Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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l3uik Shop Introducing " Th e POWER CURVES Poster Collection" NEW .METZELER RACING TIRES NOW AVAILABLE IN MORE SIZES METZELER 'S new MEl Front and MEl RACING Compound t ires are now avai lable i n additiona l sizes to fit 400 & 600cc Sport b ikes. A imed squarely at Production Racing Classes, these . DOT Racing t ires cont inue METZELER ' S long w inning traditions. METZELER continues our ph ilosophy of selling what we race and racing what we sell. M ETZELE R 'S new R ACI N G t ires are proving t h ei r success at race tracks across the U .S. and Canada .' Technician Tired of t urning wrenc hes? Looking for a rewa rd ing career? Tech nical Inst ructo rs needed in all areas of mot orcy cl e repair for our Phoenix. P;z and Orlando. Fl campuses. Teach ing experi ence not requ ired. If you : have a st rong desir e to help others le ar n & suc ceed. communicat e w ell , have a mi ni mu m 5 year s rece nt motorcycl e repai r exper ience, W e off er : competitive sal ary , pa id tra in ing , growth pot en t ial. excell ent ben efits. Call this number NOWI (BOO ) 52S·7995 ask for Larry Barrington. ext en sion #3 09. (2301T FNI Road racers using METZELERS have already been issued over 2000 contingency certificates so far this se ason. Now available at your local dealer. M E1 RAC ING · REAR ME1140/80V817 TL ME1160 /60 V817TL MEl 180 /55 V8 17 TL ME1140/ 80 V8 .18TL MEl 170 /60 VB 18 TL M El 180 /55 VB 18 TL M E1F RACING-FRO NT MEIF 110170V817TL MEIF 120170 V817TL Featu ring beautiful g irls on tour hot b ikes. E aCh pos ter IS a full color 22 x 28" ,Choose from KawasakI ZX Yamaha FZRtOO. Suzuki GSXR750 or Hondo -7. . Hu'rnca ne 600. Ind ivid ual posters e re 54.95 each. 2 tor 5890. 3 IOf 51' .60. Of 4 tor $14.(X); each additIOnal odd 52.OCt plus $3.00 pel' tax . Dealer inqUIries weicome seoc check or money order fa: EN TERPR I S ES P.e. Box 15775 a N. Hollywood . CA 91615 Of coll l -8OQ-752-8403 (outside CAl Of Mechanic Wanted Top pay for top performer. Aggressive Honda & Suzuk i dealership in So Cal. Benefits. health plan, min imum 4 year s exper ience any brand. Ask for Shawn Packer. (7 14) 623 -6451 . CA. (237/TFN) Ar~ METZELER @ Aggressive PA H -D Kaw Dealer Needs Pa rt s Counter People, Sale s Pe ople. Mecha nics and Service Ma nage r. Top salary an benefits. year round . Call HANNUM 'S H-D.1215) 566 · 5562 . PA. (337 -40) order for pOStage & ha ndling CA Residents odd 6.75'l. soles ME1 -REAR ME1 F·FRONT WANT ADSD HELP WAN TE 1-8Q0.648-1305 In California. Wanted: Parts Personnel Dealership exper ience desired, computer knowledge help ful. Ben efits. 5 day work week. Ask for John. 1485 Holt Av e. Pomona. CA. (7 14) 623 · 645 1. (235 /TFN) ,AllOw 4-6 MtIlgets /of 08/Itlery. Parts Person Large Suzuki dealership. (S18) 980- 37 15. CA. (233 /TF N) Faola Kawasaki Mechanic Wanted 1991 MIKUNI per pa ir • Light er than Stock • 100% Bolt -On • Paten t Pending RACE BIKE & PIN-UP MODEL CALENDAR Our famous full c olor 16-month c alendar Is no w recler than ever ! The FASTEST factory race bikes in America together with the most beautiful swlmsutt clod models. Big 15'xI5' slz ejusl $11.95 eac h plus $3 handling and postage pe r order. 7ie Performance • Reliability • Service • DUCATI • NORTON • LAVEROA ",. . . . _ . ~ Tod! %. $ NEW BILLET REPLACEMENT CAMS HARDFACED CAMSAND ROCKER ARMS MANUFACTURED NEEDLE8EARINGCAMS (No bor ing needed in mos1 models) Complele 1 988 Catalog + Decals-53 CIIm Data Sheets-Free 90 Mllchell Blvd. • San Rafael. CA 94903 (415) 472-3195 FAX (415) 472·1497 STREET& C#MI'ETIT/(JN Pavement Performance Specialists (518) 272-5487 DlreC1JOns • Su rroundin · RlClef Needs gs MIC Need . Tme • N umbe~ s On ly $3.95 Only $3.95 Na.v Alr'ad ab!e tnrouljh MJC de aJerstups and Bo ores okst PublISher: University EdItions · HuntnOlon. WV l • HUSOVARNA • TRIUMPH /BSA • ROTAXICAN AM • KAWASAKI • MOTOGUZZ I • AEA MACCHI FAX (518)272·5450 .~ Kawasaki PARTS WAREHOUSE PART~ ~ A~~.:SSOR I E S ~ ~ ~~ 'J:;';;;" ,..;: SAVE RM's/Quad's/CR's We Will Not Be Undersold ! Call a. 1463 Acadia Street. Sim i Valley. CA 93063 "",.. Easy to learn signs and phrases for: THE COMPETITIVE EDGE IN CAM DESIGN. Telemarketing Manager Are you an experienced. aggressive. setf -motivat Telemarketer1 Well then, an esta blished Southe r California based aftermarket company needs yo to create. plan and establish a national telemar keting program, Send resume w it h salary hist to : Cycle News . Dept P.O. Box 498. Long Beach (238- 39 CA 90801. JyPerTek Mv.nrrm Mail paymenllO: 1991 MIKUNICALENDAR ~ 8910 'MIKU NIAVE., NORTHRIDG E.CA91 324 • HONDA • SUZUKI • YAMAHA Im mediat e opening for experienced only, full t ime great location . excellent pay. Call 171 4) S21-471 0 (238-40 ask for Steve. CA. (71 4) 6 2 3- 645 1 HONDA. S UZUK I of POMONA 1485 E. Holt . Pomona. CA 91767 AVe~ The Performance Tire TECH I NFO: (2 06) 771·2257 ~ (80 5) 583-244 7 ex ~« ftIIll. C A uth orzied A TK Deal er SUZUKI KAWASAKI COUNTRY • Home of RM3S0 BI& Bore RM Performance SpeCialist • Porting • Suspension Mods • Carb Mods • Head Mods • Custom Pipes. Performance Parts Full line o f Parts & AccellSories UPS Daily - Send For Free Cara/og Ask Us About Our Quad Mods Suzuki Kawasaki Country 2057 N. Hammer Av a.• Norco. CA 9 1760 714-734-0640 or 714·359·8 546 KX parts lOS Kits In Stock Complete " Code II" Ported K it $349.00 A s S een In November 1989 Sup.r Motocross ~ -;e.t4 er'itti Home of NMA & AMA N ati o n al Ch amp ions Dublin K awasaki 415 /829-4466 6044 Dougherty Rd• • Dublin, Ca . 94568 CYCLE CRAFTS WE REPAIRMOTOICYCLE IODYWOIK RIGIlTIII WHEELSPORTS, INC ~ 0 f8l Husqvarna • E..tO. LarcHt Huak, Parts In'f'entOl')' UPs Whit. Power a 0hIns Serrice ClAILY Open Tues .-Fr i. 10am-7pm. Sal. 10am-4pm 7959 E. Ma in St.. Reynoldsburg. OH 43068 42 (614) 864-0010 Comp r es si o n R elease M odif icat io n " My 500 S t arts Li ke a 1 2 5" Suspen sio n S e rvice Unlikeotherfairingrepair companies wro use: low teChplestic wdders. epoxies and bondo to repair yr:u boclywc;rt. We at Cycle CnJ ts use 0 combinMion .of composite &dhesrva f and stat of the at cXnsity IMtching plostic Wf:ders. eM e l tntine:d Oirl'tsmen ""'-'c yr.ln of hlmds on exptri(:ncc WIth the ~ipme:rt cYld wi ll ~ om 52rf.:SS yOLJ' bodywcrtl Frcm POly P'atics to ASS We'll fix it right! We else specializ 1 . e "1 ShOrN bikes, coees, ~ bikes. jet sk custom Pl'irting, i's ~ It:ttt:ri g, detai ling. etc. n Three-day Turna round (7 ' 40) 7:17_17 Pi! ~~~,~~~ ~ Call For Info : (21 61 356·1202 51 Morewood PkWY.. Cleveland. OH 44 116 1251 _Ia, 5le. C. _ _ CA 92S03 0 Needed Immediately M ech an ics fo r large 4- line dealers hip. Must ha minimum 3 years experience. per sonal w at ercnl experience necessary. Send resume to : Cycl News . Dept B, P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. 90 80 1. Come To The Sunn y South & Make .. (238-41 Mechanic Wanted Exper ien ced M ech anic t o work on all makes 0 Japanese bikes. hi gh performance experienc preferred . wi ll tr ain on dyno. Call PERFORMANC M/C CENTER. San Diego. CA. (619) 271-7731. (338-39 Sales 8t Parts Personnel Wanted San Diego Hon da Kaw asaki dealersh ip need experienced people for an aggressive shop . cal Bob or George. (SOO) 350-4I 5 I . CA. (23B-4 I Experienced H -D Techs Wanted The M M I H· D factory training centers in Phoeni x and Orlan do need two qua lifiedTechs to cross train i n t o an Instructors postion . M OTORCYCLE MECHANICS INSTITUTE offers good pay. benefits package and a chall~,:,ging career, If interested call Dave Koshollek at (BOO) 528 -7995. AZ. (236/TFN We Need You!! Establ ished Honda dea ler is seeking Pans . Serv ice and Sal es personne l. Top salary and ben ef its. Experience helpful. but w ill tra in th e righ t person. Contact Dave Ward at MANASSAS HONDA. (703 36 1-2233. VA . (23S-4 I W hite Bros Territories Wh it e Bros is seeking aggressive. est ablished Re for terr itor ies availa ble th roughout the Un it Stat es. Send resume to: WHITE 8ROS CYCL SPECIA LTIES. 142 41 Com me rce Dr. Garden Grove. CA. An n.: Robert Weber. (238- 39 Serv ice M anager QUINCEY KAWASAKI-SUZUKI. San Diego area. (239 -40 1 (6 19) 442-0678. CA. OPPORTUNITY FOR experie nced motorcycle Mec han ic t o run a on e man se rv ice depan ment. Top pay. KAWASAKI OF ROME GEORGIA. (404) (239) 235 -3454. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTOCROSS-RACING Accessory shop. Orange County, CA. Large ma il or der plus busy street location. Only 8SSK invest ment. Brokers of Orange County. (714) 970- 74 25. CA. (339 -40)

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