Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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for th e win followed by Nagle, G ary Morris and T im Morri s. Mo ta two o nce agai n saw Batterson wi th th e holesh o t over Nagle and Gary Mo rri s. Bau erso n went o n to lead from stan to finish to lak e the mo io wi n and th e o verall victo ry for the day o ver Nagle a nd Morris. In 125cc C d ass action G ary Shifflett pulled the hol esho t 10 begin rnoto o ne, o nly to be pa ssed by Alex Thacker and J oseph Bu dj inski. Thacker's lead wa s short-lived as Budj inski gOI a wheel underneath him a couple of turns later and mu scled his wa y into the lead . Budj in ski went 0 11 fro m there to take th e win o ver Thacker and Shiffleu. Shi fflett nailed th e sta rt of rnoto two foll owed by Budj in ski. Shiffleu held Bud jinski off a few turns longer th an in moto o ne, bUI Budjinski ma naged 10 get by and int o the lead . Budjinski had a momentary la pse of co ncen tra uo n a nd rom 0 [[ the tra ck , allowi ng Shimel! to dose th e ga p . However, Budjinski managed io get it back togeth er a nd hun g o n for th e win foll owed by Shifflett and T hac ker in third. Mik e Harris stol e the hol eshot in th e first 250( ( AlO pe n mot a with Kevin Musta in o n h is rear fender. Mu sta in , on a 250, would m ove right u p on Harris in the corne rs, bu t Harris wou ld pull him dow n th e straights o n his Open Yam ah a. T he duo pulled out almost half a track lead over th ird -place Derek Kutch er and at th e fin ish Harris edged oUI Mu stain (or th e win . The seco nd mot o was all Mustain as he grabbed the hol esho t and never looked back to ta ke th e win over Kutch er and Harris. Resul.. 60: 1. Michad For d ( Kolw); 2. Travis Wn t (Kaw). J R MINI : I. S~il Sw im (Ho n). . SR MINI : 1. J onath4ln SIC't'1C' (l-Ion). 1%5 A: I. Jil m i(, Fr,iIlin (Hon); 2. Kevin Muuain ( ; 3. Robm l.ivm~ood (Hon) . 125 8 : I. KM'1n Cri ne (Ho n); 2. jason Fa u lkner (H o n); S. Jrlf Ha mi hon (Ya m); 4. John Ram~ (Yam); S. Randy Jordan (H ol1). 125: 1. j OM'ph Budjinloki ( ); to Ga ry Shiffinl (Swl; 1. Aln. TI1ackM'(Ka w); ... Simon Green (H o n ): 05_Brian Meek . (Suz l250 A: I. Uvin Mu ( ); 2. Der-rk KulChn (Sw). !SO B: Krvin Oinr (H on); 2.. Kevin 8r.lnch (H on) : 3. Timothy Norri. (Suz): 4. Grrg Ori.s.coll (SuI). !SO C: 1. Bead Crouch (Hon ); 2. D llp HnKlrids (Va rn i: S. Keith Ncw lon (S UI); 4. S;.m url w in(')' (Kaw); 50. Dou g Hullman l OP£,.... k I. Mikt lI arm (Yam ): 2. jamo Nag k (Hon ). . %5+: 1. Miu Ibrris ( ); to Brian BaUttlOO (Yam) : 3. Bob LivmltOOd (Hon): 4. Mikr Curry (Yam). SR 30+ : 1 . Brian &uenon (Ya m ); 2. J ;nno Nag ll:' (Hon); 5. Gary Morri$ (Va m); 4. Timothy Manu (Suz). Sl SR 40+: I. Ku!>I in Nu bll:' ! . L lllce ; Cun ni ng ham; 4. Aaro n H up pnt. MI N I S R: I. Tim Pm pl loil; 2. Ikon VanC I"r; 3. Rub McDow ell : 4. Jamo Povol ny. 125 YT H : I. Mi kt Atkim"un; 2. A...ron Ca rlwm ; 3. Br,lUdu n s..ckn; 4. T im Pos pi roi l. OVER 25: J. Don Borm " ·k!loM1 ; 2. StUll Stl:' n ll:' ! . ScUlt i ; Ruq:g; 4. J;UflO Scotl Jr. . VET C: 1. jMk Kilnn : 2. RIJKtT Sd.dlh,m une' : ! . Ritk Lambndu: 4. Dean Schwa lk. VET A: I. Brian C.amry ; 2. j;ak Pilrm tr ilu; 3. MikrMc,"lr;ril; 4. Da~ Brnllk SR: I. John AUordlo: 2. TI "n a.., k; 3. Loury NoMe: 4. J nry Bn-kn. 1205 C O-I : I. eriliK Hol_k: 2. JM'em)' IIIK: 3. 8mn Kruckkbn-g; 4. Darw in ZilllnlT. 12S C {).. : I. Mik e H ~; 2. jlle R.iail-hr. 3. M.m y 2 &ranshaw; .... Sroll &lun. 125 B: I . l...ron l ..aroc k; 2. Sir", Kr",.-h ; ~. Roben Weymbng: 4. Rob C..oblinch. . 125 A: t. Pa t n(Jflah o; 2. Oris Bmror; ~ . Cory Kemty: 4. Bramon Backn. 250 C D-I : 1. J amn Pcwolny. jr.; 2. Mikl:' j aooys ky; 3. j d l Be- vn: 4. Clarks H ogl und. .. 250 C 0.2: J. In. FOImdl; 2. Bob M ll y; ! . Km C.oblinch : 4. Will iam Krrm k. 250 B: I. J o h n Mroyn; 2. BiU Curn ""n:!. Rohn1 RrrgMrom ; 4. D.ann1 Otelin. 250 A: 1. Rob bit EnK'uom : 2. Cory Krrrtty: 3. C:h ri~ Bm ror; 4. David Ninni. O PEN C:: J. Davi d Jn1d ro; 2. Schmidt: ! . TJtom;.Io Still; 4. William Krn1ik. O PE.~ A: I. jay Homk : 2. QliId Cunninghilm: ! . nUT f.nRStrom : 4. Rust y Soreenlm. Trombley wins Frozen Ocean HS By Jim Congden NILES. NY. SEPT. 30 , Art Tromb ley go l the holesh ot and held th e lead to win lh e In term ed iat e Expert clas s in Ihe seventh round o( Ihe New Yor k Sta le H are Scra mbles Seri es. H eavy ra ins th e nighl befo re made th e co urse slippery enoug h, but ha lfway into th e race th e skies turn ed bla ck and iel go with a downpour tha t turned the ~ven t in to a regirl ar m ud ba lh . With o nly o ne mor e race in this year 's seri es, rid ers W~ u-ying to do wha l th ey cou ld to gel valuable points for year end awards. The slo ppy conditions mad e things lo ug h , as il was hard 10 stay u p a nd keep goi ng, much less go fasl.

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