events in the 1930s and following WWII he was best known as a partner in th e LeBard & Underwood dealersh ip. After his retiremen t from th e motorcycle agency, Under wood still ma intained co ntac t with h is many mo tor cycling friends throu gh inv olvement with the T railblazers (a fra tern al orga n ization of early day motorcyclists). Gods peed, J im! - Ron Aldrich of La ncas ter, California, is reviving the CZ Club of America. Membersh ip is open to all cz., Jawa and ESO owners. The club expects to host field meets, swap " meets and vintage bike-o nl y practice sessions at a sout hern California track in the near future. For more information , call 8051 946-2728. Worl d Cha mpion J o h n Kocinski and fo rmer World Champion Kenn y R obert s wi ll be hon ored by th e Motorin g Press Associati on a t th eir an nual awards banquet in San Francisco, J an uary 25. For th e seco nd stra igh t year, Kocinski has been named Motorcycle Racer of the Year. Roberts has been named Motorsportsman of the Year for his efforts as owner of Team Marlb oro Roberts. H o sPITal S top : Southern Cal iforn ia mo tocrosser Dere k N a tvig suffered a ru ptured disc and five brok en vertab rae in a crash a t the CMC Golden Sta te Nationals ro und at Adela nto , Cal iforn ia, Jan uary 5, and temporari ly lost feeling and movement in both legs. Na tvig underwent surgery to repair the dam age a nd is current ly undergoing therapy. Cards and letters may be sent to Na tvig a t Northrid ge H ospit al Med ical Cent er, Roo m 3315B, 18300 Roscoe Blvd. Northridge, CA 91328. T he America n Motorcycle Heritage Founda tion (AMH F) will holdTis th ird ann ual M otorcycle H erit a ge F o undation breakfast at 9 a.rn, on Saturday, March 9, in th e ma in ballroo m of the Howard Johnson at 600 N. Atlantic Avenue in Dayton a Beach. The guest speaker a t this year's breakfast wi ll be two-time World MX Champio n J eff Smith , who will discuss the growi ng in terest in vintage motorcycling in both America and Europe. Smith is the newly appointed executive director of th e America n Historic Racing Motorcycle Associa- After eigh t months of instru ction and so lo fl yi n g , associate editor K i t P alme r took his private pilot check flight o n Friday, J an uary 18, a nd afterwards received his FAA Airman Certificate. Congra tulations, Ca ptain Pal mer. W ERA r oa d r a c e r s who wish to be included in the 1991 WE RA Pro Series Road Racin g Program should send a p hoto. short bio and racing resume to P.O. Box 590129. San Francisco. CA New Hampshire International S pee d w ay has announced that the 68th Annual Loudon Classic in J un e will now run as a full week's program. The week will kick off wit h A MA /CCS Amateur road races on June 8-9 and will conclude on June 16 with the Loudon uperbike Classic, a round of the AMA National Superbi ke Cham - - - - - - Continued on page 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ------ - - -SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name _ Addr ess _ State City Order Date Zip _ _ Please start my su bsc ri ption to Cycle News: D Every week for one yea r (50 issu es) for $35.00 (can b. billed 3 monthly pa ymen ts) D Every week for two years (100 issu es) for $65.00 D Six m onths seco nd class (25 issu es) for $ 18.00 Oo e year (50 issues), 2nd d aM Cana da or Mexico and all other foreign coun tries S75.00 (U.S. fund s). First dan a nd airmai l ra ta a vai la ble u pon req uest. This is a renewal Pl ea se bill me Bill 3 p ayments of $ 11.67 En clo sed is m y check or m oney order Charge m y D Visa D Ma stercard 1Ai - iIiiO:] . D D D D :. Signa tu re , I'lSO I I MCI Visa # _ _ Expiration Da te _ Send to; Cycle News, Inc., P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 213/427-7433 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

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