Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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position all weekend wi th Clark ta king the
nod wi th co ns iste nt 2-3-2-2 pl acings over
Jakme's 4-6-3-3 results.
BEG: I. Randy Bruce (Vam ); 2. Dale Brock~tl (Ha n ); 3.
j ohn Rart'y (Y;, n ); 4. Vick i Vaugn ($ Ul.); 5. T im McCue
(Ya m ).
NOV: I. Do nCarv" ( H on ) ;2. J . Pfidrcr ( Hon ): ~.J. Hansen
(Ho n ); -t. G . Andrt'aMl (Sw); 5. Oon R ya n (Yam ).
t NT: I. Grrg Roberl son (Ya m); 2. John Yaln (KT M); ~.
H ij ime Shogase (H a n); 4. Sieve Nel son (KTM); 5. Lo uie
Sprin gn (Ya m).
EX: I. Bob Cnpr r (SUl) ; 2. Bob Cla rk (Yam ): 3. Ga ry j akrnt ;
-l. Dave Ha rdl ; 5. SII'YI' Prn ly.
Varnes doubles at Trail-Way ST
By Len Breech
Dallas Baer (34) stayed ahead of the pa ck to captu re the 600cc Expert class win
at the Trail-Way Short Track. Kevin Varnes (98) finished second.
Ga ry Osborne (27) leads a Senior B
, class moto at Muddy Creek.
(S UI ); 3. Rya n Reed (Han ): 4. T racy N('I500n (Ha n); 5. J ason
Bmwn (Ka w ).
SCHBY : 1. Ti lden Styron (Yam); 2. Brad Strunk (Suz );
3. Brad Simpson (Kaw); 4. Rya n Reed(H a n); 5. Billy Charl~
Jr. (Kaw).
EN DR.: I. Kirk Ha yes (Sw); 2. Rcben Herul('y (Suz); 3.
Ri chard Shipl('y (Suz); 4. Otad Mu llin ' (Yam ); 5. John
Thompson (Suz).
125 A: I. Mike Brown (Kaw ); 2. Bm y Cox. (Suz); 3. Jamie
Hacking (Xaw); 4. Brad Strunk (Suz); 5. Paul Jamison (lion ).
125 B: I. Jacob Cave (Hon): 2. Bren l Ra msey (SUI); 3. Shane '
Step p (Ra w ); 4. Slevy H yau (Yam): 5. Kevin H ildebrand (SUI ).
125 C: I. Otad Piu (H a n); 2. Nathan Ramsey (S UI ); 3 .
Todd H uffstnler (Xa w); 4. Brad Clark (Kilw): 5. Peter Howell
(H an ).
250 A: I. Mike Brown (Ka w); 2. Jamie Hacking ()(aw ):
3. Paul Dahan (H on) ; 4. Eddie Bra nch (SUI ); 5. Tilden Styron
(Yam ).
250 B: 1. Brem Ram5eY (SUI); 2. Benji e Ruuedge (SUI );
3. Kri, Frost (Yam ); 4. Jay Hay~ (Han): 5. l.ev on Pendergrass
Jr . (S UI).
250 C: 1. Brad Clark (Raw); 2. Tim L.:uki, (Suz); 5. Scan
Moo~( Hon): 4. Dand l Bailey (Hon ); 5. Mik (' Edw ards (Ka w).
OPEN AM: I. Jdf Eads (Ltw); 2. Jimmy Leach (Kaw);
3. David FareiA (KTM); 4. Gary Osborne (Han); 5. J erry
g obenscn (Hon).
S/Sk; I. Joh n Thompson (S UI) ; 2. Ronald Rttd (H a n );
3. Ted Fietch (Yam ).
4·STRK: I. Kirk Ha y~ (Suz ); 2. K('ilh Hen !olt")' (SUl ); 3.
Richa rd S h i r l~ (SUl) ; 4. Jdr La ne (Suz ); S. David Vint'S
125 NON-CU R R: I. Jd'f Htmlt)' (SUI ); 2. Grq: Moo~
(Ya m); 3. Todd Phipp6 (Ra w); • . James Asbu ry (Va m ); 5.
Daredl N~ ( Ra w) .
250 NON-CURR: I. Bobby Gilben (Han); 2. Harwy
Wiggi ns (Kaw); 3. David wbusc n (H on l; 4. j etl Hmi lt'}'
(Yam ); S. Eddie Fen der (Ya m ).
25+ A: l. Eddie Bra nch (Suz); 2. l eU Eads (Ra w); 5. Slno('
Slamn (Han); 4. Mikt Howard (ltaw); S. Larry Hamson
25+ B: I. Rober t Shepa rd (Raw); 2. Dermis Sallf (Raw);
5. Sln'e Liu (Suz); 4. Alan Sparks (Ra w) ; 5. Dennis Jon(-$
Brown boogies atMuddy Creek MX
By Barbara Williams
Mike Brow n turned in four perfect mo tos to
top the 125and 250cc A classes at Muddy Creek
Raceway, making it look easy for the 224 riders
in attenda nce. Brow n grabbed the holeshot
every time, and powered to a sizeable early
In 125cc A action, Bill y Cox dueled wi th
Jamie Hacking over the runner-up spot in
the secon d mo ta . Coming from a second-place
finish i n the first rno to, Cox fou nd himself
looki ng at Hacking's p ipe from the rear a t
the second mota gatefall, Kicki ng up th eir
speed, the two soo n distanced themselves fro m
the rest of the pack a nd got down to th e
business of wrangling for position. On lap
fou r Cox had edged Hacking at the start-fin ish
line, but lost ground in the woods section and
was sacked by Hack in a comer. Blastin g
through another section, Cox slipped ahead.
Hacking then repassed Cox !!oing down the
stai rsteps, but lost time go ing wide in a
sweeper a nd gave up seco nd spot for good
a t the finish line. For the remaining two laps.
lhe duo performed in tandem , but Hacking
was unable 10 repeat a pass and allowed Cox
10 claim me position.
, Jacob Cave dominated 125cc B competition
with double holeshots which he parlayed into
double wins. Brent Ramsey and Stevy H yatt
made Cave wo rk for th e firs t-molO victof}',
dogging him from turn one until midrace
when Cave pulled away. A lapse of concentration by Ca ve put Ramsey on his bumper
at the checkered flag , in position 10 nip h im
if the re had been o ne more lap.
Cave and Ramsey teamed up to leave Hyatt
in th e rear of the pa ck at the start of the seco nd
malO, and they did a good job of it. Hyatt
came to turn one last and bu ckl ed down to
the task of working hi s way u p through th e
field . One by on e, th e YZ piiOl advanced, until
he cam e to Shane Stepp and sim ply cou ldn ' t
pass. Stepp rode sma rt a nd fast, taking third
for third overall.
Resul ts
50: I. RobtT t Smith (Va m ); 2. N icky Hoback (Yam ); 5.
Crai g Ch ilds (Hon); i . jer('my Shr lto n (Ho n): 5. Jamt>y
Shelton (H on).
60: 1. Brian Thornburg (Ka w)j 2. Pau l J ustus (Kaw); 5.
Nic k Citro n (Kaw); 4. Nicky Hoback (Kaw); 5. J~h Sp rin kle
JR MINI : 1. Jon Oxford (SUl); 2. Jon Boruff (S w ); 3. Jake
Morri , (Ya m ); 4. Co rey Cram~ (H on); 5. Brbn Thom6urg
(Ra w).
SR MINI : J. Bil1y01.arlo J r. {Kaw ); 2. J
Sit A: l. Jdf £.ads (; 2. Eddie Bra nch (SUI ); 3. SI~
Staron (Hon ); -t. Urn Harrison (S UI ).
SR B: 1. Richard "terry (Yam ); 2. Gary Osborne (H on );
5. Omis Hilton (S Ul); 4. Allm Lu ndord (H a n); 5. Cla y
Crawdo' (Ya m).
Bruce wins Chowchilla OTHG MX
By Greg Robertson
Randy Bru ce emerged th e overa ll winner in
the Begi nner class after two da ys of racing
a t the annual northern Ca liforn ia chap ter of
the O ver The H ill Gang Nationa ls at the
Ch owch ill a Fair gr ounds.
Bru ce started out th e weekend by ho leshotting the firs t mo ta Sa turday morning an d
never loo kin g back. Second was up for grabs
between Da le Brock ett , Bob Vaul:" and Ar t
R ivas. Vaugn and Rivas co ll ided 10 a whoop
section and took eac h other out. Brockett t