Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Cooper was at the front again a t the
stan of mota two w ith teammat es
La Rocco and Denn y St ephenson
behind. Stephenson quickly lost b'TOlmd
a nd Mariasevi ch , Suzuki 's Budd y
Antunez. who dropped au! earl y in moto
o ne with a broken reed pe tal , and
Kiedrowski made it a five-way bailie for
me lead.
By the lime Kied ro ws ki got by
Antunez, the 101' th ree - Cooper.
LaRo cco a nd Ma t ias evich - had
mo tored away. At one point Cooper
o ffered LaRocco th e lead . but hi s
learnmate ref used .
" I went wide 10 let him by so I cou ld
see his lines, but he didn 't ju mp in, "
said Cooper.
" I was content 10 follow him, " said
La Rocco. " My front brake was going
a wav a nd I didn' t want 10 not be able
10 stop and th en take someone OUI."
just past the half way po int Kiedrowski had closed th e gap on La Rocco.
who rema ined o n Coo per's tai l. After
a coup le o f laps of close bat tling, which
allowed Cooper to get away , Kiedrow ski
finall y got by LaRocco.
" He was pla ying for the team , so I
knew I had to do somet hing," said
Kiedrowski. " Over a big jump we landed
and he cu t over. Going into the next
turn I stayed on the gas a nd cu t under
" I couldn' t sto p and blew th e berm,"
said LaRocco, who went wide in Ihe
As LaRocco faded. Kiedrowski turned
up me heat on Cooper and passed him
as they exited a tu m . Cooper had no
answer and Kiedrow ski charged to a fivesecond win .
" I drained myself trying 10 hold a pace
by m yself at th e begi nni ng, " said
Matiasevich broke out of a midmoto
baili e with Antunez 10 claim fourth,
Em ig bagged sixt h a nd Brian Swi nk
maintained a lon ely seventh for much
of the race. Buehl , Todd DeHoop and
Tichenor rou nded o ut th e top 10.
500cc National
Stanton gra bbed the ho lesho t at me
stan of the first 500cc mo ta as Ward
made his way past on the first
lap to assume second. O 'Mara passed
Ty Da vis on the first lap for fifth beh ind
j ohnson, then fell o n lap two a nd
dropped several posi tions.
Naumec stayed close to Ward for three
la ps unti l j ohnson passed him, then the
race at the front settled into a procession
with Ward a t the fore. Positions changed
behind as O ' Mara got back up to fifth
and Fred Andrews passed Davis 10 take
over sixth ,
Near the hal fway point things began
cha ngi ng when Sta llio n fell.
"The front whee! washed o ut in a
har d, slick tum," said Stanton. "I t took
a while 10 get my mom entum back. "
Ward was go ne for the win. bu t
Stanton got a place back when j ohnson
crashed with abo u t on e lap remain ing.
" I jackknifed the frolll wh eel in a tum
and went down." said the j oh nson.
O nly Stanton passed j ohnson and the
two-time 500cc Nat ional Ch ma p io n
rerained a huge cushi on o n O·Mard.
who had tracked dow n and passed
Naumec late in the race.
"At first I was with Ward , then o ne
lap he j ust sta ni ng takin g o ff," said
Naumec. "j o hnso n passed me and then
I was cruising by myself and. O'Mara
came up on me. I had blisters on my
har:llls, so once he got by I slowed down
and cruised."
Andrews held on to sixlh throughout
the molO, Davis was a lonely sevenm,
well ahead o f KTM 's Keith j ohnson .
nag Boyesen fin ished ninm after ba ttling wilh Keith Bowen and Dean
Matson .
Stanton pulled a no ther holeshot a t
the start of moto two and Ward im mediat el y se tt led in his wh eel tra ck s.
probing for a pla ce 10 pass. johnson kept
wa tch from third as they pull ed away
sligh tly, then took over seco nd when
Ward fell on lap five.
" He tried passing me on the o uts ide
and there was no way I was goi ng to
g ive in ," said Stanton,
" We locked bars and I went down ,"
Ward said . " I sho u ld' ve waited , I d idn 't
have the opening I needed. "
j ohnson assumed second and picked
up the pace, bu t Stanton kep t him a
coup le of seconds behind at all tim es.
Ward , who had to pass O ' Ma ra after hi s
fall, slowly reeled in johnson and passed
him near the end of the race.
" I was pu shing because I kn ew I had
to win for any chance of the overall ,"
said johnson. " I was riding well, and
tha t takes more energy so I got tired near
the end. "
Micky Dymon d, who has been in
semi-reti reme n t. gave O 'Mara a brief
battle for fourth , then slipped back and
had to fight wit h Na umec over fifth .
Dymo nd, who was a lso battling a cold ,
had to give up the fight just past the
half way point.
" I go t reall y sick and h it the brick
wall (o f end u ra nce) ha rd ," sa id
Dymond. " I was wh ipped after the first
moto !" Dymond fought back to 13th in
that race after a tangle with Bowen.
Bowen circulated a lon ely sixth from
arou nd the halfway point on, with
Da vis, Andrews, Boyesen a nd Kun
l\1cl\li llen stru ng out beh in d at th e
Virg inia's Kevin Wa lk er (19 7) ran up fron t early in th e first I25cc moto before
slip p ing back to 16th at th e finish. Here he leads Michigan's Eri c McClear.
Johnny O 'Mara (9) crashed in me first 500cc moto then had to fight past Gene
Naumec to finish fourth . Naumec finished fifm in each moto and was me top privateer,
1:5 QU AL I: I. Ron T ichenor {Suz): 2. j erom y
Budll (S Ul); 3. Doug Henry (Ya m) : 4. Todd Del-loop
(S UI): S. Barry Carsten (SUL); 6. Kevin \ V.. ker (Ya rn);
7. n..l\'id Barrell (Suz): 8. Car lo Coen (SUI ); 9. Brian
S w in k (Ka w ); 10. David Gaylord (Suz): I I. Shane
La wson ( l ion); 12. Danil'i jannene (lion); 13. john
Wiml ow (Ho n); 14. j ason Rivas (Ho n); 15. Hank
1\IOrl't ' Jr . ( Ka w ): 16. Peter O lson (Hu n): 17, Eric Koch
(H lIn); IS. Da ve Castillo (SuI); 19. T rt") a in ~ro!'o l
(Y.un ); 20. Ch riMOpht'r T aylol (Hon ): 21. Shan e
Slot her (SUI) ; 22. MIChael Bilard ell c (S Ull; ~ . Brian
I\.; lll a ~li a (S UI ); 2-1. j ason Young (Ho n): 25, Kalan
HUIld l (l ion); 26. Cob)' Robb {Ka w ): 27. Allen Gavlak
( Kaw ): 28. Ste
ven Lemon (Ka w): 29. Gary Michael
( I\.;.IW): 30. R ich Machniak (K<
IW);- ~ 1. Pen-t Mervis
( Kaw ).
1:5 QUAL 2: I. Grayson Goodman (S UI); 2, Eric
(Yam); 3. Steven Herm:..m (Yarn); .1. T o m
Wt'!ch (Ya rn); 5. David Be
ckin gtou (SUI); 6. Chad
Pt't ltT~ '" (Y;lIn); 7. Chad LOUKh (He n): 8. Tony C raves
(Ho nj: 9. D"vid Antonucci (Ha n); 10. Edwald W,ll'l on
(Yam): I I. james Mcllvaine (1-100 ): 12. Rick Welle!
(lio n); 1:1. Dean Baker (Ho n): H . james Frazier (lion):
15. Mill" Blair (KT M); 16 Billy Mart in (H un): 17.
1)~IUI Hil ar iu (Kaw); 18. Bruce Stra n on (Yam); 19. Ryan
Dt.... II (S UI ); 20. Gary Shu iele (Kaw]: 21. Greg Nelson
l\kCl t ~
(SuI): 22. SU"t' F.. mest (H on); 23. O tTi.. G avl a k ( Ka .....);
~N . Kevin S ~ill('f (I-Ion ); 25. Robert ~tcW h nn ('f (S UI ):
26. Dero n Clar k { Ka w): ?:J. Jam es Fisher (Yam ): 28.
j o hn MocJ. (Ka w ]: 29. Brian Ma rrin t (Ka w ).
125 CO~S1 I: J. j an nette; 2. Morer, 3. Casu tto: -I.
Winslow: 5. Lawson: 6. Slother: 7. Clingfos t: 8. Rivas;
9. Ta ylor; 10. Baua glia: II. ~taehn iak : 12. Bunch ; 13.
Ri Lmk'Uo; H . Koch; 15. Micha el; 16. Lemo n: 17. Brian
Cava na ugh (S Ul); 18. :\1en-i5>.
12.') CO~SI 2: I. Wt't1t"I; 2. Mdlvain~ ~. Dean : .1.
Shui elz 5. ~el son; 6. Srran on ; 7. whcnen 8. Mark
Tiesler ( 1-10 0): 9. Baker; 10. G avlak; It. Clark; 12[;Im~t:
13. H ilario ; 14. Marti n; 15. Frazier; 16. Fisher.
:\tOTO t: I. Gu y Cooper (Su,) : 2. Mike
Kiedro wski (Ha n): 3. Tichenor; 4. jeff Ma tia!oC'Vich
(lU w): 5. Mike LaRocro (SOl): 6. Jell Emig (Ka w]:
i . Hen ry: 8. Buehl: 9. McO