Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Roper rips at Kangaroo Rat Trial By Do n Williams ROMOUND, CA, J."N. 13 T ryal s Shop-sponsored Todd Roper rode his Aprilia Climber ' 0 a clean third loo p to come lrom beh ind ' 0 beat lour-time and cu rr en t Ameri can Trials Association Champion Tom Hamann, 9-15, at the 2nd Annual Kangaroo Rat Assistan ce Project Trial o n a BL\f parcel east 01 Romoland. It was Hamann's first defeat a t an ATA event in a year. H amann led by a dab after "two loops, but Roper 's cl ean loo p pushed him ahead 01 Hamann wh o dr opped seven points on his lin al loop. The Southern Calilornia Trials Association sp~>nsored l l -secrion , three loop trial drew 80 rid ers and was round o ne 01 the ATA's 10round 1991 Championship Seri es. Rain ea rli er in the week eli m ina ted any d ust problems and provided th e trialers wi th nea rly unl imit ed tra ction . The sect ions were pr imar ily tight and techn ical with numerous o ff-cam ber turns in soft so il. The doses. battle 10 th e da y was in th e Senior (30+) Novi ce clas s. Fantic riders Mik e Rieser an d Jerry Peasna ll fin ished wi th 28 points each . Reiser had to co me lrom behind to win o n clea ns, 19-18, alter he scored hall 01 his dar 's points on the fir st loop. Ian Griffin, a so o n a Fantic, was four poin ts behind in th ird place. three points ahead 01 Yama ha -mounted J eff Seiler t , ATA Sportsman Thorn Engelhardt go t a good start in defending his n u mber on e p la te by bea ting Guy Smi th, 63-65, wi th cons isten t loo ps 0122,22 and 19. Smith 's best and worst loops varied by a dozen dabs. . The lo w scori ng Sp~>nsman 01the da y came from the Sen ior division. Pete Croft rod e h is Yam aha TY350 to th e o n ly sin gle-digit loo ps in th e cla ss. A senior a lso had th e low sco re in the Interm ed iat e cla ss. Santa Maria n J oe Sla ughter coasted h is Fantic 247 to a 28-37 win o ver Mark Mill er. . Veteran (50+) Novi ce rider Dave Stanley easi ly grabbed th e low score in his class with a to tal 0118 p?ints. Sen ior division rid ers Ralph Thomukie a nd Matthew Schmok e ba ttled all day lor th e low est ove ra ll Begi nner to tal. Tbomukie, o n a n vintage Kawa saki KT250. came o u t.o n top by clea ni ng 31 01 33 sections o n his wa y to a 4-7 victory over Schmok e. The Beginner cla ss wa s an a ll twi n-s hock affair with Yamaha TYl75 rider a nd Beginner number o ne pl a te holder Debi Lazzara beating YTBO-mounted Steven Varn ell, 34-38. Kris Ri eser rod e hi s Fan tic 240 to third wi th 53 points. Results C SH IP: I. Todd ROpt'f (Ap r); 2. T om Hamann ( Ikt:) ; .5 . Kevin Nor ton (Fan): 1. Ma lt Pri tchard (Yam): 5. Mall H_ d (Bet l. SPTSMN: I. Thomal Englr-hard l (Fan): 2. G uyS mi lh ( Bt1.): 5. Robm: M:tdden (Rd); " . DlQn~ F~land (Merl. SR (30"') SPTS MN: 1. Pr-te Cro C (Yam); 2. OiV(' Ha n non t (Filn); 5. Kml G rilha m (Apr ): 4. Day~ Rm or (IMot); 5. Randy Minler (Bct ). S/S R (10+) SPTS MN: I. Art Wt'bll er (lkl): 2. J ohn Bourtkau (Yam). (NT: I. Brad McClr-lIi1nd. (Yam); 2. J im Rogns ( Bt1.); 5. Paul Jo hnlO n (Yam); 1. Roga G U4llrd (Bd); 5. J arN M4lIlmq u lw. (Yam). SR Ir-IT: 1. Joe Sla uduO" (Fan); 2. M.,.,k Mil ler ( Rn); 5. Bill MnT iu (bt' l); 1. l ..any Vamd l (Yam); 5. D. Pa ul lkArmond (Yam). S/S R 1N1' : I. JOt' Winh (Yam ); 2. J ilm" HiH (Yam ).. NO \': I. l..« H ollh (Yam): 2. Miteh 8agn (Y.;un); 3.l..Dwr- I 1 Ikll i~ (Ikt): 1. Ph ili p Lu na (Fan); 5. Bria n Ltt (Ya m). SR NOV; 1. Mikr- Rion- (Fan): 2. J t'IT)' Peurull (Fanl : k 5. Iiln Gri ffin (Filn); 1. J d l Sri lert (Yam): 5. Rick T mbrOt' (Yam).. SlSR SOV: I. MMk Alpm (Ikt): 2. Tom Blake (Fan ): 3. Strow" Bn:k (Fan); 1. Doug Stephn ll (Yam); 5. J ohn Ha ne-y (Yam). VET (SO ) NO V: I. Dave Stan ~ (Fan); 2. SltW' Hill (1k1); ... 5. Dd Ibrbnd (Yam); 1. Ln Pt"tM"5Ofl (1k1); 5. Dt'an Ham brid (Hon) . BEC : 1. Ikbi Uuala (Yam); 2. Stt'Vn'l Varnell (Yam); 3. KrU. Rinn (Fan ).. SR BEC : I. Ra l ph 'Thom:lkie (Kaw); 2. .ulthew.sctunott (Yam); 3. Michae l Suzuk i (Yam ); 1. Bruct ~k.srrom (Yam ); 5. Jack Ha d (Hon). SlSR.BEG: 1. Dmnil Rea","" (U K). VET BEC : 1. Da~ &ok" (Yam); 2. AI S ourian (Yam); S. Jac k Voider (Bet , Dailysmokes to Salem AX wins By Cl ay Ligh t SALEM OR, JAN. 13 , Jell Dai ly was . he overa ll win ner ol . he 125cc Pr o class , a t th e Sa lem Are nacross. Daily hol eshot . he fir st moto, and breezed '0 th e moto win ahea d 01 Sco u G rimm and Bill y Radclille. Dail y sullered a miserable sta rt in molOtwo, whi le Chad Berry and Trevor Por.ner led the pack. By lap three, Dail y had rag ed throu gh the pack and began '0 pressure th e lead ers. O n lap five, Dail y cu t '0 th e inside 01 a la st turn a nd swoop ed p ast both Berry a n d Portner. Once in to the lead, Da ily p ulled o u t to a co mmand ing win over Berry and G rimm. Resul ts OT JR : I. T etTYnl()fflU; 2. Skip Wadde l; 5. B.oblniwidl: 1. Randy l....iIynr;5. Lorrn Boll ier. OT INT: I. Bob Conutock; 2. Dew~ I....maburg; S. Jamo StyJer, t . Bob Pin Cl': $. Ra y f iahc:i. OT EX: 1. J im Hal'l'U; 2. Bill Row : 5. J"'l Dt'-witt; 1. J dr Yoll~. 3()..10 JR: I -.Cnogg Bb.nch£idd; 2. Dt'a '!na Holb rook ; 3. 01ar1a buwnid.; 1. (;m(' McDon.neI1; 5. Uri Petersen. O PEN BEG: 1. Joh n Lrwi&; 2. Jason Smith. n O P EN J R: 1. Sk'W' Ewn~; 2. J im A l t'X.iI dn; S. Chril Petexn; 't. Anlhony vree. 250 INT: 1. Richard Po.una; 2. S~ 1.c'wis: 5. Man Goibk . 2SOJR.: I. RYiin Uach; 2. AllnITcrl t'Cki:5. Crq Hannon 250 ""BEG : I. Ir ~ 2. SltW' &otdlek»r: 5. Mrk SMler: .1O f;"B~G~tt ta~~c:tr~ 1. 2. Eric Gravn; S. Brad Bru nul; 4. 01ad En gl ish; S. Ible Corn. 1:5 BEG 0.2: I. Scot l ~11 ; 2. JOAh T rue; 3. Gornon Young: 1. Rya n Blodgrtt; .s. Jason Burhy. 125 PRO: I. Jeff Dail y: 2. Owl Ikny; S. Scott Gr imm ; t . Tm.blon (S"', R URBEll: I. JerTl' Thru ne (Hon); 2. hte lltri. (Hon}; 3. In POIler (Hon). . SPTSM.. : I. Da ve R yun IYam ): 2. Eric Fehrmbach ( ~ w); "-: S. John L>ridi (Hoo , NO V; 1. John Ron nmbn-g (Hon ); %. Mike Maeth'C'Ws (H on l: 3. Dale Funk (Hon). PR O: 1. 1..arTy Slra ngl't'"ld ( K.3w); 2. MMk HdMl"k (Hon): S. Todd &k

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