Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 11 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eM orDeROSS e Masters 01 Motocross Series: Round 2 Jeff Stanton (2) and Eric G eboers (5) each briefly led the first moto. Stanton finish ed second, while Geboers dropped back to fifth, twisting hi s kn ee along the way. Donny Schmit (6) easily won moto two , but his chance for the overall victory ended with a disastrous start in moto three. J~n-Michel Bayle (3) was the overall winner. Rayle belts out win in France By Alex Hodgkinson ' VILLARS·SOUS-ECOT, FRANCE, OCT. 21 ean-Michel Bayle overcame the pai n of a badl y bru ised bicep, th e resu lt of a flying rock in race on e, to win the Masters of Mot ocross at Villars-Sous-Ecot in his native Fra nce. Bayle came back to win the first 25minute plus two-lap rnoto af ter rega in ing the circulation in h is arm, had trouble in the second race with cra mps, then clinched th e o vera ll victo ry with a la te-race pass on J eff Sta nton in the fina l rnoto whi ch was won by fell ow French man Yannig Kervella. The win also moved Bayle into a cha lle nging position for the Masters titl e as Stanton leads the standings by a single po int J over 250cc World champ Alessandro Puzar. Stanton earned h is second consecutive runner-up fini sh of the series, while Puzar was edged off the rostrum by 125cc . World Ch am p io n Schm it. Ameri can Schmit could pu ll himself into con ten tio n for the Masters title in the next round since no ne of the ot her conte nders hav e ente red the Scheven ingen Beach race, wh ere the top pros h ave to weav e th eir way through hundreds of amateurs. Th e fir st rno to was a bsol ute ly superb. Bayle led on the firs t lap and the last but in between Puzar, Eric Geboers and Stanton each had a tim e at the front. Puzar " ad taken the holesh o t, on ly to be pas sed hal£way around the first lap by Bayle. Butthe ultra-aggressive Ita lia n Puzar had regained the lead by the end of the first of 13 laps with Geb oers, John Van den Berk and Yves Demaria also ahead of Sta nton, who was th e firs t American . Larry Ward and Mike La Rocco were also in the first dozen, with Sch mi t 13th and Ri ck Johnson dow n in 24th after getting sq ueezed bet ween two riders a t th e start. Puzar set a tremendous pace early and determined Geboers also went around Bayle. The Belgian 500cc World Champion even closed down on Puzar when the Italian began to struggle with forearm pump after 10 min utes. Van den Berk was dropping back and out , in trouble with hi s left ankle. "I had a n o peration to remo ve a pi n last week, but I knocked it again this mornin g," said Van den Berk. " T here is still someth ing wro ng ." T hen on the sam e lap bo th Bayle a n d Dem ari a went dow n brie £ly. Demaria dropped right down th e field but Bayle got goi ng again in a distant fourth behind Stanton. T he American was sta rti ng to push on hard as Geboers looked for a way pas t Puzar and in the end bo th o f the m went pas t the Italian on the same lap at hal£ di stance. Bayle was also sta rting to move aga in and quickl y pus hed Puzar dow n to fourth, bu t it didn 't appear as if the hom e hero , riding in his native country for the fir st tim e this yea r, co u ld ca tc h - th e two frontrunners. But Geboers had chosen the wrong co mpo u nd for hi s fro nt tir e and was in big tro uble on the dryin g trac k, dr opping ba ck to fifth a t the fin ish. Sta nt on had a handsom e lead , bu t Bayle was gaining two seconds per lap and wi th th e two -la p board being readi ed he powered past his .American H onda teammate along the mai n straigh t 10 clinch the win. Schmit had ridden po werf ully to catch but no t pass Puzar, and j ohnson took sixth from Ward o n the penu ltim ate lap. LaRocco had go ne o ut when .he ran out of front brake o n the hill y course. There was last-m inu te panic in the Geboers cam p just before the start of rnoto two when it was discovered tha t the new fro nt tir e was Ilat. But they need not have bo the red to get it changed because it took the Belgian less than a lap to real ize that he could no t race since he had twis ted h is knee near th e end of the first mota. There were still plenty of sta rs in th e race and Sta nton went ins ide Puzar for the lead in turn two as the fastgating Italian q uickly dropped 10 fourth behind Schmit and j ohnson. Bayle was fifth but it was Fren chman Yan nig. Kervella who was selli ng th e crowd aligh t. 00 lap two he pa ssed Bayle, whi le johnson dropped to the back of the lead pack. After 10 minutes bo th Puzar an d Kervella went pa st Stanton, and finally the Italian had no answer to Kervella 's cha rge. Schmi t, however, was in a class of hi s own in th is race. After his hard ride throug h the pa ck in race o ne, he too k 'co mmand of moto two o n th e second lap and n ever wa s in th e slig htest da nger from anyone. With Bayle falling a t the halfwa y po int and having to fight off th e cha ll enge of Pekka Vehkonen for sixth , it was actua lly Schmit wh o had ih e o vera ll lead after two races. Kervella fin ished seco nd in the mota ah ead of Puzar , Stanton arid johnson , but the Fren chman's 12th in mota one put him ou t of the overall picture. LaRocco had another disappointing ride and Ward was gelling changed to go home before the end of the mota du e 10 his shoulder injury su ffered at the Budds Creek National MX. "T he pain was getting too grea t," . said Ward. " It was better that I stopped befor e I go t hurt even mor e." Schmi t's ho pes of victory went in the first few hundred yards of race three. First he go t pushed in to the pack as Bayle move d across j ohnson, who was forced in to Schmit's path. Then in the third corne r japan's Yoshida Izumi fell righ t in front of Schmit. Remounting at th e back of the pack, the I 25cc World cham p was 18th after o ne lap and 13th af ter two , but all th ree of his rivals for the overall win were near the front. Ho wever, none of them were goin g to take the mota win as Kervella was again in sp ired and led from start to finish. Stanton was initially second ahead of Van den Berk , j ohnson and Bayle wi th Puzar q uic kly movi ng into sixth. johnson, however, was q uic kly in trouble. " I just lose my gri p after a few laps on fast tracks lik e th is," said Johnson. " My wrist still isn' t right." Nevertheless, there was lillie movement amongs t th e leaders until hal£ distance. T he n Bayle went for it. After passi ng j ohnson , Bayle q uic kly pu lled in Van den Berk and four laps from the fin ish he repeated hi s race-one pa ssin g mov e on Stanton along the main stra ight to clinch the overall victory. H e didn't hav e to catch Kervella. Havin g seen Bayle go , Puzar also sta rted to move and narrowly failed to pass Sta nton for th ird on the fin al lap. With Schmit passing Van den Berk on the las t go-aroun d, the 10 meters that separated Sta nton and Puzar at the fi nish was th e d ifference between second an d fourth o verall. Kervella 's moto win gave h im fifth overall. La Rocco had crashed with French man Lud ovic Lucquin in th e first turn to end hi s mi serabl e day. T he next ro und on the beach in Ho lland will gi ve the Dutch and Belgi an sand experts the cha nce to gain points, but then come the supercross ro unds which will decide wh o will be the first Master of Mo tocross . m Results MOTO I: I. j ean -Mich el Bayle (Ho n ): 2. Jell Stan to n (Hon); 3. Alex Pu zar (Suz); 4. Donn)' Sch mit (Su, ): 5. Eric Ce boers (H e n ); 6. Ri ck J ohnson (Ho n) : 7. Larry Ward (Suz): 8. Stephan Everts {Sue): 9. Pekka Veh ko nen (Yam); 10. Frederic Via Ue ( Ka w); 11. Frederi c Boll ey (Ya m ); 12. Yannig Kervella (Kaw); 13. Yan Guedard (Kaw}; 14. Thierry Belh y" (Ho n): 15. Edwin Evensen (Kaw): 16. Nicola. Catl ly (Sw ); 17. Erw i n Mach tlin ger (Hon); 18. Mar cel Van Drunen (H a n); 19. Pedro Tragter (Suz); 20. Lu dovic L uq ui n (Ho n): 21. O livier Rober! (Ya m ): 22. Eric Bernard (Yam): 23. Thierry Godfro id (Kaw ): 24. S i~i Zachman (Yam ): 25. Beat Flury (Yam): 26. Frederi c Rouiller (Su,): 27. j ean -Mich el Midey (Kaw): 28. Pette r! Kytola (Ho n); 29. Yosh ida Izum i (Han); 30. J erome Belva l (Suz): 31. Jo h n Van den Berk (Suz): 32. Yves Demaria (Yam ): 33. Mike La Rocco (Sw ): 34. Ern est Gunzinger (Yam ): 35. Mark East wood (Hen ): 36. J urf en Fink (H o n). MOTO 2: . Sch mit: 2. Kervella : 3. P war; 4. Stanton; 5. Jo hnso n; 6. Bayle: 7. Vehk on en : 8. Van den Berk; 9. T rag ter; 10. Evense n: 11. Bolles : 12. Everts: 13. La Rocco: 14. Van Drunen. 15. Bernard; 16. Robert: 17. Bethys: 18. Zachman : 19. Eastwood; 20. Midey: 21. Godfroid: 22. Kytola: 23. Izumi : 24. Ward; 25. Dem ar ia: 26. . Ca illy : 27. Vialle: 28. G unzinger; 29. Luq ui n: 50. Flury; 31. RouiUer; 52. Fin k: 33. Geboe rs. MOT~J: 1. Kervella: 2. Ba yle; 3. Stan to n; 4. Puzar; 5. Sch mit; 6. Va~ den Beck: 7. J ?hnson ; 8. T ra gter; 9. Everts: 10. Ca,lly: I I. Machlmger : 12. Evensen: 13. Godfroid: 14. Eastwood: 15. Ro ben; 16. Vialle : 17. Zachman : 18. Rou ill er; 19. Kytol a: 20. Midey: 21. Van Drun en: 22. Fl ury : 23. Bernard; 24. LaRocco: 25. Dema ria : 26. Bethys: 27. Bolley: 28. Vehkonen. 0 1A: I. Bayle; 2. Sta nton: 3. Sch m it; 4. Puzar: 5. Kervella: 6. J ohnson : 7. Everts : 8. Van den 1l

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