Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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_ _ _ _ _ _ __M_A_a__ _ C_ha mpionship 125/500(( MX Series: Final rounds
A N tional ~
Continued from page 7
gave Dymond a ba ttl e bu t he co u ld n't
stay wi th him after bei ng passed.
Som rno, who was as high as six th ear ly
in the race. finished eighth behind
-Nau mec,
Davis. Matson and Andrews stayed
close throughout the rnoto, with
Ma tson taking command of n inth and
holdi ng off Da vis at th e finish.
Its :IIOTO I: I. G uy Coo pe r (SUl ); 2. Mike
La rocco {Suz]: 3. Mil t' Kied ro wski (Ho n ); 4. j erem y
Buehl (SUI ); 5. Jdr Mat ia sevich { Kaw) : 6. Dou g
Henry (Ya m ); 7. Ron ald Tichenor (S Ul ); 8. Steven
Chi ldress II (SUl); 9. Brian Swi nk ( Ka w ); 10. Denny
Step henson (S UI) ; I I. Buddy An tu nez (SUl): 12. T odd
Deh oop (SUI) ; IS. Ton y Grav o (Hon); 14. Car lo
Coen (S UI); 15. Barr y Cars ten (S UI) ; 16. Eri c Mea ra r
(Yam); 17. Michael T readw ell ( Ka w): 18. Da vid
Gaylord (SUI) ; 19. Patri ck Barte n (SUI); 20. Davi d
Anto n ucci (Hon ); 2 1. David Becki ng to n (SUI); 22.
J a mes Mcilv ain e (H on) ; 23. Hank Mor r-eJr. (Ka w):
24. Ga ry Lu ssier (S UI ); 25. G reg Nelson (S Ul); 26.
Paul Hil ario (Hem ); 27. Timoth y Bea chak (Ho n );
28. See n Ca ner (SUl); 29 . Trevor Yiues {Kaw): 30.
Ken net h Kelleter (Kaw); 3 1. Sieve Earn est (Ha n): 32.
De';l11 Baker (Ho u): 33. Je Her y Yoder (Sill): 34. David
Barrett (SUl): 35. Steven Herma n (Yam); 36. Todd
Dip pel (Suz]: 37. Pau l Ooyeue {Kaw ): 38. Shane
Slcrh er (SUl J: 39. David Fantin i (Suz); 40. J ohn
Burfein d (SU1
Time: 36 minutes. 50.30 seconds
125 MOT0 2: I. Kiedrow ski : 2. Cooper; 3. Larocco ;
4. Mariasev ich : 5. Hmry; 6. T ichen or: 7. OeHoop;
8. Swin k: 9. Buehl ; 10. Antuna ; II. Stephenson; 12.
Chi ld ress ; 13. Com: 11. Herman; 15. Trea dwell ; 17.
Barton ; 18. Antonucci: 19. Hilario ; 20. Beckington :
2 1. Lussier ; 22. Slorher: 23. Nelson ; 24. Baker ; 25.
Dippel : 26. Beachak: 27.
28. vines: 29.
Earnest ; 30. Mcilvaine: 3 1. G raves; 32. Kelleter ; 33.
Moree : 31. Burfe ind; 35. Ca rsten : 36. Yoder : 37.
Barrett : 38. Fantin i; 39. Carter; 40. McClear .
T im e: 37:17.2 1
Its 0 1A: I. Gu y Coo per (SUl); 2. Mik. Kiedr owski
(Ha n); 3. Mike Larocco (Suz); -1 . Jeff Matia sevich
(""w): 5. Dou g Hen ry (Yam); 6. jerom y Buehl (Suz);
7. Ronald T ichenor ~ S uz ): 8. Brian Swin k (Ka w);
9. T odd D