Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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jeff Matiasevich (20) passed Micky Dymond (21) on the way to winning the 500cc
Pro class. Dymond finished third overall in both the 500 and 250cc Pro divisions.
Keith Bowen (24) leads Doug Henry (69), junior Nadeau (81), jeff Curry (24) and
john Dowd early in the first 250cc Pro moto. Bowen stayed ahead to win the rnoto,
john Dowd (49)earned the 250cc Pro class overall win after battling with Ron Tichenor
jason Fowler was the top rider in the sportsman classes as he won four motos
en ro u te to th e 125 and 250cc Amateur A class victories.
(6) in both motos. Tichenor was the overall winner in the 125cc Pro class.
while Ra y Somrno, Gene Naumec a nd
O 'Mara freight -trained in an effort to
catch up with the leaders,
O 'Mara soon passed both So mmo
and Naumec th en started to close o n
a battling Dymond and Bow en . Dowd
had broken away from that struggle
to move into a titanic battl e with
Matiasevich. The two stay ed j ust a few
bike lengths apart until Dowd passed
Matiasevich and held him off for the
win . O 'Mara fell back to sevent h when
he hit a lapped rider a nd fell , so
Dymond finished th ird over Bowen
and Naumec.
Dymond grabbed the holeshot at th e
start of moto two with O 'Mara , Mat iasevich and Do wd righ t behind. Dowd
sho t to the lead o n the first lap whi le
O' Mara dropped bac k to fo urth .
Mat iasevich soon passed Dymond for
second in an effort to not let Dowd
get away.
Matiasevich fin ally took cont ro l on
lap three and pulled out a six bike
length lead , but around th e halfway
point Dowd made an attempt to repass
Matiasevich. Lapped riders got in
Dowd's way and Matiasevich was able
to gain some distance that Dowd
couldn't make up before the fin ish.
"Dowd really impressed me today ,"
said Matiasevich. "He made me work
for it, that's for sure."
" T he hi ghlight of tha t race was
givi ng J eff (Ma tiasev ich ) a good ru n
fo r h is mon ey, at least this shows
everyo ne that I'm read y for a full-time
commitment o n th e National circuit
next year ," said Dowd.
O 'Mara and Naumec had pushed
Dymond back to fifth early in th e
moto. D ym ond fough t ba ck a nd
rep assed Na umec, bu t then Naumec
made th e fina l move and left Dymond
as he clos ed in o n O'Mara near the
end. O 'Mara held him off 10 fin ish
thi rd.
" I th ought I was in good shape, but
that mot o really win ded me, especially
since I' ve been away fro m the caliber
of competit io n tha t sho wed up here, "
said Dymo nd.
J ason Fo w ler stood out i n th e
Amat eur classes as he wo n the 125 and
250cc d ivisions. After dom inatin g
Saturday's qualifying races, Fowler
leveled th e compe titio n o nce again in
Sunday's finals.
In th e I25cc Amateur A fin al, Fowl er
started fourth beh ind Brian Behrman ,
Ri ch Zupko and Doug Conrad. By the
second lap Fowl er started picking off
the riders in front of him, and by the
end of the moto he had reeled in and
passed Behrman to win th e race.
Fowler grabbed the holeshot at th e
start of th e 250cc Amateur A final and
wor ked his good start into a sizeable
lead by the end of the mot o.
John Schneider and Don Opkycke
had an inspiring battle in the 80cc lOII year-old class final. The two riders
ban ged bars u ntil the th ird la p when
Sch nei der p ulled ou t a 10 bike length
which he ma intai ned to the checkered
Do n Grah n, winner of th e 25+ class
ear lier in the day , bolted into the lead
at the start of the Senior Expe r t class
fi nal. By th e seco n d lap h e h a d
compan y as Mickey Kessler was breathi ng down hi s neck. Kessler soo n
fou nd his ope ni ng and bl asted into th e
lead , then ran away and hid from th e
rest of the pack o n his wa y to the wi n.
Grahn held on to fin ish a distant
seco nd o ver Rob Neeley.
60: I. Pa ul Bradl ey (Kaw): 2. David Dip ietro (Kaw );
, . joe Bura tri (Ka w).
80 (10-11): I. Jo hn Sche ider (H on); 2. Don Opd vcke
(Kaw) : , . J ason H ar pe r [Ka w) : 4. Pa ul Bradl ey (Suz);
5. J ohn Ba starach e {Ka w ).
80 (12ยท13): I. Gr eg Rand {Ka w]: 2. Ja son Sybert
(Hon ); 3. Rya n Kaichen (Ka w); 4. Mike Pear (Suz);
S. John Hillman (SUl) .
80 (1 4~ 15): I. Cartt'rGu rnet:'(Kaw); 2. T on y Ha ynes
(Kaw ): 3. Robb ie Felts (Suz); 4. Shawn Schu hz (Ka w );
S. Robert Srock (Suz).
80 BIG WHL: I. Chris Ell sworth (Ka w); 2.
Anthony Bello (Kaw); 3. J ohn Ali a s (Kaw).
SCHBY : I. Davey Y=k J r. (Kaw); 2. Carter
Gurnee (Kaw); 3. Zy Bra un (Kaw); 4. K