Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 11 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Gr~atest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch them over and over! (1I7.) S - - _ " ' hnow Jill $tMlonon thI IUd to glory tI'IroughauI rht 1919AMA~..n. L 9r....,.... (--II- S - -..... _ .. ,1 e- "' .. ,9911 $upetcroII !*bat.. s... 12,.. in _ ( - > I_ rr _ i-flftIb .fIlI . . . -~-"''''''-'''''''' ....... F e.-V_ .... ...... """.,. gf 1tIt _ IVIIt1 PrIa 1flo_ • Sewn-ri_ duel.. 250ccda:u iI - * I .,. tr1gI dy • RtintloW Aoch iI injwN in I . . , . , . . ... Ilr........ _ _ . _ PrIa t-.: ....,. tor1MT__"I JnI &P win 01the..... . 1M10th........ 0utC TT • ..... lIwIon • &nNr ratunl to Idion. TlwiIIinI 250= ...... _ ......... c.duo.... s-a-. s-a-. (lIlIJ) 1_ s. ..... s-a-. ( _ ) I _ _ s-a-. (lIJIS) I... _s-a-. (131I11"'_. (_) I _ _ -Ilr - - ' _ I I_ The ...-...o RobertI , _ PrIa .. dolNnlilU • RIinIoy end IotiftIki ""' theirdean at the rMt-AIllllIlll Sp-Fl"InCOrthIfIlp& tirtuit. MMloI. cmhes aft.- .nino up to mini. Br (__) I_I.- , _ ' - " - Motll'ridea . s-a-. s-a-. (--) 1- _ .. s-a-. (1310) 1_ T _ s-a-. (1311) 1_ s-a-. (131211... _s-a-. 1:~.I_f'- (1317) 1 " " _ ._Pria 11I_ AJ'-fum, fTom injuria to UOl1I hm CMttdoor win 01the ..non, but not WItbocII • ht tta battle with Stanton K drowslli re,eats '89 victoryin 125 . i, Ittion . . 15111 \ .... law" S-_III_ J,ff W IfId Swu G n kf. uy ItUI on • thrilling show tOfthI 14.102 fan. an.ndinll the 22nd Amu.1 HIngtDWn Mutocrou ClIaic It nonhtmCllitomi, 's PRiN City OHV Pilt " thtr battlt the. wrr 111 thltw.r,1t wian. in the 250 Ifld 125 Nltion,I•. Coop., I'" f-,ll viC1llfY A s..-a-. (11I11) 1_ s-a-. s-ra-. (.31411_ CIII-. (.315) 1_ s. _ ~ (. 1531 1. . . . . ('79) CP 1_ B.,tI Ykn 125cc win WIthCOlftt-front-bthind " ' inbotll_oa. - (lit) u.s. _ PrIaI _ Rul GrMd Pm: IUd !'King lor tbe Wortd ~ I'I'ftWa .. AmtriaI a salldy (;M .......... Fat.-., fila be. me belt II I.MguI\I Sea. Sn .. ... Idiool -.n. m.n bing ttwnr This is __ tf'lI M8C . . . . . 8 ~ True ute lIoryof GIll.. ""'-ica.. ..ifni ....... _ tKIB. .... ~ Ilr Do_ Auociatn. 60 IftlIIUfft.. _4 e-"" (lQO) 1961 Isle 01 JrUn TT rKI by o.sp .tn. irIth1 1963 Seniar 500ccTT. Shows hlN rhI sport progmud in JUSt1Wo ,,_ 52 minutn bt (netl I'" -(s,rioc) . . . . . "al... llwiIiftt 8·nd" dutf to • photo finiItL 80 _inutn Oft ....... Mi .......... b tnt 250 HondI_ '" MInJ; lIor1oIl. IftIlf .pn Thilvllllo ~ the '1II,1tC. of dll1·b"Itt ~cing; twa of ~ brne II the busin.1I dull for 20 lips - and (-II_~._PrIa RaiMJ shows '. m hd bIci in JIpIn; Schwan1z dec II an m.. Of'IlI.tap d. stllO the f1.g. "" ide rK1MrJ 10 liniltl third at1lr crashing lNhind Ollp.m AlIOClatli Gantner, l lWlOl'l mru wrth aah. "" (s,rioc)." P.rter tall. . the de. MIlOftr an unbtliev.tll . in tbI ,ad: for uc:ondbetwMn • rider1 "" rKI DtIPl"l luotiatn. (I2CI I. . . ......-(~_ Scortr PIfbr to.. ..., hum • 7-nder bantt 10 !Core an i..... 1IIIW wtn . SlcM-mDbon repley of nlOkiIW it Hutr. _uing .nd-owr.. nd cnsh. Mort,,-.d I. pi KtI1fl 0., at 130 mph, and IIngl.. ...tt1l""... '"the luH.p bani. lor the runner-up spot. Br AaodI1.1. (1203)1_~_ Ctm c.rr an.ttm rhrI reconf for 20 . . on the NIIt'd limtllont owll. Slow-motion 1001.1'01 cmhn byArhtrton and Ingram, and inlidt rhrI pit. II the c..1 Pro ndltl Pl'p" lor combI1 By . Dnpllin Auaciatn. Higblighb of ttl, IDOIt tlciting suptrtJ'Oll dulls ft'If. Indudn 1981S lnIhtim SupercroIlIRJ Oft 0_ BIi""~ 1987LACcNiuum IRJ, . . . tntirw r..Jdto be.1 Guy eoo,.r~ .. t 988 Pontile Suptmou IRJVI Jeff WItd. • WlIllglItJItUffttl into IhI ~) . 80 mitluW. fronl MotcMdlo. • (1It2A)I_ C 1 1 _ . _ PrIa -- _ l::1wa --1lIriIa, s.-." S ... ao-,Ioo - --se,w By Jof'lnllrId1ey EnteruiinmIIIl. 11 lIMIWIn In (·I3I .... MX 01... taka SiI·tiMe NarioNI (#411 " ~ RIa wrth Wayne 6IrdnIl".. ,.. mudl OWl" 1hI hIncWJaos of I 200 • GrInd PrU: Honda .. IC1UII rKI conditions! ~1ICI1o entIftain nerybocfyf 60 minutn. B, M01~. Aa'It tr. h IIICI ...... (11431 n T _ ftl1lRll Mike the &0 Hlil ood DR 1flI ilf. w handling 500 HDndI-4 dicingwith GiIcomo AQOItirn on theMYin the 1987 lsi. of M.. TT0 . . racing 11 ill bi ll . 89 minut.s from MotDVidIO. PrIa . • TIQh1ICtiofl • ...... at SIAdIurgrina by )l, I8aInd Oftl" binty. end c..w.r. .... 5 ridiwi eaoa . . wr1hin . . . IKOl\IL Br Motewidlo. (154) YoT'" ••~'. . .'"!" I . nI'. ,.IM) _ -..__ Indhy trnftaillmen1. Ridl'. ... 70 mtnut. inItruc1iort11 coma compl.1I with • podcet-limi hMdbooIl hi tbI lltOIocrosstr Cin wrr Iiong end 1a in tht fitlcl. RJshows you _111 ride b.n" than '101I thinllfOIl Qn. Drda r now for immedill . dtliwry! (1It1_. Ov.r f 40 crafts upnnd .. fitIa end vidIatIptI. - but no 011I gm burt! SOIllI .. Itun1I, . . . . . AOl III IMlfPOII, buI .nt lltlining withII. 60 ........ eo.m correction. American bik a:MlIIMl1.Iy. ll IllIICh ~It 10other wire whnls. 87 MinutlS from TtchTtplL (.I. I . T.... .. ... _ 1::..4A)I ~ :eM:~::'rI::;'ript.onr::::o~ i;:z"~ .. _a I' The ............ Soe_1eI RocilQ ~ in TUQQft, AI. in JInuIry. thiI ill good 1ht fun. fat. IlUddld brt IIlOtl FfOlIl AAlV The de_ m CYClE NEWS PROD UCTS D ty, #53T au9llClIcui. @ 19.95 1165 '89 MX 0.. _ . G.rmany @ 2495 Amount .8 1'89 U GP Laguna S.'" @ 33.95 .S #81A '90 USGP Laguna S.'" @ 33.95 #82A '90 St>ani,h R G @ 33.95 R P #9 U . RR Grand Prix '88 @ 33.95 .S #83A '90", R GP @ 33.95 R #11 RICIe Johnson Profil. @34.95 . , 2A Won~. Greatest SX @ 24.95 #1 3 MX or.... Styi. @ 24.95 #84A '90 W G.rman RR GP @ 3395 . #85A '90 Austrian RR GP @ 33.95 #86A '90 Yugo~";an RR GP @ 3395 #87A '90 0u1th nil GP @ 33.95 #1 4A '90 N. Am.rican St>.edway F ...I @ 29.95 #20 Gold Mountain @ 54.95 .n L __~=~~!~ ~ #88A'90 8e1~ .. RR GP @ 33.95 .89A'90 F rend! All GP @ 3395 __ ~~~~~sh~!!~~ 1191 A'90 Swedish All G @ 33.95 P 1192A '90Czecho RR GP @ 33.95 II93A '90 Hungarian All GP @ 33.95 1194 '89 Isla 01 Man @ 49.95 1195 '89 P. ns·O.... @ 49.95 1198 "awe#7 @ 49.95 1199 H awe#8 @ 49.95 #1 00 Motovation by RIdJohnson @ 24.95 #1 01V .... Wh..1 Lacing @ 3495 ·T #1 02 Speedway leo Wol1d C'sh,p, 91T@ 29.95 #104Slurgi, '89 @ 21.95 #1 05SX Thril. Spin.& 1 '90@ 22.95 M. #10 Daytona '90"Rod. Wild St . - @ 22.95 6 d #1 07 Racing AmentaV 1 @ 3395 ol #1 08 ATwist of m. W nst@ 43.95 #1 09 K.mikaze! World MTB C'ship' @ 3495 1t1 11 Malazanack/rm No D1icken @ 34,95 #150 ·90 MX N.n, @ 33.95 #1 51'90 S.aamen'o MX N.n , @ 33.95 #1 52'90 Axton MX N.n, @ 33.95 #153 '90 M' Mom, M N.n, @ 33.95 X #200 '90 A ,cotlSpringl H.II·Mil. @ 28.95 #201 '90 San Jose (Spring) M,I. @ 28.95 #202 '90 St>ringfi.ld lSt>rmg) Mol, @ 28.95 #203'90 lDw....n. H.IToMil. @ 28.95 #204 '90Oulluom Mola @ 2895 . 205 '90P.on TT @ 2195 ' _ 11206 '90Sj>ringfi. d Mil, @ 28.95 1 #300 '90SupeItnlss PocIcage @ 352 .00 #30t '90 ANhaimSupercrou @ 24.95 #302'90 Houston Sopen:n>ss @ 24.95 #303'90 San D.- o Supercrou @ 24.95 g #304 '90Seattl. Sup.1tIOSS @ 24.95 #305 '90 AUanta Supen:n>ss @ 24.95 #306 '90 las V.gas Supen:ross @ 24.95 #301 '90P,sad.naStl!>.n:ross @ 24.95 #308 '90 DallasSup.n:ross @ 24.95 #309 '90 POn1ll'CSupen:n>ss @ 24.95 #31 0 '90 Tampa Stl!>.ItIOSS @ 2495 #311 '90 Chari .. Sup.n:ross @ 24.95 . #312 '90 Ruth. rl..dSupon:ross @ 24.95 #313 '90 Fllld>orough Sup.1tIOSS @ 24.95 #314'90 O Crty Suo.n:ross @ 24.95 K #31 5 '90 San Jose Sup.1tIOSS @ 24.95 #316 '90 llls Ang.l.. Sup.rtross @ 24.95 - Colifonoie Residell odd 6Y Sal.. Tu .% (tA County 6'1.% Sela Tu l ~ & "-'ilIc Free T....

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