Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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th e end to finish fourth, one lap behi nd Bo ulder Yamaha. Team Toomer T oo 's Danny Roberts teamed with local riders Lee Shi erts an d Curtis Adam s to round out th e to p five, yet ano ther lap down . Team T oom er fared better in the GTU ra nks, wh ere Team Captain J ake Van Vleet en listed the help of loca l hotshoe Kent Kunitsu gu to put the team in the winner's circle and to move a step closer to ward the GTU Championshi p. Wi th one ro und remaining, Toomer leads Nort hstar GTU Racing, 101 to 84. For Nort hstar to win the title, they 'd ha ve to win at Daytona with T oomer fini shing 12th or wor se. Kuni tsugu jo ined T oomer regular Jeff Farmer and a returning Mik e Barnes on the team's Yamaha FZR600 to defea t second -p lace Super 'B' Racin g by o ne lap with Team America an additional two laps down in third. • According to Barnes, he was returning to T eam Toomer after being fired for again crashing his Team Mad Dog 600cc Supersport b ike at T opeka, Kansas, during practice. .... " I ' m no t a dog anymore, but I'm exci ted to be back with T eam T oomer," Barnes said. T oo mer led start to finish , with Kunitsugu grabbing the ho leshot and running away, comp letely ou tclassing the GTU field. T hey eventua lly fin ished fifth overall, j ust ahea d of GTOclass Team Toom er Too. Su per 'B' was sevent h overall while T eam America wound up 10th o verall.. Local team Big Cit y Racing and Northstar GTU rounded out the top five in the GT U.class. Monsterbike Shoot-Out Team Mad Dog led start to finish to wi n the Mo nsterbike Sh oot- Out, a five-lap sprint race featuring the topsix GTO teams with a mandatory rider chan ge. Harth started th e race for Mad Dog, p it tin g on lap four to hand off to Schw a rzbach, wh o returned to th e track j us t ahea d of Dutchman II 's Quarterley. Schwanbach man aged to hold off Quarterley on the final lap to take the checkered fla g, but it did n 't really matter, as Du tch man II had p itted on th e wrong lap and were docked a lap for not o beying the "meatball" flag signifying a mandatory sto p-and -go pe na lty. Dutchman II 's penalty gave second p lace to Du tch man Racing's G uenette and Greene, with Boulder Yamaha's Hop perstad and Walker third. I:J'I - Results GTO: I. Du tchm a n It (SUl ); 2. T eam Mad Dog (Yam ); , . Bou lder Yamaha Racin g (Ya m) ; 4. Faslline -MCM Racin g (Sw) ; 5. Team Toomer Too (Suz); 6. Keyston e Racin g (Suz): 7. Del Amo (Suz}; 8. Team Magi c (Ya m); 9. Du tchm a n Racing (Suz}; 10. J ohnson I< Wood (Suz). . GTU: I. T eam Toomer (Yam); 2. Super ' B' Racin g (Yam); 3. Team America (Yam) ; 4. Big City Racin g (Yam); S. Northstar GTU Racin g (Ya m); 6. T eam Mad Dog II (Ya m); 7. Out Racing (Yam); 8. Fewco Racin g (Kaw): 9. Int ersport Racing (Yam). Distance: I16 laps, 290 miles Margin or Victory : 49.07 seconds GTO POINT STANDINGS: I. Dut chm an Racin g (119); 2. Du tch man It (9 1);'. Keyston e Racin g (77); 4. Team T oomer T oo (75); 5. Boul der Yam ah a Racing (66); 6. T eam Mad Dog (65); 7. Team Magic ( 55 ~ '8. The Human Race T eam (49); 9. Fastl ineMCM Racin g ('6); 10. Northstar Racin g (26); I I. Houston Kawasaki (25); 12. A·Hammer Racing ( 17); 13. Addicted Racin g (11); Ii. (TIE) Lallier Racin g! Team Elep ha nt!American Eagle Racin g (10). GTU POINT STANDINGS: I. Team Toomer ( 101); 2. Northstar GTU Racing (84); ,. (TI E) Super 'B' Racin g/Team America (79); 5. Just For Fun (53); 6. Th umper Bros. Racin g (SO); 7. Chic Magnet Racin g (46); 8. Hornblower Racing (40); 9. WCB Racing ('0); 10. (T IE) Team Mad Dog IIII'C'dm OT S (25); 12. Bally', U.S. Swim I< Fitness (21); I' . Fewco Racing (16); 14. Interspor t Racin g (14); 15. (TIE) Lanin Racmg/ Norben Racin g/Bes t Effort Racin g (13). MNSTRlBK 5/0: I. Team Mad Dog. Larry Schwa rzbach / Mike Hart h (Ya m); 2. Dut chma n Raci ng , Don Gr eene/Jacques Ouenene (SUl); 3. Boulder Yamaha Racin g, Jo hn Hopperstad/Dan nv Walk er (Yam); 4. Team T oo mer Too, Danny Roberts/ Curt is Adam s (SU 5. T eam Magic. j an l); Erik Svensson/Cra ig Shambaugh (Yam); 6. Dutchman II. Dale Quarterley lI'om Kipp (SUz). cAgOj0l1l011 811tehphmeg ephegel1l: ' SANCTIONED HISTORIC FINAL G~ME"{. (32nd) 20-lap Half-Mile Spectacular -J CHALLENGE Six ncers, five lo p s tor $17.500. 510.000 to th e winner. Featuring the Camel Challenge With Junior Invitational set., Sept. 29~ y.~ .' 8 pm 1W!!!Il~~1II!!I!!! ·N E W VIDEO RELEASES Now Ava ilable Through Cycle News Action Theater 1990 AMA MOTOCROSS NATIONALS The top teams and riders from across the country and world, cross i t up in the fastest of all motocross series, from MotoVideo (#.50) .990 eato.-back NX Natlo..... RJ returns from injuries to sco re first ou tdoo r win of the season, but not w ithou t a fierce battle w ith Stanton . Kiedrowski repeats 'B9 victory in 125 action. (#.5.) .990 Saeram_to NX Natlo..... Tea m Kawasaki 's Jeff Ward and Suzuki's Guy Coope r put on a thrilling show for th e 14,10 2 fans attending the 22nd Ann ua l Ha ngtown Motoc ross Classic at northern Californ ia's Pra irie City OHV Park as they batt led th e ir way to the ove ra ll victories in the 250 and 125 Nationals. (#.SZ) .990 Aztoa NX Natlo..... , J eff Wa rd ea rns the victory over Bradsh aw an d Sta nto n at the high -speed Lake . S uga r Tree MX Park; Bayle battles w ith Cooper for th e 125 class win. (#.53) .990 Nt~ Norris NX Natlo..... Yamaha 's Damon Bradhsaw se tt led the score w ith Jeff Ward w hen he won the se cond moto to claim the 250cc Nat iona l victo ry at High Point Raceway. Bayle takes 125cc w in w ith come-from-behind rides in both motos. Reta il pr ice on th ese rele ases SJJ.9S each, includes shipping Each of t he AMA MX Nation al Videos are approx im at ely 60 mi nutes, feat urin g com mentary by Larry Huffman & prod uced by Powerspo n s Vi deo. from Mo toV ideo. To Order Videos, Use The Video ,Order Blank Elsewhe re In This Issue Of Cycle New s -------- ~ - -- - - - -- ------ - ------~------- -- - - - --- -- - - - - --- - AttentiOI! . - SubscriberS, - 1. For FA STEST s e rv ice atta ch o ld ma iling labe l in s pa c e below. If mailing la bel is not a va ila b le . print your na m e a nd address in this box. P le ase allow 3 w eeks for change to take eff e ct. 2 . 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