Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes . . . .--s.o. . . . 0.-....,...,.. .cr::.." ,._ ..... - ...... .,. ......... _--. Watch them over and over! ( ~ In sa.-.1Iidl ........ (11M) (117) _ _ _ A-a·...I1 ~ - .... ""-"t. Guaa ...... . aonoc..._ .. _ 01 _ l_u::, .... ..., ". - faun GP ... " . .. !j".:,:e-:- "a.......... ...... ..-.e-n.m. ...·. $1_ finI51._...-,........5 ~. T fieWin fiI'It '10 (1I2U)_ ....... - 20 ..-by_ ~ _CIIn~_~ iI' jz • ......., n ~1~)t II I 1a",.. - * ' _. ' 07 _ tr'fIbl-dera ~ __ W,~II:!," • .. 3 _ .. F . . . . CIlicIriIII-JIft . -.....,. .. ""' .. ridiog _yeuCM...". CiRoOlllr-" 'Ilidl ..... n. ..... ..-...ra..clinS. .......... CA_ ii ..... Glut . . . at IhI Cbicbn fro. baI...-uoa ,..,....... _.,..c.en;o,il1OO,n. W'Meo. ~ .. '._llr · ......... I0 .... ..-a- _ _ .tbiI ... sa...... __ Ridr: ...... IIId JIfI W~ .. doll tor _10,.;,_10---_.- '~ _ " _ 1 -_ llr IJooooio - . . . _ 1fitIoiIID .... - ....... _ _ _ ._II11_s..--IRJ" OM e.;",~ 1917 1.1_ (RJ _ - . fioIoI ...... Gut CooooP1ftcidem.. - IUidlnt1 includi rud b.... dirt bill... tilly UtI .l'IlI aporuUtl1.:11 ti"" end' slow motion commotion II Im\ the but "'ve their off mo_ma. Fun10WI1dl 80 minU1u. . «-I-I _ OlIfi..... .....,., Ow, 14G _ 8nc......., ,.. ill Iht wort on1tlI woriI. d CAl. 80...... by AA2. - .... _I""" _ _ ""',,- ....,.,.,.ntCOIlflPl.1I now torimlMdilt. dlliVlfyl I_ ....-. n. origiMI by ......... 30 ati . ~ Aici'. MW 10 co-a wi1tl • pocllet 1ia4 ttYtthe CIIl carry ref.- .. in rhI '*d. fU ahowI you heM 10 rideblttlf IhIn you think youCIIl. Ordtr ......... iDstructioMI . (_)1_"- 8J ............... bunncb at _ _ llrTodlT..... _ Rainey . . . ..... Ih. ~ in J.,.n; SdMwd:z I'ICCl'I'eB to fftlfl IhitdIhef aMhino Wund 6...... lIIllIIIOfI .._ .UOII wi1tl ctDh. &" Mat_ ) • •T ' .1_1 -,- __ thiswid.o is tht .~. of dttl·trIdr, rKlIII' two of tht bill in ttl, buai... dull tor 20 I.,. - ... dKiit it all in • one-lttJ dun to fbi n... Br O tlJlin AuaciII... (lI2I1I1 _ ( two.,..., -.. - (1I5Ii)_ _ - _ , . , . .' $i. ·bMI Me1IClM1 MX DIIrnp1 .... you10 hi. IItrIt tncb youheM 10 ....... 1bI1rt. 1961 b!t of ..... TT .... futuru Mia ........ on the 250 HondI_ th. MInI Norton. aM IgIin in IhI 1913 Senior ~ TT. Shows heMtflI ipCIf1 ~ ill juII 52 -...rtn by ~ 71_n" - . . , . . - . '1lod Boy : r (112I)_ _ TNilitlllory of OM of A.tric:I ', grutaI rKffI. Raft ~toI, boyhood... fiI...... BrDnpin Auoc&Itn. 10 -.nut,.. II a CIIooofIao llrJollo ..... _ P. . . I:UlllNlIUIftlI.....,thl1983n • .-, DuI*Ip, fmat • • on the blind Cirturt. tnd die .... V-. tJst.r. IrNnd 6P. 50 lIHnutnby H (_ .... (. 111 (.1 1) ' ' - - , FWlItlI 85Oa:-'a HondI y-,lip at M-.. -A _ r (1S11_ _ Soqio, W _ no _ '0 ....... wdeo '"' A teeingfnln IhI lV 1990 ~ 100. See. . . of.. NIt . . . . . . . in ... ....., t- _ ofthl-at) do ta.nIe It "America T '. RIel" ill West VqiniII'. buutit1Itc.n... v the...... Dam. t.1IUtint bath '-s....Soo is .. ... .........r n. ..... _ , ·• ~ .... ,...Ktien! so ....... e, W-l, ~ - -'" The...... lIIOUIl1am b. . l'IICI.1hI .... tIbI pi-. Nell p_ lit ~ sa Aft. in froIII the IYIfttI: IamibrI e.-l:ouooy. 0u0I "'~ghI""Ia'"121 - . . . . . 1iI ........... ' - 37. 1 . c:.'II. See it ~ (. U l l _ l _. ......... pmen1I' . . . . . . . .... ill a-ra. F .....,F • t- "" _ 1_ ~ ---. II .. See ' _ ...GrWPrU: . . nlUIl4 It lInwurttI;l GP Cull ill Trur. CItia. . , . . trMllIICI1II .... Mtfl ~ torthe 6tt(1 125cc honln. 1tII t.lifom'I Higb S*ra. 1_ w""'" ••_ . s.a F... _ llr I'nItImoNo S ,- -- )1_ _ - - - . ~. (1I51)I_T.., _ _ Jeff w thI be1tII. Sbntolll Be lCh. ...., mud> D::;...1AlIo . 1- 1M __ - - - . _ l'1SI) 1 I1IrI , F Soo "" ~kn, L (11312) 1_ _ - - - . (tlMll 1Iol - tydins Ewmill IhI WorWl Tm dip (1I1ll ..... _ _ ... A_ _ . . UNt.. _ _ - . _ _ .. __ ... ceeq tiliw ...... ) 1_ (_ _ ,...bIth.. bikes (_ 1.* $ugIr T PIlll; _ w.... (_ 1 1_ _ - - - . _ S - • till Ileoipo. ~)..,.. (_)1_ _ - - - . CIIIIic: ....... ~.'. ~ City ONY P • .,. bMdI ..,..,. • the. . . . ert . . . . . inthl2SOIMl12S ........ G . . , ...... ._ dreg flC ing . . . of c.ourM, M*oIm Fortin. 57 minul fJQlft" . . . . . . . n (·_11_ _ - - - . SMruiJ... Guy hat me _ 1.,102:t_ eoo,er put an , dlIi ........... 22"' ll'" Jeff tJKt. hiflcfimbl,. . bilon, ......... (_11_ _ - - - . tllllll KMRukr. Jeff W .. ._....- The .Ihb IIWlU8I 1Iadl: Hilll ClIaic induding dirt first......... fiIrte " 12S - . ,IaMdI witb Itt"" s... .. aunt&. lOIN . . but no_ II ti burt, . . .. ,.,.., W . . WI witML 80 (1IZ2). . . . . . . . . . lllO..... l llO ~ A A 2 . ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Dry. Dllcription Amount DIy. D escription Amount DIy. D.scription Amount Order Form IPI.... fill out ISSA '90 Aus1riIn JIll G @ 33.95 P • • '90 V . . . . JIll GP @ 33.95 . 1S7. '9O IJuIdl JIll GP @33.9S '90 IIolgian JIll G @ 33.95 P ISBA '90 Frando RR G @ 33.95 P Il94 '89 ... '" Man @ 49.95 195'89 Porio-lJotIr @ 49.95 .'M '90 ......... loa Ilal'l. @ 3US 1155'90 _ loa Nat'" @ 33.95 #1S6'9O T"" loa fdo(ls@33.95 #200 '90 Ascot (Springl HoII·MiIa @ 28.95 #2111 '90 SIn Jo.. (StJringI Milo @ 28.9S t202 '90Sj>rinvIioId ISprinvI Mil. @ 28.95 t203 '90 I.ooisWIe 1tIIf-Miio @ 28.95 IS I - . ShDIIort: CIl...... @ 38.95 #98 " - #1 @ 49.95 .300 '90SupertlllSS Pacboo @ 352 .00 153ToaflattRoco I &orWan @ 28.95 1M V .Twin _@28.95 lI99 " - IS @ 49.95 .100 _ ~ Rick "",-",,@ 24:95 #301 '90 AIIahoim Sup""",, @ 24.95 #302'90Hous1llll Supeltl1lII@ 24.95 .22 • ...., Spills @ 29.95 m '88 World T CutJ @ 29.95 ... M'BiD bporiIfa @33.95 Name Address . -O C _ _ _ _ _ _ 5tot. _ _ Zip iry Phon. I _ ... '88PoriI-llU @ 39.95 M5'88 s,..dwoy fdo(l t'1IIip @ 39.95 I O ~ Card # l :'! __ mTTT_@33.95 Order Dot. _ Signature Exp. Oat. __ .A 1S5 loa CtnlI I lium ......... @ 19.9S MDMY 0nI_ ,.,... 1a:C'l'a.f I EWS N a oum. P.O ao. <98. lon. Rood\, CA 901IOHlC98 {AlIooor J..C ..... "''-' . Send Oleci 011 #101 V-Twin -locins @ 34. 5 9 1165 '89 loa On - . G ..,..., @ 24.95 .1 02 s,oa..., lea World D ' 1910 @ 29. 95' • Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P,O. Box 498. Long BelIch. CA 90801 ·0498 or COlli f213) 427·7433 during buain... houn ~~ 0~.-- - . ____ DIy. Description Amount ., U RR Gr.... Pm 18 @ 33.9S .S. . 10'88 Anaheim Me @ 19.95 .11 Rick.-.. Prafilo @ 34.9S .121 W altd'. G,.. ..11 $X@ 24.95 .1 3 loa G_ SIyIo @ 2U5 .'41 '90 N _ricin ....." . @ 29.95 m V ... YIC1OrY@ M.95 ·F r.... loa CmhI Boom E@ 19.95 .303 '90 SIn Diogo Supeltl1lII @ 24.95 liip. 1l618nl "' . . . . . . '88@ 19.95 1l67ASupeIUlllS _ '89@ 33.95 " 03 '89 CaIitomia Stili t'Shi, .....,,@ 29.95 " 1M SIUfgi. '89 @ 27.95 . 18"89 WorII loa GP Rniow@ 89.95 #77'89 Into_ 6-0.,. EncUa @ 33.95 . 18 .... ricIn E.qnu '88 JIllRniow @ 33.95 .1 9 '89 AustroIiIn JIll G P@ 33.95 1180 '89 :lip..... RR GP @ 33.95 t80A .9O Jop-. JIll GP @ 33.95 1181 '89 U GP lIgoN Sou @ 33. S .s. 9 ISlA'90 USGP lIgoN SIca @ 33.9S ISZA '90Stl- IIIG @ 33.9S P 1183A'9O Iloli.. fIR G P@33.95 " 05 SupeltfllSl Thrillo. SpalL I Chills'90 @ 22.95 #106 0 _ '90 ''lIid. Wild Side" @ 22.95 . 10lRocinQ ric. V . 1 @ 33.95 ol . 108 AT '" 'hi WriI1 @ 43.95 . 109 lIaliblIl World MTB t'sIlipo @ 34.95 1I10 ' - I t 1990 @ 33.9 5 .111 IlalaraltxtJr,,1lo Chick... @ 34.95 1150'90 G _ loa Jla(1s @ 33.9S t151 '90 S_ _ loa IIIt'b @ 33.95 ., S2'9O __ loa fdo(ls @ 33.95 .304 '90 Saonlo Supeltl1lII @ 24.95 #305'90_ . Sup",,",,@24.95 #306'90 t.s Sut>ortlllSS @ 24.95 #301' 90Pasad..... SupertlllSS@24.95 #30 '90O SlJp.rtIlISS @ 2495 8 all.. . . 309 '90Ponti.. SlJpIltlllSS @ 24.9S #310 '90T .... SoII.rtIOSI @ 24.95 #311 '90 CfiorIott. StJpertlllSS @ 24.95 .312'90 Ru1fi.rford SlJp. rtIlISS @ 2_.95 '313'90 FDJdlorou~ Sup.rtIOSI@ 24.95 #314 '90 O City $upIItIlISS @ 24.9S K #315'90 SIn J... Sut>ortlllSS@ 24.95 1316 '90lllIAngel.. $upOlClOII @ 24.95 _ Ctlnr1lillleeilnt ... & Wes Tu '1." (tA e-y 1l'I& Wes Tu) ~--~~~~~~---------~ ~~~=:~ ~~~-----~--~~~~~~~~~~~---------~~~~-~-----

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