Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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_ eill~WID~~~_fl_at~_'V_B_~ e Many of the locals lent a helping hand at the Flat River GP, as one of five checkers prepares to mark a rider's scorecard. California's Ron Naylorwon the Governor's Cup and the Gale Halbrock Memorial Trophy for taking the overall win. He is the event's first two-time winner. Continued from page 24 o t and I didn 't pa ss a bunch of people, so they must've dropped out from bike troubles or something. I hav en 't ridden since April , so I'm not in th e best of shape. " " I followed Kurt Hough for half o f . th e first lap," said Summers, " the n I go t aro u nd. Then I led for threequarters of a lap until I took a wro ng tum and Naylor go t by. I never got him back after th at, " It was so du sty and fast that it was tough ' to get somebody like Naylor back," said Summers. " I was going to try him in the woods but I never got the cha nce. He was going but good. Anyway, in the third lap a guy cras hed in front of me and I hit hi s bike a nd bent my front rotor. After that I was just cruising. I co uldn ' t go fast in th e woods without a front brake. But even with a brak e I don't .kn ow if I would have caugh t Naylor." Tim Newell , riding a Honda CR250, was three minutes behind Summers for fourth overall and also picked up enough points to win the Expert class in the Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Series. Newell said, "This is a grueling race, th ere's no pl ace to rest up. The first four laps I was okay, but th e last lap I was just riding to finish. " Yamaha rid er Rusty Reynaud won th e Grand Prix in 1986 and had a cha nce to repeat in '89 but crashed and broke a co ll a rbo ne. This year he fini shed fifth overall , 21 minutes down, th e victim of minor mishaps. " I had a fair run excep t for the first lap ," said Reynaud, "I got lost. Then I had a split fuel line, but I was able to shorten it up and get going again. After that everyth ing went well but I had lost too much time." . Husab erg-rnounted Greg Surdyke fini sh ed 31 seconds a hea d of Jim Sta n fie ld 's Kawasaki 250 {or sixt h overa ll a nd was su rp rised. " I had a rough first lap and I th ought I would finish abo u t 20th, but th ey said sixth overall and I'm happy." Chris Nesb itt and Chris HuH co ntinued th eir year-long battle for supremacy in the l25cc class wiht Nesbitt getting the nod and the points. AI Hejlek aced the 200cc class over fell ow Kawasaki rid er Keith Kibart, H ejl ek also pi cked up a seco nd place in th e Vintage Senior Men 500cc class Saturday. Gary Adams beat out Scott Marten for the number one slot in the 250cc class by 35 seconds and the pair went 9-10 in the overall standings. Chad Busenbark won the Open class with a big-bore Yamaha and finished eighth overall, 27 minutes off the pace. Chris Graber and Tim Surdyke were less than a minute apart at the finish line in the Four-Stroke class. " I co uldn ' t believe it ," said Tim Surdyke. " I got knocked down crossing Flat River. I don 't know how deep the water was but it was less than a foot, a nd there's my air box laying right in th e wate r. I lost about 15 minutes drying things ou t." Charlie Burk and Charles Golbrith fini shed 1-2 in the Super Senior class, b ut it was th e sweet taste of accomp- li shment that went to third-pla ce finisher Don H ough , who is the father of T eam Kaw asaki rid ers Aaron a nd Kurt H ou gh . Both Aar on and Kurt suff ered p roblems a nd were forced to d rop o u t. " Boys," Don said , "I a lways fin ish a nd th a t' s wh y I ge t th e bi g mone y." Dick Ma nn , age less thrott le genius o f th e Roll in g Th u nder area, wo n th e Vi ntage race for th e seco nd yea r, aboard a Ca rl Don aldson BSA Gold sta r. Adrian Moss was second as well as th e Sen ior Men 500cc class win ne r, riding a 500 BSA. " I don 't kn ow wh en I took th e lead ," said Mann , " b u t I think it was a t th e sta rt o f the second lap down th e stra igh t in front o f th e pits. The race was a little tighter than last year a nd th e weather wasn 't coope ra ting. It was so dusty. But it was still a good r ace and the dust isn't so bad wh en yo u run out front. "Keep in mind th at these race s are Sportsmen races in the truest sense," said Mann. " We are riding {or Iun, We're riding to win but we don 't have to win. It's not like wh en there's money involved. Put up a purse and it 's a different game." " I ride a 1953 350 Goldstar on-the West Coast in the Premier Lightweight series," said Mann. " There are eight motocross race series in the West and I make two or three in the East, if I can, and I do six or seven vintage trials on the West Coast. Each year vintage motorcycle races get bigger and bigger. There are a lot of guys that have these machines laying around in their garages and they don 't need much of an excuse to go racing. " Moss , British 500cc Grass Track Champion in 1972,73,74 and 76, said, " Ma n n got away right at the start, and in the dust I couldn 't catch him. He was away and then I spent the rest of the day trying to catch him. but he just had too much of a lead and I couldn't do it. " Chris Caplinger, Black Jack Enduro leader, was running second aboard a 250 Bultaco until he fell and broke the petcock and ran out of gas . "I think I'll leave the vintage riding to my dad, " said Caplinger, "These machines handle strange." Chris' dad, Bob Caplinger, kept his 500 BSA upright and placed third in th e Senior Men 500. Al Hejlek was second. CN . Resu lts O /A GP : I. Ra y Naylor (AT K); 2. Tony Hendon (Yam); 3. Sco tt Summers (H on); 4. Tim Newell (H on); 5. RuSlY Reynaud (Yam); 6. Gr eg Surdyke (H bg); 7. J im Stanfield (Kaw); 8. Chad Busenbark (Yam); 9. C ary Adam s (SUl ); 10. Sco u Mar tin (Ya m). t25 : I. Chns Nesbitt (Kaw); 2. Ch ris Hu ff (Ho n); 3. Sha wn T aylor (H on); 4. Rod Carrier (Kaw); 5. Bryan Wessen {Kaw ). 200: I. AI H ejlek (Kaw); 2. Keirh Kiban (Kaw); .!S. G reg Sta ll ma n: 3. Ti m Car hron; 4. Gen e Thur man. 250: I. Gary Adam s (Suz); 2. Scou Marten (Ya m); 3. Rick Honon (Yam); 4. Kenn y Ol son (Hon ); 5. Don Duckett (Hon ). OPEN: I. Chad Busenbark (Ya m); 2. Michal! Daughert y (AT K); 3. Dave Osborn (Ho n); 4. Mike Turpin (AT K); 5. Roger Clew (Ya m). 4-STRK: I. Chris Graber (ATK); 2. Tim Surdyke (HSB); 3. J ohn Vanek (Ho n); 4. Mike Heavens (SUl ): 5. SIeve Underwood (HSB). . SR: I. Bob Caplinger (AT K); 2. Geo rge Lawson (ATK); 3. Everu Shinault (Ho n); 4. Bill Dullner: 5. Gary Mayfield (KT M). S/SR: I. Charl ie Burk (Hon ); 2. Charl es Golbrith (H us); 3. Don H ou gh (Kaw); 4. Bob Pik e: 5. Benn y Adams (Kaw). BEG: 1. J oseph Steven ; 2. Aaron Copeland; 3. Bru ce Clark; 4. Clirr Davis; 5.T o m Schultz. V1NT: I. J ess Losewell (H us); 2. Steve Yarbough (Pen). JR: I. Jimmy Deeun (Ho n); 2. J oshua Glt"nn (Kaw); 3. Chris Theele (Kaw); 4. Shawn Meirreu (H on); 5. Ryan Perr le (Hon). VINT 0 1A: 1. Dick Mann (BSA). OT: I. Dick Mann; 2. Jean Ramsey; 3. Jesse La swell; 4. John Worden: 5. Larry Gilleland; 6. Harold Hazel. SPTSMN 125: I. Rick J on es; 2. Ted Phi llips; 3. Mik e Morris: 4. Dale Schm utzler: 5. Mike Thebo ld . SR MEN 250: 1. Steve Sege; 2. Richard Clark ; 3. Kevin Huylsey; 4. David McGuire; 5. Richard H erman. ~ SR MEN 500: 1. Adrian Moss: 2. Al Hejlck; 3. Bob Ca p linger: 4. Steve Un der wood; 5. Ron Meek. . PREM OPEN: I. Beno Rodi . VET: l. Spencer Balent ine; 2. Kelvin Thomas; 3. Andy Lo ng ; 4. J erry Radeaker.