Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Boudreaux endures atBremen MX By Wayne Parham BREMEN, GA, SEPT. 22 After chasing Ran dy H ar per for the majo rit y of the firs t rnoro, Leo n Boudreaux look the lead o n the final lap to earn th e first of two m ota wins in the End uro class at Bremen Supercrcss. Harper too k the lead on th e opening lap an d Bou drea ux stayed on Harper 's rear tire [or [our and a ha lf la ps while trying to find room to slip int o th e lead . As the two front-runners p ulled away fro m the pack . Harper held th e lead until Boud reaux fina llyou t-j umped h im a nd took th e inside track on the left-hand curve at the bottom of th e tab leto p . Bou d reau x secur ed hi s lead as they head ed uphill on th e fin al section of the course and went on to win . Harper a nd Boudreau x battled for th e ho leshot in th e second m ota as th ey came o ut of th e first turn a nd down th e straightaway head -to-head, The lead then changed hands betw een th e two severa l tim es. fin ally stabilizing with Harper in the lead by the end of lap one. Anthon y Kell was locked in third as he attempted to cut th e lead held by Harper and Boudreaux. As the leaders battled through the hi ll-top part of th e course preparing to tak e the white flag. Boudreaux edged by Harper to take th e lead . Harper tried to overtake Boudreaux but went down in a turn, allowing Kell to mov e into second and Billy Burton to tak e third. Boudreaux stretched his lead on th e fin al lap as Kell held o n to seco nd. and Burton ' fended off Harper to take th ird . ~Results 201 O PE N A: I. Sea n Dukes (H a n); 2. Allen Ha rri son (HOD); 3. Johnat hon Blain (Yam). .• 20 1 OPEN 8 : 1. Mike Henderson (Han): 2. Ra ndall R~ (H on ); 3. Brian Haenn (Ya m). I. 201 O PEN C: I. Ri ck Jordan (Han); 2. Rodn ey Vaug hn {Hon); , . David Murphy (Raw); 4. Stevr Wesl"hoh (KT M). Q.200 A: I. Sea n Duk ~ (H a n); 2. Bria n Stokes (Han ); , . Jona tho n Blain (K TM), I 6-200 B: I. Rood Norton (Hon). ,(I 0-200 Q L Bryan Thornton (Hon): 2. Al Morlian ( Ka w) ' ' S. R ick Jo rda n (Hon); 4. Wade Bell (Han); 5. Ch m Thoma~ (Yam ). ENDR: I. Leo n Boudrea ux (}{aw); 2. Randy Harper (Han); , . Anth on y Kell (Suz); 4. John Asddord (KTM); 5. Bill y Bunon (Suz). VINl':. I. DOlInIl Bryant (H us); 2. Eri c Stock well (Yam ); ~c~f~ Fis her (BSA); 4. John Rodi (BSA); 5. Lee Wi nston , SR MEN : I. Mike Hend erso n (Hon); 2. Rick Jorda n (Hon); ! . Arty S pencer (Ra w); 4. Ga ry Crow e (KT M); 5. Dou g .Baumgard ner (Suz). BEG: L Wayne Devan (KX); 2. Dwa yne Dal e (H on ); , . .T om my Jon es (Raw); 4. Sian Walters (Han ); 5. Glenn Coss (Hon). SC~BY : I. Pa trick H izel .(H on ); 2. Bryan Thornton (Hon); 1. Quis Oys (Han); 4. Pamck Brown (Hon) ; 5. Kevin Truett (H an). ~ SR MINI: I. Patrick Hizel (Han); 2. Kevin Truett (Han); , . Josh H ammock (Hon ): 4. Cra ig Stars (SUl); 5. Mick Bailey (Kaw). JR MINI:., . Mi. k BaHry (Kaw); 2. Lance McG ivney (H a n ); c , . Chad Smith (Kaw). P/W : I. Rob Pow ell (Yam); 2. Eric Elsberry (Yam). n.. Batterson best at SME Motocross By James Jarman DILLWYN, VA,SEPT. 23 Brian Batterson took his Jarman 's Sportcycles/DGY-backed Yamaha to the overall win in the Senior 30+ class for the second consecutive weekend in ro und five of the SME 'Track Championship Series . n. Steve Wilhams powered his way off the line to th e early lead of moto one followed by Alan Kocat os, Brickey Hughes and G~ Morris. Kocatos pulled up alongside Wilhams and o u t-j um ped him going off th e ski jump to take o ver the lead . Batterson got caught sleeping off the start and with som e aggressive riding he wound up taking runner-up honors to Kocatos at the finish. Morris finally go t on the gas and fin ished third, foll owed by Hughes and Williams. '. The second rnoto started off with Williams ou t front early again. only to be passed by Kocatos in the same spot while Batterson once ag ai n was off to another terrible sta rt. Williams stalled. all owing Morris into second. Bau erson was on the move and up to th ird. Morris sta lle d and Balterson moved into second with his sights set o n th e leader. With th e moto winding down Ballerson latched on to Koca tDs' rear rend er and with o ne lap to 'l:0 made an aggressive mov e o ver th e triple . Jumps to take th e lead. whi ch he held to the fin ish . Kocatos had to sett le for seco n d foll owed by Morris. Will iams and Hughes. • In 125cc C class action, Kevin Blosser go t o ut front ear ly in moto one, follo wed by Simon Gree n and Mike Wood. Blosser went :6n to take th e win followed by Gr een. Walter 'Wheeler moved in o n Wood and moved by for third. Wood didn't give up and hounded Wheeler the entire mo tD until he finally repas sed Wh eeler to If<'rner third. Wh eeler finished fourth and Bnan Meek was fifth . T he second mot o saw Wayne Kell ey pull the holesho t only to be passed by Blosser. who motored on to the win. Kelley hung on [or second followed by Green in third. Whee ler and Wood were up to it once again with Wheel er leading most of the way until Wood managed tD get by and capture fourth which Randy Harper (7) leads Enduro class winner Leon Boudreaux at Bremen MX. Chuck Graves (120) leads Dean Mizdal (12), Michael Graves (177) an d Peter Bernal on his way to the Unlimited Superspo rt class win at Fireb ird International Raceway. was ~ enough for an imp ressive third overall. O PEN EX: I. J.a m~ Haba rke r (Han) ; 2. Peter FrilSt: er h (Yam). SlSR: 1. j oh n Sanurh [Ho n]; 2. john Ferre nti no (Ho n) ; 3. Ro bert Flagg (H on ). SR AM: 1. Yury Alpe rt (Kaw): 2. Bob Sha y (Han); 3. Scou &.Inlm yers (Han). SR EX: I. Stew Visalli (Hon); 2. Dou g Who ley (Suz); ,. Lee Herron (Han). SCHBY : I. Ch ris Schmi d (Raw) : 2. Ja son May (Raw); , . . Ph il Tbom peon (Kaw) . PLUS 25: I. Gary Chaselne (502 ); 2. j ohn Elthim io u (5 02); 3. Jeffrey Stem pel ! (Hon). Resul ts 50: I. Dean Day (Yam ). 60: 1. Mich ael Ford \Kaw ): 2. Jdf Day (Raw) . lR MINI : 1. 8m Sti Iry (SUl). ~ 125 A: I. Kevin Mustain (Raw); 2. Robert Livengood (Hon) . 125 B: l. Randy Jordan (H on) ; 2. Mark Swa n: (Yam) . I ~ C: l. Kevin Blosser (Yam); 2. Simon GTttn (H on); 5. MIke Wood (Yam); of. Wayn e Kelley (Han); 5. Brian Meek (S uz). 2M) A: l. Kevin MU5tain (Kaw). 2SO B: l. Donnie Mill er (Ya m ); 2. Keith gerr (Kaw ); 3. Staey Rri dfer (Ya m) ; 4. Richard Stalli (Yam ). 250 C: 1. Clip Hendricks (Yam) ; 2. Keith Sm uh (Ka w) , OPEN A: I. james Nagle (H a n). 25+: l. Mike Harris (Raw); 2. Bob Livengood (H on); 3. Mike CUlT)'(Yam ). SR 30+: l. Brian Batterson (Yam); 2. Alan Koca tcs (H on) ; 3. C ary Mol'l'U (Yam); 4. Steve Williams (Kaw); 5. Brickey Hughes (Suz). S/ SR 40+: I. K.m Jordan (Hon). 2-STRK: 1. Cary Shifflett (So2). 4-STR K: 1. Pau l Smi th (Hon); 2. Sea n Ladue (Hon). Sanuth snatches Westhampton Motocross win By Jim and Caro lyn Simp son WESTHAMPTON, NY, SEPT. 30 John Sanuth topped th e Super Senior class with 2·1 moto fin ishe s a t the Westh ampton Motocr oss Park. Harry Holtgrewe and J ohn Ferrentino headed to th e first turn toge ther at th e start of moto o ne. with Ferrentino emerging as th e leader with Bob Flagg foll owing in third. Sanuth moved up from h is fourth-p lace start to ch a ll en ge and p as s both Flagg and Hohgrewe. Sanuth put in a good effort to challenge the leader but stalled in a corner on the last lap and had tD seule for second at th e fin ish behind Ferrentino. Moto two started with Sanuth grabbing th e hol eshot while Ferrentino and Flagg battled for second during the first lap. Ferrentino took command of second and chased Sanuth to th e fini sh . Sanuth stayed ou t front to claim th e mo to a nd o verall win: Ed Dondero was the early leader in the first Mini (12·13) moto, but by the end of lap one Eric Flagg had taken the lead. Dondero was able to to repass Flagg in a comer and the two riders battled back and forth .·On the last lap Flagg again took the lead. but Dondero fough t back and grabbed the moto win . Flagg finished second with John Jas inski claiming third. , Kenny Plass ~o t th e holeshot a t th e start of mot o two WIth Dondero in second, but wh en th ey comp leted the first lap Jasinski had moved in to th e lead with Flagg seco nd and Dondero third. Flagg flew past Jasin ski over a jum p th en held the lead to th e end of th e mo to. Dondero also pa ssed Jasinski to cla im second. J ason May led fro m start to fini sh in the first 12Scc No vice B cla ss moto whi le Eric Read an d William Berry bauled for runner· up honors. Berry go t th e bell er of Read wh il e Eddie Hol olob fin ished fourth. May started moto two with th e lead and looked to be off to an other easy wi n wh en he [ell in a corn er. Berry took over first wit h R ead right beh ind hi m. May charged back a nd pa ssed both Read and Berry tD take th e win. Results MIN I (I~- 13) : I. Eri c Flagg (Hon ); 2. Ed Don da ro (Kaw); 3. j ohn j a5lnskl (Ho n ). MI.NI (1.4-15): l. Sleven De5pres (Kaw); 2. Brian ~rry (SUl); 3. Brian Slmpwn (Kaw). 12? AM: I. Ma rk Sht'ri dan (H on ); 2. Greg Ga lll'1la (H on): 3. Mu:had Peltn (Han ). 125 N9V A: .1. Greg KUll (Hon); 2. Anl hony J'riso ne (Kaw); 3. Iknms Ro bm son (Hon ). . !2 ? NOV R: I. j ason Ma y (Kaw); 2. Eric RroJd (Hon); .5 Ikny (H on). 12? ~X: 1. Jo hn Fra nco (Suz); 2. j f'rry Seip (S Ul); 3. john . Efthimlo u (Suz). 250. NOV: I. Roberr Federico (H a n); 2. Jo.seph Dill (Ya m ); .5 Ours H olt grewe (Suz). . 250 AM: I. C len Cooper (So2); 2. Bob Balnis (H on ); , . Joe Zorn (Raw ). 250 E~: I. Jerry Seip (H on); 2. Scott N ickerson (H a n); 3. Gaby Jlmenf'l (Hon). OPEN AM: !. JO!'tph Zorn (Kaw); 2. j ohn Carucci (H a n); 3. Pau l WertheImer (H on) . Graves dominates at Firebird Road Race Finale By Naom i Bourne OIANDLER. AI., SEPT. 22·23 Chuck G raves won all three of the sprin t ra ces he en tered at Firebird International Ra ceway' s AMAlCCS Southwest Region season finale road race meet. In addition to his wins in the Heavywei gh t and Unlimited Supersport classes, Graves took th e checkered flag first in the Unlim ited GP divis ion - a win wh ich had el uded him in Las Vegas two weeks before. It earn ed him $250 in addition to his Suzuki Cup prize money. In typica l style. Graves took co ntrol of the lead soo n after th e start of each ra ce. . Brad Haz~n .w on the dogfi ght for second ,- m the Unhmtted GP ra ce. Hazen, Dean . Mizdal , and Michael G raves diced like fighter p ilots under fire as they leaned int o the back esses. Mizdal and Hazen swapped positions lap after lap. while Graves. mounted on a Yamaha 250. o u tma ne uvered th e heavier machines, especi ally around ·the tower turn. Half th e race was over before Hazen settled into a solid Second place position. Mizdal and Gra ves continued to battle for th ird place right . to th e end. Graves was in th ird on th e last lap. but Mizda l caught a nd passed him dow n the stra ig h ta way as th ey headed for the checkered n ag . T he to p 10 plate-holders for 1991 include Bill Syfan, one of the race directors for the Southwest region. He a lso teach es at th e new riders' sch ool . Syfan, a civil engineer 'from California. has been racing sin ce 1978, and in 1986 earned the AMAlCCS GTU National Championsh ip titl e. This year, Syfan rod e his Suzukt GS500E to Regional titles in the Sportsman a n d Lightweight Supersport cla sses. Results F·50 EX: I. Kevin Murray (; 2. Roger C angwer (Yam ). F-50 NOV : 1. O reg Hall (H a n ).· .' SOLO GTO: 1. Rick Kovacs (Sw); 2. Richard Gallant (Yam ); 3. Mar tin Ede n (5 02); 4. Mi.kf' Riche (Suz): 5. Tom Dahl (5 01). VINT eTO EX : I. /ohn Scott (T ri) . VINT CTO NOV: • Gary Slabaugh (No r). VINT CTU EX: l. David Chron e (Du c). VINT GTU N OV: I. Ron Fabia n (Duc). SOLO CTU: I.' Johnny Pagr- (Yam ); 2. Brad Stephen s (Yilm) ; 5. G lm n Min:' (H on ); 4. Gene Redm on (Yam ); 5. Mlchad Ross (Ya m ). MIW S/S P RT EX: 1. Scot l Will ock (Yam ); 2. (done Redl!' 0.n (Ya m ); .5.Dean Mil.dal (SUl); 4. Mich ael Bed (Ya m); 5. Wllhe Adam s (H on ). M /W S/S PRT NO V: I. j oh nn y Page (Ya m); 2. Eric ByinJlon (Yam);.5. Sonny Reisig (; 4. G lenn Mir e (Hon) ; 5. Micha el Haddan (Hon). l./W G P EX : I. Ty Pil (Yam ); 2. Brad Stephe ns (Yam); .5 Joh n Jam es (Ya m) ; 4. Kevin j oh nson (Ya m ); 5. Mar k . Hn ul ry (Ya m). l./W G P NO V: 1. Michad Hugh e5 (Kaw). H /W S/S PRT EX: I. Chuck Graves (Suz); 2. Dean Mizda. 1 (SUI); 3. Mich ad Grav~ (SUI); 4. Peler Berna l (SUl); 5. Brad H azen (Suz). H / W S/S P RT NO V: I. /ohn ny Page (Ya m) ; 2. So nny Reisig (Ya m) ; , . Ron Ge nti e (Suz); 4. Brian FOSler (Kaw); 5. Les Parso ns (5 02). l./W S/ BK EX: I. Brad Step hens (Ya m ); 2. Kevin Johnson (Yam); 3. Jo hn jam~ (Yam ); 4. Mar k Hensltry" (Yam); 5. Denver McKinney (Ya rn). 1./ W S/BK NO V: 1. Da vid Roy (Kaw); 2. Darrm Mauld il (Ha n). U/L S/S PRT: 1. Chuc k G raves (Suz); 2. Brad H.&lm (SUI); 3. Dean Mizdal (Suz); 4. Pf'ter ~ma l (Suz): 5. Rick Kovacs (Suz). M / W S/ BK EX: I. Scott Willock (Yam ); 2. Krai g (Ya m); 3. Tony Mathew!; (Hon ); 4. (done Redmon (Ya m); 5. Brad Step hens (Yam ). M /W SlBK NOV :.I. Johnny Page (Yam?; 2. Sonny Reisig (Y!lm) ; , . Gl f'nn Mue (H on ); 4. En c Bymgton (Yam); 5. MJcha el H addan (H on ). lIlW SIB K EX: I. Kra ig KeHl er (Yam ); 2. Jim Jaq urue (Suz); 5. Rob Lea lha m (Raw); 4. Mike Ri che (502 ). . H IW SIB K NOV : 1. Sonny Reisig (Yam ); 2. Ron Ge nti le (Suz); 3. Brian Fost er (Kaw); 4. Eric Byington (Ya m ); 5. Us Parsons (Suz). U.S TW EX: I. Nigel Gal e (H. D): 2. Thomas M~ (H 0 ); .5 Mar k Dau um (H . D); 4. Bruce Reimer (H -D). . SPTSM N EX: I. Kevin Johnson (Yam); 2. BiU Syla n (SUl); .5 Dave Blu e (Due). . . SPTSMN NOV : 1. David Roy (Kaw); 2. WiIIiilm Ruby (Yam). H IW SITW EX: l. Jason P~i ra (Kaw); 2. Rick Willi am s (Hon); , . Tom Fuj iba yashi (Hon ); 4. Thomas M()()ft' (H. D); 5. Dave Blue (Due). H IW SITW NOV : I. Rm s Sta ffeld t (Cig); 2. Darre n Mau ldin (H on). . U/ L C P: 1. Cluck G rav~ (Su z); 2. Brad Hasen (Ya m ); 3. Dean Mitdal (SUl) : of. Micha el C.raves (Yam ); 5. Pel" Bernal (Suz). . M / W G P EX: I. Ty Piz (Ya m); 2. Brad SIf'phen, (Ya m ); , . Tony Felber (Yam); of. Gen e Redmon (Ya m); 5. Edd y Spencer (Kaw). M /W G P NO V: I. David AdanS (Yam) ; 2. Son ny Reisig (Yam); 3. Eri c Byin gton (Yam); 4. Jim Srn n h (Ya m ); 5. Mike T rafica no (Yam). L/W S/ SPRT EX: I. j ohn j am es (Yam); 2. Rick WilIi am 5 (Han ); 3. Brad Steph en5 (Yam); 4. Leo nard Kin chn" (Ya m ); 5. Bill Syfan (SUl). L/W S/SP RT N OV : I . David Roy (Kaw);2 . j oj i T okumoto (Ya m ) l./W SITW EX: J. Bill Syfan (Suz); 2. Kevin Johmon (Yam) ; 5. Ja son Pereira (Xaw); 4. T om Fu jibayash l (H on ); 5. Mark Hauuen (H- D). l./W SITW NOV : I. Ro.u Sta ffeld t (Cag); 2. Darren Mauldi n (Hon). Hartstars at PIR Motocross By Dan Meeker PORTLAND, OR SEPT. 23 . It was a three-man show in the 125cc Pro class at Portland International Raceway. but what a show it was. Brayson Hart was the star as he cam e o ut the overall winner. Rian Gant stole the Iirst -rnoto holeshot, rounding th e first turn just ah ead of Mike Bell and Hart. The three riders remained virtually inseparable the first half of the moto, with n u mer o u s pa ss attempts made and denied. Finally. as the riders headed down the back stra igh t Jum p sectio n . Bell appeared tD outjump Gant to tak e over th e lead. but Gant quick ly repassed, leaving th e o rd er unchanged. Two turns later. tho ugh. Bell made an aggressive inside mov e in a sharp right-hand corner leading to a whoop section and took over th e lead. . Hart also powered " is way by Gant to take over seco nd. As Hart began pressing Bell for the lead. they bega n to slowly put some distance on Gant. With o nly a few lap s remaining, Hart boggled in the whoops but managed to save it and hold hi s position. On th e last lap . with onlr one turn left before th e checkered flag. Be I and Hart were side by side a s they j umped th e large tableto p. Bell wasn't about to lose at this po int. however, and held on for th e win. The second moto began with Gant again taking th e earl y advantage. This tim e, thou~h, it was H art giv ing chase with Bell starung th e moto in third. As the three riders ca me in to a sharp right·hand co rne r. it appeared as if Hart had taken over the lead . His speed , however , was too much for the turn and he went off th e course and ins tead of bei ng in first. found hi mself recovering from a di stant third. In th e same corner. Bell successfully made th e in sid e mo ve on Ga nt and appeared read y to score hi s seco nd moto win of th e ni ght. . Hart charged back from his mistake on the opening lap, and before the mOlD had reached the halfway point had passed Gant to take over second and began reeli ng in Bell. With just over one lap rema ini ng. Bell cra shed hard and Hart took th e lead. Bell rem ounted and con tinued on in second, finishing th e mot o jus t ahead of Gant. Results W/PIW: I. Eri n Hucke (Yam): 2. Jeremiah H el ta (Yam ); Gregory Blackwell (Yam ). . PlY( 6-8: J. Jason H amon (Kaww): 2. Mike Storm (Hon); :. Cnug Bradl ey (Suz). i P/W 9-11: I. Robert Holt~w (Kaw ); 2. Travis Murphy ( Ka w) ; .5 Kevin Eaki n (Kaw). . WMN : I. Kelly Smith (Hon). MINI BEG: I. Jason Ball (Kaw); 2. Ryan Dow (Xaw); 3. Che l Bushnell (Kaw). MINI J R: I. j oshu a Bt'Ua (SOl); 2. Brian Martin (H on); 5. Ed Pea rson (Han ). ~.

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