500 NOV 0-1 : 1. Mall Crow~ (Y;a ); 2. OUD Ib..ilry
(Yam); 5. Tom I..acy (V;a ); t . Tom Diaalvo (y ..m ); S. Ibn
Allcom ( H.D~
SOO NO\' 0.2: l. Ambony Palmrr (Va m ); 2. MOld Dodson
(Ya m); 5. Jeremy T wiu (ltaw); t . Dan fddhOlua (Yam); S.
Steve IIom: 2. Owm Didton ( V..rn );
S. Mal &tm1an (yam); t. Scott Mumford (Ya m): S. Edwnd
C".ettn (Suz).
!SO Ir..: 1. Mark Usky (Yam); 2. Doug Alkn ( K.aw) ; 5.
len Nriurl (l.aw); -t. Will Dicbon (V..m); 5. oms Murphy
( Hon ~
250 PRO: 1. Erik Kdlcx (H a n ); 2. bOOy Moody ( Ka w );
1. Tony Sul tk ( Ka w); 4. Andy Cridn (Kaw ); 5. Ru ss Wag'lmlan
SOO BEG : I. Johnny Crou (Kaw); 2. Mik~ l.uc.D (Koiw );
1. n an lito (Han): t . R ick Ikrkowia (Hon); S. T im Wotr
(H o n).
500 NOV : 1, Jot! Ktttt=rl (H on ): 2. Ri chard Mani~ (Ya m );
1. Homa Rhoads (Hon) .
JR VET BEC: I. Mark Baka (Suz); 2. M..rk Cr om " (Hon);
5. Bi1IGa rcia (l'a w) ; 1. Rick Sco u (Y..m);S. Tm-y Puls (Hon ).
J R VET NOV : 1. T im Wahlbttg (Ka,wl: 2. rack K,=II(S tll );
!. Jrlf f~ (Ho n ); t . Ron Shurp (Vam ): 5. T im McAdOIm.
(Ka w ).
:JR. VET Ir.7: I. Mar k Duva l {Hon l; 2. M..rk Horton (H o n);
!. ·T od d Wimnl (Hon): -t. Mike Nowicki (Hon); 5. Jerry
JR VET EX: 1. Ru. Wagnnoan; 2. Bob Kline (Hon) ; 1.
Gary Sailon (Kaw); t . Rich Truehnuki .
VET BEG : I. Frank Wadrhnn ( Ka w); 2. Bob H auunan
IH on): 5. Donni,= Quoanwrom (Hon); t . Rid flOI"eS (H on);
5. Hnbcn "11m ( Ko.w ).
VET NOV: l. Daw O'taman: 2.. JnTY Aih (1" (Hon); 5.
Ron HupCidd (Kaw); t. Roand y WylOdi (Ra w); 5. Ik;an
J m n ingt (Kaw).
VET (NT: l. ScoI I Cur ti, (Kaw ); 2. Mikt Nowid..i (Hon r.
5. Michad Rochntt"l" (H on ): -t. Curti'Jann o (Yam); S. R41ndy
A ndt"l"toOn (Yam).
VET EX: I. Jrlf Haniotl (V..m ).
SR EX: I. Tnry McDonald (H a n ).
WMN NOV : I. Jami,=Pilmintu..i In (SUI).
Eri c Wasn ea (196) leads J im La vocci
(8) an d Tracy Asher at LACR MX,
J oh n Larson beat Tom Erickson in th e final round of eliminations to win his
first Western Pro Gas Associatio n even t of th e year at Los Angeles Co unty Racewa y.
.Hutcheson hot at Grattan RR
Larson wins at LACR Drags
By Denise Kottke
By Bob Johnson
Greg Hutcheson claimed first place in the Solo
GTU event and ca ptued the G rea t Lakes
Regional ti tle at Grattan Raceway.
Rapheal Burris grasped th e k a d a t the sta rt
and was closely foll owed by William Wh it.,
Steve Craft a nd Hutcheson . Hutcheson, who
took lirst in th e Middleweight GP event
ea rl ier in the day, passed Burns on the third
lap lollo wed by Bill Bradley and Dana
Buch am. Po sitions rema in ed unchanged
until the e ig h th lap as Hut ch eson
main tai ned a two second lead over Wh ite
wh en Bucham crashed in turn seven and
brought o ut the red flag.
Craft led th e restart but was feelin g the
prrssure 01Burris, Hutcheson a nd Whit. close
behind on the n int h lap. Three laps lat er th ere
was an other crash , prompting yet ano ther
The second restart saw Craft get th e lead
again but Hutcheson passed him a short tim .
later. White and Burri s fought lor second after
both passed Crall by the 16th lap. Hutcheson ,
White and Burri s pulled away, leaving a sixsecond margin on BiB Bradl ey, Steve Kok and
T im Keen, while David Bloom was now
balllin,!: with Cr aft lor seve n th , In th e
remaini ng laps, White was hot aftrr H utch .son until Bums snatched second from him
on lap 24. At the finish, Hutch. son claimed
first lo llowed by Burri s, Whitr, Brad ley, Kok,
Keen, Bloo m and Craft.
J ohn La rson won his first Wrstrm Pro Gas
Associat ion dra g race at Los Angeles Cou nty
Raceway. La rson bea t Torn' Erickson in the
final ro und of eli minations.
U",sr ts fill ed th e firs t tw o rounds of
elimi na tions. with series points leader Don
Earll losing in the first round to Brian Boyd,
and points contender Dave Earll joining his
father on the sidel in es as he lost 10 Larson.
Reign ing champ Elva Ear ll's chances for 3
second even t win of th e year were diminished
when Boyd eliminated her.
Other second rou nd winners included Tom
Erickson, who beat J oe Savatgy; Kris Wil cox
over Charley Fulks; and Larson with a by.
in to the semi final s.
Erickson began that semi final round by
winning with a 9.56/115.93 (9.40 seco nd
index ) as Boyd lost with a 9.60/120.25. Larson
gained hi s second final round of the year when
h. got the win light at 9.64/11 3.55 to a losin g
9.78/1 20.69 for Wilcox .
In the final , Kawasaki-mounted Larson ra n
a 9.46/129.46 to defeat Erickson, breaking out
with an amazingly close 9.398/1 39.88.
SO LO C TO: I. Randy Goidlky (S uz); 2. Jurdon Brow n
(Yilm ); 5. Ra ph . ..d Burri s (SUl); -t. Edward C ray (lio n ); S.
Oa vid Bi ~t (SUI).
EX LIW S/ SPRT: I. Br~n W'=Slphal ( V..m ); 2. John
VOl:l.iIoIt ( Vil m ).
NOV l.IW SlSP RT : I. Mad:
Sti l~ (Yam) ;
2. C url. Drath
( Yil m) ; 5. Jdf Brown (Yam); t . Quisl: phtt Tindall ( V..m );
5. Rich.;ard Crawford (Ya m ).
I . Cui, H,=lland (D ue); 2. J im Wood
(Due); 5. Louilo Dr.Iku lich (Hon); t. Davr Bradf ord (Nor ).
NOV LIW srnV: 1. Robm. Mm tn (lio n); 2. Tom
Bntid iet (H on ); 5. Ceq Mdlin gn (Due); t . DaY'= Moon (Due);
5. ...... GoIIon (e.g).
EX MIW GP: l. Grq HUlch '=iOn (Yam ): ~ JonSon Bro wn
(Ya m ); 1. Jim Be.utl,= (R Ul); t . Ibnid Sch m m (Ya m).
NOV M /W CP: I. Phil Sch illing (Hon); 2.. Will ioun Wh itr
(Va m); 5. J im WiI1 (Yilm); t . Raben Lnnbl,= (H o n ): 5.
Thornton McP~ (Yilm ).
EX UIL SIS PRT: J. David Bissell (Y.;am).
SOLO GTU: I. Gr'=g Hutchoon (Y.;am )j 2. Rapha,= Burris
(Ya m ); 5. W illiam Wh it,= (Ya m); t . Bill B ~dl ey (Hon ); S.
SI'=VC Ko k (H a n).
EX LIW GP: I. Phil Schilling (Hon): 2. J ohn Vo m ak
(Yam); 5. I...anv Coh~ (yam ); 4. Louis Dra kuhch (Hon) .
NOV LIW CP: I. Otuck. Dralh (Yam ): 2. ~ Osmond
(Yam); 5. Croff G iles (Ya m); 4. Mark SriI" (Y..m ); 5. T o m
Bmidicl (H on).
EX MIW SlSP RT : I. Srou Sdnian (Y.. m ); 2. Randy
Gadcky (H a n ); 5. Brian Wnt~1 (Y..m).
NOV MI\\' SlSPRT : 1. William Whil ,=(Y;un); 2. R.;aph'ld
Burri s (Y.;am ); 5. J im Will ( Yam) ; t . Dana Bucham (H on);
S. Kirk Edsall (Yam ).
EX U.S. 'IVt/ SPRT : I. Sha wn H i~ (H -D); 2. Ibvid
Bloom (H. D,
EX H IW S/ SPRT: l. D....vid Bi.ett (SUI).
NO V HIW SlSPRT : I. n.om.u Wibon (Sw); 2. Midud
Collin, (Sur); 5. Otuck. Hry in g ( K.;aw ); t . Rogn Duffy ( Koa w,;
S. H . Ibl,= HlMhon (S Ul ).
EX HIW SI"nV: l.
Hdland (Due); ~. J im Wood
(D ue); 5. Dilw Bradford (N or); t . Louis DrakulKh {H o n ).
NOV H /W SI"nV: I. Mik,=Ross i (Due) : 2. Tom Bmid ia
~:; )i..~k~ (~i~~lson (H · D); t . Da w Go llo n (UK): S.
EX HIW S/B K: l. Randy Caddry (S Ul ); 2. Slrv,= Pilld la
(Suz): 5. David Biurtt (S ull .
NOV H/W S/BK: t. Thomas Wilson (Sur); 2. R OgM" Duff y
(Ka w ); 5. Mich.... d Coll i ll ~ (Sur); t . QlUck HfOyinR (Ka w ):
5. John Krupa (H on) .
~ X L/W S/BK: I. Brian W~tphal (YOIm ); 2. Larr y Colt«
(Y..m ); 5. lDui, Dr.ikulich (H o n).
NOV L/W S/BK: I. Robrrl Md strr (H on); 2. O UK" Drat h
(V..m ); 5. GnMf Giks (Ya m) ; 'I . T om Rmid irt (Hon); 5. La rry
Vaughn (Hon ).
EX M/W Sl BK. I . Sroc.t Sdt"l" n (Y.u n ); 2. ~ en.ft
( Vil m ); 5. R.ilndy G,;,ddroy (H on); t. J or don Brow n (YOiUII).
NOV MIW SlBK: 1. T om Olapl in (lton ): 2. RaphOld
Rurri . (Ya m ); 5. Will i.am Whi rr (Y..m ); 1. J im W ill (Ya m ):
5. Bi1I Br.adlry (H on).
EX SPTMN: I. Jilm n DoII ~Hon ).
NO V S PTM N: 1. Larry Vilug h n (H nn); 2. Rich ard
Cr" W
fOfd (Ya m); 5. Mich.a,=1 Pa nons (yam ); t . Eric Mili a
(Ya m ).
EX U/L GP: I. StfW Cr.aft (Ya m); 2. Scot l Sdnian (Suz);'
5. Ca rl MlDOIIl (Sur); t . Sha wn H igbtt (H o n); S. body Cackky
Elam aces West Florida MX
By Diane Silcox
It was a great night for raci ng a t West Florida
Motocross Park, as th. track ra n its last ni ght
race for the season. The mo st aClion was in
. Ih. Junior Mini 80<:c class, with Eric Elam
commg out on top for the nighL
During the first moto of the Junior Mini
80cc raer , Elam shot off the li n. with th.
hol rshot, foll owed closely by Russell Welch
and Adam Hdton. Jason Burgess followed in
fourth, trying to close th. space brtween
Helton and himself. Elam ma intainrd hi s lrad
though feeli ng th. prrssure by Welch . Burgrss
managed to get around H d ton in th. Bowl
tum to take over third. putting Helton in
fourth with Joey leBlanc in fifth . Burgrss
bq;an to make up tinl. calching up to Welch
trytng to take ovrr second, but Welch was able
to hold him off. W. lch moved in on Elam.
Elam w.nt down in the tum after the tabletop,
pass ing first-pl ace to Welch , whil e Burgrs s
moved into secon d and Helton in third. Elam
got up an d moved into the foun h p laer SIOL
Nor long aftrr Elam's fall ; he closed th. gap
on H.lton. W.lch brgan puuing distaner
brtween himself a nd Burg..., holding onto
a comfortabl. firsL Hd ton went down in th.
turn. I.uing Elam tak. ovrr th ird , whil.
leBlanc moved into fourth. Vincrnt Duvall
hdd lifth and H elto n rrcovered a nd moved
in to sixth. Goi ng into tum three. Burgos
stalled out givi ng Wdch a urrnendous lead
ovrr th. rrst of th. riders . Elam got by for
srcond, leBlanc moved inlO third, Duvall
held fourth and HellOn closed in on Duvall
while running fifth. Duvall bat tled with
H elton for fourth plaer. Elam moved in on
Wdch with one lap to go. Du vall , howevrr ,
wmt down, letting Helton by for fourth .
Welch crossed th. finish l' um p wit h a wdldrserved first place. Elam allowed in second,
ah. ad o f L.Blanc, H.lton, Duvall and
Bur grs 5.
Durin g the second moto, 'Elam took th.
holrshol oner again followrd by leBlanc in
second and H .lton third. Wdch cam e off th.
lin . in fourth. Welch moved in on HdlOn
for thi rd. Hdton finally got pa ssed by W.1ch
in the back bowl turn to tak. ovrr third.
Hrlton moved back to fourth. After taking
ovrr third, W.lch moved in on leBlanc for
second leBlanc tried to hold off Wdch,
however, leBlanc went down a nd Wdch took
over second . Elam held a tremendous lead over
Wrich and the rest of the field, Elam crossed
the finish jump taking th e checkered n ag and
takin g hom. the first plaer trophy. Wrl ch took
second, leBla nc thud, Helton fourth and
Burgess took lifth.
Resul ts
PIW SO: l. Robm Mc l..aldon ( SUI.): 2.
Rod~ Allen (Sul).
8urgn4 (Sw);
J R MINI 80: I. Eric Elam (Ka w); 2. RUSK'II W,= ( Ka w );
3. JO'=Y u Blanc (Hon ); t . Adolm Helton ( K.aw); S. JalOll
Bur KO' (Ka w ).
SR MINI 80: 1, J ofCf'=Y r..u ley (Hon); 2. J OIh Valul'f' (Ha n);
5. J ( Je> Duv ieilh (Yam I; -t. Rogn- Pra tt (Ho n) j 5. Wa yne Ba.i~
( H o n).
125 NOV : l. J oHrey Eas ley (Hen ), 2. Mark McN all y (SUl ):
5. Junior Sims (Ya m); t . Bill McGrotgt' ( Ka w) ; 5. Mark
Kru imki (Hon).
1;I5 AM: l. Michild Puoi (Suz); 2. Da vid S~ (Hon).
250 NO V: 1. Dn id Rtdmond (Hon ); 2. ~th J on n. (Ka w );
5. Tom Bmneu (HCWl).
PRO; I. Scott Pa lrid ( n on); 2. Ibrry Wcin~ (H on);
5. JeU Mardt (H on): 1. Cr.aiC Woolard (JC.a w).
VET : I. Da vid R~ (Hoon); 2. N~I TIaorrnu(H a n );
5. Ibvid Wiltkim (Suz).
Roberti takes it all at PIR RR
By Russ Cazier
Shawn Roberti won the battles and the war.
winnin~ 750 Production a nd 500 Superbike,
and taking a second in 750 Superbike 10 clinch'
overa ll season po in ts at Oregon Motorcycle
Road Racing Association's final ev.nt of th.
seaso n at Portla nd International Raceway .
As has bren the casr all year, Robrru got
few easy wins. Th. 750 Production raer was
a dogfight from th. green flag , with Robrrt i
a nd Micharl McBrad y locked in a race-long
di ce. and J oe Pittman never more than one
second back. Robrrti led until th. fourth lap.
when McBrad y got by in turn sev.n. Robrni
passed back two laps latrr, McBrady repassed
Immediatrly in th. next turn, but Roberti
stayed on his tail and repassed in turn scv.n
on the last lap for th. win.
K';th Pinkstaff ran away with the 750
Superbike event but Robrrti again ha d to dier
all ten laps with Alan Edwards and Stev.
McKissock , taki ng second pIa"", a ni y after
Edwards washed out th.lront .nd and cras hed
within yards of th. chrckrred n ag on the last
la p. Edw ards too k th. checkrred flag an d
several points by push in g his motorcyd . th.
la st lew yard s.
Joe Pittman bro k. dear on lh. second lap
of the Open Production raer and won handily,
bu t Pinkst a fl , McBrady a nd McK issack
swapped second un til th. righ th lap . That's
whm Pi n kstaff finally got in front of th. Jhrerman pack to stay_
OPEN PR OD: I. Jot Piltman (Sw); %. kith Pinkstaff
S. Michxl Mdlrady (s",~
( s", ~
750 PROD: .1. Shawn Robuti (Sw ); 2. Michael McBrad y .
(Sua); 5. Joe Pi tunan (Sw:).
600 PROD: l. J d"f H iJQti bothan (Yam); 2. Rick ~
(H on); So Scott McArthur (Ya m).
'150 PROD: 1. T odd Yoast (y..m ); 2. Stuart Millo- (Yam);
5. ICtvin Normt'l (yam ).
OPEN SlBK: l. Jot Piltman (Ya m ): 2. Keith Pinkstaff (Suz);
5. Ibn Zlock (SUI).
750SIBK: I. Krilh Pinbtaff (Suz ); 2. Shawn Robmi (Yam) ;
1. SlfW McXiuod:. (Suz).
6OOSIBK: I. Shawn R. rli (Ya m ); 2. Craig Lanon (Yam)j
5. Jrif Hi ll:ginbot ham (Yam ).
150 S/ BK.: 1. Alan Schwm (Yilm); 2. Todd Powell (Yam ),
3. Kevin Normrt (Y..m ).
MIW SlBK: l. Ibl,= Gray (H a n ); 2. Kevin Nonnet {Yam)j
S. Rob