Eric H an son (22) and Jade McDowell (86) chase Steve Casto n (19) and an
unidentified rider at the beginning of a 250cc Beginner class moto at Perri s.
Chuck Graves won his fourth straight F- l race to clinch the Miller H igh Lire
Formula One Grand P rix title at Willow Sp rings International Ra ceway,
- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ----'
Hughey hauls at Perris MX
By Tony Alessi and Kim Scott
Honda rid er Chris H ughey swept a ll four
motos en route to victories in the 25-29 and
l 25cc Begin ner classes during G Fl Super
Saturday MX a t Perris Raceway.
Suzuki rider Mik e Bat tista led th e first
quarter of the first l25cc Beginner race but
H ugh ey chased him down and too k the lead
on th e fourth lap. H ughey inched away to
victory while Battista fad ed back into the
sig hts of J o hn Bonacci, who passed him for
second o n th e fina l lap.
Battista again found th e right line into the
first tum a t the start o f m oto two and led
th e way during the opening laps. Battista
pulled away a t first but a very determ in ed
Hughey closed in a t th e halfway point.
Hugh ey tried to ge t a wh eel in side. but Battista
fou gh t him everywhere. Hughey fina lly overpo wered Batt ista o n th e fifth lap and wen t
o n ' to wi n. Battist a h eld o n to second,
overco mi ng a la te-race cha rge by Bonacci.
Hugh ey had a n easier time winning bac kto-b ack mo tos in th e 25-29 Beginner class.
C.T . Falk and David Fajardo di ced it o u t in
both motos with Falk fi n is h ing second
foll owed by Falard o, Gr een and Bonacci.
J am ie Mi tchell smo ked the 250<:c No vice
class. winning both motos wit h large leads
over Tony Hadsall and Bobby Peters. Mitch ell
looked lik e a sure winner in the 25-29 Novice
class too , but Ed Vitell i ha d other ideas and
used a pa ir of second place fin ishes to bea t
Mitchell 's 1-3 mot o fini shes. Eric Bein gesser
ro unded o ut the top three.
Ron Stebe returned to MX racin l: a fter a
five·year layoff to win the Vet N O VIce class.
Stebe, wh o a ttri bu ted hi s win to th e su perb
track co ndi tio ns , said, " The trac k was pe rfect
both motos and i t pumped me u p to go faster."
G reg P a ga n c ha r ged throu gh th e p a ck
fin ishing second in front of Greg Whitfield.
The co mbined Pro class was a thriller with
Ryan Hugh es ear ni ng $240 by toppi nl: both
mo tos. Tracy Monterone put o n a terrific ride,
fini shing seco nd in bo lh mOlDs. Sleve La mson
was trying lO sort out his new H on das and
strugg led to fourth beh ind Rich ar d Saxton.
Eri k Keh oe look ed good early in th e da y but
retired with mechanical problem s.
50 STK 0. 1: I. Va nce Fm.-man (Yam ); 2. MichMJ Bl~
(Ya m ); 5. J usu n Ma cro (Ya m); ... En e Wood (Yam ); 5. Rya n
Van Hool ( Yam).
50STK 0.2: I. lknk Down q (Ya m ); 2. H eal.hcr Mauh ewl
Lightfoo t (Sm) ; -t. Kane Slewan (Ya m): 5.
(Yam ); 5.
Kyle Matr (Yam ).
50 MOD : l. Eric Wood (Yam) ; 2. J usu n Mila (Yam ): 5.
Va rnr Fm.-man (Yam ); -t. Bm jamin Stuc=lke (h j); 5. Hc=atha
Miltl.hc=w' (Ya m ).
60 D-I : I. Clirr Jamin g" (Kaw); 2. T yla Newto n (Kaw).
60 D· 2: I. Kn- in J m n ing" (Kaw): 2. M.lTkJoh nMl (Ya m );
5. Mike Norri s J r. (SUI) ; -t. Alan C lasn (Kaw).
80 BEC : 1. JUlun T urna (Kaw); 2. Mike Molinil (Suz);
3. Rick Richards (Kaw); ... JeMie Molf~ t (Kaw): 5. Shawn
Fu lgham (Suz).
80 NOV : 1. Denn h T urne r (Kaw) .
80 INT: I. Larry Linkogl e (Xaw ).
125 BEC : I. Chri &lophtt Hughes (H on) ; 2. Mike Batti sta
(SUI); 3. Johnny Bona cci (S UI ); -t. Chr iABaya (Hon); 5. Mik c=
"""" (K'rM).
f25 NO V: I. Robt'rl Shd do n (K.aw); 2. T im O lw n (H on );
3. Jon Roberg (Suz); 4. Mati Engsd er (Han); 5. Ch riAAbA n
(Ka w).
]25 INT: I. Randy
(K.a 2. Mn ttdez Gonza ln:
(Ka w) ; S. bndy Dany lo (Xolw); -t. Ga ry Buteht'T (Kaw).
]25 PR O: I. Ryan Hugh" (Kaw); 2. Richard Saxton (S UI) ;
3. SItn' um~ (H on ); 4. J ohn Posca (Sw); 5. Eril Kehoe
2!)0 BEG: 1. C.T . Fall (Yam ); 2. j ot Adleah (Hon); S.
Michael Ovttby (Sm); 4. Davt' Cochr.m (Yam ); 5. David
Walker (&.aw ).
250 NO V: I. Jam ie Mitchdl (Kaw); 2. T on y Hadsall (SUI); .
3. 8llb by Pelt'n (H on ); -t. Ron Stebe (Ya m): 5. Carll» Joh nson
(Ya m ).
250 I !\'T: I. Billy Mtto l!T(Hon); 2. j erem v Albr« hl (Kaw);
t. ~t::j(
::':;~ (H on); -t. U J( Johnanuon (H on): 5. Jrif
250 PR O : I. TroiCY Montt'l'on t' (Y Hoo ker
(Hon); 3. T ravis Hod ges (Sw); .... Tom Clo wt'n ("-a w )..
500 BEG: I. J im McKmlM: (Kaw); 2. Dea n Brown (Hon );
3. Michae l Schoe nba um (Hon); ... Jo hn Riu o (Hun ); 5. Karl
Scan la n (Ya m ).
500 NOV: I. Frank Sien er (Kaw): 2. Grf"gWh itfiel d (H on).
500 INT: 1. Tony Spt'3r (KTM); 2. Mikr> DouJthrny (ATK );
3. Steve Ret'W'5 (ATK ); 4. Rohal H edl a nd (Hon).
500 P RO : I. Wi lly Musgr3 Vr' (ATK).
VET NOV I: I. Ron Srebe (Ya m ); 2. Greg P.-ga n (H on);
3. G rq Whi tfidd (H on) ; 4. Nick Wukmi r (Ya m ); 5. Don
~1 ( Hon ).
VET NOV 2: I. Q ui, Burgnon (Y.-m); 2. Q lUck Freeman
(Kaw); 3. Angelo Mor gan (Xaw); 4. M.-rk Howa rd (SUI); 5.
Baum g-.trtntr (H a n).
VET INT: 1. Steve Banning (H on); 2. Rick Richa rc (Xaw);
S. jor'l Seal (S UI); 4. Busltt La wren ce (Ya m ); 5. j. S. Hansan
( Hon~
VET PRO: I. Sloe Wisema n (Kaw); 2. Brc=nt Wall in gd"ord
(Kaw); 3. Bob Ru nen (Ha n); 4. Jdf Lambson (Ya m ); 5. T om
Wh itt (H on ).
OT NOV : I. BuuMoell('r (Hon ); 2. Richa rd 5 tud ke (ATX );
3. Steve Jmnin~ (ATK ): -t. T om Co lema n (Han); S. jim
Ban ning (Suz).
OT INT: 1. Bob Richard (Ya m ); 2. Gnlrgt' SproulinR
(H o n ).
OT EX: I. Alan O l ~n (Yam ); 2. T om Wh ite (Ho n ); ! .
Kohl" (Suz): 4. BU51a LawrmCT (Yam ); 5. Jndy
WeiM"1 (H a n ).
25·29 BF.G : I. Chri!iolo ph" Hup;h ry (Hnn ); 2. C. T . Jo'a lk
(Ya m ); 3. David Fajardo (Hon); 4. Ran dy Gr~n (Hnn ); 5.
Johnny l\l:macci (SUI).
hdl (Raw);
25-29 NO V: I. Ed Vill'lIi (SUI); 2. Ja m ie MilC
3. Eric lki n~M'r (Yam ); -t. Sea n Rl'ill (SUl): 5. J im Douc=1t
serv ice ma nag er at Kenny Ro berts Yamaha in
Mod esto was goi ng to ride his IT Yama ha,
but wh en Danny Ma lfatt i opted to ride hi s
Bill Knight H on da , the Da ve Ha rr is twinpiped 1969 Cl became ava ilab le a nd Muscio
fi n ishe d th i rd wit h Malfatt i fo urt h a nd
picki ng up o nly o ne point o ver J im Mahoney
10 th e battle for the ancient p late .
VET C: I. Steve T erry (Ya m ); 2. John ~novnt" (Hon):
S. Tim O'Hara (KoIw ).
VET B: I. John M~id (Suz); 2. Mike Ziminuki (Ha n ).
v,ET A; I. S ril MOKDannald (Suz); 2. j ohn T avis (H on );
5. J im DunLavry (Yam ).
60 C: I. M i~1 Peuerson.
250 C: I . Km ny Robn'u Jr. (Vilm): 2. Dmny K.rri Un" (Suz);
, . Don T oCh (Ya m ).
OT A: 1. Sieve Fnroni (Hon ).
PP : J. Debbi e Ban ta.
-t-STRK: I. 0uU Carr (H -D); 2. 00vM: Holland J r. (H -O).
O PEN C: I. Mike H urst; 2. Kevin Fd kin n.
125 B: 1. Eri c Beseem (Hon ).
125 C: I. Pern el l G ui uerez (K.a w); 2. Richa rd Clark.
80 B: 1. Mike soulier (Ya m).
KG C: I. Danny Ma rti n; 2. Ma rk Soulier .
250 B: I. John Madri d; 2. Momy Ow enb y.
VINT A: I. .Duane j oice (Ya m ): 2. Scott Donlavty (Ya m);
! . Mark MU5C10 (el).
VINT D: I. Bill Kni ght (H a n); 2. Mike Atkin s,
80 A: I. Don H art ; 2. Erie Bostrom (H a n); 3. Bill y Mart in ;
-t. Cory Yarr ow ; 5. JeU ~b harL
P/ W: I. David Call!l(' ; 2. Robt Harro ld. S. Bran don Oeo rge.
60: L Toby j o rgenso n: 2. Andy Han sen .
. 250 A: I. A1e jorgt'nl'ot'n (Kaw); 2. C hris Carr (Sua): 3.
Ben Bostro m (Hen ).
(H e n ).
25·29 INT : 1. Alan Ol son (Suz); 2. Mikr> Dou ght'r1y (AT K):
3. Mercedes Go m.alez (Kaw); -t. Marc CrfJ"iby (Yitm ); 5.
.,pino!'.3 Za pata (MXA). .
Graves digs up ARRAwin at
Willow Road Race
Jorgensen cruises to Lodi
Rough Scrambles win
By Eric Vin cen t
LOD!, CA, ocr. 13
Ro ug h Scrambles raci ng retu rned to th e Lodi
Cycle Bowl , in ear nes t, wit h 217 en tries for
th e fir st of the Wint er Series o n a beau tifull y
gr oomed, fo ur-i nch deep cus h ion tha t held
tog ether th ro ugh out the night, as th e ba ttle
for top bla ck plat es co nti n ued. Alex J or gense n's KX250 topped the 250<:c A d ass with
Chris Carr seco nd a nd 'a great battle be tween
th e Bost ro m s tailing. Ben Bostro m , th e
yo u nger, bea t brother T or y, wit h Larry
Co leman fifth .
Vet Neil MacDan na ld held th e front side
of th e Vet A div isio n, beating o u t John T avi s.
MacDan nal d rode his Suzuk. , co mp lete
with working head ligh t. to a narrow win with
T a vis closi ng quick ly at th e end bUI miSSFa!
the pa ss by a few inches. J ohn Madrid top
th.e B portio n with Steve T erry the C c ass
The 250<:c C class had a wh oppin g 26 rid ers
wi th 17-year-old Kenny Ro berts Jr. th e wi n ne r
af ter mo vin g u p to seco nd in the heat. He
moved aro und th ree rid ers at th e o nset of the
main, secured th e position and was orf to th e
races at the chec kers. Denny Kreitzer took
second over Don To(ft a nd David West.
Young Robens had sist er , Kristy a nd
brother Kurtis wat ching, ju st as closel y as hi s
mom, Patti and both Grandpa and G randma,
with Kenny Roberts Sr, in a ttendance. The
en to ura ge m clu ded Bubba Shob ert, Robbie
Petersen and Chuck Aksland.
Speci a lty dasses saw wins in th e O ld Timer
A di vision by Steve Ferroni, wh ile Debbie
Banta topped the Powder Puff, and Carr won
th e Four-Stroke class on his J or gy's DR Suzuki
with Cloyse Holland Jr. second.
The Vmtage A cla ss had a good turnout
with Dua!1e Joice winning on th e Don
Swearingen Yamaha, while Scott Dunlavey
took seocn d over Mark MusCo. MusCo, the
Chu ck Graves cl inched the Mill er Hi ~h-Life
Form ula One Gra nd Prix titl e by wmning
hi s fourth stra igh t F-I race a t the 11th round
of th e Am eri can Road Racin g Associatio n's
sched u le a t Willow Springs International
G raves was recoverin g fro m a recent case
of th e flu a nd had not plan ned o n racing a t
all . It was th e only event he en tered on th e
day 's schedu le, and in fact his la te registra tio n
fo rced him to start fro m the back of the gri d.
It o nly too k three tu rns for Graves to
ma neuver hi s Suzuki GS XR ll OO thr oush th e
pac k of riders to take the lead. H is mitial
co m pe tition for the top spot was Yamaha
TZ25O-mounted Nick len atsch , but he was n' t
able to keep up wit h th e lar ger di spl acement
bikes. He shortly slipped to th ird, allo wing
J eff Hagan to p ull into second on h is Suzuki
As the riders came do wn the fronl straight
to begi'.' lap th ree, Hagan began a serious
challenge wah G raves for th e lead . At the same
time. Bruce Tebo, a lso ridi ng a S uzuki
GS XR I IOIl, dre w u p and passed len at sch for
thi rd. T wo lap s lat er len a tseh pulled into th e
pits and ou t of th e race with a broken shoc k
sp ri ng . That mov ed Lee Shi ens into fo urth
p lace on hi s Yamaha TZ2 50.
The remainder of the race co ntin ued to see
Graves hold the lead despite being co nstantly
shado wed by Hagan. This battle gave Tebo
a co m fortable hold o n third place. When the
rid ers took th e ch eckered flag, it was Graves
with the win, Hagan second a nd T ebo third.
Brad Haz en finished fourth after that position
was relinquished by Dal e Keifer , who had
pulled off the track in lap seven with a
mech anical problem .
Following the race , Graves said that he was
surprised that Hagan had been following so
closely . He said that the hand signals from
OND, CA, OCT. 20-21
his pi t cre w made it look as through he had
a five second lead wh en it was reall y zero.
Hagan admitted tha t Graves had been a real
ch a ll en ge, bot h fo r h im se lf a nd h is
mot orcycle.
" Ch uck was fast in some areas of the track .
a n d I was fast in o thers. a nd ] was hopin g
to ca tch him a t some poin t. but my suspens ion
was n 't set up fo r the lap ti mes we were do ing
o ut th ere," said Hagan.
This was his th ird AR RA F-I ra ce of the
season, ha ving spe nt m uc h of the year
co m pe ti ng i n th e WERA Fo rmul a- USA
Series, wh ere he is ra nked eig hth overa ll.
5O.5/ST: I. Lynda Donovan; 2. Ma rk Lo ng (Yam ); S. Diana
Will.ianu (Y.IIO); 4. Doug Barn~L
80 51ST: I. Kmnr Robttu jr (H on ); 2. Ji m Gfh Park J r.; 2. Ed Brigan te; 3.
Bmt ShrdOer; 4. T on y Don m : 5. Da~ Wolf.
F-5G L: I. And y Mihon ; 2. Kevin Johnson ; S. Kurt Mund:
4. Kirk TI\om pwn; 5. Danny Farns worth.
F·I : I. O lUck Cl'2vn (Sw); 2. JdJ Ha Kiln (Sur); 5. Brutt
T ebo (Suz); -t. Boo Hazen (SUl ); 5. Ltt Shi erts (Ya m ).
Hershey scores two at Gran PrixMX
By Peggy Adamic
Brunswi ck Su zuk i rid er Jay Hershey was
unto uchabl e as he scored four mota victories
en ro ute to do ubl e class wins a l Gran Prix
H ershey fIrst too k on the Schoolboy class as
he piloted hi s RM throu~h tum on e and neVer
looked back , leadi ng the SiX-lapmoto from s.an
to fini sh , building a better than l6-secon d lead
by mo to's end . Hershey duplicated his ride in
moto two as he was untouchab le from the drop
of th e ga te to the checkered flag.
H ershey also took on the competition in the
125cc B class and dom in ated both motos with'
wire- ta-wire wins. Larry Bellman and Dave
Kacmar chased Hershey 10 each of the outings
but were unable to keep the pa ce as Hersh r:y
fini shed each moto with commanding leads:.
T y Myer blasted through tum one to beg;n
the first 250cc C class moto followed by Chip
Adams, T om Batton and Greg Myer. T y Myer
took the wire-to-wire win with Adams and
Batton swapping places before the bel:inning
of lap three. Batton held second ahead ofAdams
while Alex Davis motored in to fourth ahead
of Greg Myer o n the final lap.