Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(2:09. 34 1); 25. Jason Bunle (2: 11.008); 26. T erry Fowler (2:11.37 1); 27. Fred And rew, (2: 11.596 ); 28. G reg Ziuerkopf (2:12. 152 ); 29. J am es C hamberla in (2:12. 191); 30. T aka yu ki Miyau chi (2:12.335) ; 3 1. Rex Staten (2:13.478 ): 32. Will y Musgra ve (2: 13.478); 33. Andrews Krestinov (2:13.933); 34. Eddie H icks (2: 14.058 ); 35. Marc Peters (2: 16.2 18 ): 36. J on Or tner (2: 16.879); 37. David Bagw ell (2:24. 156); 38. Stefan Elvin (2:24.206) ; 39. J im O wen , (2:35.320). . see MOTO I : I. Eric C eboe rs (Hon); 2. Johnny O'Mara (Kaw); 3. R ick Joh nson (Ho n); 4. Jell Kees Van der Ven (8) tries to avoid Dirk Geukens in the second moto. Geukens recovered and finish ed ninth while Van der Ven pulled out with a broken wheel. Jeff Leisk (2) led the first lap of the second moto, but finished the race fifth. fifth by the end ~f the firs t lap , wh ile O 'Mara could go nowh ere. ·" Geboers j ust sho t by me on the dow nhill," said J ohnson. " I went wild th e first lap ," sai d Geboers. " I was goi ng ag gressive and took a lot of risks. But I felt like I cou ld do everythi ng I wanted. " Matiasevich dogged Leisk until he took co mma nd o n lap two, the n he quickly go t away . Ljungq vist gave up thi rd when Nicoll and Geboers got by o n the same lap , then J ohnson, who had passed Ans tie, a lso go t by a sho rt time la ter. Anstie co nt in ued h is backward slide as he became invo lved in a ba ttle wi th Brooks and J o Martens, wh ile a littl e furt her behi nd O 'Mara fou ght off Van der Ven, Martens and J ohan Boonen. Up to the halfway point Geboers slowly reeled in Nicoll with J ohnson chasing from behind, then Johnson suddenly fo und h im self in thi rd wh en Nicoll went do wn an d Geboers ra n into him. " I missed a berm an d the front end slipped out," said Nico ll. " Geboers ran straigh t into me, my leg got caug ht under the bike and I cou ld n' t get it had th e overall win locked up, Kiedrows ki backed off to finish a safe third beh ind LaRocco a nd race wi n n er Bradshaw. Ward recovered in tim e to salvage fourth ahead of Hughes. O U L" 8 J ohnson quickly passed Leisk and started ea ti ng awa y at Matiasevich 's o nce-massive lead. It too k J ohnson two laps to reel Matiasevich in , and he too k the lead witho u t a fight. Ma tiasevich q uickly began lookin g across th e track to see wh ere the next rider was, and it turned o u t to be Geboers. " I was wa tchi ng Matiasevich and thin king go , go, " said J ohnson . " I was sto ked to see Geboers beh ind, until I saw Mat iasevich drop further beh ind." Mat iasevich faded qu ickly, and a charging Geboe rs caught him two laps afte r J oh nson had passed him. " I thought that was O ' Mara I was chasing," said Geboers . " My shou lders went o ut, " sa id Mati asevich . " I felt good until that poin t, but th en I go t tired and cou ldn't ride. T he po wer on the 500 is unreal , and it was yanking my arms ou t of their sockets. I'm not used to that." Ni coll spent a few laps working h is way past Leisk, and he was the last to pa ss Mat iasevich since Leisk began to fade as well., Lj u ngqvist was alo ne in sixth while Ans tie and Van der Ven fought for seven th . Van der Ven flew by the Englishman, bu t a lap later was forced to pull ou t with a bro ken rear wh eel. Up front, J ohnson held a co mfortable lead over Geb oers to the fini sh, wh ile Ni coll was a sho rt dista nc e behind an d well ahead of Ma tiasevich . L eisk fi n ish ed fift h a head o f Ljungqvist. " I was tired and thoug h t abo ut slo wing down , but th en I thought abo ut next week 's 500cc Natio na l where Jeff Stanton an d J eff Ward will be going even faster," said J oh nson. Altho ug h Ma rten s got close to Ljungqvist a t one point , he dropped back into a battle wi th Anstie, Ge ukens and O 'Mara . Martens stayed ahea d to fin ish sevent h, Ans tie fell back to 31st o n the last lap and O 'Mara passe d Ge ukens on the fin al circuit for eigh th. - 125 Support Mike Kied ro wski grabbed the lead from T y Davi s early in the first 20minute moto. La rry Ward a lso moved by Davi s o n th e first lap and the two riders p ulled away to fini sh first an d second. "A t first Ward pressured me, bu t once I found the good lin es I rode 'my . own race," said Kiedro wski, wh o won by a huge margin. " I wanted to stay beh ind Kied rowski, but I h ad probl ems a n d dropped back," said Ward. Mike LaRocco started th ird, fell o n an uphill and dro pped severa l position s, then charged back to th ird a t the fini sh. Ryan Hugh es claimed fourth while Dou g Dubach too k fifth ahea d of Yam aha teammate Dam on Brad sha w, who stuffe d Davis to gai n the positio n . " I went dow n in the first tu rn and needed mor e time to ca tch the guys in 'fro nt of me," sai d Bradsh aw. " We' re tryi ng' to find the best setup for th e MX des Nations, so I' ll be riding a completely di fferent bi ke next mo to." Bradshaw chased down Ward and took th e lead on the fou rth lap of mo to two. Ward stayed close for a whi le befor e dropping back into a struggle wi th Kiedrowski and La Rocco, then nea r the end he crashed. " I jumped on a ledge entering a turn, slid down into the ro ugh stu ff and got flip ped over the bars," said Ward. Kiedrowski, wh o was o n Ward's tai l at th e tim e, hit the rear of th e Suzuki wh ich let LaRocco by. Knowing he Vintage Iron Invitational Nearl y 30 MX sta rs from th e days of lon g hair and short travel descended on Glen H elen for Rick Doughty's Vinta ge I ron Invi tat ional , hel d between 500cc motos, and it was form er facto ry Kaw asaki rider Goat Breker who was the winner. For mer factory H onda pilot Tommy Croft grabbed the holeshot as Ri ch Thorwa ldso n ra n Breker o ut to the fence in turn one. Croft led through lap o ne, but hi s race ended when the exha ust pipe fell off his Honda CR250 Elsinor e. Croft's dem ise promoted former 250cc World Ch ampion Guenady Moisseev of Rus sia to the lead , Iollowed by Breker , Marty Tripes, Kent H ow erton, Kenny Zahrt and G ary J ones. . On lap two, Breker took the lead wit h Tripes followin g him past Moisseev to clai m second. From there Breker was un challen ged, as he pulled ou t a substantia l lead to cla im th e win o n a 1974 KX250. Riding the same Can-Am 250 that he rode in his last-ever Nat ional in 1974, J ones worked h is way past Tripes to fini sh secon d, wi th T ripes th ird on a Yama ha YZ360. Zahrt, Moisseev, Mart y Sm ith, Bruce McDou gal , Gary Chaplin and the Flyin ' Haw ai ian J ohn DeSot o ro unded o u t the top 10. J ones accused Breker, 31, of being too young, but Breker defended h imself wi th flattery: " I' ve raced agai ns t a few of th ose guys, Sm ith and H owerton, but I didn 't get to race against them whi le I was raci ng . It was a rea l privilege. " CN Resul ts r.oo TIMED PRACTICE: I. Ri ck J ohnson (2 m in u tes, 3. 127 seco nds ); 2. Jo hnny O ' Mara (2:03.663); 3. Pa u l Malin (2:04.541 ); 4. Jacky Ma rten , (2:04 .8 17); 5. T ra vis Sco tt Bro wn (2:04.877); 6. J eff Manasevich (2:04.938); 7. J eff Leisk (2:05.099) ; 8. Kurt Nicoll (2:05 .266); 9. Enc Geboers (2:05.323) ; 10. Mat iasevich (Kaw); 5. Kurt Ni coll (KT M); 6. J acky e Marte ns (KT M); 7. Ke s Va n der Ven (KT M); 8. Dirk Ge u kens (Hon) ; 9. Kurt Ljun gqvist (H a n ); 10. Jo Martens (Kaw); I J. La rry Brook s (Kaw); 12. Pau l Ma lin (Kaw): 13. Gi ovanni Cav atcna (H a n ); 14. Fra nco Rossi (KT M); 15. Fred And rew s (Ha n ); 16. Kei th J o h nson ( KT M); 17. j eroe n Ro ija kkers (Ho n); 18. G reg Ziuerkopf (AT K); 19. Ga ushi s Viesturs (Hon): 20. Rex State n (H a n ); 21. Andres Krestin ov (Hon ); 22. Jason Buule (Hon ); 23. Edd ie Hi ck, (KT M); 24. Jon O rtner (Hon); 25. J im Chamber lai n (Ho n); 26. David Bagwell (Hon); 27. Ma rc Peters (Ho n); 28. Will y M us grave (AT K): 29. Joh an Boonen (KT M); 30. Sco u Bro wn ( Kaw); 3 1. Rod ney Smi th (Ka w); 32 . T erry Fo wl er (SUI); 33 . Takayuki Miyau chi (H a n) ; 34. Mervyn Ans tie (Hon); 35. Brian Wheeler (KT M); 36. Jim O wen , (Hon) : 37. Magnus And ersso n (KTM). Time: 44 minu tes, 57.22 seco nds r.oo MOTO 2: I. Ri ck J oh nson ; 2. Eri c Ceboers: 3. Kur t Nicoll; 4. Je U Mati asev ich: 5. J eU Lei sk; 6. Kurt Ljungqvist: 7. Ja cky Mar tens : 8. lohnn ~ Q 'Mara ; 9. DIrk Ceukens: 10. Fra nco Rossi; J1. Jo Martens: 12. Ioh an Boo nen: 13. Kei th Johnson; 14. Vieturs Gaushi s; 15. Takayuki Miyauchi: 16. LaJT}' Broo ks; 17. T OT)' Fow ler: 18. Will y Mu sg rave; 19. Rodney Sm ith: 20. Andres Kresunov.; 21. Rex Sta ten ; 22. Ji m Chamberl a in ; 23. .1on O rt ner; 24. Eddie H icks; 25. Brian Wh eeler; 26. David Bagwell: 27. Ma rc Peters ; 28. Giovanni Cavarona: 29. Fred Andrews; 30. J ason Buttle; 31. Mervyn Anstie; ~2. j eroen Ro ijakk ers: 33. Paul Malin; M. Kees Van der Ven; 35. Stela n Elvi n (H BG ); 36. Magnus AnderssOn; 37. Greg Zitterk opf. Time: 46:19.01 . r.oo 0 / A: I. Eric Geboen; 2. R ick J ohnson ; 3. Kurt Nicoll; 4. J efl Matiasevich : 5. J ohnny O' Mara; 6J acky Mar ten s; 7. Kurt Lj u ngq vist; 8. Dirk Geukens: 9. J o Marten s; 10. J eff Lei sk : 11. Kees Va n der Ven: 12. Fra nco Rossi; U. Lorry Brooks; 14. Johan Boonen; 15. Paul Malin; 16. Keit h Jo hnso n; 17. Giovan n i Cava rona; 18. Viest urs Caus his ; 19. Takayuki Miya uchi; 20. Fred Andrew •. FINAL r.oo WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP POINT STA NDIN GS: 1. Eri c Oeboers (393); 2. Kurt Nicoll (294); 3. Dir k Ce uk ens (247); 4. J acky Mar tens (240); 5. David T horpe (233); 6. Bill y Li les (156); 7. Kees Va n der Ven (149); 8. Fran co Rossi ( 128); 9. Kurt Lj ung qvist (118); 10. J eff Leisk (111); 11. Paul Malin (104); 12. Mervyn Annie (10 1); 13. Jo Mar ten s (9 1); 14. Geo rges Johc (70); 15. Mar c Velkeneers (62); 16. Arto Pantilla (53) ; 17. Dietmar Lacher (52); 18. Stela n Lars son (45); 19. Jared Smith (40); 20. Leif Persso n (39 ). . 125 MOTO I : 1. Mike Kiedrowski (Ho n) ; 2. Lorry Ward (SUI); 3. Mik e La Rocco (SOl); 4. Ryan Hugh es (Kaw); 5. Do ug Dub ach (Yam ); 6. Dam o n Bradshaw (Yam) ; 7. Ty Davis (H o n); 8. Tallo n Vo hland (Kaw); 9. Michael Cra ig (Kaw); 10. Mich ael You ng (Ya m); I I. Mi ke Chamberla in (Yam ); 12. Dan a Wiggins (Yam ); 13. Anthony Amaradio (Ya m ); 15. Bubba Eri ckson (H us); 16. D. Matson (Suz); 16. Dave Castillo (H on ); 17. Peter Murra y (SUl); 18. Luke Arcidiacond (Hon); 19. Ant ho y McG ra'h (Han); 20. See n Ha ydis (Hon); 21. Pa trick Benn ett (SUl) ; 22. Ran dy Mood y (Ka w); 24. Stephan FOsler (Kaw); 25. Marcos Assu mpcao (Hon ); 26. Dennis Ha rmel (Hon); 27. J ay Athey (SUI); 28. Damn H oeft (Hon ); 29. Duane Ben ner (Yam) ; 30. Jose G utierrez (Ha n); 31. Jimmy Bu tt on (H o n). Time: 24 min .• 40.70 sec. 125 MOTO 2: I. Dam on Bra dsh aw (Yam); 2. Mike La Rocco (SUI); 3. Mike Kiedrowski (Ho n ); 4. Larry Wa rd (SOl); 5. Michael Craig (Kaw); 6. R yan Hughes (Kaw); 7. Doug Dub ach (Ya m ); 8. Mike Cha mber lai n (Yam ); 9. Dan a Wiggins (Yam ); 10. D. Matson (Suz); I I. Mich ael Young (Yam ); 12. Bubba Erickson (H us): 13. Patrick Benn ett (Suz); 14. Antho n y Amaradio (Yam ); 15. Ty Davis (H o n); 16. Dave Cast illo (Hon): 17. An thony McG ra th (Hon ); 18. Mar cos Assumpcad . (Hon); 19. Peter Mu rra y (SUl ); 20. Scott Haydis (H o n); 2 1. Luk e Arcidiancond (Hon ); 22. Stepha n FOsler (Kaw); 23. Ja y Athey (SUl ); 25. J ose G utterrer (Ho n); 26. J ohn Posca (SOl); 27. Rand y Moody (Kaw); 28. T all on Vohland (Ka w): 29. Damn Hoelt (Han): 30. Duan e Ben ner (Yam ); 31. Jimmy Bu tton (H o n). Time: 26 m in .• 2 1.31 sec. 125 0 / A: 1. Mike Kiedrowski (Hon); 2. Mike Larocco (SOl); 3. Dam on Bradshaw (Ya m); 4. Larry Ward (SUI); 5. Ryall Hugh es (Kaw); 6. Do ug Dubach (Yam ); 7. Mich ael Craig (Kaw); 8. Mike Chamber la in (Yam) ; 9. Dana Wiggi ns (Yam ); 10. Michael Young (Yam ); 11. T y Davis (Ho n ); 12. D. Ma tson : 13. Bubba Eri ckso n (H us ): 14. An tho ny Amaradio (Ya m ); 15. Tallon Vo hland (Kaw); 16. Dave Castillo (Hon ); 17. Patr ick Ben nett (Suz); ) 8. Ant ho ny McG ra th (Ha n); 19. Peter Murray (Suz); 20. Mar cos Assu mpcad (Hon); 21. Luke Arcid ia ncond (Ho n ); 22. Senu Havdis (Ha n). VINTAGE IRON INVITATIONAL: I. Goa , Breker (Kaw ); 2. Gary J on es (C-A); 3. Ma rty Tripes (Ya m ); 4. Kenny Zahrt (Bu l); 5. Ge n na dy Moisseev (CZ); 6. Kent H ow erton (Hus): 7. Man y Smith (H o n); 8. Bru ce McDo ugal (Hon); 9. Gary Chaplin (N/A); 10. J ohn DeSoto (CZ); I I. Peter Lampau (Mon); 12. J im Pom eroy (Bu1); 13. T im Hart (Yam ); 14. Bryar H olcomb (Bul): 15. Brad Lackey (CZ); 16. J im Fishback (CZ); 17. Morris Mal on e (Yam); 18. Jim O 'N ea l (H o n ); 19. Kell y O wen (CZ); 20. Gu n na Lindstrom [H us): 21. G reg Owen (Mai); 22. Edd i Co le (Bu l). Kei t h J o h ns on (2 :05. 517 ); 11. R odney Smit h (2:05.722); 12. Dir k Ge uke ns (2:05.989) ; U . Larry Brook , (2:06.5 17); 14. Franco Rossi (2:06. 9 15); 15. Johan Boonen (2:07.023); 16. Magnus Anderss o n (2:07.160); 17. Lees Va n der Ven (2:07.488) ; 18. J o Marten , (22:07.504 ); 19. Brian Wheeler (2:07.827); 20. Kurt Lju ngovist (2:08.066); 21. Jerden Roijakkers (2:08. 7 15 ); 22 . Viesturs G au ahi s (2 :08 .8 25) ; 23 . G iova n ni Cavatoria (2:08.825); 24. Mervyn Anstie 0'. ; '. ... . .. '.