Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch them over and over! (.117) - - . . 1.... __ 1_ _ ( F a I ) _ (_I_ ·_Prix __ 1IIIIl . . . . . . . t'hI ~ ~ Bi.n Hilla Motor DISSIC dr... 1hI....... IMA hili AICllt. RamI ..leNs n. ......... AabIl'b , apUIs !hi IIMin lIIin; sa.. ~ tIIla • ftIny ml ~ .,. tt.- .d - . • ill ran- owtf 300.000"'"", from .11~ smes' 38 tomgn (1313) _s. .... s.--. (131M) - - s . - - . (. .) - - s . - - . ('-) _t.,-s.--. (11307) 1_ _ s.--. (~ .. , 1D.DODc..~Wil o-- _ cr-.... _ . Flam Dap. .,... --- (.-) - - s . - - . (") I_ _ s.--. _ ..s.r-.'.1__. '- (mll_T_s.--. (mll _ _ s.--. (13U) 1_ _ s.--. ( _) .-..t ~ emil ...... CfIIfta -_ - Ilr- (1211)1_ _ " (_) 1_1Gng _ 1 _ .. PIlar tIIla h tldI 1dl If,tI in . . hnII nuld of IbI __ ..... . IIding wm ... c.r.......... .....,. field 121 Ill .... InUllI 37.7 COlnl. SIt • ,..... tra. bill MIl . . . . 10 ........ -- Ilr- Amm:I', _ maaac:rua chImpionItIb .. the ...w (13 14) 1_ _ s.--. in 1tliI lIpKiII &I ...... lIhlM' Inn GIiIdort. Wnl: GenMny, G UISII whowinsl Casic MXaction onllidIIll (13 15) I,. S. s.--. CMdI it ItIralqI C¥de Action ThlIII'I on MotovicIto (17l) _ I I I _ Prix_ _ (1311) 1 _ t. ..... - ('151) 1_ _ 1 1 1 _ t,.., ~'1 J W.-d nI SuzUo·, Gur eoop.r ." pul on . ~ Jhow' for rhe 14.102 t.Js 1tlWJding !flI 2200 ArnJII Hlngtown Matoaaa CIaaic If norttwn t.lifomia', CityOMY Pilt as they bltde 1hIir 'a'( to IhI om'III victore in the 250 IN! 125 ..- Lob Sup II r... MJ( """ bIftIII'MlhCoop. tar.. 125 c:t.s ... (. 15311 s.,to (1l511 _ _ .. _ _ ....... Tf\lI liftstory "'_of ~·. grutaI .. 60_ (II53)T 111_ . ~ Rn _ _ .... _ . .- glot, 1hI,.... _T - s.Jooe c...s eoo-, Duol _ . • .. ~ IO'*'vL rou ' - incWIlI .. II craIta I HitiIatL tar you.. 60 ...... trum bltyda. - 1I:le . . ~ AiOI U !nin (1l2D3) (III u.s. _Pria 1_ ""'_Pns.... ..a.o.... _~ rniwa " Amn:II • S1udy EddiI 1aIIon -.I F... ...... rb bnl "'" " lol>N Sou. Soc .. a. IdiDnI "8Iaw bIIng tt..r Tbis ia nul . . EC _ _ · a ~ l'ICIlIl ~ 60 ... -Ilr (_ ~ cr.-. - "' ,;a!from. . . HolM ...... 1 bono_ gW!."'I1oo_- ·"" - MImmoItl ... SO ...... 01 .... "'I1oo _ Cokndo·'....., ..·...,·· IhI Mu.ic v...r AI . . MXa.tI • tun ...... "1IIlI'inU .. 1IluI. . outJ'IgIouus 0Wf · . . . miIflIpIlIWI" _ to !hi IllUIic l1l'i ~. GIl_ "*' ~tar .. 1QIS! Fnlm~ -- 351nft1la. s.-." _ .. now buy thl (' IU)I_"_~_ s.. IhI . . AmInan .,..., (-)_. taB WI b honan. _ _ III USA II _ """ ~ _.. 10 , . . . . _ _ llaoa Wand _ IUldUa. 60 mnItA from AmVIdID. - Id .. (m,....., s.-. 100 Ibmatir: aaha. QIMJ 11XI (11_ _... _CO-'I_ n. 12) ....., ~"Raong _ TUCSllft, Al .. .......,. 1tliI • a .... laaiI . ....... tasllluddM:l brt span.Fram RAl Vtdeo. .... II iaup by FoAl. (1111 _ _ ) II ~ - Fubmv_ .. IWo_ .... _ (_ 500 ~ ilang ... G«cwno ApIIni on '" tIV II 1tlI 1967 .... 01 Man IT - a.Iit .... « .. bnt 69 ftIlI'IUta trum MutOVlOlo " LtD up tfnl9'l IN rainlMi 24p tNl induda .......... - . _Doug 0.0.. ( lII4Ij1.a _ _ ._Prix aatL $pIoIII COIlnlI' allhI H agIfIbIMl Hal· TUM Sdlwa1tZ ..-Ill .., from fiItd in first '90 ..... _ _ boruV.... ~of ltltfllOlt lltlbnll~ UJsIh'll'. s.- (#43)" T_ . _ Pria (. 12I11lto_ _ $I _ n no IutIns Ma ~ .. 2SG Iftd . . M-. Newton. Ind . . IhI 19&3 500cr n . sr... .... d'II ...., .. _ , . ..... S2 111indl11Sby H*nlr 1961 t* of ~ s.-. _ Pria . Sooao<*_" ~ the. . . . n bllUtJ at ...... 1IU:~ 'IIIItIal 601IIinuIn.1ranl aMh. ftIarIhNd _ llaoa _ . . _..mol F........ o.t--JIftI~."'.... _ ' " ' _ ............. """V .... ,.... in . . lJrwI.cI St.- 'IIIdl -.d -nnu ...... .... ... ~ - GllMfoolaoo ... .... ....... . . . Pta. sa. biI ..,u. ...d'II a... n. tII...-aaa 01 .. &.t CIWniI', ~ 1 . . C*'Jdo', "MiIion (1CAIl_ liIrm. . . ..... Wdb . . . Jnt ill _ of On c.r INrWI thI..-d iDr2D . 1II'I 1h1 tuggId 110.000,...... ICoanIkI . . "baI fICa I .... hid'" by . . . . . ower CIdaIora. 8¥ MotcMdIo - - Inpq. nt inIidI. . piU..• . . - .. - - foolaoo A thIrton IhI CIIIlII Pnl_..-b_Ilr _ _ (l1l3I) 1.a _ (lI2Mll_ _ . . T... Y . . MIrIJorg AaDn. ...... IhI dIr . flu(U,. _ • Americans RaiNy nt Itocnlli win • Mtun:L Br 1_ ~ 00II HiP-¥ in the t.II a*n Muon 'Mth 130. mN moumlin ro.cI Imnaon through the he., at the San Juaol MculI.inl . From JigsM Home VIlIeo )I_._... . -Prix Owr grtIlutI Scme .. SUIb. __ AIintr .... '1lIl "' r.t II JIpIrt Sd...a.....-n IIll _ l eD c:RIftI captlnd .. fiMI IIld to ~ Ibi'd __ IliItIIllI GIrhr. ..... bdI willi: Sct.-r ..... IIftl 11 . . hiI taI8 _ EJaIIrc 2SDu ct.a IdIIII'I . . KotnIa, ~ • blftlllar ,. nmIf"t4l . . . 8w' o.,.in ~ Ilr - lilt_ ..... ,... . . . . .. _ . . . crpsIII-dIn _ ID _ 7 .... ... Gmt . . . . . . . II,.,... 3D_ _ (taUI 1.e uscr~_ ~,..., rJ ,... R..w' raa do' aI CRlh-Ial. iJ9N.T,.......... Ind__• .... _ ~JWt~ · e ,:wo- ('115) $I TIde, You'.. saln thl to mmlrcials 11~ bInII til .... IC4iIl>Dao . I311 . . . . in.. (l18li). . . . . _Prix 1_ 60 minJIa. M chi Idian. 0.... rMn ricke1s II'ICI no. . . Fram MoIl:Mdeo. startI..-r_O'IIIILB r ~ (12lIZ11_ ~ ( _" Stony PII'W !nib ..., (.121} . . . - """V _ _ (llSIl _ _ ..... s,odeatI.ThI origirl8I by~ . 30minul:n. (l1li) _ _ . . . . . . _ I I_ _ y........, DImon EndIhM M1dIdthe san VIliItI Jeff EWiIa ShabIn few ..... ....... 'fOIl to.. WItd uanI mato III dIinl . . lIw6IG &.nw MI 10 a photo tiniItL 60 minuIn 25Oa: ........ ......, s.,to tIIla 12See wm. . eome-lnlnt-bIhnd ndn in badl ( )--~This . . . . . .-net '" drl-trD fZinlJ llfIII of 1or2ll . -_ Kp-lku.! . erN -*ai. like 1bI b111ll h . . i1: Ill Ihl .... 8w' O"~ biIIt . . iIl Ihe ..... tIIla ' pilei uctrl ,.. II ....... Ski Aiu .. (lI2D1I1_ ~ dte CaId_ . . Siena Soc foolaoo .... dte . . P.- taka . . dAr win ~ III ~ . . . ........ _ _ 8 ..... 1lr _ 5 run Irom Ehne....... ..... lImbrI Dlllriil "'*' '- ~ &0 rnna. .... tIbI yau .. 1tlI ....., narthem CIiltorniI coat via ~ 1. m ttII GoldIn Gitl Bridgt on l4I. .... . b'1Iltltliling 130 . . jclurTlf\' in yllU own !WIgtDOm 1 From Jigsaw Home VIdeo (m) 1Ito_ b0r.A miIw of IN 1988 flM WGf1d ,... RKq 500ct ~ - M 15 tICn tram J.., to hr:iI in 60 mnas. Eddie I,.., winI fbnbIr Dr& but .... Gaodnor. KeWt - . . ond Moon. W .... W Ron, ond Randy _ made • "'"' 111 do. F ... !hi SIDOn, but nat lIIdIauI • r.c. n.m. • S&anton Kiedrowski rwputJ '89 victoryin 125 ICtian the vittotyMf fhdstsM ... Sbntan _ - (.121) ... _ 60......... (.15011 111_ RJ IWUnI from ...... to san fnt outdoor win of Jefl WInf ialD _ .._""" c.bNa _ _ n. qdirIg .... ............ ...... 1&. . . . 11'1 . . . n.. s.ia-. (.15211_ _ 1 1 1 _ n. _ (.I..)IT_ .. -_ _...... . -*'.,.. "_15...- .. ....._tlhr ..... _$UglliI DoIIr .....,.. 1m_ Jooe 01 tht Rally by Poemllo (.11&)51'_ .. ... s..w- . . . .blctlt 1931 .. _ Ilaigo (1I411"~ RIm .... W.... ~ • ,.. cru:fl 0IIl' IN' ........ aI .200" &tIIIIII Pra .... 1ft IClUII tIeI~ ' ~18..-rtain ~ 60 (13131 - r - . - s . - - . ~ria thI, tI 1he -ott ictll Vidto~ and cowtJ\ iI . .I . 75 manu1ts produced Mtcl!' groucI . " . . ProgrtISMl I)njgn _ ..... )1 _ _ " __ Gl''''" ~toa.ilill_ CoWPria (llI5I1 1_ _ • na.dal986Anato"'s.- IR llMlll4O.,\ h. 1987 LA Coliseum (RJ paaa IIf1ln fiIId 10bell Gur CtwiI c.,. WIf1I PIDria 10 mud!, IOI'M ..., hi - 0IIIftI" Tqw I£tion • ScI....a: wiN • _ ond 1986 _ s . - (IlJ "Joff w.t 1hls dIaic mnt • IIlM' J"lIll e-'1 0IMl !hi widIo s.r-- - • Win! gI1I stuftld into!hi MoI:ovidIo CMl~ ~ 60 minuln Irom MollMcleo. "" ........ ....... fIPl-yI of !hi wmi·tinall and mainIVetll crahn. From ~ tJr VJ .ani 0WIl" ...,.. and.CIdabI ..... 5 ndIn Ia'OII linewithinSImI IItOl'llI. &tMat Mdto. c D espain Video (_ ) I, . ' _ Prix (lll1I) Ron,'" ~ las """;to -.. _ J o f f _ .. ...... ., """ ........... (1l2GI) 1_ ~ F"" Scotty PIlbr 'MIll, tIIlIIlMK poIflfJIud • c.rIUttm & Ma:bnzie . . 1t'fuI9I lbI pad.. s.v.n.rider duI! me 1985AIM StCIIfCUII serie 8¥ ~ s. III oil ..... nt blcX It.g Itt., lI-.1ing mud! of me in 250l::t dais is IMmld by nge6( • Aliohoid Roth ratI. Ronnie Jones &: Jay Springslnn InIQ it to the is injtnd in I m.;or piI.-up Dr Mottwideo. ( _) II!1D Qrdw III 16wt lOl atIhe 1990AMA tlIlneI Supertro:ss winnm cniI. From Video. (1In1)l.e r.u sena in _ ~ s... 12 J* . . compIwll (#207) 1 s. ... (FII) " ~ mna RaiNy tar !hi Tutn', Jrd GP win ycu toIIc2ion l fram MalIMCIeo. Scony P . pula aIf • mndI WIn on thI mtart oIlhIlPIllR at 1hI 8Od'l AnnulI Otrdl n IIC ADen. . t s-a- ....... (#301) It!lO''''' s.--. (#3C%) It!lO _ s.--. after crashing ~ bIbt I'ItI W'1tI "- dad _ _ rhI opming. . , . ta r..- his bib. frDm 1m II &.dn. mwn to IClIOl'I ThritIing 25Ol:t Ittian Nt-. lotNki. c.-. nI CIdaItn Br _ ~ __ ...,. (1101) ~'IO . ·I"'. " "' Tho """"" C _ be" ~ .. w r.. ....n 01 hIl in Iht ...... the I" " 0a¥ttN &'Id\, f l Set the bibs. rICaL peI'S(WlIIIitlft nI much men loti of Main Strm IIC1Xn From ProgmsiYe Oeagn. oI lIIlJIOrCydI rIICing nl 1llln'IIlrom lInit.cI Slam. _IV' gf 'IInOUI nOh-OJiIVJlilitt MnlJ from D.,ronI. SllqiI. lla9l 'MdoMnIUr. and IROf1 fn:Jm ~ ICI"OII the cornpItitivIlftl r:Order--orm - - - --------- - ------- - - - - - -I -- F ---Desaiption QIy (Please fill out completely) 1 • I I 1 Phone ( 1 1 faii~ I!I _ ~I 0 m.e Order Date - a.... _ Exp. Dale - ",.CYtU HWS _Ducn. ao. <91. .... 80.... CI!IOBD''''98 ( - 4-1 - Al' of _ VHS _ ... _ _ - .1 tNo of - . . . and hondllng~. " - ' CYCLE NEWSPRODIICTS Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 "0498 1 DrC811 (2131 427-7433 durlng bual..... hou.. 1 "'- ........... ,.., 1 I QIy, Desaiption 1 _ 1 _ '" U RR G Prix "88 @ 33.95 .s. fIIld 811 Rid< Johnson Profil. @ 34.95 _ _ 1 _ 1 1 _ • _ '_ . 12A WoM. Gil"'" SX @ 24.95 813 MX Glower Style@ 24.95 .I U '90 N. AmericIII Spe. dway Final @ 29.95 8 ~ I122.Spoedway SpiN. @29.95 I I 1 .104 Slurgo'89 @ 2T.95 1105 SX Thnn.. sP"'& C.1ls ·90 @ 2295 #106 olylOlll ' ""Ride W Side" @ 2295 old @ 33.95 . 76'89 W~ MX G _ P @ 69.95 IJJ '891nt"" ..... 6-Ooys Enlbo @ 33.95 .78 _ EJqnss '8lI RR _ @ 3395 #107 RocingIlMriaVoI. l @22.95 #1 08AToist of dlI Wrist @ 43.95 #109 KJrnikmI WIII1d MTB C"shtpS @ 3495 '79 '89"""" RR GP @ 33.95 180 '89 ~ RR GP @33.95 18OA '90 ~ RR G P@33.95 - 1 '89U GP 1 .s 0 __ @ 3'~ .115 _ .. dlI Rinv@ 44.95 .116 Rocing Into Hislor,@44.95 #117 '"SIufiis 1990" 501lt Ann. @ 44.95 .118 50Y ... of SIltrgis@ 44.95 . __00_·_---- . Send CIloc* .. _ 1 P.D I I I . 155MX Crall & Ibn Specta:uIar@19 95 1165 '89 MX Des NalJans. GIrmany @ 2•.95 1168 MX Crall & Ibn I @ 19.95 ) 1 1 Card # 1 Signature 8102 Speedway Ice W~ C"shipo 90"@ 29.95 Amount Amount QIy. 8100 MotlJVllioll by Rid< J _ @ 2•.95 .101 V -T_ WllaeIloanil @ 3495 =. State _ _ Zip hi. . 1199 H_ #8 @ .9.95 1167A~_'89 r '",ty #41 IliilI ~ @ 33.95 #43TT Trillutl @ 33 .95 #98 H _ _ . .....- - ~ #81A '90U P Ui",. SuI @ 3195 SS #82A '90" -'-" RR GP @33.95 ..... #83A '90 .~. RR GP @ 3395 ,~IIII . RR GP @3395 - " '90W G .. •11lIIIl • #851 '90 Au3lrien RR G @ 3395 P · #86A '90 RlI G @ 3395 P .... ... 111 • #87A ·OO Ilutdl RR GP @ 31 95 #86A '90Belvilll RR GP @ 33.95 _ #94 '89 lsi. of Mill @ 49.95 _195 ·89Paris.C @ 49 .... . 9 5 _ _1 ,,_I . . 7 @ .9.95 #111 _lTmNoClticbn @34.95 . 1114 S<.ope"''' - ,.1fI. -.v.... --- - - - -- --- ------------ .T.... -,~~ _ V _ . U~_ @ 34.95 Address I Desaiprion QIy. . flid(._10 ...... (.111) ...... .... - , IIIfnlCtionaI tapI comes e:omp/e1, WIth I pocket-sized FOIl' r.mau. BrItiItl tin:uilI , ~ n.n-John hMdboclt tNt thI mocDa'DIMJ can c.-ry liang and Sima an till MY It 8raaklIrds III .~ r:hIIII'9I d rwler to in m. filid RJ showI you how to ndt bitter in ' 59 • SMmone by • 19-yu' DId HIiMaod; 17 thIn.,au Itlri. 'fOll CIft Order 111M' tar ~ tnndI III bibs . . . . 0ta'D. Ind IhI '58 l1li of _ .... rr ss _ _ -..V.... #51 ~ CIl....... @ 38.95 Il53 T ' " Raca I hIr Won @ 28.95 _ Name 0 Amount . t'" This 4S-m1llW ~ rou bid: 33 to ancu of rhI c*f 14-mi1t ~ tttui\. Wflh GoIeno """'" .. How to btp .,eu E \IOlution H.tIy tunming Ind Icding GcoH _ •• , IltW and .... IuIdr1ds of doIln JoeMinton hosu. m9'1Y 8IIW .. w " h"'" .. _ ~ .. Ilrr.,;,r_ fngtanIng Nofttlem -...nd UIItIr GP auJI. Fn:wn (" F 100) _ _ 0. (.107) AvMIIo (.1151_ .. .. ..... (/ISol)V·T "'_ @ 44.95 #1 20 Ride AmoricI PacUgo @ 49.90 #1 21 Ride AmoritIC H;p., 1 @ 29.95 .122 Ride Am.:"The Millian 00II" Hw( @29.95 #1 50 '90 Ge1Illtladt MX Hen. @ 33.95 .1 51'90SecrIlll1ll1l. MX NlI'b @ 33.95 .152 '90 AxIoo MX Nan . @ 33 .95 .153 '90 Mt M MX NlI'b @33.95 oois '200 '00 Asall(SpmvI Holt-Mile @ 2895 .2Ul '90 San Jose (Springl Mil. @ 2895 82U2 ·90SprinvlieId(SpringIMil.@ 28.95 Description .2U3 '90 lowYllIt Holt Mile @ 28.95 Amount • #204 '90 ll\IOucin Mil. @ 2895 #205 '90Peoria TT @ 28.95 _ #2U6 '90Spnovli.1dMil. @ 28.95 ' 207'90 San Jose {h O Mil. @ 28.95 I 8208 '90Asall (FaJll lIIlf·MiIe@ 28 95 B2U9 '90 _ . Mil. @ 2lI.95 8300 '90S<.opertnlSS PICbi' @ 352.00 . 301 '90 AnaIltim ~ @ 2U 5 . 302 ·90S<.open:ro:a @ 2U 5 .303 ·90 San Ci"" ~ @ 2U5 ' 304'90SII,IIe ~ @ 24.95 .305 '90A oS<.opertnlSS @ 24.95 m .306 ' 90los V_~ @24 .95 #307'90P _ S<.opertnlSS @ 24.95 .308 '90 ilIIIII ~ @ 24.95 8:m '90 p_ ~ @ 24.95 .3 1 0 ' 90 T.mpa ~@ 24.95 #311 '90 _ #312'90_ ~ @ 24.95 S<.open:rou @ 24 .95 #313'90 FOJIborouvh Sot!tIltlVS1 @ 24.95 .314 '90 OK City ~ @ 24.95 I I I I I I I I I #315'90 SanJose S<.opertnlSS @ 24.95 #31 6 '90lDs Angotti Sot!t. rtnlSS @ 24.95 _ CaIilonIio IIaiIoM ... & ,% 5_ Tu '1 (IA c..., &'I " ' Tu) 1 s - - . r a . . . . . Frw T . . 1 . ------------------------------------------------ s-.. I ~

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