Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 11 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Papa that MTV is currently holding a co ntest in wh ich the wi n ner will receive six - tha t's right, six - HarleyDa vidsons, six leather jackets and along wit h five of his/her friends will jet to Boston where th ey'll get to part y and ba ng their heads up aga ins t the wa ll wi th Aerosrni th. Tune in the TV show for details. Papa's going to enter tha t co ntes t, and he wishes he were eligible for the Daytona Sweepstakes Contest. Details of tha t contest, which will award the grand prize winner with airfar e, accom modations, a rental 'car and VIP passes for two for th e March 1-10 Daytona Camel Mot or cycle Week, pl us o ther good ies , can be fou nd elsewhere in this issue. Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, wi ll host t he 1991 AMA Heritage Homecoming, August 14-17. O hio Un iversit y pla yed hos t to the inaugural H eritage H omecoming in Augus t of this year . New features of the 1991 event will include four da ys worth of dual sport activi ty a nd an increased em p hasis on the vin tage a nd a ntique motorcycle movem ent. 'After a week of testing, 500cc MX Wo rld Champ ion Eric Geboers rode th e a utomatic transm issio n Honda .CR250 a t the Nove m ber 18 T ok yo Supercross. " H RC expects to test th e bik e in a few GPs next year, so I ma y ride i t then as well ," sai d Geboers, who comp leted only five laps at T ok yo. Pace Management, promoters of severa l ro unds of the Camel Supercro ss Series , will rep o rted ly promo te a supercr oss race in Tokyo , Japan , duri ng a br eak in the 1991 Ca me l Su percross Se r ies n ext Febru a r y. Details of th e race ha ve no t bee n fi na lized, but it won 't be part of the Camel Supercross Seri es. M ike Fisher has signed with KT M to contest the 1991 Camel Su percross a nd 250 and 500cc National Champ ionsh ip MX Series. Keith J ohnson will remain with KTM as Fisher's tea m ma te. Husaberg, the Swedi sh ma nufacturer of four-str oke off-road mot orcycles, is currently in the hands of receivers under Swedis h ba n k r u p tc y la w s. Acco rding to Eng land's Trials & Motocross News, i t appears likel y that manufacturing will contin ue under a new company set up to tak e over with a restructuring of fin ances, production a nd sponso rsh ip to satisfy the new backers, possibl y Husaberg's Italian im porter. The company , whic h was estab li sh ed by form er H u sq varna employees after th at firm was pur- chased by Cagiva and relocated to Ita ly, was backed by both loca l a nd Swedish government money. Wha t does this all me- n in the U.S.? "It shouldn 't effect a u s at all ," sa id Greg Surdyke o f H usaberg Ameri ca, the U.S. importer of H usaberg mo tor cycles. " We alread y received ou r first shipment a nd we've got a nother or der in , a nd we expect everything as pl a nned. In fact our a llo t me n t o f m otorcycl es sho u ld increase la ter in the year." and 500cc National Championship MX Series. Dunlop ha s announced the addi tion of the Silver Tir e A ward t o several other p restigious a w ards p resented at the annual Florida M ini O lympic Nationals which take place this , week at Gatorback Raceway in Gainesville, Florida. According to Dunlop's Frank Stacy, the a ward will be presented to the competitor who accumulates the most points in Division 10 a nd II (125cc A Expert Pro -Am Stock a nd Modi fied classes and 250/500cc A Exper t Pro -Am Stock and Modified classes). In additio n to the p laque, the rider wi ll receive a Silver T ire Co ntract for 1991. The contract consists of 10 Dunlop kn obb y tires plus bonus tire opportu nities: The Southeastern Sport bike Association (SSA) hosted a party d uring the Sunday, November 4, lu nch break a t the WE RA Grand Na tional Final at Road Atlanta. T he purpose of the party was to formall y esta blish the cl ub and to . attract potentia l members. T he Atl anta-b a sed cl ub pla ns to hold grou p rides, r iders schoo ls and socia l gatherings. Durin g the part y, SSA coll ect ed $1 70 i n donatio n s for Bert Stuck ert, who su ffered life-threatening injuries a t R oad Atl a nta i n the Novem ber 2 end urance race. For SSA mem bersh ip in formation, contact Stan Di lch er at 404/ 435-03 10. ' HIRED: Brian Noto, by Dealernews Maga zine as sen io r sales represen tative. Noto was form erly an adver tisi ng sales representa tive for McMull en Publish ing. MOVED: Cycle T rends o f North Hollywood to 1490 1 Oxna rd, Va n Nuys, CA 91411; 818/902ยท9253. The Salinas Ramblers of northern Ca li fo rnia have a nnounced that the Dec emb er 2 Quicksilver Hare Scrambles has been postponed due to the fact tha t the BLM will no t issue a permit because of the extremely dry co nditions in the ar ea. The race is ten ta tively rescheduled for J anuary 13. NAMED: Larry Little as publisher of Cycle and Cycle World maga zines. Li tt le, former advertising d irector fo r bot h magazines, replaces Jim Hansen , who will co n tin ue with H achette Jim Cox, the AMAlCCS Sou th west Region's overa ll champion roa d racer, displ ayed his title-wi nning Yamaha FZR600 du ring the recent three-day grand opening of Auto G iant Warehouse #2 in Las Vegas , Nevada. .Cox sa id he a u to g ra p h ed h undreds of phot os for race fans at the a uto mo tive parts /servi ce store. " It 's a th rill to see th e faces, whether young or ol d, ligh t up whe n I'm signing a photo o r ta lk ing abo ut raci ng," said Co x. P ublish ing as a managerial consulta nt. Bob Sta rr, former Amer ican Suzu ki na tio nal advertising manager, will take Little's place as adve rt ising director. Li ttl e started in the ind ustry as an adve rtising salesman for Cycl e N ew s in ' 1978, mo ved to Peter sen P ubl ish in g i n 1979, and to Cycle World and Cycle in 1985. APPOINTED: J oe Degano as Fly Sportswear's U.S. rider-representative. Degano will co ntin ue as ri der representative for O 'Neal USA, the sole U.S. importer for Fly Sportswear. HIRED: Bill ee Davies, by Formula U.S.A. TV as sales agent and sponsor liason for the 1991 series of Prim e Network TV sho ws co-prod uced by Keith Code an d P aul Winters i n conj u nctio n with the WERA. Davies can be reac hed a t 518/427-8727. MARRIED: Announcer Larry Huffman a nd Kath leen .Cou lter, in Dana Point, California, November 10. INJURED: Roc k m usician Da vid Cr osb y, a foundi ng mem ber of The Byrds a nd Crosby, Sti lls a nd Nash , in a motorcycle accident near hi s Enci no, Cal ifo rn ia , h om e, N ov emb er 18. Accordi ng to Crosby, he was tra veling 25 mph or slo wer wh en the throttle s tuck open on h is 1987 H arl eyDavidson . Crosby su ffered abroken left leg, a nkle and sho ul der. Attempt to gun down trail plan backfires on Rreservationist grouD-=----s_ 'A long-awaited tra il de velopment plan , which would crea te the first off-hig hway trail system in Missouri's Ma rk Twain National Forest, has dodged a bullet. Recently, th e U.S. Forest Service den ied a n ap peal filed by two preservationist groups to ge t the trail plan overturned. T he pla n, wh ich was -the result of negotiations between the Midwest T rail Riders Associa tio n (MT RA) a nd the Forest Servi ce, ca lls for th e construction of a 10m ile sectio n of con nector trail s in the Salem Ranger District. It won approval recently after a series of p u blic meetings that span ned th ree years. Sh ortly after th e p la n was a pproved, how ever, the O zark Chapter of the Sierra Club a nd the Coalition for the En vironment filed a n appeal. They cha rged, among . ot her th ings, tha t Forest Service pe rso nnel failed to prepare an enviro nme ntal impact statement for the proposal trail, a nd that the decis ion to build it and future tra il systems m us t be reconsidered. But tha nks to the swift action of the MTRA, the AMA a nd the Blu e Ribbon Coalition, a ll of which filed comments to cou nter the groups ' complaints, the appeal was rejected. In its fina l decision, the Fo rest Service determ ined that an extensive environmental survey was not necessary since th e proposed trail would not ha ve a significant impact on the forest's environment. Forest Service offi cials did ag ree to conduct a n env ironmenta l assessment on fu ture trail co nstruction proposals, however. " T he outcome of th is appeal demonstrates the im portance of workin g in cooperation with the Forest Service," said Eri c Lundquist, AMA legislative affairs specia list. " O ver the years, th e MTRA has worked hard to develop that kind of relatio ns hip, and it is clear tha t their efforts are pa ying off. " T he Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association (TMDA) has rescheduled the 1991 T MDA Conference a t th e Holi day Inn Astrodom e in Houston, T exas, to coincide with the running of the Houston round of th e Camel Su pe rcross Series. The co n ference, which was origina lly scheduled to take place Febru ary 2-3, will take p lace on January 19-20.The Houston Su percross runs on Saturday night, januaryIll, Mo to crosser Doug Duba c h h a s rene wed hi s contract with Yamaha for th e 1991 seaso n and will co mpete in the U ltracross class a t all Mickey T hom pso n Championship Gran Prix events, pl us selected Ca mel Supercro ss Series events and th e en tire AMA 250 ~------------------------------------------------------------------_.I SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name '-- -'- _ Address _ Ci ty State Zip _ This is a renewal P leas e bill m e Bill 3 payments of $11.67 D Enclosed is m y che ck o r money o rde r I. ~ S~~ Charge my D Visa D Maste rcard Go _ ~I"'" D D D Signature Order Date _ Please start m y subscription to Cycle News: I I l I I I I I ....,..- MC/ Visa #----, _ _ Expiration Dat e _ D Every week for o ne yea r (50 issue s) for $35.00 (can be bill ed 3 mon thl y pa ymen ts) D D Every week for two years (100 issues) for $65.00 Six months second clas s (25 issues) for $18.00 O ne year (50 issues). 2nd class Canada or Mexico a nd all other foreign cou ntries $7,5..00 (U.S. funds ). 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