Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Chariot Tra iler Like New GuikSho Fiber glass. tot al ly encl osed t rai ler . ins ide cabinets. two tone emrcn polyur athane paint jo b. M ichelin radi al tires. mag wheels. Ret ir ed rac ers pr ide and joy. $2000. (216) 992 -0672. OH. (13 8- 39 ) SPECIAL OFFER! TheCamel Pro Collection Speedway Bike ' Extra cl ean Weslake. all Wes lake bike . some ext ra pans. Must see. $1700/080 . (80 5)524-7 179. CA. (138- 39) IF YOU'RE TIRED OF RACING AROUND on a w anna-be face bike. w hy not step up to th is Nat ional competit ive 1988 TZ250U . Race ready, Lassak mod s. $7 500. (80 5) 388 · 2579 eves. CA. (338-40) The KiDg Lives. • King. Camel Pro Limited classlcal ly styled lightweight jacket. Just right for casual day wear or an Informal night out. Contemporary understated styling with a soft-shine " chintz" l inish. Neatly tailored w~h do'uble needle st~ch in9 . $GO retail value. Just $39.99: White s' M, L, XL, XXL. : ·Wilh four Camel carton end flaps. Send your check or money order, or charge to your VISA- or Mast9rCard ~ Include card number, expiration date and signature. Be sure to include (4) Camel canon end flaps and the statement: " I certify thatlam a sm oker. tha t 18m 21 yea... of age or olde r; and _ , wmt to recelve he ctgam1Ie8, coupons, premiums, or other oflel's In the mal l. I understand that giving false Information in order to accept these offers mliy constnute a violation of the law." WOOD ROTAX 504cc. Kosm an tri ple cla mps and wh eels. Ohlins shock. Marzocchi fork s. onl y two races on complet ely new t op end . exce lle nt condition. Marr iage forces sale . $4300/080 . (408) 63 6-2773 leave message. CA. (33 8-39 ) 1986 NS400A HONDA, PERFECT condition, stee ri ng dam per, Hi -Sports an d more. $3 500. (61 81 93 1·2681 . IL. (138 ·39) Signature(RequIred) MAIL 10: Camel Pro Consumer Apparel Offer, Departmenl2786, Lubbock, TX 79491~. .. . Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. Oller , ~ expires December 31,1990. Oller res tricted 10 smokers 21 years 01age or older. Offer ~ cJ'''~' I void where restricted or prohib~ed by law. Offer ~ ~ ..... good only in the U.s.A. All promoIionai costs • . paid by manufadurer, Consumer must pay '" rid m ••• Com •; -'G postage on mail-in offer requests. ..0 UiIM petition . '...... G "Mek PRO DUCATI 750F I, 85 1 Superbik es Street or SP. (240 / Ready l or shippi ng.(BOO) 52 -8IK ES.OH. TFN/ P) 1986 Honda TLR 200 Reflex Excellent condition. 29 50 mile s. st reet lega l, adult ridden . $895 / 0 80. Call (216 ) 225 ·5564 aft er 6pm . OH. (139- 40) Leat hers! Leathers! AG V Tezza 1-p iece & Sport 11 2-p iece leath ers. As feat ured in Sept/Oct issues of Rider magazi ne. Regul arly $57 5, now only $349 .99. Fox rem oveable liner leather jack ets, regularl y S 190 .99, now onl y $119.99. Great Christma s gifts. But hurry. as supplie s are li mited. FAY MYERS HONDA KAWAS AKI SUZUKI, Denver, CO. (303) 744-66 32 . (237 -39 ) nfloo~~m~rn~ l.fuJ E~taERJ€A, ltiles. ) l!.J 1 mg. "tar", 1.0 mg. nicotine avoper cigarette by FTC method. 5 VCOM #@:w@lj T~ • Tote - A· T oyT. Is An Engineered Modu lar Carrier Syste m Easily Reconfigur ed 10 Transport Personal Recreational Vehicles Of All Styl es & Sizes ' up to 600 Ibs. - Designed T o Slid e Into Standard UPS Daily 2'"T railer Hitch Receiver - Will Carry Mot or cycles, ATVs. Per sonal Watercraft & Law nmowers Ca ll for info on dealer nearest you Deater Inquiries Invit Tote· A-T oy, Inc., 17406 E. Nine Mile Rd., E. Detroit . MI 48021 C.O.D.s Accepted $200. 0 0 Provides Extremely Stable Fro nt End Phof1e (206) 735- 2463 F".. (206) 939- 72013 Suzuki RG500 Gamma UPS OM'" - 1820 1 &_---__ - WORTH ... . . , .. ..-._ THE.... OBSESSION. . 1990 CR250 Honda Excellent condition. Race Tech suspe ns ion, must sell 8S owner returning overse as. $2700/0BO. Can (714) 993 -5448, leave messag e. CA. (139-40) 1987 FZR1000 $4995/0BO. Red/white, we ll mainta ined , lun to r idel (408) 974 5365 days, (408) 257 -8630 eves. Call nowl CA. (139) DUCATI 888 SP2 FACTORY superbike, new in th e crate . (3 14) 298 -71 11. MO . (139) n S,lIdo Kits ••• • •• • Ins.• KDXSpndat RtP lired • • •124.15 1·800·447·2691 MASHED PIPE? GET IT RIED FOR S35! II . . u . ·t fill it. WI WI. _ , , . a ,- My pay . , tit UDO .. . . . . uIIaut ,... en lia ,.., lIIeldd • . . . . . . . I. U S? I • ..n.r W it is. .. CM fia it! ACCEPT I D1 •flna IS I WE A THE ORIGII.u AI D Bu n • RE FINJ~~.LINE PRO~ ~PS CO. KID: Pottng • • •• •• • •• •tn.. i 18" eo.-rJion Kill • •• • US . " c.u IN Writ e FIN C.telog 8123 We d 189th S treet. Moken •• Il 60448 (815) 469-4011 76 _ A _ - ;.';d,o_MT 1;;"; (516) 758-2777 -'1 STREET RACERS Cylinder HeadPorting -20 BlIPIMProVEMENT- 5 Washington Aven ue. Fairf ield. NJ 0 7006 GSX FZR, lX CBR. V -R, -MAA. NINJA FJ,GS, KZ EXCHANGEHEADS OR f WfEK DElNERY Compuler Designed Ports Repo irs Comp VolveJobs , 30S) 4&W969------' ( seats Reploced L- 108 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE CYCLESPECIALTIES OFATHENS - Ouc. li . C.g- i.,•• lIW. rd•• Mo to-Gu & Mota-Morini SlllSlnd zzi. servici . Michelin & Pirelli tires.'s I. rged pans inventory - same day UPS sir vi i. Mon-Fri c , 990 Model Pipes Now Availablel DynoJe 1 Diltribu!o r/Dealer Inquiries Welcome . c.uio _ :\\:li~~ ,"'1 We've Got Your Numbers GEORGIA DEALER 19 8 6 Motorhome Sleeps 6 Excellent cond it ion , professionally ma intained, Wh ite 8ros suspension. $2700. Chris. (714) 5549442. CA. . (339 ) ,. lDJ:.KX.O...... . . . . . I• .• ItU' KllX"""""'" ""'.... lHiI.15 Now A. aillb l. fMF Pip.. Han dlftlllf1••••• •• •••• Ml.H '84-85 Kaw 900 Ninja Frame 19 9 0 YZ250 _ FREDETTE RACING PRODUCTS KDX & KX SPECIALISTS Blu epr in ted mo to r t o ma nu f act urer s sp ecs, balanced. fitted w it h carb kit. expans ion pip:!! . low s miles, cost $6000. Call Ma rk F., (219) 462-1713 pr ivate, (219) 462 -7223 bussines. IN. (339 ·40) 19 9 0 CR250 ;; Ii DIRECTIONAL N O @ Excellent cond it ion , profe ssiona lly main tain ed. White Bros susp ension , ridden by old ti mer. $2700 . Tom Wh ite , (7141554-9442. Ca. (339 ) ! ii =GUlDANCia 1:L..:""':"'==:iiilo......:Ii SYSTEM ~ NO Arm Pump For transporting motorcycle in back. Ford 350 chassis. 5000 w att gene rator , roof ai r, bathroom with show er, fr idge. microwave, new ti res, rebu ilt motor and transmission. $ 14,000/ 0 8 0. (31 31 655-6311 . MI. (139/ P) I 1-800-748,;,8454 ~@ Excellent condition. w ith bill of sale and title. $400/0BO. (617) 639-2 195 . MA. (339-401 8 . S G UR EON G NER E AL'S WARNING: Q uitting S moking Now Greatly R educes S erious Risks to Your Health. For loc ation of your nearest dealer and dealer inquiries call : NO Headshake BRAND NEW IN CRATES 1987 Mota Gu zzi 650 Larios. Cen ship enywhere. 8 left. Cell GREAT LAKES CYCLES, IBOOI 52 -8IK ES. OH. (239 /TFN/ P) I ! ~ 9.m ·6pm; S. l l Oam·2pm. 260 Commarc. Blvd. 8og.rt. GA 3062Z. (404) 543-0235. BULTACO - OSSA PARTS UPS Shipping Da ily Call (413) 786·9170 HOGAN'S CYCLE SHOP Now Taking Orders on 1991 Hondasll RS125R /RS250R/TLM260R 11302 Tecumoeh Rd.. E. Wind...r, Ont .. CAN (519 ) 979 -1414 C. IJor writ. lor your n••fes t DAECO D istributor DneO 2 01 We st 00 0 " St.• Wilming ton. CA 907..... (2 13) 549 ·0 8 4 0 ~r!~!F~!~~~~~~~~ ll<.'l'lll OESIG * IN SMITH GOGGLES. $119.95/PAlR PRO-VUE itNSEs 10630 MN 3rd AVE ORONOCO. MN 55960 507·282~

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