Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS MIN I JNT: i . Tim Holas (SUl); 2. T .). Webber ( Ka w) . 125 BEG D-I : 1. j osh T rue (Ka w) ; 2. Mikt Hooge nda m . (He n): .5 Steven Farmer (Ka w) . 125 BEG 0 -2: I. Chad EnKlh,h (Suz); 2. j err Lockwood ()(awl; 3. Todd Kibble (Suz). 125 J R: I. T erry Davis (SU.I); 2. T im Meissn er (Yam); 3. Pat Muxlow (Kawl. . 125tNT: I. Mike HamneM(Kaw); 2. Forr est T r.m sut' (Kaw); 3. Donald H ucke (Yam ). 125 PRO: I. G raYMln H an ( Ka w)~ 2. Mik C" Ikll (SUl): 3. Rian C an t (SUl). . 2.SO BEG [)·I : I. Gene Whil Li:lker [H o nj: 2. J im Mar !lohall (S UL): 3. Jamn McKl'a n (S Ul). 250 BEG D·2; I. Jdf Di(-k ( Ra w ); 2. Darrin Moor e ( H o n); 3. T erry Nickol l> (H o n) . 250 JR: I. Brcu Sorenson (KT M); 2. Davi d Wimer (Sill); 3. T ony Sawyer (Hon). 250 (NT : I. MOnle H ill (SUl ): 2. Ed J ~~ (Ho n); 3. Do UK Gravelle ( Ka w). 250 PRO: I. TnT)' H am nO ll (Ka w). O PEN BEG : I. Mart y Ham m (Hon ): 2. Ted Skipper (Ho n); 3. Monrv Pri er (AT K). O PEN INT: I. Tony Mar tin ( H o m , O PEN PRO: I. Shaw n C.ul;tn~lo (Ka w). 25·.50:I. Keith OiBrino (H on l; 2. Rick Cu n ni ngha m (H on); .'I. Ant hony Valeflluda (Raw). VET C: I. Da vid Wint"",(SUl ); 2. Ra ndy J ungwo n h (Ka w); 3. Joh n M;n rohe (H nn). VET B: 1. Rid Johmon.(H on ). VET A: I. Mike Whillm (Kaw); 2. Mike Cba se (Ya m ); 3. e DiI... Eaki n (Han ). 10-+ NO V: I. Steph en Fone (Hon ); 2. Cene Ch uum (H on ); .'I Rand y Layne (Han ). . 10+ AM: I. Eric Burken sha w (SUI): 2. Joho MlK'Sli ng (Ho n): 3. SIt'VeShindler (SUI). 40+ EX: I. Jim Lamkin (Han); 2. Mike Perry (SUl.); 3. Mikt' Hi ckman (Ya m ). e Deveau dominates Sears Point RR By Laura Elvin SO:;OM . CA. SEPT. 3 A T en tative results ha ve Dave Deveau taking the AFM o vera ll cha m p io nshi p point over Peter w ens loff a ' the fin al AFM race of 1990. a ' Sears Poin t Iruema tio na l Raceway. Du e to di sputes, pro test s, a nd co n fusing ra lru la rio ns offi cia ls won't have the defin itive results of the 1990 seaso n for severa l mo re weeks. But Dave Deveau carne to Monday's eve nt one poi nt ah ead of Peter \Vensl off in th e overall ii. le chase, and al though Wen slo ff wo n Formu la Two and Devea u too k the win in 600cc Supervueet . nei th er racer rode in Formu la O ne - " the rare tha t wi ll decide the ch ampionship. w cusloff said ea rlier in th e day. C las s points leader Deveau took his win in 60 0('·(· SUperSITt'CI alter a brief ba u le with Dwayne Ch u ng . Mich ael Ea rnest gav e up seco nd place wh en he nea rly high -sided tryi n g 10 ouch C h u ng and mis sed th e exit o f turn seven . Earnest gm back o n the (rack a nd cau g lll u p In third o n ly to crash in one of th e Ia SI tu rn s 0 11 th e final lap. T h is wa s Dev t'au' s fift h co n sec u li ve wi ll in 600 <:( Supersl rt.t'1. C h u ng fin ished seco nd , with ' Swnton in third . Formula Two poinls lead er \Vt'flslo ff took h is Yam ah a lO a sixth·s ir'.lig: h l win. St'co nd plac(' wen l (() Dan McCann , a nd th ird In Wa yn e MorHoya in a ra<1" that sa w very liu) t' po sitio n shift in g:. T h e 1989 AFM Cham pIO n. J o e BreI! \ Villi a ms, left th t, (om p(·t1t io n behind in Formula Gil l' with a sta rt- to- fin ish win . SLanlnn hdd srn Hld pl a n ' unli l lh e ha lfwa y point wh('J1 he IUSI hiS dlain. Tom Mon tan o w('1ll from th ird to st'co nd o n h is FZR400 in Stanton 's ~, b se n ct' , a nd Mic hael Ril ey sln rlTIt'd from mid-pa('k « ) ta kc th ird . Bad fonune co n fro nt ed Peler \Vt'J1s!ofr.wh o had a first lap prob lem . Earli er • Wen slo ll had . explained hi S strd legy for the da y: " I' m OIU' point behind Deveau lir lh e o \'era ll cha mpionship. All I have to do is win Formula O nt' a nd I've ~ot it. " But \Ven sloff 's eng int' ~t'il t'd on lh e o pe n ing lap, throwing a way a ny hopes he had for ,he .i,le. The 750cc SuperSlreel race was also a n easy wi n for Willia ms. as he sai led fro m .hird place to first on th e o f><:ning hip, then shut the door 10 a n y po ssib ili ties by takin g h is RC30 in to

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