Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RLOCAL EVENTS ~ Hicks triumphant atMontrose MX By Hurley and Dot Short Joh~ Schafer (360) leads Robert Biggerstaff (296), Scott Runion (124) and 250cc Novice class overall winner Keith Hicks (302) into the first tum at Montrose. . . I~nl:th s of Keller at the finis h. Bot h were riding separate classes and carded overall win s in the Up T he H ill an d 30-40 Pro classes. respectively. Resu lts 125 PR O : I. Jeff Dai ly (lion); 2. M i k~ H a m n~n 3. Do n Bisceg lia (S uz). [Kaw]: . 250 PR O : 1. Terry Hamness (Kdw); 2. Gar y Beyer (KT M) 3. Kl"nn y O IM'n ( K..a . w) • PC'? ~~ JR: I. Steve Evense n (lion): 2. Bill Bishop; 3. Ori s O PEN BEG: I. John Lewis: 2. Mati Buh r; :i. l awn Smit h. 250 t NT: 1. Rod Co mstock (la w); 2. Steve Lewb ( ); 3. Dave Akerman (Kaw ). 250 J R : I. ~ y ;m Leac h (Yam) ; 2. C u rt i!!> Allen (Kaw ); 3. Allen ~aleclu (Ra w); 1. Chopper Lyn n ( Y am ); 5. Dave' Kol:~tmk (V am) . 2.")0 BEG: I. (;(orald .Pius ; 2. Bill Rush; 3. Mikr Nova: 4. james McKean: 5. O ms Lusk. 125 INT : ,I. RY Ha gemann: 2. Eric Rogt'U: 3. To ny iIR Renfro; 1. Mike Bu(' ; 5. J ason Pearson, 125 JR: I. Chad Reed; 2. Cur tis Allen : 3. Mon ty Haml : 1. Andy Crosby ;.5. Malt Wh itlaker. 1:8 BEG: 1. Cary Terle<:ki: 2. Oaris Houdek; 3. Aaron Crawford ; 4. Brad Hrunbl; 5. Oalr Co na. RO 'NT: I. Cnry Fu ller: 2. Tim Ho las. 80 J R: I. J n l Y Will iam s: 2. Dou g McKu hn ; ! . Kory R;nmuMtf'n: 4. R~rt Holt grew; 5. Dan j oh nson . 80 B ~C: I. !:tus. f:1I Cree; 2. DUM)' l..maburg; 3. Rya n \ T t'~lock l ; 4. Chm Mty rn; 5. Jelf Lo ngie. 60 SR: I. Robt'r l Hoh gr~ : 2. Dusty unaburg. R:d : 1. CITK Blackwt'l1; 2. Isaac Dawson: 3. Jamn t'~ Va~~~~i~k.lkanna Holb roo k: 2. Susan Smith: .5 Jeanne . P/W : I. I~ Da wwn; 2. C reg Hladwd1 ; 3. Uam Daw$Of\. OT EX: I. j im Han is: 2. Mike Hi ckman : .5 Jerry lkwilL . OPEN INT , I. Rob I.r.och (KTM). 30-40 PRO : I. Mark C l'qI; on (Kaw). s UTH: I. Rod Kdlt'r: 2. Dave Akerma n : .5 Blakt' La n do n . . Hagemann hot at Salem AX By Clay Light SALEM, OR JAN. 12 , H on da-moun led Ryan Hagemann dominaled bo th 125cc Interm ediale class molos du rin g the second nigh t of a thr ee-race Arenacross weekend al the J ackm an -Long Arena , Ha gemann len ded 011 furi ou s rallies from Ern ie Robens and Eric Rogers 10 even lua lly PUI a consi derably hu ge deficil on Ihe rest of the field , Rob erts was H agemann 's closesl loe in the Iirsl molO, whil e Rog ers and Mike Boe lra iled. Owas mu ch the same as H agem ann Mota tW blurred 1 Ihe head ol lhe pack wh ile the resl 0 of the field loo k turns crashi ng each olher ~u ~. H agem ann had a good-sized lead al Ihe Iint sh, lollowed by Rog ers. wh ile Rob erts collecled th ird. Mark Gre gson lOPped lhe firsl 30-'\0 Pro !D OlO. j~sl a head of Ron ~illiga n. Milligan Jumped 1010the lead earl y 10 molo IW whil e O, Gregson was caugh l mid pa ck. Aller displacirlg severa l riders, Gregson moved 10 second and closed 10 within stri ki ng distana: before dropping oll lhe pa a:. " I ran over my [OOt in the first mot a to said Gregson . " It hurl prelly bad, so I had I~ slow down a bil," Gregson slill managed second overa ll a fter 1·2 performances, whi le Gary Beaver's 3-3 pla cings nelled him Ihi rd. Yamaha rider Isaac Dawson rod e qu ile imprtssively in hi s I-I stra ng lehold of Ihe Pee Wee cIass, bea ting G reg Blackw ell who wasn'l more than a wheel away from D~wson th roughoul Ihe lirs! molO. Blackwell had m",:hanical pr,?blems in Ihe second o uti ng whIl e JOcked 10 a bar-I o-bar ba ilIe wilh Dawson . givi ng Ihe second Spol 10 Kelvin Schoen. Blackwell SlOPped Dawson 's cha nces of a double class wm after bea ling him 10 the checkered nag in Ihe second molO of lhe 60cc Junior cIass. Sehoe n nelled th ird overa ll after 3-3 show ings. In the 60cc Senior class . Roberl Ho ltgrew maneuv er ed th e jump-l in ed _ u rse well co eno ug h to cap ture the overall win in the class. Hohgrew go t some exlra breathin g Tffi when Jessy Williams enco untered problems in bOlh molOS, allowing Dusly Lenab urg 10 swoop up Ihe n umber IWO spot overa ll. Fo llo wing Len aburg at the fini sh line were Jason H anson and Mike Merins. Results P/W : 1. Isaac Da wson: 2. Kevin Schorn; 3. Lia m Dawson ; -4. Bty;1O Swarm : 5. Bran, Brew er . . 60 JR: I: Greg Blackwetl: 2. Isaac Da w!lOn: .5 Kevin Schoe n: 4. Andy FIsher ; 5. JClmes Rovilli er. 60 SR: 1. R:obn-t ~ oh ~ew ; 2. DUll Y Lcnab urg: 3. Jaso n Hanson ; 4. Mike Mt'n na ; 5. Jared Santos. KO JR : t. Doug McKuhn; 2. J('!IoloY Williams.: 3. Robert Holtgre w; 4. Dan j o h n son : S. ] aM>n Sail . 80 INT: I. Mike DIven ; 2. T im Hol as. B~~~~f ~~~ Jh~:1l: T er lecki: 2. Dal e Corra; 3. Brad 125 BEG 0 ·2: I. Aaron Crawford: 2. Brandon White; 3. Dan DeHut; 4. T im Basl, 125 JR; I. Chad R~ : 2.Matt Krau~; 3. Mont y Harri s, 1250 INT: I: Ry;;m Hagema nn : 2. Eric Rogns; 3. Ernie Rube ns ; 4. MIke Bot'; 5. Tony Renfro. 1:8 PR O: I. j eff Dai ly: 2. Gary Ik'yrr : 3. Britt Woodri ng; 4. Chad Berry: 5. Krony 01 ~n. 250 JR: 1. Ryan Leach ; 2. Mikt' WoUord; 3. Stev e Lora ine 250 INT: I. MOnlYHill: 2. Rod Co m l lock: 3. Travis 2.SO PR O : 1. Gary Ik-yrT~ 2.. Ron MiIIig-m : 3. Marlc. G~ n . . ~40 PR O: 1. Ron Mllhgan ; 2. Mark Gr~ n; 3. C ary Baver. UTH : I. Rod Keller: 2. Da~ Aknman : 5. Rick Lun d. O PE N BEG: I. J ohn u wis; 2. Mall Ruhr : .5. Waynr PlamquisL O PEN I. Jeff Pa pke: 2. Pau l Trnny' .5 Stt'V(' Evt'n~ . . OPEN NT , I. Rob, I.r.och, OT EX: 1. Mikr Hickman: 2. Ji m Harris: 3. Jt'tT)' lk-Wiu. W~ N : l. Swan Smith ; 2. uurir Slang('; 3. j ran ne Van Rusk-uk: 1. Ikanna Holbr ook : 5. Lisa Ca ni~)Tl . Berty: lR: Burger chews up DeAnza MX By Greg Robertson SUNNYMEAD, CA, JAN. 13 Yamaha YZ250-mou nted Russ Burger PUI logelher a per fecI 1·1 score 10 caplure Ihe overa ll win ' in the Over The H ill Ga ng Begi.nner class al D eAn ~ Cycle Par k. . T n!, McCu e blasled In IO Ihe early lead in th e IITsI molO, foll owed by Bur ger. Jim . McCo nn ell a nd John Gu s. enhoven. By the second lap Burger was lead in g with Gussen· hoven looking for a way around McCue. Once pa st McCu e, Gu ssenhoven set out after Bur ger bUIran OUI W time, and had 10sellle for second over McCue and Greg Ga rland. McCu e led the firsl lap in mo lO IWO in Iront of Gussenhoven and Burger. bu t they soon passed and lhen pulled away Irom McCue and the rrsl of the pack. BUlger'S studying of ~ussenhoven 's lints throughout the mOlo paId olf as he mad e the. pa ss on the final lap. Gussenhoven look second overall with 2-2 fin ishes . Garland gol around a fading McCue 10 finish the molo in Ihi rd for th ird overall. Don Ryan smok ed Ihe rtsl of the Novia: class up Ihe starl stra ighl and stayed in from fo~ five laps. Randy Wessels held second befor e bemg passed by Mark En sign and Richard Purcell who were working up lrom poor starts. Purcell reeled in Ryan and wilh one lap remaining mad e Ihe pass and won Ihe firsl molO. Ensign finished Ihird ahea d of Bob Ch ocas. Chocas holeshol the second mOlo and never looked back. Pura:ll galed in sixlh a nd worked up 10 Ihird beh ind Ch ocas and Jack TrOller. Pur~ll and Troller had a good bailie thaI earned them 10 within striking distan a: of Choca s. PUla:ll ca me up 10 leel sho n of Chocas al the finish. With 1·2 finishes Purcell collecled the firsl pla a: tro phy. . Bob ~per look home lhe"cash payback 10 the maugural running of the OTHG Pro class by domina ling bolh mOlos. Pat J:I~bbs fi!,i .shed s~cond overa ll with 3· 2 flm shes, ndmg a dllleren t borrowed bik e in each mota. 'R tsults BEG: I. RUM Burger (Yam ): 2. John CuumhoW"f'l (KT M)' 5. ~rq: CMland ( Hon) : 4. Ti m McCut' (Hon) ; 5. Rolland Skmner (ATK ). . NOV: l. Richard Pu rcell (Suz); 2. Bob Owns (Yam); .5 Don Ryan ( Ya m )~ 4 . ]ac~ Trottn (Kaw ): 5. Wn Roll ins(Y am). INT: 1. Joe Licnardi (Ho n); 2. John Churilla (Yam); 3. Ma~k Howard (Suzl: 4. Mart y Westerma n (Kaw); 5. Loui e Spnngn- ( Hon) . PR O : I. Bob CasPf:'r (Sw): 2. Pat HublH. (Yam)·.5 Carl Gazafy (Hon); 4. Mike Sixbrry (Ra w). • . RAEFORD, NC, JAN. 1 3 Keith H icks scored the overa ll win in the 250cc Novice class a t Montrose Motorsports Park thi s weeken d, pos ting a perfect I- I score en route to his victory. Joh n Schafer holeshor the firs l250cc Novice mo to, Iollowed by '-:ee Kiser, H ea th Addy, Jon Boser and Keith H Icks. Scha fer extended his lead as Kiser, Addy and Boser co n tinued 10 race beh ind him. Hicks moved up and too k over the lead dro p p in g Schaffer ba ck 10 second. At th e lin ish it was Hi cks, Schafer, J ared DeCamps a nd Joe Protor. Scha ler grabbed the ho leshot in th e second mot o wit h DeCamps. Boser, Kenny Mills and Scon Runion closin g in, On the first lap , DeCamps loo k over and dropped Scha ler to second. Boser was in third and Todd Hi nson moyed 10 fou rth . DeCamps extended hi s lead , while Schafer and Boser were racing lor second a nd th ird positions. Hicks won foll owed by DeCamps. Boser a nd Hi nson. H icks was the overa ll win ner for the da y. .Ronald Dob bs, Tor In gebrigtsen , Vann GIbson and MIke Privett e sho t off the line in the Iirst Plus 25 moto, The top three held their po siti ons whil e R.] . VanBonel moved 10 lourth. BUI Ted Orr dropped VanBonel back 10 fil th posi tio n. Ronald Dobb s continued to lead a nd won th e mota wit h Ingebrigt sen, Gibson, Orr and Van Bonel close behi nd. On the second ti me OUI. In gebrigtsen stole th e ho lesh o t w hile Gi bson, Dobbs a n d Vanfsortel tried to catch h im. Gibson sna tched the lead a nd set sail, putting a 101 of space between himself and th e field . It was a close ra~ betwee n Ingebrigtsen and Dobb s, bUI Glbso,! earn ed the lOP honors follo wed by lngebn gtsen , Dobbs and Orr. Gibson was overa ll winner lor the day. Ca ven Woodruff controlled th e lead in the first moto of the O·85cc (7-13) class, while Brent Lough was second . Both lead ers went down and Milch ell Hodges and Joh n Morrow loo k ~dva'!tage of Iheir bad luck , moving quickly IOtOfust and second . Hod ges moved out ahead of the pack, wh ile Woodruff moved back im o second posi tio n and Lo ugh took over th ird. Hodges secured Ihe wi n lo llowed by Wood ruff, Lough , Morrow an d Kevin Bean. Hodges was firsl off Ihe lin e Ihe second lim e around, wil h Wood ruff , Lo ug h a nd Morrow close behi nd . H odges held on 10 Ihe lead a s Lough m ~>ved 10 second , Woodruff dropped 1 Ih ,rd and Morrow remained in 0 fou rth. Hodges aced Ihe second molO an d ~oodru ll. Mo~ow , Lo ugh ' and Bea n were 10 close pursUlI. Hod ges landed Ihe overall lor Ihe day. 60: I. Jo,!a~ha n Nuschl (Kaw); 2. Brando n PrlVllr (Kaw). Jt'5At' Criner (Ra w) : .5 . 85 7· 13: 1. Mitchell Hod~s (Kaw): 2. Cavrn Woodruff (K..Jw);.5. Jo hn Morro w (Sw:): 1. Rrn n Lo ug h (Sw); 5. Kevin Ik-. n (Kaw). . 85 12· 15: I. Cavnt Woodruff (Kaw); 2. Jeremy Croft (Kaw): ~~.;r.n Lo ulith (Suz); 4. Brad Lucas (Suz): 5. Dan ny t.rwis 125 NOV:. I. Kevin Si mplOn (Kaw) : 2. Chad Newt on (Suz); J~n Min or l..Lw ~ (Hon ). Results I. Todd ~laar (Yam) ; 2. Brandon McKay (Yam); Jo wahermire (Yam); ecta: 2. Ronn ie Gibson (Kaw). 3. p~ : j n&1(a i)() 1)..8: Kasten sweeps Mecca Indoor ST By AI Sumner Jr. M Il.WAUKEE, WI, JAN. 11·12 Steve Kasten nexed his mu scles ins ide Ihe Mecca Areria th~s weekend. dom in ating the two-day event. F!ida y Ihe 181h pre-en lranls were dIV Ided 1010 three heats wilh the top IWO of each tran sferring to the main events . T ony Kohoer and Joe Houpt ran 1-2 for the dura lion of Ihe firsl heal race wh ile J im Sumner overcame a back row star t and join ed the lead du o on lap IWO. Sum'!er's race ended a lap later when he sta lled hIS mOlor after taggi ng Houpl. Kaslen began his winnin g ways with heal raa: number IW as he led every lap. George O Istvan ek pow ered his Harley XR750 Iwin imo the main wilh a solid performance for second. The final heal saw Mike Ybema gra b the hol eshol, on ly 10 be passed by A.J. Sumner on lap one, and Mark Diesi a few laps laler . Sumner won by a comfortable margin over Diesi, who claimed the linal transfer spo l. Kasten ma de il two-[or~two after claiming the Dash For Cash over Kohner and Sumner. .Al the starl of the main evenl . Kaslen PUI hIS besl wheel forward and was never headed. Kohner remained wilhin stri king distance, but Kaslen never allowed an opponunity. Houpt, Sumner, Istvan ek and Diesl rounded out the Iield. On Salurday. Kohner continued his dom· ina n,:" of the heal. races by handily winning the hrsl of the mght over a hard·charging T erry Vestal. Heal IWO saw Jim Sum ner charge from behind 10 score the win over Brad Chrislenson. Kaslen claimed Ihe final heal race wi n over J oe HOUpl. The Dash For Cash again lealured Kaslen Kohner a nd Jim Sumner. The raa: was ~ carbon copy 01 Friday's. This ume. Kaslen pulled away. and Kohner began knocking over the cones inside Ihe corne rs. On lap three Sumner had dodged enough cones and pa ssed to claim second. In th e mai n event Kaslen grabbed Ihe holtshol a nd was never headed . Vtstal charged in to second and dosed in on Kasten but an op po rlu nily never pr esented itsell fdr Vestal to Improve his position. Christenson, Kohner. Sum ner and HOUpl filled OUI Ihe lield. or .qn Results 3. and quickly repassed. Gosselaar held onto the lead lor .the win .with McKay, Brooks and Waltertmre following; . Mo to IWO lea lured a n o the r dogfight between Gosselaar a nd McKa y. A battle erupted for third as Walterm ire loo k com mand o ver Brooks. Gosse laar to ok th e check ered nag up lront with McKay holding on to second. In the first 60cc 9-11 moto Michael Young and Rob ert Couse swapped the lead back and forth before Young finafIy got the upper hand on the last lap. Christopher Gossela ar held down th e number three slo t with Tyson ~il!l~mi~r takin g the win in the 0-8 year -o ld division In the numb er four pos ition. Mot o IWO wa s another dogfig ht bel ween Couse and Young. and it was a close duel until the sixth lap when Couse went down and. bro ke o ll h is clutch lever. Yo ung con u nued on for the win and Go sselaar took second , Couse th ird and T iul emier the win in the younger age bracket, (Suz): 4. Shannon Stewart (Kaw); 5. Bill y 1:8 AM: I. Jason Mor gart .(H f;lIl ); 2. T roy Bttwcr (Yam); 3. Wes Ca~ (Hon); 4. Sam Mltehiner (Hon); 5. Pa ui ck Grttr (Ho n). 2!)0 NOV: I. Keith Hi clu (Suz); 2. John Schafer (Suz); .5 . Jan'll IkCampi (SL!Z); 4. J on 805er (Hon):.5 . Lee Kiser (Han ). 250 AM:. 1. Cums U rpe (Kaw/: 2. James Hayes (Ho n); S. John Granano (Kaw); 4. Let: Wi Iiams (Yam). ~500. PR O: I. Ronald Dobb. (H on ): 2. T~ Orr (Hon ); 5. Mike Piera ( Ho~ l; 4. Van Gib son (Kaw). SCH BY: 1. PaUlck G ren ( Hon ); 2. Tiel Bruce (Kaw): .5. j elf Donal dt.on (KX); 4. John Sharpe (Ho n ); 5. Johnny Caymon (Xaw). TIl: 1. J on Woodw ard (Xaw); 2. A. x. Fm-ell (Han): 3. Glmn Slq)hm son (Suz); 4. Jam ie Ho lrolmb (Yam); 5. Mark Dona ldJon (Kaw ). 500 AM: l. ! or Ingcbriguen (Kaw);2. Todd Manhal (H on ); 3. Ikiln Hnon ( ; 4. Mark Xian (Hon) ;5 . Jerry Rober t.o n (Ho n). PL US 25: 1. Vann Gi blOn (Kaw); 2. Tor In~rigtJoen ( ~ w): 5. Ronald Dobb s (Ho n); 4. Ted Orr (Ha n): 5. Mike Privette (Kaw). PL US » I. Ou

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