Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dave Coupe (4) leads former MX Na tional ch amp Broc Glover in the first Vet Pro moto. Glover won both motos to earn the overa ll win ahead of Coupe. E llis and G lov er in tow. Gl ov er q uickly found his way past Ellis a nd bega n to pressu re Co upe. Coupe wasn't intimida ted and set a blistering pace th at only the multi-tim e National cha mp cou ld match. T he lead du o p ulled out to a sizeab le lead over Ellis , who was figh ting off the challen ges of Pete Mu rray. G lover stormed past Coupe around the halfway point, but th e local boy stuck to his rear fend er like glue. Glover took the moto win over Cou pe, Ellis and Rex Staten , wh o recovered fro m a poor start. "I just got back from a race in Germany," said Gl over, "so I feel a lot better than I did a t the open ing ro und. I feel a lot smoo ther, bu t my arms pumpedup." " I got out front and p ulled alead ," said Coupe, " the n all of a sudden he passed me. I wasn't even expecting it. I stayed clo se, hoping to wear h im down, bu t we both go t tired a t the sam e timel" Glover stole th e hol esh ot in the final moto ahead o f Eric McKenna, Staten and Turner. With a clear track ahead of him, Gl over opened up hi s El Caj on H onda/ T H O R / Pro Cir cui t-back ed CR and pulled oua t a huge lead over the rest of th e field . Sta ten moved into the runner-up positi on, bu t had to fig ht off th e la te-m o to ch arge of Coupe. Coupe su ffered a dismal start, and had bezerked through the pa ck to finish third. . " I felt con fident that I cou ld win ," said Glover. " Once I go t the holesh ot I knew a ll I had to do was rid e smoot h." Damon Huffman dominat ed the 125cc Intermediate cla ss, grabhing the first moto hol eshot o ver Mich ael Bran des and Tyler H um mel. Huffman and Brandes engaged in a hea ted battle that carried them far ah ead of the pa ck , whi le Hummel fought off the charges of Shane Esposi to. Brandes and Huffman traded th e lead numerous times, bu t it was Huffma n who crossed the finish 'line in first . Esposito sq ueezed into third on the last lap when he passed H ummel in a sandy turn. Huffman blas ted into the lead earl y in the second moto, while Bra ndes was lying on the track due to a crash. Beh ind H uffman, Da nny Nelson a nd Humm el raced for second place. Huffman ' opened up a sizeable lead whi le Nelso n held a stro ng second over Esposito. wh o displaced H umm el to th e whoops. Brett Bierek was un beatab le in the 500cc Intermediate class, as he grabbed hol eshots in both mo tos aboard his AT K and left the pack behind. Brett H am ilt on fin ish ed a distant second in each race wi th comfortable margins over Ra y McIntosh. Derek Wa tkins decimated the 250cc Begin ner Division One class, as he raged to a pair of moto wins over Kevin Felkins and J im T hrift. Divi sion two of the 250cc Beginner class was to pped by Brian Magge, who swe p t both motos. J oe Brown finished second in rn o to one, but dropped to fourth in the second moto, Ben And erson fin ish ed third in bo th motos to secu re C1' second overall ahead of Brown . Damon Huffman (30) and Michael Brandes (70) battled for the lead in both l25cc Intermediate class motos. Huffman was ahead at the finish in both motos. Angelo Ingrande (381) chased Paul Ito (57) earl y in both 80cc Junior motos. Ingrande got by and won each race, while Ito dropped back to third. Results PIW STK: I. Dan iel Bla ir (Yam ); 2. Jo nat ha n Shimp (Ya m); 3. Bobby Bonds (Ya m): 4. Mich ael Blo se (Yam) ; 5. Andrew C alvie (Yam). P/W MO D: 1. Dan iel Blai r (Ya m): 2. Jona tha n Sh imp (Yam); 3. Robb y Bon ds (Yam); 4. Chris Truji llo (Ya m); 5. Michae l Blose (Ya m). 60 0-8: 1. Daniel Blair (Ra w ); 2. Chris McNan (Kaw ): 3. Jona tha n Sh im p ( Kaw ): 4. T o by J or genso n {Ka w ): 5. Kelley Lylle (Hon ). 609-11 : J. Jimmy Va ris (Kaw ): 2. Mo nt e Mon tag ue (Ka w]: 3. Craig T ruglio (Kaw): 4. See n Co nley (Ka w) : 5. [ ric Willi a ms (Kaw): 80 O PEN : 1. J oshua T arantino (Suz); 2. J imm y Van s (SUI ); 3. Steve Wisdom (Kaw) : 4. Sco u Co n ley (Kaw): 5. David Roberts (SUI). 80 BEG: l. Ja cob Madonna (Kaw) : 2. j oshu a Taranti no (SUI ); 3. Car.e L ytle (Han); 4. Ji mm y y Varis (S UI ); 5. Marc Hend erson (5 w). 80 J R: I. Angelo lngrande (Ka w); 2. J ason Sh irey (Kaw) : 3. Paul Ito (SUI); 4. J aso n Howa rd ( Ka w) : 5. And y Ana ya (Kaw). 80 INT: I. Aa ro n Can trelle (Ka w); 2. J ason Partridge (Ka w ); 3. Sco tt J o hn son (Suz); 4. John Ledd y (SUI): 5. T ed Cam pbell (H on ). 80 EX: 1. David Pingree (SU1); 2. Te rry Pa rsons (H a n ); 3. Steve H en geveld (Ka w). 125 BEG n-r. I. Joh n Niu e (SUI); 2. Ro n Port er (H on); 3. Ca rl Ca rlson (SUI); 4. J erem y Cade ( Ka w): 5. Ian Radi ch (SUI) . 125 BEG 0-2: I. J ohn Newell (Yam); 2. Sha ne Scarpie llo (SUI); 3. A.j. Lamb (SU 4. j ason-Deja ger 1); (H a n ); 5 . 1o~h Brewer (SU1). 125 JR 0-1: L Eddie Zinda (Kaw); 2. Set h Torrey {H on) : 3. Brett J ohnson (SUI ); 4. Sha wn Gl idden (SUI); 5. T yee Jackson (SUI). 125 J R D-2; I. J ake Windha m (Kaw); 2. J im my Lavorci (Yam): 3. Steve Stew art (S UI ); 4. T racy Asher (SUI) ; 5. Lex Mal an (SUI) . 125 INT: I. Damon Huffman (Kaw); 2. Spud ' Wa lters (Ka w); 3. Danny Nelson (Ka w]: 4. Ty ler Hu mmel (SUI ); 5. Sha ne Esposito (Yam). 125 PR O: I. Steve Lams on (Hen ): 2. Rodney Smith (SUI): 3. Ty son Vohland ( Ka w) : 4. Rick Ryan (SU 1);' 5. T ommy Clowers ( Ka w). 250 BEG 1).1: l. Derek Wat kin", {Hon ]: 2. Kevin Felkins (Ha n ); 3. J im Thri ft (Kaw]: 4. Brian Bo nds (Ya m); 5: Bobby Deason (SUI). 250 BEG 0-2: I. . Brian Magee (Suz); 2. & 11 And erso n (H o n ): :i. J oe Brown (Ya m); 4. T odd Eh ler (Ho n); 5. Rya n Lent (Yam ). 250 JR: I. J im O lson (SUI); 2. j. R. Mason (Ho n): 3. Mike See n (Ya m ); 4. La rs La rsson (Yam) : 5. Ph ilip werner (Ha n). 250 INT: I. Michael Brand es (Kaw): 2. Dan ny Nelso n (Ka w ): .!. Damon Hu Hman (Ka w ]: 4. Rob Drew (T RE); 5. Chri s Ridgeway (SC R). 250 PRO: I. Steve Lamson (Ho n); 2. T omm y Clowers ( Ka w) : 3. Rod ney Smi th (Suz): 1. Kelley Andris (SUl ): 5. R ick Rya n (H a n ). $00 BEG: I. Ran dy Van Dyke {Hon ): 2. Steven Stor ie (Yam); 3. Kevin Fel kin s ( Yam) ; 4. J ames Davis (Han ); 5. Kevin Peop les (Hon). :.00 JR: I. T odd Swean ey (Ha n); 2. Ran dy Izydo rek {Kaw]: 3. Ma tth ew WykoU (He n ); 4. Eric Li ndstro m (H a n) ; 5. Howard Min u (Ha n). 500 INT: I. Brett Bierek (AT K); 2. Brett H amilton (Han); 3. Ray Mci nt osh (Ka w) ; 4. T ro y Win g (Kaw] : 5. Ray Spore ( Ka w). 500 PRO: I. Mike Healey (KT M); 2. Will ie Su rrau (H o n ); 3. Rya n Carlis le (Kaw); 4. Rex Staten (Ha n); 5. Carlo Hulsen (Ha n ). . UT H JR: I. Mlke Scon (Yam ); 2. Suey Maggc rian (Honk S. Fred Merkel (Ho n ): 4. Mark McPerry ( Ka w ): 5. Bre t R o sen be rg (S UI ). UT Ii INT : I. Merle H ammer (Hon); 2. T om Berr y (Hon ); 3. Brya n Curti, (H on ): 4. J ohn Blood (lion); 5. Ken Bee (Hon ). be VET I R: I. Bryan Hol dren (Hon ); 2. Rick Lan e (Han ); . Ron Pa lm er (H a n ); 1. Steve Ga ry (H o n ); 5. Ed Ko zenko (Su z). VET INT: I. SIeve Law ler (Hon ): 2. Rn Spore (Kaw ): 3. Delno Recker (Ha n ); 4. Tavin Weinrick (SU1); 5. Dani el Scha rf (Ka w). VET MSTR: I. J on Miller (Yam); 2. Gary Mom s (He n ]: 3. Rod Richa rdson (H on ); 4. Jell Kapla n (Ho n); 5. Rand y Denton (Ya m). VET PRO : l. Broc G lover (Ha n); 2. Dave Coupe (Hon): 3. Rex Sta ten (Hon); 4. J im Ellis (Hon); 5. Eric McKenn a {H en ). OT JR: I. J ohn T a lbo l (He n): 2. Clive Chettlns (Ho n ): 3. Rob Lytle (Hon ); 4. T im Colvert (Hon); 5. Fran k Benacka {H e n}, OT INT: I. Ga ry H igh land (Hon); 2. Denn is McAdam len (Yam); 3. T erry J udd (Yam ); 1. Bob J ackso n (Ho n); 5. J ay Biery (Yam) . OT MSTR: I. J im Ga larioto (Hon ): 2. J im O 'N eal (Hon); 5. Terry Sa ge ( H a n ); 4. Ro bert Forti er (Han ); 5. La rs La rsso n (Yam ). WMN JR: I. Susa n Lee [Kaw ): 2. J am ie Pamintua n (SUl) ; 3. Li sa Thornto n (Yam ). WMN INT: I. Val Roberts (Kaw); 2. Debbie Wau (Ha n); 3. Mari a Go nzalez (Ka w). WMN PRO: 1. La yon Gor do n (Ho n ); 2. j eannie Pru itt (Ka w) . II

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