Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 11 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ADVERTISERS INDEX 202 Racing • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 38 Erie's Motoreycl. Co • • • • • • • ••• • 40 Exotie Motorcyel. Imports •• • • • • •• 48 AMA •• ••••• • • • •• ••••• • 35 Extrud. H Abrasiv •• • •• •• • •• 39 ona e Attion Ylmaha Of Edison 42 FlIaL Company • •• • • • •• • • • • • • 41 Aerosttch Riderwear • • • • • • • ••• • 46 i Fact ryConnection o 23.48 Allijan Enterpri es ,' • ••••• ••• 37 ieo s Faerory Pipe Produt:ts 41 Aireon. Inc • • ••• • • •• • •••• • 41 FaJieon PerformaneeEng • • •• ••• • • 49 Al Baker Ra cing •• • • • • • • • • •• • 40 Fast By Ferraeei 39 Allsporl • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• 46 FlSlrakSystems. Inc:. • 38 AMA ProRacing •• • ••• • • • •••• 35 Fin. line Raeing 42 Ameriun Honda • • • • Cvr.I. .10 ut:ts 46 Fi ishUne Prod n 1.42.51 Fisch.rCompeti ion eye • • • • • • • • • 47 t American Jaw. Ltd • • • • • •• •• • • 41 FMF 39 American Me lestitut •• •• ••• • • • 48 • Fr1den. Raeing Produt:ts ••••• • • • • 4S American Suzuki Motor Corp. • • • • • loll r'! FIlI.dom Cyele. • 42 AMP R earch ••• ••• ••• • •• • • 39 es FllIewhllling Hondl·8MW ••• • • • • • 42 Andrews Hond./Suzuki • • •• • • ••• 48 Gl lil Rl eing 47 Andrflws Yamah.·l(aw8S1ki ••••• •• 48 48 Garvis Honda Town Arai Helm els • • •••• • •••• •• • 39 47 Glry Bailey's MX Sehool otorcycles • • •• • • • • • • • • • 47 ATX M Gio CA Moto 41 Baja Off Road Tou rs 41 Givt • G , .Get I Gih ••• • • • • Cvr12 ih. . Bakersfield Speedway ••• • • • • • • • 35 . Goat Breke(s Gfl Raeing 34,35 Banzai Bro. • •• • ••• • ••••• •• 39 Gustlfuon Plastics 42 Barnett Tool &: Engineering 42 H& HKTM 43 Barr's Comp.tition 47 Hills H rtl y-D dlOfl l llIi 48 Hap Jones Oi lributing s 47 BanelsH arley·DI"idson 39 43 Hayward H and. • ••••• •••••• • 42 BatlSIndustries Beach Vamaha•• ••• • '• • • • • • • • 43 He s Hodakl id' 48 Be.rdan Oil Co 47 Hickmln Rec:ing • • • • .. • • • • • • .. .. 4 t Bel Ray••••• ••••••• • • • • 36.39 Hogln C \'tles 45 Bell He lmets • •• • • • • • • • ••• •• 47 dant. .. 39 Ho 01A ndl Bert's Motorcytles 23.36 H ondi / Suzuki Of Pomona 38 BI.y E ngineering : •• • • • • • • • ••• 39 H opp, !IIAssoc:ittlS • • • • • • • • • • • 38 SkyC",I. Supp~ •• • •• •• • • • 41 Howard M lorlJ)Otts • • • • • .. • • .. .. • 46 O BMW O D f aytona 40 H 's Bultaco ; ugh 41 BMW 01Nor1tl Amerie. • 45 Husaberg Am_rie l 45 g Bo llenbaeh Engintlrin • • • • • • • • • 40 48 Boy.Mn Enginaering . "" 47 ttyPen, k •••• • • ••• ••••••• 38 Bridp stonl nl"l 42 H ydro·SCI 39 Bu.1I Mo Co. • .. • • • • • .. • .. .. • ..43 tor I.C.O 40 8 Bu alo NumberPI t1S ••• • • ••••• 42 H In ndEmpirtSuruki •••• • ••• • • • 40 rl CAD Ou inz 49 Inur·Stet. Oil Co 48 Caf. R ing Products .e 40 lntematioft.l.l M otorsp ort 46 Cagi". North Ameriel 45 • JB ltKing 40 Calilomi, RlCing Dub • •• • • • • • • • 45 K&A Cyt~ ••• • •••• •• • • • • • • 38 Ca m.1Pro .. .. • • • • • • • • .. .. .. • • • 13 KIWISIki MotOdMp. • • • • • • • 10,11,19 Carb Pin s W house erl 47 KawnIId of Rivtrside Recing •••••• 47 Carr. H onde • • •••• •• • • • • • •• 43 Kay1I Cotporetion : ,37 Cernlm. Wheels&. Pro pl 40 Ke M1ety Enterprisa .. .. • .. • • • • • • 40 n CCSp. eielty • • • • • • • • .. • .. • • • • 47 Kl,mm Atu m 45 Championship Cup Serin 41 KI. pf's Triumph m 39 47 ChlpllTllCyell Supply Kni ht Rleing frem g lS 42 Chariot Mfg. Co 43 KTM Of Amtritl • .. .. .. • • • • • • .. .. .. 42 Charleston ~m Cyel 40 K ustom Kreft P,rf $pte •••••••• 38,47 C in:IaBenE m. 39 Laidig's HcWtsh Enginlerin ot g 38 CIarIle MIg. Co 49 Lectron fUll S¥sttms 49 Co l seopt llid 40 U'lti me Pitta 46 Competition R ider) of America •• • • • • 34 Loc:khIn Consumll'Prod 49 Loo .....", _ Co. • • • • • • ••• 31 Conn.cticut C Works yde 39 Continental Club 34 Lou's Ltmel1l 40 Ccwbin Selts • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • 39 MSl ..• 38 Cosmopolitln MotOtl 47 M.C.C. : 41 M.P.C. •••• •••• • •• •• • • ••• 49 C • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • 35 Rt Custom FlU' • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • 35 URRI Annuli .... . • • • • • • .. • • • Iflllrt C le CIaftI • • .. • • • • • • • .. • • .. ..38 Yt _ s..."M.C. 9 42 Mtnchlltlr Sporte.nt.r 47 t Yte Exprtu l Cyel. R cydl l1l . 39 MaxiN AKi g L*iclnts n 49 Cycl. s.mte Inc.. • • • • • • • • • • .. • 35 McGrew1 0IUrInCI Serviees • •••••• 49 Cyde Specialtin Attie"' • .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 45 MegKyCie E ring 38 CZ Owners Club .. . . .. • • .. • .. • • .. • 34 Maltier MotDftyd. Tn 29,38 D6D M oloftycle Sefvice 42 M ib's Cyd PII1s l 43 I C&o P,rfonnanc. ExhIUlt 45 M illesCycle Supply •• •••••• • • • 47 D 8ItO 45 Milluni Ameriel ..38 34 D Ana Cydl P. ri e MoDI. ltKinll • • • .. • • • • • .. • • • • 42 D .nni. K irk 48 Mota G C1aaics ... . • .. .. .. .. • .. ..47 uzzi D lMIr U M Patti ' ..d IC 41 Mot Ub"" C . ydo • • • .. • • • .. • • 42 , D vol Engin l llring 45 Moto tine 49 DID Chl in 46 Moto-VIt.d Prod uets• ••• • • • • • • • 41 29,34 Oi trict 37 AMA s Dto-X c.ddy 41 M D ie HarmnMXAeldemy onn 43 Motocross Fo x 49 Double &ron Recing Ann. •• • • • •• • 34 Mot_, Alb 39 DublinKawasaki 38 MotoVideo 48 EII1 Mlrk Productio • •••• '• •••• 49 n. Motu! Oil 43 East Coast Suzuki • • •• •••• • • • • 49 M uzzy's R&D 43 Eddie Brush 41 NMA 34 Ellis W. TlylOf • • • •• • • • '•••• •• 45 Neil Keen 36 Engin. Dynamia Co • • • • ••••• •• 39 Nitrous ll.id_Systems. Inc. • 41 A&A Racing Service •••• • • 00 m " •• •• 43 IN THE WIND ByPapa Wealey Noleen Racing. Inc •• • ••• • • • N orthwest Sleeve Eng. Wrk• • • • • Oakland SillClr • •• •• •••• • Del li Motocross Park D rangll Cnunty Suzuki •• • • • • • Performance Machine • • • • •• • Pel_BOO's Cyele Salv age Penerson Pra Suspension • • • •• PJl • • • 39 •• • 42 • •• 36 29 • • • 38 • • • 43 43 • • • 42 em.. . . . . . ..... •. ... . 43 Powennist Raeing Pro s duct 4D Pro A ction Innovations 46 Pro Circuit R8eing • • • • •• • • • • • • 42 Prolteria M lors O 48 ProPadProducts • • • • • • • • • • • • 4D Pro Plltls 39 ProTrac Trailer) • •• •• • • • •• • • • 40 Pro-T D ee allas Baker •••• • • • • • •• 46 Pro·Vue Lanses • • • • • • • • • • • • • 45 sion • •••••• •• 48 ProgrllSsilll Su.pen PSI. Inc 4D R.J. Reynolds fClmel) • • • • •••• • • 45 R.K.. Chain •• • • • • • • •• • • •• • • 40 R Teeh aee 43 43 Rating Engine Components Re gina Chain 45 Rifl. Feirings 40 49 Ro mano Speed Products Ron Wood Raeing 48 SRA 35 SartI' MI t 1Ia Jet Ski , 47 Shoti H.lml1s ~ ••• 48 Shoup Enterprise. .. • • • • • • • • • .. • 46 SlaterBros • • • • ••• •••• •••• 41 SlOlns Cycll SIIIIS •••• • •••• ••• 43 Suz. CIT. .. . . . . . . . . . . 39 SponsellerMI CCompany •• •••• • • • 42 Sport Tracla 36 Sp roeket Speeillim • • • • • • • • • • • 48 . Squll"l D Aidan ell 35 Slid Storz P.rform nee •• ••• • •• • 49 . ye 38 Sll"llt&. Competition C Sudeo Int'l • • • • • .. .. .. .. • • • • • • ..48 48 Sun Enginllring llar g 45 Supe rbikl M Engineerin ik. Sup lrtrapp lndustrilS US 39 Stauki Kewauki A Country •• • • • • 49 n Suzuki Kawauki Country 38 Suzuki RM OI.l er Group ~ •••••••• 4.5 SY'd leethit's • • • • • • • • • .. .. • .. ..47 36 Tl em Ca ri YSR lema Tht Tryell Sho • • • • • .. • • • • • • • 42 p Tony 0 MXSch l .. • • .. • .. • oo • • ..45 Too TIdl Ricing 40 Tote·A·Toy 45 Tri City K1w 411 Trick Racing fU l • • • • • • -:' l 49 Troyle, D esign 39 1SA •• .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• 41 U K it..i • • • • • • • • • ••• •• 49 .S. ush U.S. TlUbaki 1' 49 U fi tllf. Inc ni 48 Unocel CorpotItiorl. • • • • • • • .. .. .. ..48 V antl &. HilliS EnterpJ'isn ••••• ••• 4 t VIIlSOO LtIthlI1l • • • .. .. • .. • .. • • • ..48 VIRleI' Recing .. .. • • • .. • • • • .. .. .. ..49 Video Thtlllr 50 Watl-&batlerC . StJp ycl 42 W,b ·Clm 46 Flo l MX PeR • • • • • ••• • • 38 rid Whe-I Worlu 36 . _ . 8nII C Spot •••• •• • • •• • 49 ,. WhiIti.rHoRdI Kawasaki 49 47 Wi . Dpln Rlcing d William H . andl ' 45 W Ulilmswille Wilding Same. 49 Wininlki lIIea Pl"lptration 41 WIIICfI ~ •• • • 42 Woodbridgl KNasaki .. • • • • .. .. .. .. .. 38 W Spona South "'d 23 Vamahl Motor Corp 49 Il 47 V lmatll Sports PI I Vlmahl Suzuki South 39 V amalll Yl D iller G roup 17 Volio ••••• • • • •• • ••••••• 40 Y OII'limura EIIl 46 Zero G ty revi 42 Srn...,·, VOTE TO RIDE Conti n ued from page 2 Davidson in Santa Barb ara, Cal ifornia, is seeking a sponsor for the vintage race" which will run in co nj unctio n with a su per bike race in Mex ico City, Mexi co, December 4. " I need a TDIC, T D2. T R 2, HI R , H2R or Water _Buffalo," said Carr. " It' s $1000 each for me a nd a mechanic, all inclusive." Anyone wh o's interested in pi cking up th e ta b a nd so me guaranteed fun , should call Carr at 805/962-513 I. A merica n Motorcyclist A ssocia tion m e m bership totaled 1 8 6,3 61 a t th e end of Sep tember , a n in crease of 474 members over the previous month and 18,436 in the past year . Cal ifornia ca n boast of having the most members. 27.387. Pennsy lvania is second with 13,987, then comes Ohio with 12,828, New York with 12, 129, and Ill in o is rounds out the top five with 11,452 members. If you don 't belong, p ull out your Mas terCard or Visa card and call 800/ AMA-J O IN . Full AMA membership costs just $20 per year and that fee includes a pin, the monthly American Motorcyclist magazine, and many other benefits. If you do belong, sign up a friend or a famil y member. Immediate family members of those holding full membership can join as associate memb ers for just $10 per year. More than $2.5 million in 'co n tingencies will be available to Suzu ki RM riders through American Suzuki's 1991 Motocross Co ntingency an d Support Pro gram. Riders com peting on Suzuki RMs, regardless of mod el year , will be eligible for payback do wn to fift h place or beyo n d i n race s conduc ted by 13 different sanctioning organizations th rougho ut the co untry. Race support vans will also be on hand to assis t Suzuki riders at selected major events and customers purchasing new R Ms will receive a free session in the Tony D. MX School. Specific detail s and class payo u ts are a vai lable at Suzuki dealers. California Depart ment of Pa rk s a nd Recrea tion Director Henry R. AgoRia announced on Octo ber 25 that the department has taken no position on Proposition 130, the "Forests For· ever" initiative. A private non -pro fi t organization has been using, in a televisi on commercial, a statement by a sta te park ranger supporting the i nit iative. Agonia stressed that, alt hough the ra nger is a department em ployee, he does not speak for or in any way represent the department's pos i tio n o n P roposition 130. T he Californ ia Off Road Vehicle Association recom me nds a " no" vo te on Pro positi on 130. Less than two weeks after m ult i-tim e Supercros s a nd Na tiona l MX cha m p Rick Johnson said he was th inkin g a bo u t retiring or perhaps com peting in Euro pe, co mes word that he will race in the U.S. next year in th e Camel Supercr oss ·a nd 250/ 500cc National Championship MX Series. " I feel l ow e it to the sport to giv e a good far ewell ," said Joh nso n. ' 'I'm going to gi ve it all I'v e go !." Johnson, hampered by a wri st in jury th is seas o n , fini sh ed fourth in th e Nat ional Championship 500cc MX Seri es point standings and 15th in th e Camel Supercro ss Series. VOTE T.O RIDE The 23rd Annual Pres ident e / SCORE Baja 1000, whi ch tak es place in Baja California. Mexico, on Nov ember 9, has drawn 290 preentries, 117 of them in the motorcycle or ATV classes . Austra lian road racer Way ne Gardner will drive an open -wheeled race car during a support race in Adel aide, Australia, in November. T he race, which is run on a street' circu it, is part of the final round of th e 1990 S tanl ey Tools Au stralian Drivers Championship. Gardner will driv e a Shrike in the Formula Holden event. England 's Ron Haslam raced a John P la yer Norton recently at Brands H atch in England. Haslam, who rode a factory Cagiva in the 1990 500cc G rands Prix. finished well do wn in the first race on the rotary, but finished third in the second after a race-long battle with eventual winner Terry Rymer and runner-up Rob McElnea. Haslam continues to experience pain in the oft-injured little fin ger on his right hand. and may have to ha ve the finger amputated. Haslam's race wit h Norton was a one-off deal a nd the Brit is hoping to ride in the GPs again next year, and he has not ru led out the possibility of moving to the 250cc class. BORN: Rex John Williams, son of Suzuki tech nical service shop supervisor Cra ig Will iams and his wife Linda , September 20 in Corona, Ca lifornia. RESIGNED: Mike Vaughan , director of marketing co m m unications fo r Kawasaki Mo tor Corp. USA, effective November 16. Vaughan, who has been wi th Kawasak i for mor e tha n a decade, is joining Ehler t Publishing Group of Wa yzata, Min nesota, as associate publisher of the company's personal watercraft and snowm ob ile magazi nes. . BORN: T homas Phil ip Go nter, son of Cycle News western ad vertising sales manager Tom Gonter and his wife Sh erri, on Octob er 24 in O ra nge, California. NAMED: Bill Kentling, as president of Heartland Park Topeka, the Kansas road race a nd drag race faci ii ty. Kentli n g replaces Bill Smi th, who resigned to return to his engineer ing consulting firm , W.L. Smith Associates. Smith was responsible for the design and construction of the facility and will remain available to th e track on a con su lti ng and special project basis. Kentling is the for mer commissioner of the Major Indoor Soccer League (MISL) and former general ma nager of the Wichita Wings soccer franchise. H e ha s also held manage· ment posit ions with Pi zza Hut, th e National Baseball Congr ess. and the Wichita Eagl e-Beacon newspaper. MAR RIED : Bill Lu ck, form er Mal· co lm Smith sales rep for San Diego a nd Ar izona , to Sh aw n a Nash o nOctob er 27 in La J oll a. Cali forn ia. T he cere mon y was perfor med by Pastor Eri c Gl over, Broc Gl over's brother. MARRIED: Mathew She ldo n, AMA/ CCS Midwest Region ro ad race cham p and phone sales manager for T u f R a ci n g . to J ennifer Mil saps o n October 20 in Ro ckford, Ill inois. MOVED: Fa ctory Conn ec ti on , a suspension tuning service owned and . operated by lo n g -ti m e fa ct o ry mechanic Mike McAndrews, to 80 Belden Rd., Ru tland, VT 05701, 802/ 775-6717. MARRIED: Jonathan Cole, purchasing manager for Cycle Ex perts of Baltimor e, Maryland, to Miriam Devor on October 20.

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