Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 11 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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When you compete on a 1991Honda XR~ you get more than legendary power and durability. More than your fair share ofvictories, too. You'll getgift certificates that work like cash when you win designated events.Up to $1,000 for placing in single regional events. And up to $5,000 for taking an overall series championship. All ofit good for Genuine Honda Parts,TX-10® Apparel,Pro-Hondaoil and chemicals,Hondaline" accessories and even Honda motorcycles: So get on a newXR, and make a withdrawal. From your local Honda Dealer. HONDA Come ride with us. 1991 Honda XR Contingency Program. AMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLE SERIES TIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AMA NA ENDURO SERIES AMA NATIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES AMA NATIONAL HARE & HOUND SERIES DEvents x 2 Classes S27,275(Gift Certiftcatcs) DEvents x 2 Classes 827,275 (Gift Certificates) 12 Events x 2 Classes 8:34,700 (Gift Certificates) 7 Events x 3 Classes SI2.175 (Gift Certificates) 1st S300 4-STROKE 13: 2nd SI50 3rd S 75 1st S300 2nd S300 :3rd $150 O Event Overall-SlOO Overall Series Championship- S5000 BLACKWATER 100 1 Event x 2 Classes S2475 (Gift Certificates) :1-S'(ROK E_B ~ lst S300 2nd 8 150 3rc! 8 75 :1,,~ TRQK EA 1st S500 2nd S300 1st S300 3rd SI50 Event Overall- SlOO O AMA ISDE QUALIFIERSERIES 7 Events x 2 Classes S3' ,200 (Gift Certificates) 2 LETTEROF INTENT RIDERS 01\LY 0-:3 4-S 50 TROKE soo« 4-STROKE 1st S1000 2nd S500 3rd $:300 EventOverall-$2000 Extra Bonus fur XRriders that qualify for the US ISDE Team and compete in the 1 ISDEand 991 win the following awards: Gold M edal S3000 Silver Medal S2000 Bronze Medal S1000 1st 5500 2nd S300 4-STJWKE 11. 2nd 8150 :3rd S 75 li ,(ROKE..A~ :1- Sn~QK E_ : A ~,,~ TRQK E_A : 1st S500 4-STHOKE B: 2nd Sl 50 3rd S 75 3rc! 8150 Event Ov erall- SlOOO Ov erall Series Championship-$5000 BARSTOW TOVEGAS I Event x 16 Classes 816,200 (Gift Cert ificates ) 1 76-2501NT 0250SEN 40+ INT 176-250EX I' lJ-250SEN40+ EXI' 2iil-01' N INT E 2iil-01'EN SEN 251OPENEXI' 40+ INT 0-250 VET:30+ INT 251-0PEN SEN 0-250 VET:JO+ EXP 40+ EXI' SCPERSEN 50+ 1 1\'1' 251 -0PENVET 30+ INT SUPERSEN iiO EXP + 251-0PEN VET WOMENINT :JO+ EX P WO~lEN EXP 1st S500 2nd S300 :3rd S150 250 OPEN VET 1st S300 2nd S150 3rd S 75 Event Overall-Sl000 Overall Series Championship- S5000 Event Overall-S500 Overall Series Championship- S5000 S.C. 0. R. E. INTERNATIONAL PARKER 400, SAN FELIPE 250, BA.JA INTERNATIONAL, BA.JA 1000 ALLIGATOR ENDURO 1 Event x 2 Classes S2475(Gift Certificates) 4 Events x 4 Classes SID,200 (Cash Payout) 1st S500 21-250 22-0PEN 30-30+ 38-38+ 2nd S300 lst S300 4-STROKE B: 2nd S150 3rd 8 75 4-S,(IillKE_-&~ lst S500 2nd S300 3rd S150 3rd S150 1st S500 2nd S300 3rd SI50 Event Overall- SlOO O O Event Overall-SlOO Event Overall- 81000 NETRA ENDURO SERIES SETRA ENDURO SERIES ECEA ENDURO SERIES 12 Events x I Class 828,400 (Gift Certificates) 14 Events x 2 Classes S39,650 (Gift Certificates) 20 Events x 2 Classes S54,500 (Gift Certificates) 1st $500 :1-STRQKE _ 2nd S300 1st S300 3rd S150 1st S300 4-STROKE B: 2nd S150 3rd S 75 1st S500 4-STROKE A: 2nd S300 3rd S150 ~,,~TRQKE 1st S500 Event Overall-S1000 Overall Series Championship- S5000 4-STROKE B: 2nd S150 3rd S 75 A: 2nd S300 3rd S150 Event Overall-Sl000 Overall Series Championship- S5000 Event Overall-Sl000 Overall Series Charnpionship- $5000 ALWAYS WEAR AHELMET, EYE PROTECTIONAND PROTECTIVE CUYrHING, AND PLEASE RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT. Obeythe law and read yourowner's manual thoroughly_'At parti cipating Honda Dealers only. XR, , NTX-Io,'" Pro-HondaNand Hondaline"are Honda trademarl

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