Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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too k a safe ';'in over Backes. Corey Holcomb
moved up from a bad stan and after dicing
for several laps with Todd Lentz went on to
take third. Lentz took four th with Scou R uegg
cha rgi n g up for fifth .
Backes charged to lead for the first few laps
of the second moto, wit h Noack conte nt to
keep pa ce a few bike lengths back . At about
the thir d lap he made hi s move and dropped
Backes to second. The two ran at a rapid pa ce
througho ut and buih a good lead by the
check ered. Backes was never a ble to get close
to mou nt a real cha llenge for the lead a nd
Noack loo k the win. Holcomb held third for
the first half of the race, but Lentz reta liated
for his firs t moto defea t and held on for th ird.
Ruegg ra n well for fifth over Mark Borgen.
In the 250cc class Noack ran alo ne for the
fi rst mo ta a n d took a n easy win. Don
Bonnicksen took second over Mike Thom pso n . Marty. Clark took fourth and Brad
Erickson filled in the fifth posi ton on the
finish ing list.
Noac k jumped into the lead of the second
m oto , but Bonnicksen wa s riding well and
challenged h im in the early pa rt of the race.
Noa ck even tua lly established a margin of
safety a nd crui sed in for the win. Erickson
motored in fo r t hi rd over Cl ark and
T hompson.
Kirk Hayes followed Chris Wilson to the checkered nag in both Enduro class
motos at Muddy Creek, but Hayes led the way in both Four-Stroke class motos.
length behi nd. Wheeler hel d th ird ahead of
Koleno and Allen Beech.
j ohnson hamm ered in to tu m one ahead of
Boggia, Koleno, Wheeler an d the remainder
of the riders at the sta n of rnoto two . j ohnson
took the sta rt-to- fin ish win with Boggia doing
the chasing. j ohnson a n d Bo gg ia were
u ntoucha ble throu~hout the mo to with
Koleno holdin g a sohd third to the checkered
flag . joh n Diezic a nd Beech round ed out the
top five.
Barney Barnet t was involved in a firs t-tu rn
cras h which put him down a half lap at the
start of the firs t Ligh tweight Ex pert class
mo to. By the begi nni ng of lap two , Barnett
ha d begun picking off the riders ahead of him
and caugh t all but Phil Ganther by mote 's
In th e second ou ting, Barnett was un tou ch able in his sta rt-to-fin is h win . C auther ,
Trevor Vines and Bru ce Stei nfut h trai led
Barnett to the checkered flag.
1. Larry Rust (Yam); 2. D.J. Wagnn- (Yam): 5. Brm .
(MM); 4. Mid Marshall (ltj).
80: I. Brock Sdlard! (Hon); 2. Adam Btthtal (SUI); 3. Brian
K.amow (Sw); 4. Scott Fr.uier (Ka w ).
SCHB\': 1. Jay H C!nht:y (Sut); 2. Brent Abtl (Honl: 3. c.J.
,;0 :
Klei n (Han) ; 4, Eri c Nt'podal (Suz ); 5. Ada m Ikchda (Kaw) .
125 A: I. Barn ey Baran ett (Ha n); 2. Phil Cauther (Yam);
.5. Tlnc Vin n (Han); 4. Bruce Stanfurlh (H on).
125 B: I. J ay Heuber (Suz); 2. OlUck Fran cisco (S UI); !.
Rick McG um~ (Ha n): 4, Quia Bodo (Ho n); 5. Eric }ec:k l~
125 C: 1. Joh n Venala ck (Suz); 2. La na Wins te! (Sw);
S. John Evola (Han); 1. Davt Jonn (Kaw); 5. Brent Abd
(Hon ).
5R' I: I. K.m Frank (Hon) ; 2. Davt Blau man (Hon); S.
, J im Cipullo (Cag); 1. Kmn McG m n (Kaw); 5. Tom 1"imchak
SR 2: l. Mikr Williams (Vam ); 2. Dan Morpn (H UI): 3.
j nry Boyd (lion): 4. j ocjacob , (/(o w): 5. Tom Knapp (Yam ).
250 A:. l. SlrVt' JoholOn (Suz); 2. Mar Boggia (Suz); ! .
Bill Kolmo (Han); 4.. Crq: Wh«lrr (Hon) ; 5. John Dime
2M) B: l. Oran Picrond. (Kaw ); 2. Tony Boy;u (Han); 3.
Mikr Dam ratoski (Suz); i. ~n Frank (Hon ); 5. Mikr
WaJlrabnbtrin (Sw ).
250 C: l. Eric Kkin ( Xa w) ; 2. Ty Myr n (Xa w);!. Many
kpiro (Xa w ); 1. Strw Wallrabnu.tcin (Kaw ); 5. T roy Howard
(H oo ).
PLUS 25: l. Dtan Pirronrk (Kaw); 2. StcYt Wilmin~
(Kaw); , . Tony Boyas (Hoo ): i . Mike WiUiams (Yam): 5.
. KMn Kallay (Yam) .
OPEN B: l. Dave Bbumaa (Hon); 2. Dave Suk'Cki ( ):
S. Rick MrrhM (Hon ); i . Nal Davis (IITM ); 5. Cluck
Cotlmll (Xaw).
.Wilson prevails atMuddy Creek MX
By Barbara and Loren Williams
While many areas of the southeas t suffered
washo uts of bridges and roa ds, rend ering
travel impossible and cutting ou t much of the
competillon at Muddy Creek Raceway, Chris
Wilson made it down fro m Middleboro ,
Kentucky, to race and topped the Enduro class.
j ohn Thompson led Wilson , Kirk Hayes,
Keith Hen sley, Brian Archer and half a do zen
ot her riders at the star t of mota on e. However,
halfway th rough lap one he. slid ou t a nd
drop ped to sixth . Wilson took over first p lace
as Hayes shoo k Hensley to pursue h im. Hayes
dogged Wilson for the entire race bu t couldn't
get ar ound. He nsley fin ished a distant third,
foll owed by Thompson. Arch er had begun
droppin g back from the second lap, and left
th e race on la p three with mech anical
Wilson beat the rest of the pack off the line
at the star t of mot o two. Hayes rtipped at his
heels for the whole way, but on ce again
Wilson held h im off for the win ..Thompson
rode a secure third from stan to fin ish to nail
down third overall, leaving fourth overa ll to
H ensley. johnny Ra sar comp leted the top five
with two fifth -pl ace fini shes.
Hayes was consoled by his victory in the
Four-Stroke class where he carded double wins
to take the overall trophy. Keith Hensley and
j ay Hayes tra ded second and third place with
Hensley second in the final moto.
Nick Citron finis hed second in the first65cc
moto to Pau l J ustus , but was in position to
capitalize on the spill that j ust us took on th e
stairsteps in moto two. Citron mai n tain ed his
line and avoi ded entang lement while j ustu s
remounted and took off after Citron , but by
tha t time there was jus t too much track left
in relation to time, an d Citron p revailed.
50: I. RottrrClikh (Hon);2 . Robnt Sm ith (Yam ); , . Ru. ty
Dockrry (vam); i . Jrmny Shehon (Ha n); 5. Nick y Hobac:k
65 7·11: I. Nick Citron (Kaw); 2. Pau l JUilUi (Kaw); S.
10lh Sprinkk (Xaw); 1. Nicky Hoback (Kaw): 5. Bria n
'rbomb",g (!ta w ).
JR MINI 7·11: I. Brian Thornburg (Kaw ); 2. Jon Boru ff
(Sw ); S. j ake Morris (Yam ); 1. Cotf')' Cran e (Han); 5. Spmctt
H ill: (Suz).
SR MIN I: l. Billy Cha rles Jr . (Kaw ); 2. Ryan Reed (Han );
3. Jordan Monrym akn (Suz); 4. Ji m m y BriW (Suz); 5. Scon
Cravn (Ka w ).
SCH RY: I. Ryan Rred (Ha n); 2. Billy OIarles (Kaw ); .5.
Jordan Mon eym a ktt \501) ; 4. Scott Crav es (Xa.w) .
ENDR: 1. Chris W i son (Kaw ); 2. Kirk Hayes (Sw); 3. 1ohn
Thompson (Suz); 4. Keith Hensley (SUI); 5. Joh n ny Rasa r
125 A: 1. Mi k~ Brown (Kaw); 2. Kevin Walkn (Suz); , .
William Cox (Suz); 4. Chad Lo ugh (Han); 5. Mikr Liu (Suz).
125 8 : I. T on y Sm ith (Han ): 2. Eddir Smil ry ( Xa.w ); 5.
Ouls Wi lso n (Ha n ).
125 C: I. Otad P in (Ha n); 2. Brad Oark (K3w); S. Statty
Hod£r (Ha n ); i . Crrg l'lroon (5w ); 5. David Bois (Kaw ).
2Si) A:. I. Mike Bro wn ( Xa.w) ; 2. 01ad Lo ugh (Han ).
2M) B: I. Billy Adkin s (Han); 2. Mik e Howard (Kaw) ; 5.
J ame Hay~ (Ha n ).
2M) C: l. Brad Oark (Kaw); 2. T im Laski . (Suz); S. Danrll
Bailey (Ha n ); 1. Micharl Edwillth ( Ko1 w ); 5. Eric: Rankin
(/(o w).
25+ A
Billy Adkin s (Hon );2. Jdl Oodgm (Vam ); S. Jefl F.aads ( Ko1 w );
i . Eddir Branch (Suz); 5. Mikr Howw (Kaw).
25+ B: l. Bobby Shepard (Kaw): 2. Tommy Hayts (501):
3. O ifl Docke:ry (Vam); 1. Bobby Shi rlth (Ha n); 5. Omnl l
Sal( ( Xa.w) .
.OP EN AM: 1. l imm y Leacb (Xaw ); 2. Jdf EadI (Kaw .;
5. G ary o.tx>m< (Hon ).
SlSR: I. John lbomp5Of1 (501); 2. Rona ld Rred (Hon);
S. Trd Fidds (Yam ).
SR A: I. j