Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Road & Track. Rochester hotat Perris MX By David Procida PERRIS. CA. SEPT. 9 \Vith temperat u res nearing IOO·degrees, th e ra ce rs were fighting more than just their rorn pe ririo n a t Perris Ra cewa y. Acti on in th e California Racing Club's Vet Intermediate cla ss J U~( as hOI as th e- weather as th e " top five ri ers were wi thin a few bike lengths of ea ch other in both mutus. In mow one. Ra nd y Anderson rocketed OUl o f the ga te on ly to tan!il"" with anoth er rider. ca u sing a cha in reacuon that o n ly Robert Hedland and Mik e Roc hester avoid ed . Hedland had pulled th e hol eshct and. Rochester had. sta lled his bike coming off the line. This ga ve Hedland a good. silt' lead a s Rochester pi cked his wa y th ro ug h the fir>! turn ca rnage. Roc.. hest er was Oil th e gas, th reading h is way thro ug h tra ffic. and he bega n to close th e J;3P on Hedl un d . Steve C lark was runni ng a stro ng th ird bu t Kei th Fe-dring re m in ded him tha t he was no t alone. An derso n .h ad recovered from his firs t tu rn fiasco a nd 0 11 la p eig h t he made h is bid for foun h a success ful o ne a n d d ro p pe d Fearin g back to fifth , as Roc he ter no w had s Hed la nd in hi s sil:h ls. La pped traf fic wa!'i becom in g a facto r in the lead position as Roch ester was ca m p ed o n Hedl un d 's rear fen der b u t was h avin g d ifficu lty findin g the room to make a p ass. Hedland h eld o n for th e first mo to wi n whil e Roc h ester was the bridesmaid. Roc h ester a nd Hedland p icked up where ,h ey had Jell o ff in m or o o ne a n d bega n wha t was to be a fu ll IO. lap baili e. La te in the moto , the du o bega n to p ick differ ent lines as th ey encou n tered tra ffic a nd Roc hes re r added fuel to the fire by pi ckin g up 'h e pace a no tch . Roc hester fina ll y too k the lead as he h eld on ' he th ro tt le ju.. lo ng e nough to edge H ed land o u t as th ey wont int o a tight right -hander. Once In the lead . Roc hester was determi ned to 1 noth in g come between him a nd the (1 c h ec ker ed fl a g a n d that 's just what h e accomplis hed as he took the win a nd t he overa ll victory o ver Hed la nd. Clark tu rned in a not her fine performa nce fi nis hing th ird . while right on h is heels wer e Anderson and Fearing. R esuhs WM:'Irr: :'Irr:O \': I. Jaimf" P;nnin h un (SUI): 2. ~l'" )' MoJl lir u (llu n l. . 80 Rt:G : I. e h.K.l ("". _ ( KoJ W). 1. 80 :'Irr:O\' : I, Ch ip Ruun (.....wl: 2. Dean VanR il lll-r (Kot w ); 3. Chri:o S C'illl'l ( KoJ wr, 1. R..b (; UlIl f 'f (S tll). 12.> 81-G : I. Child (,.u ul.: (Ka w ): 2. J oJ,' Kl'IIillK (lU w ): s , ' : J u hn T urn " (B u n ). 125 S O\': I. n ,m Kin K ("';110 1: 2. Run MoJlllllt· ( H un): j Juh n Pad . ( Y:m .t). 12.'> II". 1. .'K"llll MUlph )' (B n n) . 'T: 12.1) PRO: I. nUMin b 'a fl:O (S UII. 250 REG : I. Jur . ·C'TlIan df·I (Sun: 2. Ur;ld elu l. ( Hun ): .1. MinI. A" ..lm (Va in ): 1. T .J. \\'h i u· j K.. w ); .\ . T um (".a II<>lIII·'" ( Kd w). 250 NOV: I. Tim McAdams (K.1w ): 2. Dave Min n ick (KT M ); j. Neil SUIT1"IC"'~ (Ya m ). • 2,"0 tN T : I. Todd Rmu.....u d (H llnl : 2. Kn l Nf·ill c·1 (K;lw ). 1 2. )0 PRO: 1. Ed Vnlwl:ol (Ka w). 1 !'" 8EG: I, Girl C rrmirhar-l (111 1 ): 2. Da illilli ( H Im ). JO() .. 11 SOOINT : I. Tim I 1.11 ri.. [Ya m] , JR , 'f:T RH; : I. Alun Sah.. r (S lll). JR VET NO\': I. Run Sbaql (Yoll n): 2. K.·\·i ll l).u·id ...11I t }.;.;I W ) :~. Rid. Rrn"" h (SUI ). JR \, f:T 1ST : 1. john Pete-r...,,, (KT M). VET Rf·.G : 1. J)-a\·jd Anthonv (,\ T K); 2. SIf"Vf" Rrullll ( Yam ): 3. Dc,ulit H u wdl tS u/ ): ·1. Kil L f .uK rnfb (llu n l: .\. T od d F,..... · (K4J w). VET SO\': I. Dean J.·llIIin K'" {Ka wl; 2. n il\'!" Minl1id . ( KT~I); 3. SU"Vf" Sd ll ubMl lf (H" n): ,I. Ilt _ut1d H un·alidl U .. ( H n n). VET 1ST: I. Mu l,,""' R n d l M l rt (H " n ): 2. Rul JMI Ht'tUan J (H u n): 3. SIf"W" ( Ja'l. ('1:';11 ); 1. Rilnd,· Amk ·' ...11I ( Ya lll ): 5. 11 Knlh h .. riIlK(Al 'KI. ... \' ET 'l:X: I. Alan Mill ( 1\.;,, "' ). SR B[G : I. Joltn Kiu K (Y.. m ). SR :"'0\': I. G nlrM;f" 01110 (H O II).. Fun and frolic at Davenport Vintage Field Meet By Lee Cowie DA\'~PORT. IA. EPT I . Tho annual Antiquo Mo to rc ycl e Club National mee t held a t the Da ven port . Iowa , lair!l"0unds had a number o f events included in ll . Wh ile th o n ea ma rket goos o n. jP Pr od uct ions runs a vi nta~e ha lf~mi led irl lrack race. MOIorcycles are dISp layed and judged a n d the C hid Blackh a wk Chapter AMC runs 3 field meeL Th e field meet was held o n Saturday aftom oo n a nd was organized by Tom Ma isch a nd his band of volu nteers from the Chid Blac khawk Cha p 'er AMC a nd sponsored by C lass ic Bike a n d T he C lass ic Mo'or cycle maga zin es. T he first even l was p lan ned lo be a pla nk ride wil h th ree wi de p lanks pl aced end to ~n d . lUll as a ll Ihe co m p<:tilOrs co u ld ea sil y rid e lro m end to ond ' he of ficials decided lo rethi nk thi s o ne a nd progressed to a slow rac e. All o f ' he com p<:li tors lined up o n ' he starting lin e o n motor cycles rangi ng fro m a 1915 Harloy· Davidson to a 1968 BSA. O n the sta rler 's signa l lhey Slarted forwrd. bu t one by o ne th ey ki llt-d thei r en g in es or to uc hed tho ground. (ca use for immediate di"lua lifi . c ll io n ), o r crossed th e finish line until on ly Ro bin Man ley remained ridi ng his 1939 Indian a nd was declared th e winner. 100 OCTANE UNLEADED 108 OCTANE LEADED CX) ~ (J) ,.0 No matter what roa d you intend to challenge, now you can run with two racing fuels from the name that has dominated winner's circles for over 30 years. Available through select 76 stations and d istributors nationwide ... o .... u o 1 (8 0 0) 447-4700 Alan Kent topped the Vet In term ediate class at Perris Raceway's Su nday MX. T he fi n ish lin e n ow beca me th e sta rti ng lin e and, w it h the rid er s sta nd ing o n fron t o f th ei r machi nes, co mpetitors were as ked. 10 push 'heir mot orcycl es back '0 th o li n e th ey had j u st ridde n from. O n th e sta rter's o rder mot orcycles seemed to fly in every direction but j ohn Chester , a n d h is 1948 H arl eyDavidson, who we ren't as fast as man y. went in a straight li ne a nd crossed the finish lin e first to win the eve nt . The third eve nt was a hot dog-biting contest a nd for the first rou nd the wei ners wert' h u ng wi thou t adornments, th ey wo u ld be cove red wit h musta rd if there was a tie. O n ly o ne rid er ma naged to gel a bite a nd th is was 1938 Indian-mounted Elmer Lo wer. The o fficia ls 'hen decided to rerun the plank rid e- with th e planks arranged in a zig-zag. or "5" shape, to see if anyone co u ld ride th em . No o ne co u ld . bUI Pete Sink ma naged 10 rid e hi s 1949 Ind ia n fan her than a nyo ne else to win the co n test. Apound/hoblock willconvineoyou. ThiPlydays willconvop/you. 751NIPflff Reagor takes Paris ST win PARIS, TN. SEPT. 8 Eddie Reagor captu red the 250 KTM 250 a nd wa; n<"Ver headed. There wa. a pile-up in th e firM co rner that slo wed ma ny riders. including j a y Williams. test ride: Purchase a750 Sport or 906 Paso, andtakeupto 30 days or 1()()() miles to experience the seamless power, the incredibly responsive handling ofDueati's handcrafted machines. We're 50 confident that a "D esmo Ducati" wiilseduce you, that we will purchaseit back if it isn't everythinq you expect it to be. Ourconfidence hasno limit. Atthe endof your 30 days, whenyou'resure you can'tlet go ofyour Ducati,wewill give you $300towards gasandexpenses, orwe'llbuy it back ifyou're not satisfied. The choice will be , simple; buteitherway the ride's onus fora month. By Kathy Goodwin R.. nl 15 Take a Ducati on a 3O-day ' See yourdealerforcomplete details. Some restrictions may apply. Thisofferis availableatparticipatingdealer.only, DUCAZI' I_ eVf1fYDaHmls JRD'I,I,oe.. Cycle Nevvs Readers! The first to knovv! TEAM CALAMARI YSR SWING ARM BRACiNG • • •• • •• •••• ••••••• . . . 1tS9.95 CAll ORWRITE FOROETA ILS SWING ARM NEEDLE BEARING KIT • • •• • • • •• 139.95 FORK AIR CAPS , •••• •••• ••••• •••••••• ••••• • 129 .95 FORK SPRING KIT • . . • ••••.• .•.•• •••••••• ••• 129.95 BILLET ALUMINUM FORK BRAC E ••••••••••. • ' 69 .95 2 FINGER LEVERS , ., 9.95PR. HEAVY DUTY CLUTCH KIT WITH SPRINGS • . . • 2 1.9 5 COWU NG GRAPH ICS SET • • .. . . . . . •_ • . . . . • . 14 9 .96 Speedy Color FLUORESCENT COWUNG GRAPH'CS TEAM CALAMAR I RACING P.O. Box 991 MarIna, CA 93933 '69.95 DTX - CONV.ERSIONS • 2 1 " Rims to 19" Rims • 18" Rims to 19" Rims • 19" Wide Rims 408·899·' 300 FAX 408·899-0444 AL L MAJOR CARDS M R. SQUID SAYS: -rHE co FAST SECRET IS HAItIDLlNQ- ./~,. Oakland . , . . " . Sport Center PA R T S IN S TO C K 4232 D ixie Hwy. Waterford. M I 48329 13 ' 3 1 67 3·3 3 6 6 13' 3) 673·8'44 FAX UPS Daily UPS ShIpping (714) 530-6681 12787 Nut.ood SL C.,da. c,•••. Col92640 Master car d & VIsa KNIGHT BOSSCHAMPION Gfl me ca a rake S yst e ms , frames o r rollmg ctla'isl s h onl §.pOOl. qu .ck Cha nge rear whe e t ~. s proc ke ts cam s. c a r ~. p ipe s. sprlnQ 11 11 5. pi st on s. g la ~5 . forkS s pa res K&N. M a rzoc ctl l PERFORMANCE ACCESSORIES Nell It... 314/426-6959 33

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