Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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turn , drop ping the team back even further.. After such a promisin g start, the tea m wo uld no w hav e to concent rate o n corning fro m beh ind the rest o f th e race. After running in the top 10, Team Machine lost any cha nce of a good finis h wh en the transmission broke o n their Yam ah a FZR600. T he team performed a n eng ine swa p a nd went on to finis h 17th. By th e ha lfwa y point in the race, HRT had com p leted 184 la ps. T BA Racing moved int o second but were seven laps behind HRT. H all 'N Still, T eam Dreaded a nd H on da of Niles rou nd ed out the top-five ru n ner s. Ho nda of Niles was goi ng fo r th eir sixt h-stra ig h t w in in the Medi um weigh t Production class , but the H onda CBR 600 ·mounted team was be ing cha llenge d by Mo tion System s Racin g o n a no the r Honda. T he race was determined in the closi ng stages of the race when Mo tion Systems had to pit for new brak e pads, givi ng Hon da of Nile s th eir eigh th win o f th e year. In the six th ho ur, second-p lace TBA Racing blew a motor o n th e team 's Suzuki. lJ p to tha t po int , the tea m was having its fines t race of the seaso n. With TBA's problems , the ru n ning order a t the top beca me the sa me as it was afte r the first hou r. H all 'N St ill was aga in u p into second , wi th T eam Dreaded back u p to th ird . H eadin g into the fina l hour , HRT had its biggest lead of the da y with a nin e-lap margin over Hall 'N Sti ll. T ea m Dreaded , H on da o f Ni les and Moti on Systems rou nded ou t the top five. Hinsha w Raci ng had work ed their wa y back u p to sevent h p lace a nd was o nly one lap beh ind Royal e. Ro yale's Suzuki was ra pidl y losin g its bra kes, and ra the r than risk crash ing th ey came in for bra kes with 40 mi nu tes remainin g. T hat ga ve Hinshaw (who themselves were losing brak es and had sho t tires) the break th ey needed to move into sixth overall, a nd second in class . In the last ho ur , The Human Race T eam added one more la p to the ir lead 'a nd finis hed with a record 658.8 m iles, averaging 82.35 mph. . " We' ve heard that some peo ple figure we're o ut o f the p icture for the cha mp ion ship, but we're not so sure," said a rej uve na ted H uma n Race T eam Captain n ave Zupa n. " We'll be racing to wi n th e cha m pions hip u n til th e final race." C~ Resul ts O /A: I. TI lt' H n uuur R;ur Tram ( \'illll ): 2. 1101 11 ' f\: Slill Rilt ill ~ (Sill) : 3, TI ":.lIlI Drea ded ( Ya m l: -I. If um l.a o f !\'i l( ~ Fo nt ' R~u i n ~ ( H Ull): ;). :-'I olioll Sy'l l'm, R~ l( - in~ (1IclIl ); Ii. Hi n sh a w R; lc -i n ~ ( U t ili ): T. Roy;,h' R;IC'in!o: (SlU): It Cy( k- SIM't't1 Rill'ill J.:, (Ya m ): !I. nalOlU ll(' R ill -j il l-:. 0 1101"';1 (SUI): 10. Team Swim ' n ude.. (SuI) : II. R fri.:'\ R il l ,jlll-; (Y;lIl1): I:!. H ;1I111l U " Sm il h R;u inl-: (";1111): I:t Sa m Speed Rac -jlll-:. ( Y;IIll ): 11. \ 'lI i ~ l u 1\1'1 »..- R.IC i l1 ~ (\".ull I: 1;1. Te.uu Sp it it (StII): l fi. Tt-:11Il !'oj- EX ( Ka\\'): 17. Tt '~l m M;tt h uu - ( Y;III1): I ~ . I"' -:tl .. ( ;<11' R~I ( ' i n ~ ( \';II H l: 1 T I\;\ (S il l): ~,( I . RP:\ I 9, Ra ring ( Y

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