Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 11 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikSho S The Camel ProOFFER! PECIAL Collection Camel Pro Limi ted classlcally styled lightwei g ht jackel. Just rig ht for casual day wear or an info rma l night out. Con tempor ary understated styli ng wrth a soft-shine " chintz" finis h. Neally tailored wrth double need le stitchin g. $60 reta il value. Just 539.99: White s' M, L, XL, XXL. · With four Camel cart on end flaps . Send your check or money order, or charge to your VISA- or MasterCard ~ Include card number, expiration date and signature. Be sure fa incl ude (4) Camel carto n end flaps and the stateme nt: "I cenlly that I am a smo ker; that lam 21 ye a,. of age o r okler ; and thal l-"lD _ f n l e ~ c:oupor1lI, premiums, or other olfers In the moll. I understand that giving false information in order to accept these offers may constrtute a violation of the law: ' 19 8 9 TZ250W For Sale Jeff Far mer rode in 19 90 . $825 0 (214124 2·6440. (344-45/P) lX. 1986 KTM 500 MXC Exce lle nt cond it ion , too many extras to Jist. $10001 OBO. (2 1315 16· 002 7. CA. (344-45) YA MA HA RZ350 ENGINE PARTS: crankshafts, cylinde rs. trans. assorted oth er parts . Yam aha R035 0 / 400 pa rt s alsol (7 17) 244 -2546. (344) PA. Big Tank New ! In the box. 18 liter A cerbis tank for XR250 '8 8- 90 . $139.95 . (60 8) 222 ·9106 eves. W I. "' r~ Q.) ,.0 S Q.) > o Z (344-45) 1982 CBX CX500 Turbo Signature (Required) MAIL 10: Camel Pro Consumer Apparel Offer, Depanment 2788, Lubbock , lX 79491. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. Oller .. exp ire. December 31, 1990. Offer reetJleted ,..-'~ to smokers 21 yearsof age or okSer. Offer ,,_ '.. """rt~ void where restricted or prohibited by lew. Offer " ~ . ~, ,. ".... good only in the U.S.A. All promotional costs • paid by manufacture r. Consumer must pey •• postage on mail-in offer requests. Class Competition -i'-:- CBX. stock. pearl white , matching fai ring an d ,.Me PRO luggage. 1600 miles, supe rb. $4995. 1982 CX500 Turbo. sl ight scratches . 4700 miles. excellen t. $2595. (60 314 24-1445. NH. (3 44 1 mrn~illm[;~~ UU ( AMERICA, INC.) ~ World I I SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Ouining Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. ~ 1-800-748-8454 i ii Cycle Escape Video The ul ti mate t r ip from Denver, Colorado to The Panam a Canal on $300. Exciting on /oH·road ect ion. Ord er now . $2 9.9 5. O.M . VIDEO. P.O. Box (343-45/P) 9 5493, Las Vegas, NV. B91 93 . PARTS BIKES - 19 73 CR4BO Honda com plete, 1982 RS80 Suzu ki compl ete, 1984 CR2 50 Honda chassis. 1986 KX125 Kawasaki chassis . 1979 CR250 Hond a engi ne. Will shi p. (71 3) 663 -67 50 . lX. (344-4 5) DIRECTlONAL = SYSTEM GU1DANC~'E I=-;.=.-==:....:=~ . jL@U1 §/jfJrl©y( T~ I • T ote - A . Toy 1 M Is A n Engi neered M odul ar ~@ 1980 XR750. $4000. W ant ed: 19B4 KX125 Flat Track f rame. (30 9165 2 -3702 . IL. (144 ) NO Arm Pump NO@ 199 0 Kawasaki ZX-7 1800 mi les. black. ready f or tra ck or street. $39 99 . (2 15) 23 8-1225. PA. (344 -451 198 9 -90 MX/GP Video Sale - " NO Headshake XR750 Unad ill a Nat ional / GP. Broom e-Tioga. Sout hw ick. M eadowlands. Foxboro SX. Hannah's last ri de. $12 .9 5 each. (5 1BI 47 9·4234 . NY. (144) I Ii 15 mg. "tar", 1.0 mg, nicotine avoper cigarene by FTC method. For location of your nearest dealer and dealer inquiries call : ~ I ~ • $200.°0 DEVOL RACING Provides ExtIemely Stable FIont End 202 371h Ave . N.E. II'E Aubu rn , W A 98001 Phone (206 ) 73 5·246 3 Fall (206 ) 939 ·7243 Carrier System Easi ly Reconfi gur ed to Transport Personal Recreational Vehicles Of All Sty les & Sizes - up to 600 lbs. • Desig ned To Slide Into Sta ndar d UPS Daily Call for info on dea ler nea rest you Dealer Inqui ries Invit C.O.D.s Accepted 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver • Wi ll Carry M otorcycles, ATVs, Person al Wat ercraft & Lawnmowe rs Tot e -A -Toy, Inc.. 17406 E. Nine Mile Rd., E. Detroit , MI 48021 _ .. 1·800·447·2691 - -,--._--_._-_.-'""'!...__.._._To Get On 0", M.iting Ult and Receive • FREE DECAL FREDETTE RACING PRODUCTS KDX & KX SPECIALISTS K ox·a ChllnllUides•.. .. *30.15 KDX Chaanguide ~por1 .11 .15 N , lilabl. FMF Pip.s U 51.H owA H8IIdsheJl •• '••••• •••• M2..15 KX Spudo Kits . . . .... " ts.15 KOX S,..dos R re4 • . . • 24.• ..... KOX POf1lng • • • • • • • • • •• " .15 18" COII\"Jlion K . • • . n 51.& ill UPS Daily - C.Jl or Wrn . For C.r.'og Pa '820' The Deal Of A Ufetime Fully loaded and cutomized 1984 Dodge ra ce van . M odif ied 1990 YZ250 w it h man y many extra s. professionally maintained. Package dea l $7800. Possible deliv ery to Cali f . W ill sell separately. (21 6) 4 24-33B2. OH. (344-45/ P) •• _ .. _ e .... ' ... IWoI..... _ (S1 5 ) 469 -4011 .... 5 W ashington Av enu e. Fairfiel d. NJ 07006 _ vos Nu m~ Cylinder Heod Porting We've Got -20 BHPIMPIlOVEMENTGSX-R. FzR lX CB V-MM-.. NINJA. FJ, GS. KZ . R, EXCHANGE HEADS all f WEE/(DEUVE1lY Computer Designed Ports Repairs seats Rep laced Comp Vai'le Jobs 1-_-:""_(305) 414-6969 1 .- 1983 mot or and ch assis good . Buy mot or for $900 and get chassis free l 19 90 ATK 25 0 , excellen t, extras, $23 50 . Can sh ip. (7 12) 24 3 -6343 . IA. I'" (144 · 4 5) GEORGIA DEALER CVCt E SPECIAlTIES OF ATHENS- Ou ti, Cl g· cl Moto-Gu Zl~ & Moto-Morini sales I nd service. Michelin & Pirelli tires. Southeast's largest 19 8 8 KX250 Enduro Kawasaki ICO A utocal, and Pro 3 , Devo l, R"ent hal. A nswer, Acerbis. man y ext ras and spares. r uns and looks excell ent . $2350/0BO. Call Brent. (81 B) 773 -0984 afte r 6 pm . CA. (144) Now Available iva. law. rdl . parts inventory - sam. day UPS sar'licl. Mon-Fri 1990 Model Pipes Now Available l OynoJet Di stribU!or I Oea ler Inquiries Welcome The only XR750 Harley-Dav idson ever raced by former Wo rld Champion Kenny Roberts. Thi s bik e has 'a l so been raced by Wayne Rainey. ChrIS Carr. RickV Gr aham. Steve Morehead, Mike Kidd, Dan Ingram. Doug Chandle r. and wa s the last bik e M ert Lawwill ever raced. (4 151 435-o7B2. CA. (144-4 6) ODYSSEY WA TER-COO LED HEADS $B5. Radia to r kits $85 . Deta ils : (806) 372-8341. lX. (144) 1.2 9 's At Willow Springs TZ25OU. $7000. Fresh eng in e and spares. Ohlins shock, spare fairing . As k for Mike Graves. (21 3) (1441 936·5379. CA. (339-081 9Im ·6pm; SI' 10Im -2pm. 260 Commerce Blvd. 8og er~ GA 30622. (404) 543-0235 . BULTACO - OSSA PARTS ,.1 . .~~~ +/ C.II Of w rIte fo r your n••rest DA ECO D istriburOf DAECO 2 01 West " 0 " St.. Wilming ton . CA 90744 ' 12 131 S49·0840 ,, , * PRO-VUE * Prescription Lens System for Smith Racing Goggles ~---- UPS Shipping Daily P.O. Bo x 5023, Sa n t a B a r ba r a. Ca lif . 931 50 PRO-VUE LENSES 10630 3rd Avenue NW Oronoco. MN 55960 (507) 282-0023 HOGAN'S CYCLE SHOP Pee Wee Racing Information • Ital Jet Racing • 50cc Stock and Modified RIDE THE BEST Also Used Parts For Most Brands California Racine Product. 7141 940-503 - - -..... lOB OCTANE RACING GASOLINE IRACING GASOUNEI Call (413) 786-9170 Ne'w '85-86 CR125/500 Parts 198 6 CRI 25 seat. 1985 CR5OOseat. tank, igni ti on, head and mis c parts, Dunlop 120 / 1OO 1B K495 Tr elleborg 5OOX18 Enduro 144. S10 t o sao. (2 13 ) (144) 98 7'4460. CA. COSMO MOTORS Call 1·800-523·2522 STREET RACE KTM 504 Rotax D's LEATHERS. (4 19) 729-9639. OH. Equal Tensile Strength With Lighter Weight=More Horsepower _~_ . WORTH THE OBSESSION. . ...... _ 8 123 W. st 1 8 9th StTeet. MokeNl. Il 10448 REGINA CHAIN \Ot30 1 -.,1 ./ Now Taking Orders on 1991 Hondasll RS125R /RS250R/TLM260R 11302 Tocum88h Rd.. E. Windsor, Dnt .. CAN BIG BORE POWER! /0( 758 C~30' ~~~~ (5 19 ) 979 -14 14 KOX240 Klemm·Research l CycJe""'I<> " o .... ~ 714-272-8480 ' 39 N. Meple SUlte G Coro na. CA9 1720 45

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