Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch them over and over! (11209) 1 9 9 0 _ _ . arotnl the famous 31.1 mi t allnt. See it yoooself l PaIbr takes thI tJtIt with style in the finlII ItILRI of from .. the best Iotahons .., 1hI 'irf 60 minutas. F MotowidIO. rom !hi aeries with • ttriIing win over Carr end Jones. (#307) 1990..- ~ (#3011) 1990_ ~ (#3011) Frum[)~ VIlleo . (#210) 1990: Y_Io.Hm .. allthehighlightsof.all l 6 FIt8I that determined the 1990 AMA Grand National Championship. Re live the I'811n1 momentI of Parker Car and· the rest , . of the rolling thunder showfrom 1990. F rum Oespain s-a-. (#312) 1990 - - . . s-a-. . (#313) 1990 f ........ s-a-. -- northam Calitomilll coat Ilia tfidway 1, from IheGolden Gat Bndge on ~ flJ' a 1n1dht.'*inII 13t1 m~e jumey e DlMl Iiwing I1IOInl fmI:n Jigsaw Home Video in row (#41)"'~ 199O_~ (#310) 199OT_ ~ (#31111990 _ (#1211 _ _ 11....., I This 60 minute vKleo taka you ~ !he IegencSwf RlICI with Wllyl'lI Gnner .. rou crouch IJI/'II' the ha'l leban of • 200 mph Grand Prix Hmda in actual d nICIt tllll illonll G d unnteed to anterlalfleverybodyt 60 minutes. By MotcMdIO. 0Ir. 1Iwy." (#122) _ _ . . . _ bperientethe wonderand be8lJt'Y ofCoIorado"s Million DoD. Hig/M8y in rile fall colen 11lIOII with 130mile momtain road bCUBion throudl the of the SanJuan Molmtains. FromJigsaw Hom. Video "'111 yldtt . o (#314119 9 O _ ~ -'""S-U-- .... _ (#651 (#31511990 500 .... ~ (#316) 1990 .... " " - 1989 T._I_ s-a-. (#95) .... Fw 21 dlryl and 241 bikeI. C8l'I and tructs raced and ' truggled tD complet. the formidable transantinental R rWd"'_See all the highIigtlts trum 1he ground and the helitopter tamerII II this ~ nEt of all. 80 mirotes. from Motovideo. America's best motocross ch.-nptOlll take onlhe IIIlOrld in this spa 60 minut show from Gaildort. W e ast G ermany. Guess whoWInS! C1auit MXICtion on llideo. Catch ~ rhrout,t1 t¥de Action Th tre on MottMdeo .. (0150) 1 9 9 O _ 1 I l - ' fU returns from injuries 1 san lim outdoor WIfl 01 0 the season. but nat wrthout • lieree battle withStarttoo. Kiedn:lwUi ntpe8U ·89 YlClory 10 t25 action. ill5!i)_CnoIo&"'~ (0151) 1990 _ 1 I l _ Team Kawasab~s Jeff Ward and Suzuki's G Cooplll' uy put on a ttlrininll show lor'ttle 14.102 fBns anltOding the 22nd Annual HlIngtown Mo tocross Oassie 81 northernCaliforn PntirieCity DHV Parte II lheyballle ia's their waytlI the overall victories in the 250 Ind 125 (#51) _ _ Qomoiao N ationals T lit, stofy of one of Amenta's gnllnt racers. rue Rare photO$, boyhood rK8 fitm..ltv D espain As:soctatn (#152) 1990 _ 1 I l _ 60 minut . n JeffWard eamsthe vittDry averBradshaw andStanton 81 the high-speed Lake Suoar Trea MX Par1l; BavIe (#53) T.......... 'I_W. battles tMthCooper for the 125 classwin 8ubbI Shobert wins fnr Hooda. then tells ,ou how Thrilling 6-ridet' duel 10 • photo hntsh. 60 minutt s (#153) 1990 ... _ 1 I l _ 0, 0...... Yamaha's D amon Bradshaw settled the san wnhJell Werd when he wan the Utond moto to deim the (#200) 1990 _ (5orIocl-.1e 25lkt National victory 81 High PoirrI Raceway. Bayle This video is the auence of din·1ral:i nEin; two of takes 125tt win with come-ftom·behincl rides in botIl the bMt in the busil'llllS duet lor 20 laps - and moto . decide it all in I one·lapdISh to the nag. 9¥ Daspan =' l;iklZlI World ."min BIIIt· The ""lOU m .....;' ';k. .... ;, ... .",Id ,"" Associates. ~'::n~~~~ ,(~ ::,;"",,,,.. O bsmved Trials. CrouCoootry. Ouallstalom ChallengB, ) Motovideo. N~ vmion ' 8 , camem. mll111les.. By M010vide0. s-a-. (#302) 1990 _ s-a-. (030311990 500 Diep s-u-. (#304) (0305) 199O_~ 19!io _ s-a-. (#306) 1990 Us V ee- ~ trnm........., (#45A)199O- . , 1J511ol'1 0 flu dimu With ClMO n s.e-., cornrnentaty speedway Ca lifornia Sidecar Championship. 90 minutes (#43) TTY_ from HAl Video Fealuri g Mike the Bike Hailwood on the tlll\and n · ling 500 Hood..... dicing witft Giatumo Agostini on the MV in lhe 1961 Isle of Man IT - Classic. racingat its best 69 minulas fromMolovideo seeD M ,. 1961 Iste of Man IT rICe !altura MiIal H8dwood C'Jloipo by TIfT'y Clanton and Cyde News on the 250 Honda and the M.... Norton. and . . in the 1983 Sena 5OOc:t IT. Shows how the sport 'Mitt!" Scon O aloilio. lhis event is one of the most competitive on the welt coas Also fellUntl the wild progmsed in just lWo yean. 52 mirutn by Hlllm.. t. (#123) 1990 CoIiI 51* . more racing actiool 60 Wool_" ' Ihe 26 week long quest of rata brings in Ihe this lnightW1nn. Nake-aR evelll 80 minutes from RAZ Video. (#20) _ _ to out _ best 01 the toP 18 IPftIIwIY racers US tlI detlllTlline who CIfrin #1 in 1991. in ( _ ) 1990 _ . . Gnod Prix Rainey shows 'em hisbackin JIqUI'I; ScfIwantJ' 1llaMIrs to fin rIln:! after crashing behind Gardner. I.JIwson ish i IIl l1 seasonwith crasll.By Molovid80. s - (#300 ) 1990 ~ Padlop 0nIer an 16 llidtolof the 1990 AMA Camel Supertma series in one pacbgtt. ~ 12 per tapti. ampIm VW' collection! From Motovideo. (#301) 1990 _ _ (014A)1990 1 1 . . - - . , r.... _. See the top American speedway nICIlS vie for honon: to ntpresttnl IhI USA NI the World ChampiD nships. (_) _CnoIo ....... Highly COlllplltllVl actJOll from Long Beach Velllnlnl i "Ths Musicvirleor Al new MX crash &; bumfoot ge l a stadium. 60 minutn. tmm Rill Video. featmn the linst. most outr1lJl1llUU1 over-lne g -edge C'. ... 199O mish IlV81' setto the music on wideotaseoe. Great (#102) - . , Ice_ ap! entenainmentlorallagel! From M otovideo,35 minut8S The Budweiser Indoor Spudw.y Ice Rating ChamplOrtShip in Tucson. A1. in JanuIty this is I good . (#105) SXT1IriIII, 5piIs '"" CIlllls '90 look at the hrt. fast, llUdded tire JIdl From RAZ Y 'VI s. en the commer OU cial• • now buy the Video. video • • • Greal emlnall.nlnt 81 p8fti . 30 mlllllles n Real GraniPTil road rxtng tor theWorldCharnpionship mNn in America IS Steady Eddie I.Mson and Fast Jimmy Fiic:e blat the best: II u gtnI SIca. See all !tie action! "Better than bemg therer ThIs is not the ..... (OW) lIoo Wartd'x _ SX_ H ighlights of the most exci1inQ SlIpIrunsI fV8f Indudes 1986 Anaheim$upertrOll (RJVI D Bailey~ avid 1987 LA Cof IllUrt1 (RJ passesantire field 10belt Guy Cooper). and 1988 Pont acSuperuou(RJvsJefl W i n, as Wird gets swfIftf Kmlh Motovideo carneraman~ 60 mmutn from Motovideo The original by MukMdeo. 3DmlOO1n. ("'I u.s. GnIII Prix I_ nil b 8 rid By 0 e1Ween . ers. Ispain (0lI1A)1990 U5GP ~ 50ca Ra racn clear of crash-fest 81lJtguna, Tremendous mey battle witft SdtwlIrrrz tntJI lUm 11 seals his late. (#20211990 5orIoctIeId (SorioI) IIIIe Santy Parker bntala IW8y from a ].fider benl, 1 Exatllem 25Oa: class acllOn with Kocinslci. Rom & 0 san an impnlssivewin. SIow-molion ntpIaof of ruokie Zeelenbtr;. By foIlotovideo. AndIe Huff amazing end"OV8f·end crash Morehead s . .... Kerth 0., " 130 ..... ondlanQlu... """" (#82A) 1990 . . . . . . Graod Prix in lhe las14 bettietot!henI\n8I'-upspot. By Despain GarDner ends drought Wlltl WIn 81 Jeru in from of ap 170.000 ~ •. KacinIIci wma "'but1'K8 11V11r had"" Auociates. by a ~ CMlr Cadalora. 9y MotowidH. (#2U31199O..- _ . . Graod Prix Chris CaTshattelS the I'8COl"lI for20 laps IIfI the I\J(IQtd ( _ ) 1990 _ Itmestone oval. Slow-motion footage of crashes by Team Y amaha Marlboro Roberts domWllles the day Atherl n and ~ and inside the pits 81the tamel 81 Amllritanll Rainey in! Koorwki WIn at Misa1o. By o Pro riders pnt ant tot combat. By DesPain Auociatn p (#204) 1990 000q000I0 _ (#84A 99O 11 GnIII Prix Spectaeul. r footageof DuQuoin qualifying heats. semis. Teran SdMantz walks IlWWV from field In 1m '90 1 and lCQ up through thI rained-out 2.tep final includes GP win81 Nurburvnng Circuit, By Motuvideo. ore:81 racing action indudingDoug llavis' bone jarring crash Special boous aMIralJl of the H . agerstown Half· (#851.)1990 IIIItrba RR Grand Prix Mile. From D espainVideo. Tight action as Sdlwantz winl lit Sallb~ng by Y.t (#205) 1990 haria n ~ o:ver Rainey, and Cadalm Ie_ 5 ridet11C1"'OSS Chris Carr wins Peoria so mud!. som MY he OWOS" • 1108 within samesecon By Molovideo. a d, this dassit eve - now you can own .the llideo (#861) 1990 Y.~ III Gr8IIII Pril. m Spectaa.tlar coverage 01 the ~ including s( Rainey winsin lessltIlWl ideal cooditionl as SdIWantz replap of the sml-6nIIIs IIldm i lO ftent aa&hes. Frum & Mac:bnzie sliceIhroogh the plCl SeYelHider dt* Despain Video. in 250et das is mand by hgedy as Reinhold Roth is injlnd in a maIjor pil&-U!l. 9y Motovideo. (#206) 1990 5orIoctIeId fell _ SantyPalter wins. tabslMl r points leadas Carr suflm o.tdI en.I Pril ., oil ~ and bIadl tIag n r ItJding nM.dl of the tames Rainey for the Texan'. 3rd GP win race. Ronnie Jonas & Ry Springsteen make " 10the of the season at the 60th Annual DvIdl IT It A SSlIn. wimm cin:Ie. F Despain Video rom lawson & Gardl1l!f I'I'tum 10 Ittion. Thrilling 250ct lClion bltwe Kocinski. Cantu&. d Cadal By (#207) 1990 500 .... (fellllllle Motovideo. ftl an orI . Scotty P.ur polls off a mirade win on the restart _ alter crashing spectacularly on the opening lap & a (#8IA) 1990 IWp. II Grand Prill amaha drellmlellfJl dominates frantJc race with rhe dodl 1 repair his bike. From The Marlboro Roberts Y 0 as Rainey and Kocinslci win their t;lI$SllS at the rain· D espain Video soaked Spa-F rancortI."'"P5 ci:etIjt MlmoIl crashes . (#201) It90 lIat (F") ....... attar working up to mint. 9¥ MotooAo. 'I . The last-ilYlr AMA halt-mile at b:ot. Ronnie Jones \. eaptum lhe ntIIin I'WlnI win; StIVl More'-ad takes (*) Isle 01_ 1_ \ lhe s10.000Camel Cha/lengre; Wall Oavis' l1IC8·ltopptng A new King of the Island. Stew HWup pushes the cmh. and I1ICft. F Oespam Video rum 0tII.rigtrt nICl:lrU to over121 Mr8gI speed. siIrtimn place ead! year al Mammolh Mountlin Ski Area in . the acIl for rile California High Sierra. See foolil1le from the lesl Assoa~ 5 ye from these llW!SOfflIeVlJn!s" Kamikm Downhin. ln Hitrclimb. and more, indudi~ lois of tI'lIStm. If you ~ke bicvdn. rillS VIdeo IS lor you. 60 mmutes fmm (#71) lIoo _ Expo.A reYlBW of the 1988 FrM World Road Racing 500tt ~ - All 15 nlCeS ,from Japan til Brazil umber One. but m 60 minutes. Eddll I.awsoo WInS N Wayne G8I1Iner. K evin SchwanI2 and Magee. Wayrra Rainey and Randy Mamola madl It ha to do. From rd MatuYideo. (#81) U_ _ Graod Prix 1989 Frum lalPJna ~ Glory lorWayne, ne. traqedy. plus the tatt8Stit sidecar110 adIoR. From Motovideo. ('1I4)S-- _ Completemeragt ofthe1984T...,.·A dIrttic dIaIl nge e Easter Matdl Races leatanli the biggm toIlection 01 rDlld racing stars: Raberts. Sperar. I.IIwson. MimoI& _ Coolrt. Iloinoy. ....... - . . " _ Mc:EJne.. G Crosby, Gardner. andmenl 89 minutes, rant. from H ainw Video (#104 ) 5Ilqis "19 49th annual Bled:Hills C1usic: including din lfd. hilldimbs. dralI raong and, of COUBe bib s &; bhrs. . incIudin; Willie G Davidson and • dasit M . alcolm Forbes, 57 mil'llt•• from Pn:lgreS$ive Design. ~ (#115) R_ _ e1t11t .... This 43-inifute widao tabs you b«k 33 yeIB. to at the old 14-mile Nurblqing tirtdt. wiItl G eoff Dub's fabulous 4-cyIind.- G ilerl battling the mighty· BMW , at Weher Zener, I1sD rootage of the Profile of, 0I000i0n lrigtening Northern II'IlIand Ulst. GP totnI . From r By John Bradley Em8rtimmenl. 78 mi utes all about H81mar Video n YOUf favonte "Bad Boy ,R (0107) ...... _ V ..... 0(#116) R adac ... I I - , AVIdeo a1mll\ltC ol matottytle racing and Illlring from (013) - . _ - GIoowSlyle! ndary hefoes;John ICfOSS the Unl\ed State Illdudel lootage 01 vanous Sir·lime Nalional MX Champ take you til hi seem Fourlamous Bnttsh cutuill & lege s. s s e l competitive and oon-competrtlV8 events from OeylOO8, tracks andshow!; youhow1 master thtIart. 80 minutes. Surt es on the MV 81 Brook1ands In '58. chalenged 0 in '59 at Silvemone by I 19-)'11. old Hallwood; t7 Sturgis, Wtdowmake" and monl . From PrugresIMI ByMOlovideo. lnnds 01 btkes race at Dulton. and lhe '58 lsi. 01 Design. Man IT. 55 mnrt. strom Helm. V!d'eo (#54)V·T... - - . . . How 1 keepyw" Evolution Hetley humminu and looking 0 (#117)~199O"_"""" new and save n. 50th Amivtmry IIl1tk Hills Matm' CIassit drtW ByTed!Tapes.I'u1dntds of dobn . Joe Mintoo hosts.. over 3OO.CIXI people from aK50 states & 38 fore9' lXlUIItries. !hisis the '"Official VICiea 01 !hi Rally and (0100) Rick-. "_ _ aMII1 it weft. 75 miMn produttd by PllC8lello Media fromJohn8radIey IlllertllMltlfll.. Rldt's new10minute (#106) 0.,-. '90 .". _ . tilt _ 5loIo" The fInmosI C¥dinlI Event in tI'II Worldl T n days . 01 tun in thl sun at the fabulous 08'(lDOl Be8dl. FL See the bike rmtS, P8lW1lllities and much mono " ('11) Rick _ Lots of Ma Street aellon From ProgressiYlDesign. in . .stenalS M ......"""'......-0..;'" instIUttJonlIIlIpe allTles compIIte wrt!'r (#111) 50 Yean 01StwPs When Sturgrs was stItt.d badl in 1938. no one 8'ItJI" dreemed if 'IlIWd grow int the I18l1t1lt tytIinQ event o 8V111". Now overfih'y yearllater Snqis is the Wood , stock 01 cyding. 75 ltIII'lUles by Panac:om. from P~ Design (#120) Ride lmericI Pacbp Upl ri nu Rule Ameritl - I brand new seri s of e e mut rcyde vid R tV«I of the grJatat motort:yC o eos. ide le roads in the United.States with mtJtti·8WIIr1I winning film and teIrMion dncIw Pst. St.,. and his QUItS. l Gill California·, H~ J and CoIcndos "Minion ' 00JI. HlgllWlr( Iwone low pOCiil Frum Ji;UW Home V idea • pocbt:·1ized handbook rtt.1 the mototmSS8f can CII'TY along and l1!ler to in the field. RJ shows how til nell bener than you think you can. Or er now for immedille d you deliwly! (#108) I Twist gf tM Wrist The delinltive roadriding & I1ItIIlg instn.I:tlonal vi &O d :'::~~;e:f :: ='7~~ ~:~~: you visualize with aysI aI-dm undem anding the art of pavemenl lectmique. 107 minutes from Motovideo a.- (#U4) ... f ..... No Th dotumentary eaerturn the 8UItICI of professional is Harley-DavtdsWl dragfKing l.fnuIIIt the AMRA Sarin. Follow "'lf1e a.cb n~ Jetfl MatllS8'lldl. as he shows See the people wOO live & InI1he ~ and die I through his UfIlqU8 sryIe of rid1ng and rxmg how you mad1ina that tabt 1hem to the .... 60 mn.n:u can IRlpRMI your bike handl ng skins Gr1at footage produced by' PtnICOm. from ProgmsivtQa91. t g.l~~"" IINz.attack Video • r. ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------, •Order Form (Please fill oul Cllmpletelyj Uty. Description Amoum ·Uty. D escription Amount U ty. U escription Amount • • #41 Siur E",erience @ 33.95 l • • • City • #209 ·90 Sacramento M;le @ 28.95 #108 A Twi~ 01 the Wri~ @ 43.95 #109 K ik8l1l Wond M78 ~ ,h ip, @ 34.95 am ' #111 Matazattacklrm No Chi'ken @ 34.95 02101990: Yaar ioReview @28.95 #300 ·90 Sope"ro.. Package @ 352 .00 #30 1·90 Anaheim Supertt1lSS @ 24.95 #114 Superstar ShowdOWll @ 44.95 #115Rendezvou, attheRtn g@44 .95 #116 R acingIn Hi~ory@ 44.95 to #302 ·90 Hou~oo Su p.rtt1lSS @ 24.95 p #303 ·90SanOie goSo ertt1lSS @24.95 #304·90 Seattle SUjlartrOS' @ 24.95 .• • . _' • om ·"Sturgi. 199D" 50th Ann. @44.95 #118 50Y"" 01Stur @ 44.95 gi, 0120 R A erica Pad

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