Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 11 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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197 9 CB750K Ltd Edition BuikSha New 1979 CB750 KLimited Editio n, never renoCall Chuck, (209) 584-6991. CA. (344) ••• •••••••• ***••••• **•••***. 1989 KTM 500 DXC, Z· Racing s us pe nsi on, : R A CE WHEEL : : End o f Season: : BLOWOUT : engi ne bluepr im ed. excellent condition. $2950 . (209) 538..Q684 . CA. (144- 45) 199 0 FZR600 Yamaha 1000 street miles. perfe ct condition. accessories . $3900. (61 4) 483-2579 . OH. (144- 47) KX 's Must Go 1988 KX250, wide ratio lights, $2200/ 0 BO. 1989 10(125 . Pro Cir cui t engi ne and suspension . t oo many extras to list, $1600/0BO. Both bikes in exce lle nt cond ition, must see , (2 13) 421-3980. CA. (144) 1987 RS250 Honda Excell ent co ndition. fast. reliab le . Top AS at Nationa l• . $5000. (4 13) 733-4763. MA. (143-44) 1987 KTM 250 Parting Out (71 4 1651-9 770 . CA. (143 -44) New '90 TZ250A Yamaha Only used to se t land-sp eed reco rd. Full spares kit . new gla ss. etc . Engine set up by Davha r Racing . extra cylinde r, pipes ava ilable . $1 3,000. (4 13 )8639604. MA. (143 -45 ) 13 HP Inc rea se. 20 Ibs.lig hter than stock. wi de powerband. 4 dba over stock: Reta ins s ide a nd center stands. $229 inc ludes 4 a lum inum .il. ncers. R5 -RD250 / 350/400 Daytona exha us t. $189 inc ludes 2 al um inum s ile ncers . Kawasaki H1 /H11 e xha ust. $2 2 9 includ es aluminum sile ncer a nd ha rdware. ~=; (707) 463-1322 : .'" : F.P.P.l8 16·A Wa ugh Lan e /Uk iah. CA 95 482 DEALERS/DISTRIBUTORS WELCOME -z:r. RACING mr'-FUEl:-== : : : : MARVIC T ECHNOMAGNESIO MARCHESINI ASTRALITE : i : : : Strictly limited quantities of selected sizes: .. will be bl o wn ou t o n a Iirst- come ... .. firs t-served basis. .. .. Prices Startmg From • : $295 Fronts : .. $325 Rears .. : Phon e for list from sole U,S. Importers : I: SLATER BROS. : .. P.O. Bo x I • .. Mica. WA 99023 .. Phone (509) 924-5131 . : FAX (509) 928-0918 .. . .. . I" .*.***** ******* DE:"\' ER :\IOTOH.CYCI. E 1618 LAFAYETTE STREET DENVER. CO 80218 ONLY #1 in the Baja 1000 Ani ..... at: S14.95 BalwinPark.CA (818) 962-2451 Honolulu. HI Visalia, CA Tell the world " Once a month is not en ou gh " w it h the new Cycle News baseball cap. Featuring the Cycle News logo in whit e pu ff -prim on red. this is the ha t to be seen in at the tr ack. Ad ju stab le/ one size fits all, no w available for $9 .95 each. sh ipping & ha ndli ng are free . To order use the Cycle News Product s Order For m locat ed below the Advert iser's Index. GETYOUR TODAYI (5/TFN / S P) (209) 625-2900 Inglewood.CA Top It Off!! .. . With A Cycle News Hat (808) 373-2322 (213) 678-6811 SanBemadino,CA(714) 883-8891 SanPadro.CA - (213) 548-6874 Ventura, CA (805) 648-2000 Van Nuys. CA (818) 786-8 180 SEND $14 .95 (Check or Money Ord.r) MOTO-VATED PRODUCTS 3193WoyIido PIau. Swta13. Walnut CroeIl CA94596 4 16-977-9209 Avail. 24hra Dav BargainS For Dea le,. 1987 FZR750R Superbike Never crashed. bushed rods. Wiseco. Mega cycle. head wor k. 1000 carbs. spares. never raced since motor rebu ilt . Can deliver. $48 00 . Andy Fenwick. (41 4 ) 836-2223. WI. (144) DS Eurostyle Motorcycles Watch For New 1991's Norto n F-1 Rotary Ltd Ed. handbuilt-2 units avail. (2 44/TfN) WANTED: 198 6 THRU 1989 KX rear disc whee l or hu b. Call Paul. M-F, 9-5 . (3 13) 732..05 10. MI. (344-4 5) Yamaha RD400 Daytona 1979 Dayton a. only year manu factured. Clean. original condition . Daily ri de or exce llent basis for concourse resto ration . 6000 miles, all orig inal and complete. $1600/0BO. Call Robert Lend. Chicago . . (144) (312) 348-3325. IL. 'nitr'ous kit sin sate • race or " leader for your reliable street bike needs: GSXR, FZR, CBR, ZX. etc . Available from 25 to 100 extra HP II .· ( 1 ,, ~ 0 I\. A hoe:; 0 0 IJ T H E ~-=",,= == -7' EX500 Solid Motor Moun ts ~Gjl ·~ '¥- Custom EX500 RR sets $8 9.95 H'Bar Mount s Nitrous O:dde Systems, Inc. 5930 Lake.hore Driv. (714) 821 -0580 Cypr• ••• CA 90630 FAX (714) B21 -8319 $89.95 ~~C. M ototeycJe service. tunllups. .cceuorie . and Prototype Mac h'".ing . Custom EDDIE BRUSH"""O "' P.O . Box 9625 Marina 0.1 R.y. CA 90295 ' - - - - - - (213) 392-4586,;.....----' . . . CENTERS IIii • • MOTORCYCLE 1983 CX650 TUR8 0 HONDA, 4500 mi tes, ··$18 50 . (21 9) 967-4448. IN. (144-45 ) - 'Jse You r Eng ine as a Stressed Member ! F2 , FZR For1l. Braces Solid Billet. for 400. GOO, 1000'5 KIts only $89.95 md . shiPPIng I . . all TWins, EX500 Scecanst tires. s.v.n Con.,."ient c./iforrU t..«-tion ~ AlRCONE STlU SPECIAUZES iR - . _ppIIaRes, si~ lI-8etIds, e:e-pIete pipes. Call A1RCONE (702) 456-4177 5050 " F" Steptoe Avenue Las Vegas . NV 89122 198 3 XN85 Turbo Suzuki Mint 600 orig inal miles . in storage since new; in cludes 198 5 ATK 560 Parting Out (714) 651-9770. CA. (143 -44) JII&& ~~ manuals. ne w Ara i helmet. $2995. Tom. (303) 22D184 1. CO. (143-44/P) HEA~QUARTERS t;;;;. (708) 495-2273 (708) 495-7942 FAX '-~ BORING $2250. Call Gen e, (7 14 ) 698-0690 eves . CA. . (343-45 ) JL1:;}{Llf12lTsJ 19 9 0 H-D Twin Sport Racer ~ Portln& (344 -47) Renthals , fres h bore. $14OO/ 0 BO. (714) 434 2633. CA. (344-45) 1 9 8 9 CR250 Honda Like new con dition, vet owned and operate d, Pro Circ uit everything. $2300/ 0 BO. (714) 24 7-036 2. CA. (344) 5270 Long8uch8/wt. 1 r31423·8878 2 South c;.,. 5861 Fifestone BhId. (213/927-6895 Mon~ 806 E. Huntington Dr,... (8 18} 303 ·6382 __ SPECIA L: Bore and CI••n & M.tchPorts - ,,60 19 8 8 Husqvarna XC 500 Long 8_ .& _--Precision Cylinder--... Good cond ition. Show a cart ridge forks, Race Tech. 1273 1946-3459 YOUR OUCATI/HUSQVARNAlKTM 19 8 9 FZR600 Rolling Chassis lega l. $6000. (9 13 ) 233 -0383 . KS. 74258E./~ooIHwy Sun V., ,.,. 9007 Sunl.nd A.... (BI B) 768·9026 Torrance 2466 W Sepu~Blvd (2 13} 530-03 14 ANMitn 82B W VermontA.... ( 714) 774-1049 mf~ Full set of bodywo rk. fork brace. steel brak e lines. wir ing ha rness, gea r ing. pl us mo re. Or iginal own er. 82000. W ith new Wh it e Power shock Brand new , built for and raced only one 25 mi le race at Topeka. Never crashed. very fast, all mods u M_ S l l• • • PI '" • A CC41 lloli. . 6821 Fleur OR =='==~- _ r 1 D. ' MOlnu. 1 50321 .6. Helm.t Palntln& .a""vln& CA Ev ~ (213) 862-0828 •• ~~ ~ "OTOCROSS THE.1 .,KE IH EUItOPE. HOW IH THE U.s.AJ CAUFOR INFO JOIN 515·285·<332 Crankshaft. Portlne • Borlne • sle.vln.. Cuatom Machlnlnc. suapenslon Service 12 Yean Experience. UPS Dany ~ W !!"-,. ~ QlALER HICKMAN Racing 185 EXPRESS ST .• PLA IN VIEW . NY 11803 5'~.-..mO I fa: 1'''131--.0 Baja Off Road Tours on " M ot OWCHId " • XR250 M XR 60 0 bib. PTOvid. d. • Now ,..tu ring Whit . BrOJ: Suq. nVoit . • FineJ:t T,.1iJ riding south of th e bonier • Pr esent ed by ChriJ: HMne• • VIS A . M• • terC .nI Ac cep t.,/ 2!JI08 M" gulfltI Pkwy, Sudl 8-126, MII:uonV"/G, CA 92692 • A J: SHn 17 14 , a 3 0 · 6 5 6 9 Am erica' s Pr em ier R oa d Ra cing Association (704) 684-4297

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