Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; * e CALENDAR FI * Calendar listings are a free service for Cycle News readers and race promoters. All informa tion is the responsibility of the promoter. Calendar listings cannot be accepted over the phone; we must have a comp lete written Calendar listing on file. Use listing blank in this section. Listings must be received by Wednesday for publication in the following week's issue . We strongly suggest racers /spectators call the promoter/track 10 confirm details before traveling to the event . - California Winter Series NORTH-SOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS SHOWDOWN * * * * * WHY DOES.•. RICK JOHNSON JEFF MATI AS EVI CH MIKE KI EDROWS KI J OH NNY OMARA DOUG DU BACH * JEFF WARD * J EAN MI CHEL BAYLE * GUY COOPER * MICKY DYMOND * DENNY STE P HE NSON World C'ship ROld Rice Series 3/24 Suzuka, J.pan 417 E ....m tra.k. ~oli. 4/21 lagon. S.CI. USA 5/12 J.m. 5/19 Monz.. 5126 G.rmony 6/9 S.lzflurvnng. Austri. 6116 Rij.k.. Yugoslavi• .6129 AslIn. Holland 7121 P.uI RiClrd, Franc. 8/4 Oonington PIIIIr. Groat Britlin 8118 MiSl"". Sill Morino 8125 Smo. CzlChos!ovlki. 9/8 I""rllllos. lInzii 9129 Sh.h AI.m. M.loysi. * DAMON BRADS HAW * MIKE LAR OCCO * * * J EFF ST ANTON RYAN HUGHES J EF FEMIG RACE .WITH GFI? It's Best You Find Out! Come Race & Watch Factory Stars Battle For The 1st Annual "GFI $10,000 Invitational SX At Perris Raceway" OPENING ROUND/SOUTH Sat. 12-29 World C'ship Superbike ROld Rice Series 4/1 Donington Park. Great Britain 4/18 Jar,ma. Spain 5/26 . Int.rl.gos.IInziI 612 Mosport. 6/9 8<.in.rd. USA 6/30 Osl.rr.ich. Austri. Sun. 12·30 Ints & Pros (IlX" Pro Payb.., kJ . "125 Pro GFI SX Invitational" * OPENAtPRACTICE DAYS * Perri s Ra ceway Tues. 12·25 Closed 12-26 Ope n Th urs. 12·27 Open X·Mas 9 am-3 pm 9 am-3 pm Pern a Wed . S OUTH Casta ic Luke Perris LA CR Perri " 8/4 8/1 1 8125 911 9/15 9129 10/6 10/19 Fri . 12·28 Closed NO RTH Dec. 29 & 30 J an. 6 Jan. 13 J an . 2O J a n. 27 Sllndhill Ma rys ville Hu ron San dh ill Pr airie City 4112 7114 7128 8/4 9122 Huron - Febueary 10. 1991 Perris - Febur ary 17, 199 1 HONDA 10120 KAWASAKI SUZUKI Pr o · ' " $300 . 2M $200 • 3rd S 150 • 4tn S110 - !lIn $SO 1 Spa ' lams n . 11t '150 · 2nd S IlIO- 3rd $75 - 4T $SO· 51h $26 h 4/7 YAMAHA 4/21 _ Inlormatlon South (714) 788-5853 - North (209) 673-8080 : Only at HONDA * * SUZUKI MARINE 13521 N. Rorida Avenue Tampa. FL 33613 : HONDA Cmneridewith * * .* : * .* . Racers Discounts us. ::**8:ltJt;ISl***~~~i~Ji'J/*~§tjll#~* : I Want Ad information - (213) 427-7433 1 Soutlaeastera Motocross Association Presents 8thAaaaal C8roliDa Wiater serle. Series Race Dates January 6 January 20 . .February 3 February 17 March 3 March 17 M/C & ATVClasses a 5 Bike. Make A Cia .. Award. Each Event Pro Clau - 150% Payback Plu. Overall Sarie. Award. Registration 7 :30 a Practice 9:00 Race 10:30 Registration: Amateur $15 / Pro $25 22 Info: Montrose Motocross Race Track Raeford. NC (919) 875-3805 Blackburn. Great Britain N._.rd.. 1"I.nd Bi.I ain. 80lgium .. C i''ll·G.ud. FrlllCl 6/9 ************************************* : FLORIDA WINTER RIDERS : * * Largest Parts and Accessory Inventory * : * Racers Discount / UPS service Dally : # New'91 : ** SinEspecificar. luxemburg 4127 5/ 18 612 Pro · 1t l $750 - 2nd $450 - 3rd $300 - 4th SI50 _ lilh S100 S portam . n - 111S300 - 2nd S200 - 3", S1SO· 4th SHllI - ,51h S!iO Honda CRs On sale Now II OURington Patt.Great Britain Philip 1.lond. Austr.Ha World C'ship Observed Trills Series Pro . ' SI $300 · 2nd 1200 · 3' el $100 · "UI 1&1. flln S2S Spo r1_ n . 1' 1$150 · 2nd $100 ·3rd $15 · 4th S50 - 51h S2!i * laM.... From:. Sp.. 80lg ium Suzuk.. J.pan Jahor Malaysia . laC....llel From:. 9/29 P ro · 111 S500 - 2n ClS300 - 3rct S1!lO Sportama n -1.t $300- 2nd $ 150 · ).d S ~ :: And.ISIO'll. SWld.n SullO. JI1I.n Sh.h AI.m. Moloysi. G.rm.ny M.gny COII,,- Fr.nCl Monz•• Philip I.I.nd. Austroli. World C'ship Endurlnce ROld Rice Series Dec. 30 J an . 6 Jan. 13 J a n. 20 J Wl. 27 NORTH-SOUTH SHOWDOWN - Misano. Sin Marino .,~~ Oakland , . . " . Sport Center PARTS IN STOCK 4232 Dixie H~. Waterford. MI 48329 1313) 673-3366 (313)673-8144 FAX UPS Daily r91 Golden State N~1s Vi,lIa. Spain 6123 6/30 717 8123 911 9/15 MysI.niCi Polond . Pi.sting. Austri. C.rvin.. H.I.inki. Finlllld Goth.nb.rg. SWidon N.pomuk. Czochoslovlki. World C'ship 125cc MX Series 4121 4/28 5/12 5126 Alto Italy . TGulonlArroUl,. France M.I1c.lo. HoIlllld Kaposvor. Hung.ry 6/23 6/29 7/2 7/9 7114 7121 8/4 8/18 HalhinOR. Great Britain [(jllinthy. 1"llIId Rolllllnb SWld.n G 80Igium Amatitlon. Guat.m.l• Campo. do Jord.. hil Ri.L G.rmony Suzuka, Jop.n World C'ship 250cc MX Series 417 4/28 5/5 5/12 5126 MilL Holl.nd Dalatin. Clichoalowakia , Sdlwonost. Austria M.nton. ltaIy Hyyinb.. Fiiilllld B /16 Blnd.lllrona. Sin fMrino Arbi•• Portutlal~ . Ni.mos. 80lQium Unodill.. USA Maracy. Venezuela SUZUQ. J.p.n 8123 6/30 7114 7/21 8/4 World C'ship 500cc MX Series 4114 Poy..... Switz.rl.nd 4121 Sitt.ndorl Austri. . 4128 V."".. Finlllld 5/5 Viu.fjarda.SWidon 5/12 Cost.In.ud. lavi.. F_. 8/2 N .... HoIlllld 8/30 ESlna1OtIli.. 717 Howkston. PIIIIr. GrollBritlin 7121 Reutlinllln. G.rmony 8/4 NlIl1ur. 8olgi... 8/11 Folkand."ll'. Lwramburv 8125 Son 8omlrdioo. USA World C'ship Enduro Series 4/20·21 4127·28 Alp. Spain Sl M.n:.1 d"Ardochl. France 6/1-2 6/8 ·9 6122·23 8129·30 Mlrina In...... Finlond Vimmarby. SWld.n la Rufina, holy Sorgo M.ggi.... San 7120·21 7127·28 Ki.Ie.. Polond Mon..or. G.rmony Int'l Six DIYS Enduro 8mov.. Cztcho 912·7 Motocross des NltioltS 9115 Valkansw.ord. HolI.nd Trill des Nltions 9122 Grouhouboch. Gorm.ny AMA Clmel Supercross Series 1/12 Orllnclo. Fl 1/19 HOOSlOn. n 1128 An im, CA .... 212 Soltll•• WA 2/9 Son Oi.lIO. CA 2123 Atl.nt.. GA 3/9 D."oo. 801Ch. Fl 3/16•• A2 4/6 a Pot.rsbu... Fl 4113·14 Pootioc. MI 4120 . Chorlolte. NC 4127 Dallas. Tll 5/4 las V.gas. NV 5/18 T8A, NY 6/1 Boston. MA 8/15 S.n Jose, CA 8122 Lo.Ang.I... CA Info 614/891·2425 AMA Nlt1 C'ship 125/250 MX Series 3/3•• Fl 3124 S.crom.nto. CA 5126 Mt. Morri.. PA 717 Suchon... MI 7121 Axton. VA 7128 Tray. OH 8/4 · Sout!lwiclr. MA Info 814/89 1·2425 AMA Nlt'l C'ship 125/500 MX Series 4114 J.richo, UT las V.gas. NY 5/5 Craig. CO 9115 W._r.UT 9/29 W.11s, NV 10120 • Tlntltiv. Info 814/891·2425 AMA AJ....ur/youth ' lin Dirt Trick Series IT Scrambles Final I/12 ·13. P.ori.. IL 7/9·10. Peori.. Il 718·7 Info 814/891·2425 H.nry. IL Short Track Rnal Half Mile Final SETRA C'ship Enduro Series 1113 CbIrloston. SC 1127 Sumter. SC 3/3 P.Hon, SC 3110 D.lllld.FL Mo.uys. GA 3/17 3/31 Brown Mt. 8th. NC 4128 Olu..... FL 5/5 Ctinton, SC Inlo 9121882·6483 SETRA C'ship Hire Scrlmbles Series 1219 Pt, GA ... 2117 Jolm,onvill•• SC 2124 Mill'''. GA 4114 Sumtor. SC 5112 J'lIIer. AL Info 404/532·8832 Mid-South C'ship Hire Scrlmble Series 8/11 Millvill•• MN 9/1 W.shoug.L WA 9122 8inghomton. NY 9/29 O.Imont. PA 10/8 Budd, tra.k. MO Now Berfln, NY 10/13 Info 814/891·2425 12116 Cullm.n. AL 1/13 Lexington. TIl 1127 Brom.n. GA 2110 CI.rbvill•• TIl 2124 Cullm.n. AL 3/17 FOIt Kno~ KY 4121 Contervill•• TIl Info 615/331·1475 AMA Nlt'l C'ship ROld Riel Series FTR C'ship Hire Scrlmbles Series 3/1 ·10 Oeyto.. 8o1Ch. CA 5/17·19 8

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