Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ M orOCROSS GFI California Winter Series South: Round 3 e Sean Pagel (18) and Randy Dan ylo (3) pass a bobbling J ake Trist (12) in the 125cc Intermediate class. Pagel and Danylo finished 2-3 in the first division behind Steve Drew. Colin Eh ert y (12) battl ed wit h David Hugh es (582) an d Daniel Norman in the first di vision of the 80cc Begi nner class . Hughes prevailed and finis hed third overall. Lawrence, Schmittaste victory at Perris By Tony Alessi PERRIS, CA, JAr.;. 12-13 hil Lawrence scored the 250cc Pro main final e a t Perri s Ra cewa y after fendi ng off 125cc Worl d Cha mpio n Donnie Sch mit for nearl y 30- m i n u tes o f stre n uo us raci n g , Schm it turned the tabl es in the 125cc Pr o class with a pair of rnoto wins over Lawrence a nd Kyle Lewi s d u ri ng ro un d th ree of the G FI Racing North versus South Winter Series. Over 600 ride rs showed up to compete on three tracks. T he front trac k served Pro, In termediate and Novi ce . class r iders w h i le the back tr ack han dled all the Beginner and Mini classes. A specia l Pee Wee class track was fenced off from big-bike racin g an d over 100 youngs ters compe ted for series poi nts. . G FI promoter Goat Breker doubled the laps for Spo rtsma n and Pro classes to mak e up fo r cu t laps at round two and offered an on -go ing 200% payback in the Pro classes. " I want to give pros a cha nce to make a living racin g, so I a m go ing to pa y 200% in a ll GFI races, big or sma ll, for as lon g as we ca n," said Breker. "T oday we are adding laps because the rid ers go t shorted last week du e to unforeseen circu mstances." P Du e to a large turnout of 250cc P ro rid ers, qualifiers were required to thin o ut the cla ss for a 25-rider main event. Rand y Moody co ntro lled most of the first qualifier but was passed by Iowa 's Ch ad Pederson o n the final lap. Bader Mann eh a nd Mike Ch amberlain started near the back of th e pack but sliced through th e field to finish third and fourth. . In the second qualifi er La wrence go t the ho leshot wit h Schmidt close and pursu in g in second and Sha wn Kalos third. Schmi t a pplied heavy pressure to Lawrence, wh ich caused h im to overshoo t a fast sweeper and go up an em ba nkment. When Lawren ce re- en ter ed th e co urse , Schmit stea mro lled him into the gro und. While Lawrence picked himself up, Ka los was getting crazy in second. At the midway point Kalos attempted a pass on Schm it tha t sent Ka los and his machine flyin g int o the side of Schmi t. Kalos rem ounted bu t staggered in seco nd whi le Schm it brushed off the in cid ent and took the win . J oe Waddington finis hed third, inches in fron t of Kyle Lewi s, who ca pped off a charge from o ut of the top 10. Lawrence

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