Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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s zu 'The ride you've 't\ 9 for~ been wa\ n Like father, like son• . Miguel DuHamel, son of the legendary Yvon DuHamel, scoredon impressive first-time victory in the AMA Nationals held at Topeka's Heartland Park. . DuHamel, riding a Yoshimura-prepared Suzuki GSX-R750 , battled and blazed to a 3.787 second win after 24 hard-fought laps. _ . When it was a ll over, Migue l proudly followed in his fath er's footste ps. A well-worn pa th leading stra ight to the /" winner 's circle. Congratulations to Mig uel. He's taking over the family business in a big way. The Suzuki GSX-R is engineered for experienced riders. Always wear a helmet, eye pratedion and protective riding appare l. Remember, riding and alcohol or drugs dan't mix. For the name and Iacatian of your nearest Suzuki dealer, call 1-800-255-2550. '

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