Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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regrouped from his early-race confrontation wi th Schmit to round o u t the top five. It was late afternoon when the main too k to the track, which was now rutted and rough fro m a fu ll day of competition. Whe n the dust sett led from the start it was Bader Manneh o ut front with Pederson, Schmit, Moody, Chamberlain and Lawrence all following in very close formation. On the fifth lap Manne h swapped out of control down a fast straight and went th ro ugh the ban ners , giving the lead lO Lawrence since he had passed Schmit moments earlier. Law rence quickly p u t day light between himself and Schmit while Chamberlain closed in third. At th e halfway point, Lawren ce was flaw less up front while Schmi t rode h is shadow in second. Chamberl ain began to sli p back in thi rd whil e Pederson was fourth and closin g. On the fin al laps La wrence hastened hi s pace and pulled away fro m Sch mit to earn the win, Pederson passed Chamberlain lO finish third. Schmit showed wh y he is the l25cc World Champion with a start lO fini sh romp of the firs t 125cc Pro m oto , Lawrence and Lewis had a seven -lap battle for second that almost resulted in tragedy for bot h riders. "He tried to squeeze inside, I moved over and he hit the ledge below the turn and somehow launched in front of me," said Lewis . Lawrence closed on Schmit in the fina l laps bu t time ran out before he was with in stri king distance. Lewis fin ished a lo nely th ird in front of Moody and Craig Canoy. Dave Castillo holeshot th e seco nd mo to bu t Lawrence quickly too k over the lead by the third turn. Schmit moved to second th en squirted by Lawrence for the lead by th e com p letion of the third lap. Lawren ce' kept the World cha mp in sight bu t was un abl e to mount an y sort of charge. Kyle Lewis started sixth an d finish ed third in front of Ch amberlain and Ch ad Pederso n. Greg Perol io rode on both tracks as he was entered in the Vet Novice d i visi on two and 250cc Begi n n er di vision o ne classes. Perolio was king of the 250cc Beginner class with a double-moto romp over Patr ick Fringer and Sal Ugarte. Perol io was off to a repeat performa nce in the Vet Novice diviso n with a win over Ra ndy Paul in a n d Ji m Peters. Bu t Pa u li n was dete rmined in the second moto and took the mo to and overall win over Perolio, wh o finished second in front of Jim Harris. Da mo n Huffman swept all four motos in th e 250cc Intermediate division o ne and 125cc Intermediate division two classes . Huffman and Billy Felts waged war in both 125cc In term edi ate rnotos and left th e pack far behind. In both outings the two Kaw asaki rider s sta yed cl o se and exchanged the lead frequently with Huffm an pushing ahead in both rnoto s for the win. Freddie Villagra finished a distan t th ird in front of Bill Sauro and Jake Trist. Steve Drew topped perform an ces in 125cc Interrndiate division one an d 250cc Intermediate division two classes as he won all four motos in a smiliar fash ion. Ryan Johnson led a good part of both 125cc Intermediat e di vision o ne rno tos but wa s reeled in by Drew both tim es. Once into th e lead Drew simply disappeared. Sea n Pagel did n' t get good starts and spent much of bot h rno tos fig hting th rough th e pa ck to finish seco nd. Ran dy Danylo wa s strong in both rnotos but crashes and mistakes backed hi m in to a third place LA HABRA SUZUKI 1200 West Whittier Blvd., La Habra, S:A 90601 213-691-3273 January 25,26,27 714-871-5211 SUZUKI "The ride you 've been waiting for " * TEAM SUZUKI OPEN HOUSE * '90 RM SALE Plus RM-80L $1,599 Tax And RM-125L - $2,599 - Ucense RM-250L - $3,099 - Fees '89 RMX-250K - $3,199 January 25,26,27 Meet Team Suzuki Factory Riders January 25, 1991 5:00pm to 7:00pm * GUY COOPER * * LARRY WARD * * IKE YOU N G DENNY STEPHENSON * *M * Free Performance Kit La Habra Pro Support Rider D ~250S - $2 Meet Suzuki's Super Star * BOB HANNAH * * PAT ALEXANDER R M ProS upport 'Ma na ger * LA HABRA SUZUKI 1200 West Whittier Blvd., La Habra CA 90601 714-871-5211 213-691-3273 ZUKI ~1YA~W ~~~ ~~I'U'I~"II'T~",ME IN AND MEn SOME OF SUZUKI'S IE MOTOCROSS RIDERS! IKE La Rocco BUDDY Anftnez """'IIL. Tetherton RAY Team Manager riday, January 25th - 5:00pm 7:00pm~*VY ~MSUPERCROSSSAL~ ALL WEEKI SUZUKI·KAWASAKI AlIi 1 RM. ON SAIl 1990 RM80 1599.00 1990 RM125 2509.00 1990 RM250 2989.00 1990 RMX250 3095.00 COUNTRY . -~ . , 2057 N. Hamner Avenue Norco, CA 91760 :~Z::!"".-:~·~ Call For More Info '.: ~~~·:.¥;..:~:~ 7 1 4 - 7 34 - 0640 .. - 714-359-8546 J--!'..7o.==•.!..}jj:~ - All Prices Plus Tax. License, Doc, Set Up NEW VIDEO .RELEASES , . . Now Available Through Cycle News Action Theater nr Grand National llVt I fUU\ IIMtW 1DmREVIEW .Dirt Track Series Championship ~A (# 210) " AMA Videos" ho~t Dave Despain has maintaine d fo r years that the Ca me l Pro Series of AMA Grand Nat ional dirt track races is the most competitive fo rm of motorsports in America . This tape pro ves he knows what he '. talking a bout. . The ba tt le fo r the $100,000 championshi p see-sews between Scott Parke r, two-time and defending cham p, and his Harley-Davidson ·teammate Chris Carr, the leading candidate to take away Scotty's crown . Those two dom inate the standings, but t hey are constantly harassed by Honda-mounted privateer Ronnie Jones. w hose late season win at Asc ot Pa rk was a he8 rt~warmer . Here are all the highlights fo r a ll 1 6 races t hat determ ined the 1990 championship. Four and five ca me ra coverage of most events guarantees your closest look ever at the 130 mile -per hour action. Relive the turning points in the championship struggle ... Carr's bla ck -flag at S pringfie ld, Parke r' s cras h-aed-wtn miracle at San Jose. and the d ra mat ic season"s finale at Sacramento. Re ta i! pric e o n this re lease It's the 1990 Camel Pro Series in rev iew. Dirt track racing $28.95, includes shipping. was never betterl From Despain Videos. To Order Videos', Use The Video Order Blank Elsewhere In This Issue Of Cycle News 13

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